Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ If only for one moment, I could be like you... ❯ Swim,Swam, Swum ( Chapter 17 )
"Well, this is simply...amazing!" Mako said, as Ryou said quietly on the edge of the pool, teasing small fish with his fins smiling. Jono smiled and nodded. "I was kinda freaked out when this nude kid walked up to me out of no where...it was like he didn't even know the first thing about anything. He's trashed my place and on more than one occasion had a bit of a problem with clothes." Mako laughed a bit. "Well, he was born `naked' in our figuring…so really I bet he finds us insane for wearing clothes." He chuckled.
Mako looked to Ryou, who giggled when a dolphin hopped out of the water nearby. "Was he the one who was playing the harp yesterday while we were talking?" Jono nodded slightly. "Yeah, it was amazing..."
Ryou looked up from the fish to Mako. "Can...Can I swim in all the tanks? I...saw they were all connected" he asked softly, smiling brightly when Mako nodded. "Let me just check you over one more time, on land this time, so I can know a little more about you." Mako said as Ryou pulled himself closer. "Ok..."
Mako got up and walked over to the cabinets he kept various things in, for cleaning and study. THIS was the proverbial `multi-purpose closet'. The sort of closet, Jono thought to have everything but the kitchen sink tumbling out of.
After a few moments of digging, and Jono pouring a bit more water on Ryou, to keep him wet, Mako returned with a small kit. "This will just take a moment." He said, opening the kit to reveal various instruments, including a small bottle, filled with a purple fluid. It reminded Ryou of the ink certain octopi shot out in defense back where he lived.
"I need you to hold very still..." Mako said softly, pulling the bottle from the kit and pouring some over Ryou's fins, the purple fluid immediately becoming black and encircling each individual scale. Ryou blinked watching, as curious and intrigued with Mako as Mako was with him.
"Ahh...you came from somewhere near the Caribbean, I can tell by the shape of your scales, and the color this fluid changed to." He said taking a pair of tweezers and holding them up. "I'm going to take a scale, don't worry, there's one right here that's really loose." He said gently pulling it from Ryou's fins and smiling. Ryou blinked, not having felt a thing. "Why do you need that?" Mako laughed a bit. "So I can learn more about you, even when you're not here." Ryou blinked again and nodded, not sure exactly what Mako could learn from a measly scale, but not about to argue with him.
Marik smirked, as he wandered along the maintenance room, he had camera views of every tank, and controls to each valve, lock and water jet in the entire building. He smirked upon seeing the shark's tank. "Lets see how well he handles himself under water in danger..." he chuckled.
Mako gently ran his hands along Ryou's fins. Jono had taken leave to find the restrooms, and Mako had mused to Ryou that `he'd be gone all day looking, because there was one right by the door'.
Ryou squirmed lightly, face becoming steadily redder. Mako was so busy with his fins; he didn't notice Ryou's eyebrows twitching, or the dark red in his cheeks...or the fact that he kept stuttering "um." and trying to get his attention. Was Mako just not NOTICING how close he was getting to the more intimate areas? Maybe he just didn't know...Ryou swallowed hard, thinking about un-arousing subjects. Being pinched by crabs...being cut...anything.
Ryou gasped loudly when Mako discovered the sensitive fins that adorned one of two pleasure spots on his tailfin. "u-um M-Mako...I...erm..." Ryou stammered blushing darkly as his fins began spreading, showing off once more the crimson of his fins was shown to Mako. "Hmm…" he muttered, occasionally writing notes on a pad of paper.
Ryou whimpered a bit. What was he DOING down there?! Making sketches?! `Neptune! Take a picture it'll last you longer!' He shouted in his mind. Before deciding to retreat to the lesson about pictures.
Jono had taken one of him not long before, and he nearly choked when he saw himself on this tiny square. "Jono, how did you put me in that tiny box?" He said taking it and looking closer. "Are there many little versions of people...that live in these tiny boxes?" He added before Jono laughed. "No no no it's a picture. We take them so we can remember people, or so we can tease them." He said smirking at the picture of Ryou staring blankly at the TV, as it advertised Always Pads.
"This one, for instance, would be a teaser." He said laughing and looking at Ryou, who was confused. "Why?" Jono patted Ryou's head softly. "Because you are SO not human. I'll look back on this for years and laugh. You're the only guy I know, who can watch any given commercial, at any given time...and ASK for whatever was advertised." He chuckled. "But they said they were good for people on the go!" Ryou said wrinkling his nose. "You're ALWAYS going places!"
Jono gave Ryou a flat look. "Kid, if I EVER bled down there...I wouldn't want a pad...I'd want my mommy."
Ryou whimpered again, as Mako seemed to PURPOSELY be fondling his most sensitive areas, to the point that he felt like dying of embarrassment, or jumping him, human or not. "Uh huh..." Mako muttered, gently stroking the area, to move fins out of the way, causing Ryou to yelp and shiver. "M-Mako...um..."
Mako wrinkled his nose after a moment and dug into his box and pulling out an ointment. Ryou got one look at that ointment and whimpered louder. "Makooo" he whined.
Mako was in his own little world though, and didn't hear Ryou. He dipped his fingers into the jar and then rubbed the warm substance on Ryou. Ryou felt his arms become wobbly as Mako worked the gooey stuff into his scales and fins. "Ah ha!" he exclaimed before grinning proudly "I see so THAT's how Merfolk reproduce.
Ryou couldn't have glared more if he TRIED. "Mako! You mean you did ALL that on purpose. You could have ASKED me you know!" He shouted, yanking his fins away from the psycho fish-lover. "Neptune! You could have ASKED!" He ranted, as Jono returned. Mako laughed. "Asking doesn't TEACH me anything. I just get the answer that way."
Ryou glared and pushed himself over to the pool. "Honestly! Poking around for no good reason! Ignoring me...ARGH!" He shouted before sinking below the surface of the water. Jono blinked. "What did you do?" Mako shrugged. "Just studies."
Ryou grumbled shaking himself from the remaining bubbles in his stomach. "Poseidon, give me strength..." he mumbled crossly as he began exploring the waters of the tanks. There were dolphins and whales, fish and octopi. He smiled stopping in a cage that had a vast number of shrimp and lobsters. "Hmm…to eat…or not to..." Crunch. Ryou munched happily on the lobster he caught, not even bothering to finish his self question.
Marik watched Ryou slowly swim closer to the target. "Yes little Ryou, swim closer to the sharks..." he said watching the unsuspecting innocent as he finally swam through the divider that kept the sharks out of the other pens...
Ryou swam quietly through another small tunnel wondering what other fish he might find in this large aquarium. Just as he peered around the corner, he spotted a creature that had some sort of FREAKISH natural hatred for him. Sharks.
He yelped, remembering Ootogi saving him from many a shark, and other sharp-toothed creature, and was about to swim from the pen when an airtight door slammed sharply on his billowing fins. He screamed in pain and turned to see his beautiful fins, crushed by the metal door. He felt brief relief when there was no blood...but it was short lived.
"N-no! Stop!" He yelped as the crimson substance began to leak from his injured fins. "Stop please! The sharks! They'll smell me!" He whimpered as a few sharks were already picking up the delicious scent of fresh blood...
AN: *Cackles* heh heh sorry again for the delay I'm in a slump. Cheer me up and cheer me on peas.
Love to you all