Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Haima ❯ Chapter 11: Night of fire ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Haima
Author: Nekocin
Email: Neko_cin_6@hotmail.com
Genres: Various---> Action and Romance as main genres (I hope Romance wouldn't be so screwed up >.>).
Type: AU
Anime: Yu-gi-oh
Warnings: Shounen-ai, Violence. Maybe some OOC. In this chapter a bit scene change here and there. Suspense *shrugs*. Bad description. Some distractions too >_> Long notes.
Pairings: Seto+Jou... in this chapter some Yami+Yugi hints.
Rated: PG-13
Disclaimer: Anime in question doesn't belong to me. Never was. Never will.
Author's notes: The story seems to get a bit carried away x_x. The chapter title is inspired by Initial D's "Night of fire" which is performed by Niko (even though I'm not sure that this fit the chapter itself -_-;). To be honest... I've not a slightest idea how the song sounds. I just heard that this song is good, one of the great song from the anime ^^;;. The lyrics seem quite interesting though.


Chapter 11: Night of fire

17:00 PM

Yugi looked at the door in which his partner had disappeared behind. He was worried. What if Malik was going to hyperventilate or something? Mariku seemed to be working on Malik's nerves already. His partner had grown pale twice in one day. That was something very unusual in his opinion.

Yugi concentrated on the door and tried to hear any sorts of faint pieces of conversation. As expected conversations in the hearing room never traveled out of those four walls. [1] The room was soundproof.

He suddenly felt a hand massaging one of his shoulders. It snapped him out of his concentration and Yugi looked up.

"Just relax, aibou..." Yami reassured with a small smile. He continued massaging his previous partner's shoulder. Yugi leaned into the touch and couldn't help but wonder if agent Yuuki really missed him.

He felt confusion taking over his worries.
Why was Yami acting like this?
Why was he still calling him 'aibou'? [2]
Did he still want to be his partner?

Yami noticed the confusion on the younger officer's face. At least Yugi could forget his worries about Malik's safety for a moment.
Agent Yuuki smiled inwardly as he felt something warm spread out in his chest. He felt warm whenever his previous partner was thinking about him even if it was for a few minutes.
Agent Yuuki silently envied agent Ishtar's luck to be paired up with the younger agent.

Shizuka didn't say anything about the older agent's affectionate massages. She wondered if those two were sharing some sort of relationship that went far beyond friendship or partnership.

The door to Mariku's hearing room was thrown open, startling the other three. Agent Ishtar bolted out of the room as fast as he could and without a second glance he ran.

"Agent Ishtar!"

Yugi snapped out of his confusion and followed his partner, missing the disappointed look on agent Yuuki's face.

Yami stood frozen in one place and wondered what had happened. Noting from the horrified look on Malik's face when he came out, maybe it wasn't a good idea to let Mariku have his way. Suddenly he felt protective of his fellow-officers and turned his angry eyes at the hearing room.

Since the door was open, he could definitely see the smirking Mariku leaning against the table.

"What did you do?"

He narrowed his eyes at the smirking Mariku. It was better to be straightforward with incidents like this.

What had Mariku done to upset agent Ishtar so much?

As one of the older officers he'd studied agent Ishtar from afar.
There were very few things that could upset the other agent since he was considered as one of the fewer agents with patience when it came to hearing criminals out.

"He's a wuss" Mariku commented and crossed his arms proudly over his chest.

Yami gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He stalked into the room and slammed the door closed.

Shizuka could only stare worriedly at the empty halls. [3]


17:10 PM

"SHOW YOURSELF!" officer Jounouchi shouted as he stepped forward. His eyes darted around for any attacks as he strained his ears to hear anything fishy.
The faint car engines and honks weren't making it easier to hear the lowest noises.

But the dart stood out instantly.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Katsuya prayed he could catch the little thing without getting hurt.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

He strained his ears, he moved aside quickly and grasped onto something from mid-air.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Relief washed over him when he opened his hand carefully.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

He'd caught the dart.

The feeling of having succeeded made him proud. The rookie could faintly hear someone grumbling and frowned.

Ever since he was left behind, alone in the small house... no one could save him from the dangers, which he'd to face every day. The constant dangers in his old neighbourhood made him develop his own hunting senses.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Jounouchi quickly took his shoes off and tiptoed out of view. He was trying to locate the killer's hiding place and planned on taking the guy by surprise.
The rookie swallowed and stealthily headed from one side to the other, carefully hiding himself behind various objects.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

The rookie rolled to the other side of his temporary hiding. Before he knew it, he hit someone's body. Jounouchi let out a startled gasp and looked at the body.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

"Ryuuji?" he whispered. "Oh God..."
The officer quickly checked the unconscious officer's pulse.

Doki... Doki... Doki...

Good. He's still alive.

Officer Jounouchi sighed in relief.

There was actually something wrong about this picture, Katsuya noted slightly.

Where was the kidnapper? Or the killer for that matter?
It was a bit too easy to find a-still-alive Otogi there.

Katsuya's spine suddenly tingled in alert when his instincts shot out warnings. Danger was ahead.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Jounouchi cursed under his breath as his eyes darted around for an escape.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

The killer must have noticed his tactics and decided to set a trap for him.
And he definitely did fell for the trap. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and he unconsciously gripped the dart tightly, hoping for reassurance. He could almost feel the killer lurking from behind him.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

And he froze.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

"At last we meet, Jounouchi Katsuya. But you're a bit TOO early for the check-up which is quite unusual in your case" an unfamiliar voice said.

Yep. The killer was behind him.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

"Don't even think about moving away, Jounouchi-san" the person behind him warned.
Noting from the clicks of some kind of expensive shoes coming nearer, the killer must be walking closer to him.

Doki. Doki. Doki. Doki. Doki. Doki.


17:15 PM

He walked closer, aiming the gun at the rookie and smirked inwardly. The rookie had fallen for his trap and yet made no move to save his own life. Officer Jounouchi just kept on kneeling there, next to officer Ryuuji as if frozen in place.

But he knew the rookie wasn't about to leave the other officer.
It was like any officer would do if they cared a lot for society. They would try to save other people's lives even if it's through vain [4].

He noted that there weren't really a lot of bold officers in the city, or rookies for that matter. However, officer Jounouchi was sort of a special case. It's a pity officer Jounouchi had to die, but at least he could have some fun.

He pulled the trigger, but not really aiming at Jounouchi. Instead he aimed at Ryuuji's leg.

The shot was immediate and silent.

With a painful jerk, Ryuuji's eyes sprang open and cried out in pain. He was awake.
The sudden action had earned a gasp from the rookie.

"Since Ryuuji is the first, I might as well kill him right away" he commented with a huge grin.

"What do you want from us?" Officer Jounouchi cut in, his voice was iced by the straightforwardness. The rookie stood up slowly and covered Officer Ryuuji like a standing pole.

The killer smiled faintly.
How selfless could this rookie be? Wouldn't his wife be left alone once the temptation has gotten to him to take officer Jounouchi's life first instead of officer Ryuuji's? [5]

"Nothing. Really" the anonymous man chuckled as he aimed the gun at the rookie's head.

How tempting...

"Funny that you know a killer never reveals his true intentions"

Very tempting...

The rookie snorted.

Oh yes. Very, very tempting...


17:20 PM

Inspector Kaiba had seen the two figures in a distance already. He stealthily made his way to his final destination: THE building.
Instantly he heard someone cry out in pain. The vocals sounded like that annoying officer Ryuuji.

"Shit!" he cursed under his breath and quickly jumped over the railing.
The inspector tried not to make any sound once he moved closer to the killer and the rookie.

Dammit! The killer had his face hidden! By the shadows no less. The sun was after all behind the killer's back.

The inspector frowned when he noticed the gun was pointed at the rookie from station 6.
Noting from the critical scene, the inspector acted immediately without any second thoughts.

He ran!


17:24 PM

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Katsuya gripped the dart tightly and looked determinedly at the wounded officer, Otogi. Officer Ryuuji, on the other hand, was whimpering because of his injured leg. So he didn't seem to understand that look of the rookie. He gave Katsuya a strained, but grateful look and silently bald his fists.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

The minutes were ticking away... the minutes of the final blow.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

He couldn't see where the gun was pointed and gripped the dart tighter. Officer Jounouchi knew this action might kill him immediately. Thus due to the fact he had no intentions of dying this early... he prayed.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Katsuya took a few deep breaths quickly and whirled around. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard a gunshot, but dismissed the fact that it might hit him somewhere critically.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Jounouchi wanted to throw the dart...

Suddenly out of nowhere someone's body covered his view and the dart was never flung to its target.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

Katsuya let out a startled gasp when someone wrapped him in a protective embrace.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

His eyes went wide when his saviour's body jerked and then collapsed on top of him. Katsuya heard a faint grunt.
The compact on the sudden weight had sent them sprawled over the floor. Katsuya was thoroughly flustered when the body on top of him was cutting off his oxygen supply.

"Jounouchi-san!" Otogi managed to shout out and with his last strength he grabbed for the last few dices in his pocket. Since the killer was scowling because a certain someone had interfered in his game, Otogi got the opportunity to hit the killer. As experienced as Otogi could be with throwing dices, the speed had already been planned out. He flung his dices immediately. "Bull's-eye!" Otogi cheered.

"AH! Stupid boy!" the killer snarled. He didn't seem to be happy with two interruptions: 1) from killing the rookie named Jounouchi and 2) from being targeted non-detectibly with... dices.
The unexpected pain shot through his arm.

"Fuck!" the anonymous man let out a yelp and looked at the offended place. There was a dart sticking out of his arm. He looked up surprised at the thrower.

Katsuya smirked from his position; leaning on his elbows while someone else's body covered him limply. It might have been a mistake that the rookie was saved from getting hit by a bullet. Officer Jounouchi was definitely not someone to whom he'd expected to lose this easily.

Officer Jounouchi's triumphant smirk turned into a frown instantly. He narrowed his eyes.
"Did you think I like your joke? Why are you doing this?"

The anonymous man just chuckled and immediately ran.
"Wait for me, young one!" he called out, over his shoulder.

"Hey! Come back here!"
Katsuya struggled to get the heavy body off him and ran after the killer.

Before he knew it the man jumped off the building.
Katsuya stared horrified at the figure descending from the building.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

"You stupid jerk!" he yelled indignantly and watched the figure unceremoniously land in a container.
He had to catch the guy!
Katsuya swallowed his fear and climbed over the railing, carefully holding the railing tight.

Doki. Doki. Doki...

"JOUNOUCHI-SAN! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" Otogi yelled out immediately.

The rookie froze mid-way and wondered how critical their situation was.
Who was his human barrier anyways?

He furrowed his brows and tried to decide where to go first: after the killer or look if those two were all right.

Doki. Doki. Doki.

His heart was making it even harder to choose. It was hammering in panick against his chest. He wanted to and yet could not...

Doki. Doki. Doki.


Katsuya growled and quickly jumped back on the roof.

"We'll deal with you later" he muttered over his shoulder and then ran towards his other companions. He wanted to know who'd taken his bullet.

Otogi had crept painfully towards the fallen man and checked his pulse.

Doki... Doki... Doki...

"I-inspector?" Katsuya gasped out as soon as he saw the familiar coat. How could he be so stupid?! The only one who's about a few heads taller than him was the inspector of course. No wonder he could only see the chest...

The inspector gave the rookie a strained look. He was trying to glare, the rookie suddenly noted. Jounouchi smiled sadly. The inspector's face had paled, only colored by a thin line of blood that was trickling down the corner of his mouth. The inspector suddenly didn't look so tough or intimidating like last week...

"What are you looking at?! Call the ambulance, Jounouchi!! He's losing a lot of blood!!" Otogi's voice was thickened with panic and hysteric. His wound in his leg must be treated too. Shit. He couldn't feel his leg.

Katsuya panicked immediately.

He didn't even have a cell phone with him!!


18:05 PM

"ONII-CHAN!" two voices called out as soon as the owners spotted someone familiar sitting exhaustingly in a chair.
Even though only one of them was referring patient, the rookie looked up. He had a bandaged nose that became the most out-of-place part of the normal picture of a plain officer.

Shizuka and Mokuba had come running down the halls, both looking so distraught.
"SHHH!" a passing nurse chided them.

Shizuka threw herself into her brother's arms and let out a sigh of relief once she felt him embracing her back. "I'm glad you're all right, onii-chan"

"Shizuka..." he smiled reassuringly. His eyes landed on the younger Kaiba. He looked so worried.

"The doctors are doing a surgery on his back," he told Mokuba before the teenager could open his mouth.

Katsuya felt a sudden guilt wash over him. Because of him someone else got hurt.
Maybe he shouldn't have interfered with Otogi's abduction, but then again that's not a good option. No matter how annoying Otogi might be, Katsuya couldn't find it in his heart to let the guy die so foolishly.
And still... someone got hurt because of him.

Mokuba's face was scrunched into a deeper frown.
Jounouchi could tell the younger one was quite worried. He gently pushed Shizuka aside.

"Just hope that your brother's going to make it" he whispered and slowly pulled the other in an embrace.

It felt awkward to feel someone else's body this close instead of someone familiar like his sister. After so many years of living alone in dangerous alleys he'd never liked feeling someone else's body brush closely. He wasn't the touchy type although for Shizuka it's an exception.

He remembered how alarmed he'd felt as soon as the inspector had embraced him protectively. Even though the contact was for merely for protection, it unnerved him immensely. He'd wanted to kick the guy a few feet away if it hadn't been for the bullet, which went through the inspector's body.
For now he did allow the teenager in his arms, seeing that Mokuba might want to break down instantly.

The younger Kaiba didn't seem to mind human touch and automatically wrapped his arms around the officer.
Besides, the officer DID save him that afternoon. Why not trust him for again? He seemed to be a big brother too, to that girl for that matter.

"Onii-chan's going to be okay" Mokuba murmured into Katsuya's shirt.

Shizuka sat next to her brother and leaned her head on her brother's shoulder. It was the shock that made her worry this much, when she'd heard Katsuya was in hospital. The result was... she felt tired.

Jounouchi used his other arm to hold his younger sister close. For the moment there he flushed embarrassedly when the nurses looked at him curiously. He felt like a pillow and a cuddling plushy.

The human touch made him slightly nervous as he looked at the white walls of the hospital. None of the three spoke to one another after Mokuba's hopeful statement. As the daily hospital routine took place, it made them aware how silent they were.


In a dark room, the patient was sleeping soundlessly in the middle of the beeping sounds coming from the heart monitor.
His fingers stirred slightly and tightened on someone else's hand. How he knew, was merely a surprise.

A gasp escaped someone's lips.


*.*.*.*.* End chapter 11*.*.*.*.*

End notes:

1: I really have no idea how to call that room. ^^;; Hehehehe... my lack of knowledge -_-'.
2: It actually means "partner".
3: Ahem. Yep. I'll leave most of the necessary explanation of this scene in either "Turamali" or "Fluere" (they're Mariku+Malik-centered and Yami+Yugi-centered stories respectively)
4: I'm neutral when it comes to the police stuff. If anyone disagrees with this, just relax. I'm not basing the story on certain police-like facts. *shrugs* I don't have to say if I agree or disagree with police sacrificing themselves and such. But it really doesn't matter here anyways. Just a point of view.
5: The guy doesn't know that Jounouchi is single. -_-

*twitches* O_O I really did spoil the action and the real identity of the killer, right?
