Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ In the Palace ❯ Fire!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! So ha!

Just so you know, Yugi and Ryou's personalities are different. Ryou is more sarcastic and funnier. Yugi is not always an optimist. This is because they are both Light and Dark sides. Also, Malik, when he comes in later, is not as evil, mainly sad. Evil is Yami Malik's job ^_^


Yu gi was fine with being a slave. He wasn't one to build the pyramids, or get whipped. Quite the opposite in fact, he cooked all of the other slaves' meals. The overseers didn't care what happened there, so it wasn't closely watched. Yup, he was well fed, and slept better than a lot of slaves. Perfectly content. That was, until the day his hair caught on fire...

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*Yugi's POV*

I was cooking the slaves food, as usual, and suddenly, the fire jumped into my hair. No, seriously, it JUMPED! "AHHHH! I'm on fire!" I shouted as I ran out the back door and stuck my head into the mighty Nile. "Ahhh" I uttered calmly as the fire went out of my hair. I looked at my reflection in the water to see the damage. Not too bad. A few singed strands here and there, but not too much. I sighed as I looked at the covering that went over my hair. It would have to be replaced again. I kept my hair covered because it was my mother's last wish. I didn't know why, maybe she didn't like it. Maybe it was tradition for the boys in our family. I never knew my father. He died in an accident while building the pyramids. My mother died of disease two years ago, when I was 10.

I ran to my lodgings where I slept with the other cooks and picked up my spare wrap for my hair for when the other one got too dirty. I put it on as I ran back to the kitchens.

"So, you're back." said Ryou, one of my kitchen mates.

"The others should be here to eat soon, I had to come back." I couldn't call them slaves, though it is the proper term. We aren't just slaves, we are something more than that, I know it.

"Yah, yah. Help me get this ready." I went to help Ryou get the pot off the fire and gave it to one of the women to serve. As we went to get another pot off the fires, the slaves started arriving, demanding food. Ryou and I went to serve those that the women couldn't.

It was mayhem. All the slaves, starving and sick, I could barely stand to watch. Some of them didn't even have bowls and just ate out of their hands, which were covered in dirt. I winced. This is what starts disease. This filthiness. This is what took my mother. How come no one else seems to see that?

"Thank you" said a small child. I looked on him with pity, he had to be only 7! So skinny, you could see his bones sticking to his flesh. I gave him more gruel than normal, and his face brightened. "Thank you, sir!" he said excitedly as he ran away with his bowl.

*Yami's POV*

"Where is my food?" I yelled. The crown prince shouldn't have to wait so long to eat, it was unheard of!

"I'm sorry, sir. Two of our head cooks have died."

"Do you have the food NOW?"

"Yes sir." they placed his food in front of him.

"I will tolerate this today, but not again. Hire some new slaves tonight if you must, but you must not be late tomorrow." he was a real Crown Prince, even at the age of 14. As I ate my food, I thought once again what it would be like to be Pharaoh. I would have slaves beacon at his every call (as if they didn't already) and I will be called the son of Ra, the morning and the evening star. Pharaoh! When my father was old and passed away, I would have a big ceremony and be crowned. How I longed and despised that day. I didn't
want my father to die. But I wanted to become Pharaoh so badly...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Yugi's POV*

As I slept I had horrible nightmares of them taking me away. I was kicking and screaming for them to let me go. As my kick connected, there was a loud BANG! and I jolted awake. There was chaos in Ryou's and my room. Ryou was trying to shake me awake and there were Egyptian guards in the doorway.

"Yugi! Yugi wake-"

"I'm up, I'm up! What's wrong, what are they doing here?"

"I dunno! They just burst in here and asked if we were cooks. I said yes and tried to wake you up and here we are." He said in a rush.

"Okay...What do you want sirs?" I asked the guards politely

"We have come to take you to the palace to be royal cooks."

"WHAT!?!?" said Ryou and I in unison. Whatever we thought it wasn't that."What the?"

"Gather up your things and let's go." I picked up the few things I had, extra pairs of clothes, my mother's necklace, my one spare hair wrap, and...well, I guess that's all I have...pitiful, I know, but Ryou has even less. All he has is the blanket that we share and clothes... and we have more than most slaves!

"Come on, let's go." said Ryou as he walked out the door.

"Coming!" I said as I ran out the door, bowing to the guards.

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Hope you like it, tell me what I should add *_*
