Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ If only for one moment, I could be like you... ❯ The prayer of a curious heart ( Chapter 11 )
"But Jono...I don't understand...why is it you don't like Seto?" Ryou said softly, as they walked home, Jono holding the now blackened eye, although Seto left with equal wounding. "Because, Seto is a rich bastard who thinks he can get whatever he wants, simply because he has money...and he was staring at my sister!" Jono growled. Honda rolled his eyes. "Everyone ogles your sister Jono, get over it." Jono growled and took a swing at Honda, missing badly. Mai sighed as they walked. "Honestly Jonouchi, you'd think that you'd be honored if he was ogling her, then you wouldn't NEED to hold a job. Not that you could hold a job to save your life." Ryou blinked and wished he knew more about what they were talking about. "Well, it doesn't matter I don't like him. Ryou, I don't want you hanging around with him. All he's ever done with his life is use people. He uses them and then tosses them aside like garbage."
Ryou sighed as Honda and Mai went their separate ways, leaving just him and Jono to their silence. "What do you mean he uses people?" Ryou said thoughtfully, wondering if perhaps Seto used people meant he played with them like Ryou used to with the small dolls that Bakura had gotten for him. "He uses people...hmm. Well for instance, well lets pretend that Seto knew you were a merboy. Ok?" Ryou nodded and gave Jono his full attention. "Well, he would have you caged and you'd be poked and prodded at by every scientist known to man, or you might be put in a tank and millions of paying customers would stare at you day in and day out." Ryou blinked. "You'd be just a source of money to him, an income slot, and when you got old he'd just let you die somewhere cold and alone." Ryou gasped. "You're lying! No one is that cruel! Everyone knows that even though humans can be cruel and heartless at times that they cannot be completely horrible." Jono sighed and patted Ryou's head. "I really wish that were true kiddo, but its not. Humans are heartless bastards with only one goal. Crushing everyone smaller and weaker to make oneself bigger and better." Ryou smiled softly at Jono. "You didn't..." Jono smiled lightly. "That's because when you're as low on the corporate ladder as I am, there's no one smaller to crush."
Ryou stripped out of the clothes Jono had bought him, after being taught how to properly remove shoes. He stretched when he was finally nude and sat on the couch bed. Jono had told Ryou to wait there while he took a shower, so not wanting to cause more trouble, Ryou did. It was about ten minutes before Jono wandered out, in pj pants and drying his hair with a towel, before nearly falling over. "RYOU!" Ryou jumped, raising his hands defensively. "I didn't move! I waited right here just like you told me!" He yelped wondering what he could have POSSIBLY done. Jono could feel his face burning, but couldn't help it when his eyes wandered over Ryou's slim creamy form. He was possibly the sexiest thing Jono had ever laid eyes on. Even the way his chest rose and fell with his breathing was sexy, and the way he was breathing in a surprised stupor...his lips just barely parted showing a faint glimpse of his wonderful pink tongue.
Marik peered in the window, after taking down the address of the apartment, and was greeted with quite a beautiful sight. Ryou was sitting gracefully on the couch, beautifully nude. It was like art, to gaze at the small pale teen. He didn't even notice when Jono had entered the room, too entranced with Ryou. "Mine..." he murmured, deciding it better to tear himself away from the beautifully nude body...especially if he wanted to devise a plan to capture the beautiful creature...
Jono shook his head lightly and sighed. "Ryou, you're naked." He said a bit gruffer than he would have preferred. It wasn't helping that Ryou was a complete turn on. Ryou blinked and crawled across the couch bed to get closer to Jono, a puzzled expression. "What exactly is naked? No one ever told me..." Ryou said softly. Jono shook his head, shooing away the deliciously seductive actions Ryou was performing, labeling them as curiosity, rather than sexual beckoning. "Naked, is when you don't have anything on. You're naked right now, because there isn't anything covering up the necessities." Ryou blinked innocently. "The necessities?" Jono nodded, swallowing hard and taking a deep breath. "You don't know...do you?" Ryou shook his head and blinked. "Well, the necessities are what we talked about in the bathroom, do you remember?" Ryou nodded. "Front for `peeing' back for `other'." He said proudly. Jono nodded. "Well those are the necessities. They need to be covered, you only uncover them for someone you truly love, or of course when ya gotta go." Ryou blinked, as it sank in and he connected one and two. "O-OH!" He said, turning a deep shade of red. "I...um...well..." he stammered quickly covering himself. Jono smiled softly; a little annoyed with himself that he'd said anything. "It's ok, you can sleep nude, some people do that. I don't mind...just cover yourself up when other people are around. Heck I've slept nude before. It's no biggie, I know how much you hate clothes." Ryou smiled lightly. "I didn't mean to sound ungrateful...but they seem so silly." Jono laughed lightly. "But you have to consider that you've been swimming around naked all of your life."
Ryou wrinkled his nose. "It's not naked! It's...without `clothes'." Ryou said, shaking his head when he realized how silly he sounded. "Ryou, without clothes IS naked." Ryou grumbled. "I know...I realize that now..." Jono laughed. "Good, now hopefully I'll be the only one who will have caught you goin' commando." Ryou blinked, and was about to inquire as to what `commando' was but stopped when Jono got up and ruffled his hair. "Goodnight kiddo" Ryou nodded and smiled softly. "Goodnight Jono"
Ryou grumbled slightly and sat up in the darkened den, sighing. "Seto..." he mumbled softly, looking out the window at the stars. "I...I need to see him again..." Ryou whispered, remembering the warmth that Seto had made him feel in his soul. "Oh Neptune...I think I'm in love with a human..." He whispered placing a hand gently over his heart. "B-but if what Jono said is true, and he found out about me being what I am..." Ryou muttered shaking his head. "How could I possibly keep such a secret...a-and...Oh Poseidon! What am I going to do?!" Ryou said looking down. "M-maybe it's just hormones...because mating season is so close. It's not natural for me to even be here...maybe because of the old witch my body is getting confused. Oh but you have to understand Llyr*, I...when I first saw him it was...indescribable! Please...I don't understand what I am to do..." Ryou said softly covering back up under the blanket. "Great one of the waters, who created us, the seas that keep us, the fish that feed us, and the dangers that balance out the cycle of life...please help me and keep me safe from harm, until I return to the oceans." Ryou said, eyes closed and both hands on his chest, one resting on top of the other.
It was common to pray to the great one of the oceans like that, and Ryou did it often, as all merfolk did. You don't displease he who you owe your existence to, it simply isn't done…and the great one of the oceans cared for all of his creatures and provided bountiful food and a clean world to them. Even though humans polluted the waters, the great one had the waves wash over two thirds of the offensive pollutants back onto the beaches near the source. When Ryou thought about the love the great one had for all of his creations, it made him feel very big, and also very insignificant in the vast world of the oceans. The great one, (who had many names and desired no one over the other) only appeared to their people twice a year. Once at the beginning of the period of life, and once before the time of migration. Although they didn't migrate like the merfolk who lived away from the warm tropical waters, they would simply move closer to the underwater volcanoes, if the need arose for warmth. Although, the need had yet to arise for such measures to be taken.
*Llyr, a Celtic god of the ocean, basically if it's in reference to the god of the ocean and you don't recognize it, assume it's another ocean god ^_~
AN: HI! It's my burthday party! Actually, my REAL birthday isn't until the 20th but we celebrated today! Also, I'd like to announce a little contest, cause I WANT A RYOU SHIRT! I want anyone who is willing to give me one, a pic of Ryou (with anyone you want, if you want him with someone) the winner gets to request ANY type of fic, with ANY type of pairing and any situation (really! A fic totally decided by you!) and also, I might make you a paid illustrator (if you want to that is.) yeah. I just want something to do...besides it'd make the birthday chick happy! You want my happy right? You don't want me angry...you wont like me when I'm angry... *making a lil joke at hulk* anywho. Yeah. Luv u guys! REVIEW! I've noticed there are a few slackers out there who read without reviewing...CHEAPSKATES!! I don't ask much! You could at least review once. As for those who DO review *hug* I love you. *Gives all who reviewed at LEAST once so far a chocolate Ryou and a dorky looking Anzu voodoo doll* oh yeah! And check out my new profile ~_~; I got yelled at to update. Ok not really yelled...but anyhow ^_^ yeah!