
Guardians of the Watchtowers
[T] by: cerridwen
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Suspense / Supernatural / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: June 03, 2004 16:04 PDT | Chapters: 17 | Words: 50.4K | Visits: 6.0K
Summary: This is kinda Au-ish...

Yami/Yugi and possible Kaiba/OC

The Guardians of the Watchtowers were powerful shapeshifters. Their world, Arawn, was the realm of the creatures of the night: vampires, demons, shapeshifters and such. T read more
Review(s): 36 Reviews

Shadowy Links to the Past
[T] by: cerridwen
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 05, 2003 18:03 PDT | Chapters: 19 | Words: 44.6K | Visits: 3.8K
Summary: This is my first fanfic! It's about Yami meeting a witch. He feels that he knows her from another lifetime. But she has a couple of secrets that could complicate things later on...Starts off a bit slow, but gets better later on. Ugh...I'm really bad at sum read more
Review(s): 26 Reviews