Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians of the Watchtowers ❯ Gifts ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Back yet again! Sorry for the long wait. Stupid hw…

Thanks to Fanfiction reviewers:

Soul Dreamer: Yeah, school does bite. Uhh…I like Y x Y too. Thanks for the review!

Calupe: Yay for me! I'm writing, I'm writing…Yeesh! :P Thanks! Ya know, you really don't have to review in two separate places…one is fine by me. Thanks again though!

Thanks to Mediaminer reviewers:

Calupe: I did not delete anything! I have no idea what happened to the review…Hey, I'm trying to update ASAP here. Seriously, I am. Yay! 2 reviews! Heh heh, thanks! LOL as usual you are still the ONLY one who reviews…

Disclaimer: Geez, I don't own Yugioh. And this idea I got from LJ Smith's Nightworld series.

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Chapter 8: Gifts

The blonde-haired sorceress looked between the two boys uncertainly. Yami had fallen for a…human? And Bakurian and Marius too? Oh, this was definitely not good. Yami and Raven rarely, if ever, asked for help. So them coming to her meant things were *really* bad. The two human boys were not safe here in Arawn. And with the Elders after them and the Guardians, things became even more dangerous… and deadly. Eiru could not keep them protected for long.

~What do you suggest?~ Raven asked quietly.

Eiru shook her head sadly. "Even with my magick, the Elders will be *very* difficult, if not impossible, to defeat."

"So then it is possible to defeat them?" Yami questioned with a flicker of hope.

~I doubt *any* creature, no matter how powerful they are, can survive getting their heads chopped off, Yami.~ Raven pointed out. ~The hard part is getting near enough to do the job.~

There was a long silence.

"Couldn't we just…talk with them?" Yugi asked, breaking the silence. "Work out some sort of deal?"

Yami shook his head. "The Elders aren't exactly talkative." He paused. "Not to mention they are rather stubborn in their position on things."

"Then we only have one option."

Everyone turned towards the voice: Kaiba, who had been silent up until now. He continued. "We find those other two Guardians, and get the hell out of here. I don't want anything to do with your little war." Deep down, Kaiba knew this wasn't true though. He found himself concerned fro one particular…person.

~You're an Illuminite, destined to bring the fall of Arawn. You don't have a choice in being involved or not. And even if we did make it back to your world, they would still come after us *all*, including you.~

"Then our only choice is to fight," Yami said solemnly. "And win." He looked at his cousin.

She thought about it, then nodded in agreement. ~Yes, but before we attack, we must find Bakurian and Marius first.~

"I'll cast a location spell right away," Eiru said. "In the meantime, you should all get some rest. I'll cast a protection spell around the house first. It's not as strong as being in this circle, but it will be strong enough."

~Thank you, Eiru. I'll help with the spells.~ Raven looked at the three boys. ~Stay close to each other. Just in case.~

"Just in case…what?" Kaiba asked.

~Just in case the Elders attack.~


Yami and Yugi sat on a bed in one of Eiru's many guest rooms. Kaiba had taken the room next to them, muttering something about "preferring to be alone." Yami could feel magicks stirring as Raven and Eiru cast their spells. But he had a feeling it would not be enough. Yugi needed…extra protection. Suddenly, Yami had an idea. Smiling slightly to Yugi, he held out a hand, palm up, then closed his eyes, focusing all of his magick on his open palm. There were a few moments of silence as Yugi watched Yami curiously. Yami's eyebrows were knitted together as he concentrated, beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. At last, small red crystals began to form and swirl around in the center of his palm. Yugi watched with fascination as the tiny red pillar in Yami's palm began to grow smaller and condense itself. With a sharp "Naur var!" from Yami, the red crystals sparkled brilliantly for a split second, then faded away, leaving a small, fine object behind.

The Guardian opened his eyes tiredly, taking a few deep, calming breaths as well. He peered down at the effects of his magick. There, lying in his hand, was a small, red pendant. It resembled three sharp tentacles of a flickering flame, frozen in time and place. At the top of the middle tentacle was a golden hoop, in which a golden chain ran through it.

Yugi gasped at the beauty of the fire-pendant, his eyes widening, mouth dropping open slightly. He had never seen anything so…magickal before.

Yami gently picked up the pendant by its chain, then unclasped the two ends of the chain. Turning to face Yugi, he reached around Yugi's neck, fastening the chain's ends back together. He let go, the fire-pendant hanging limply around Yugi's neck.

Yugi gently traced around the outline of the pendant with one finger. "Thank you so much," he said quietly, looking up to gaze into deep crimson eyes.

"It will help to protect you," Yami said just as quietly. "Help to conceal your Light from the darkness of this world." He let out a tired sigh as he stretched himself along the bed. The magick used to create Yugi's protection amulet was rather draining, and it had used a lot of his energy to do so. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to engulf him. Before it did however, he felt Yugi lying down and snuggling up against him. A small smile passed over Yami's lips before he drifted off to sleep.

Yugi smiled as well as he snuggled comfortably against Yami, the fire-pendant clasped tightly in one hand. Soon, sleep overtook him as well.


Raven stood on the balcony that faced the mountains, staring off into the distance. On the other side of the mountains was the dark castle of the Elders, Castle Istar. The name "Istar" comes from the ancient language, meaning "wizard". A name befitting for the place that houses the most powerful magick in all of Arawn. And it is there they must journey to next. For according to her and Eiru's location spell, Marius and Bakurian were heading in that direction, no doubt searching for them as well. The journey there would be long and very dangerous, the imminent battle with the Elders even worse. Raven was unsure if any of them would even survive. The probability was low…all odds were against them, it seemed.

The Guardian of the West Watchtowers sighed as she ran a hand briskly through her dark hair. She had had to transform back to her human form to help Eiru with the spells, and hadn't bothered to switch back. There must be a way to successfully fight against the Elders. A spell or ritual perhaps. But if it was either, surely the Elders would know of it, and how to retaliate against it. No. This battle could not be won by magick alone.

A sound behind her caused Raven to turn around. To her surprise, it was none other than Seto Kaiba. He looked almost…nervous, but still in his proud, stubborn way, refused to meet her eyes. With a careless shrug Raven turned back towards the mountains. It took a few moments for Kaiba to finally make his way to her sides, moments more to say something. "Look, Raven, I just came out here to…apologize for my earlier actions. It was quite inappropriate for me to laugh at your explanation." He let out his breath with a soft whoosh, as if glad that he had finally said that. He waited anxiously for a response.

Raven stood there, silent and deep in thought. What *was* it with this human? One moment she hated him, the next she didn't, then the next she *did* again. One moment she couldn't care less about whether he lived or not…in the next she was creating a protection charm for him. With an inaudible sigh, she withdrew the small box from within her coat pocket. She looked down, staring at the black box in her hands. With another sigh, she wordlessly handed the box to the tall boy standing next to her. Stupid feelings always confusing her.

Kaiba slowly took the small box from her. She still hadn't even looked at him. As she continued staring off, he gently opened the box. There, on a dark velvety cushion, lay a small pendant, attached to a long chain. The pendant looked like three rising water waves, ready to crash down in the next moment. Kaiba stared, dumbfounded, at the beautiful object.

"Put that around your neck," Raven said in a quiet voice, still looking at the mountains. "It'll help protect you from the creatures of this world."

"Uhh…th-thanks," Kaiba managed to get out. He took the pendant and shakily fastened its chain behind his neck. He normally didn't like wearing jewelry…but for some reason he didn't mind this one.

Raven finally turned to look at him. "It's late. We should both get some rest."

Kaiba nodded. "Right. Thanks again. Good night." He paused. "Sweet dreams…" he murmured, almost to himself.

But Raven heard that. "I don't dream. Not any more, anyways," she said in a quiet, almost sad voice. She gave a small smile. "But thanks for the thought. `Night."

The CEO was a bit taken back by her sad response, but got the feeling that his discussion was over. With a slight nod, he walked back into the house. With one last glance at the mountains, Raven followed.

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Whew…finally done! Geez…this chapter was kinda dull, huh? Next chapter should have some more…action in it. Hopefully.

Translations (literal):

Naur var! : Fire protect!

Er…I'm kinda losing…interest in writing this story. It's probably cuz I have so much other stuff to do *coughhwcough* . And it doesn't look like too many people are interested in it anyways. Or because this story is just really *slow* and rather boring too. *shrugs* Eh, I know I'm not much of a writer anyways. So I don't know if I'll continue this story or not. I have midterms coming up next week and the following week, so I don't think I'll have much time to write anyways.

Anyways, let me know what you all think. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ;)