Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hated Obsession ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

He growled and slammed his fist on the clay wall in front of him, causing many of the men with him to jump in fright at the sight of his anger. “That bastard,” he muttered under his breath, his teeth grinding together, “was able to…” He didn't bother finishing his sentence, but took all of his anger, disappointment, and frustration on the closest man next to him. As the man fell to the floor, he commenced with his beatings until he wore himself out and left, leaving the one he'd pulverized on the brink of death. As soon as he was in his room, away from all the men that had seemed to fail him, he leaned against the wall and inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. “That bastard,” he repeated silently.
Three years… Three blasted years he had planned this attack, a fool-proof plan that not even that blasted woman would be able to tell it was coming… Three years he slaved away, hoping, knowing there was no probable way he could possibly fail, and yet…
He gritted his teeth in frustration and slammed his fist into his bedroom wall, resting his forehead on it next to his hand. Why was it that every time he was so certain of triumph, it was always shot down in the worst possible way? He muttered a few profanities before finally deciding to sit down and think of another way of attack, something he very well knew he couldn't do on his own, but refused to admit. His pride and dignity were severely damaged already, and he didn't want to make it worse.
He stomped quietly to the other side of the room and sat on the floor, grabbing a large piece of hardened clay and papyrus and placing them in his lap. He knew he couldn't write; it was one of the consequences he had to endure at a young age when his home village was slaughtered. No one would take the time to invite him in and give him a warm place to stay and food to eat, or… perhaps he refused to be let to? Well, whatever the reason he couldn't remember, nor did he care anymore. All that mattered to him was finding a way to get to the damned ruler of the half of Egypt he resided in, and get a chance to receive the pleasure of butchering him in the most horrid and gruesome way possible, and he grinned in satisfaction at the thought of it.
Just as he finished drawing only one scheme, gave a frustrated glare, and threw the piece of papyrus and hardened clay square to the floor in a loss of patience, one of his men poked his head into the room, only to be slammed in the face by a hard rock fist. He cried out as he flew back against the opposite wall, his windpipe caught and grasped tightly by his … `boss'.
“What did I tell you about entering my room,” the white haired maniac snapped at him, tightening his grip on the man's neck.
“I-I'm sorry… T-tozo...,” the man stuttered from lack of air, but his apology was left in vain as the much stronger man seemed to have tightened his grip even more, if that was even possible. “It won't… happen a-again!”
The man frowned even more and released the young man, who dropped instantly to his knees, gulping up air as he rubbed the front of his neck. “What do you want?”
“We've been sent a notice from one of the men who traveled for food. He says rumors have spread that the pharaoh and his court mean to make an appearance. I—“
“Do they now…?” The man leaned back and folded his arms over his chest, a much more pleased look gracing his handsome features and closed his eyes as he thought for only a mere second. “Well, then,” he began, opening his lavender eyes in slight annoyance at the young man on the floor before him, “what are you waiting for? Gather up some men and get ready for departure.”
Alleviahn's eyes fluttered open lazily, and as she reluctantly sat up in bed, she clamped her eyes tightly together and rubbed her forehead, just above the eyebrow. She glanced around her dark room for a couple of minutes, squinting her eyes in attempt to help them adjust to the darkness, and when they finally had, she stood from her bed, only to fall back to the ground on her knees, and blindly searched the ground for a soft lenin cloth to cover her nearly exposed body. When she finally grasped what she was looking for, she stood from her knees and wrapped it around her body and gave a heavy sigh.
Ten years ago today…
A knock was heard on the outside wall of her room, and she turned her head to it. The sound of a camel skin being pushed aside and an elder man's heavy breathing reached her ears, and she took to move towards him, but stopped abruptly when an unfamiliar voice spoke.
“Take one more step, and this old fool is done for.”
“What do you want,” Alleviahn asked, fear rising deep within her. There was a short pause, a pause that tore the poor teenager to shreds from the inside, before the thief finally spoke, his voice masked.
“I'm looking for a girl named Alleviahn. Have you se-“ the man cut himself off mid sentence, and decided to rephrase his words, “Do you know of whom I speak?” (Where the heck did /that/ come from?)
“It would depend on the time of day, sir,” She faked a curtsey, and she instantly regretted mocking him as a thick tension and anger filled the room. “But if you would really like to know, she went off for her… daily bath,” She added hastily, hesitating a few seconds, wondering what time of day it actually was.
“Are you her servant, or something?” She could feel the thief's eyes studying her, and she gave a barely noticeable nod. A long silence endured, she had no idea what was going on, only felt the eyes of a stranger upon her. She grew more worrisome minute by minute, wondering if the man the thief held was alright…
The man stood, his eyes looking over the woman before him, and then he glanced at the old man he dragged into the room, seeing the worry and fear in his eyes, and burst into a thick laughter that made the other two jump. He had to admit, the girl almost had him fooled. Of course, he hadn't expected her to be the way she was, but…
“Well,” he began, loosening his grip on the man as he thought over what was going to be said. He glanced at the old man, and when both their eyes met, he couldn't help but grin in a maniacal way. Of course it wouldn't be very nice of him to take the man's only living family member, but, then again… who ever said he was a nice guy? He glanced at the girl again, the grin never fading.
It filled him with an unexplainable feeling to see the expression on her face, whether it was good, he didn't know, but he refused to let the smile and gleam in his eyes leave.
“Seeing as how the little princess is indecent at the moment,” he glanced at the old man again, “Why don't I just snag this little beauty instead?”