Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Indescribable Sin ❯ Confirmation and Withdrawl ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
360 Downturn

Chapter Three

“Yami where are you?”

This was the last thing thought of from the Mutou family of Domino City. Things had become quite hard and stressful as the days had gone on.

Exactly one week had passed since the man had mysteriously disappeared. No one had seen hide nor hair of him since that fateful night of the worst storm in the history of Domino.

Tears had been shed constantly by that of Yumi and Jonouchi. Things had become quite intriguing when it came to inspecting the remains of the Mutou family's incarcerated Dodge Neon.

The many friends and family of Yami had all gotten together, starting search parties and petitions over the local evening television news for any information. The authorities had become baffled as they attempted to search for countless days and nights as all hope seemed to be lost.

But Yumi and the remainder of the close friends and family had yet to give up on this almost hopeless case, all doing it in terms of the youngest victim in the family.

Little Yuugi had been caught up in the middle of the transactions. His naive child-like mind was in udder confusion as he observed his mother and his “god father” searching for something. For the longest time he felt as though it was nothing but a game, one like capturing the lone raindrops.

His large amethyst eyes blinked perplexed as he attempted to join in on the so called game, only to earn a harsh scolding from his mother. That hadn't been fun or pretty. It was now that Yugi sat in his large bedroom, overlooking the small game shop that stood beneath the small apartment sized home.

Numerous versions of colored toys held the massive construction of his flooring. From legos to one-hundred piece kitty cat puzzles, everything that a child could possibly want was scattered across his plush-white carpeted floor. Of course none of this mattered to Yuugi. All he did was stare at them, almost despising their presence. His small hands fiddled absently at the jagged pieces of his golden millennium puzzle as he sighed..

The shimmering pieces sparkled in the moon light of his bedroom window, glowing in complete mirth of a flickering flame. Though this was the least of his thoughts or actions as he gazed down at the strewn pieces, sighing heavily.

A whole new bout of emotions ransacked the boy's pure mind of naivety. So many questions along with the insecurities of his mother's reassurance plagued his mind. Only one thing melded itself deep within Yuugi's brain; the love of his father.

An unreadable emotion passed through those large amethyst orbs, disappearing into the depths of his small mind as he clenched his tiny fists together.

“Why?” he whispered, now toying with the newly given puzzle, blinking back tears that threatened to fall.

Yuugi continued his attempts at the puzzle as he felt a tear roll down his cheek. He couldn't help but think of his loving father; the one who looked almost identical to him in every way possible. He wondered, and yet yearned for Yami's presence, the one that made him feel safe and loved.

He wiped away the continuously falling tears as he frowned.


- -

The sounds of a television flickered in the background, displaying images of a tacky soap opera's conclusion. One that mentioned a Bridgette losing her fiancee to her tramp-like mother who's daughter had just been rescued from drowning.

Oh yes, these things could rot your mind as said by the watcher of the early afternoon program.

Yumi Mutou sat upon the couch, knees drawn into her chest, arms wrapping around them in the process. Her large amethyst eyes stuck themselves onto the mind-rotting soap opera that paraded across the TV screen, pulling her free from reality as she wiped at her eyes.

The week's absence of Yami had began to toll upon her very mind, if not her entire sense of life.

Her hands shakily pulled themselves away from her knees in futile attempts of reaching for a cup of flat diet coke.

Her hands wrapped themselves around the silver and red can, pulling it closer to her lips as she drank the refreshing liquid contently.

This was the new routine of her daily life. Without a car and a babysitter, the woman stayed at home, wasting away in the depths of her now formed groove in the pattern of the couch's seat cushion, drinking diet coke as she attempted to rid her mind of her husband's disappearance.

She was then pulled from her thoughts and distractions from reality by the sounds of light foot-falls.

Yumi visibly tensed as she recognized the all familiar tri-colored hair of her small son, along with the green blanket that was dragged close behind.

Her amethyst eyes soon locked onto those identical of her little one as both gazed sadly at one another.

Yuugi cocked his head to the side as he clutched his green blanket towards his face, cuddling it in obvious need of comfort.


The addressed woman blinked in acknowledgment as the six-year-old walked forward, pulling himself into his mother's lap as he frowned.

“What's wrong Sweetheart? Did you have need something?” her voice trembled as she spoke, desperately attempting to remain calm.

Yuugi fiddled with the edges of his tattered green blanket as he spoke. “Mommy, where is Daddy?”

The woman's security fell as the simplistic question echoed through her ears, making itself known within her mind.

“You want to know where your father is?”

The boy simply nodded as he gazed into her orbs. “Where is he Mommy? I haven't seen him since the day he gave me da puzzle and watched me play da raindrop game.”

Yumi sniffled as she brushed back the boy's stray goldenrod bangs behind his ears.

“Yuugi-chan, your father... Your father has disappeared.”

“Where did he go?”

“He.. Well we aren't sure, that's why we are trying to find him.” she whispered.

Yuugi could only catch a hold of the words as he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

“Why did he leave us? Did I upset him? Is that why he left us?” Tears rolled down his cherubic face as he tightened his hold on his baby blanket.

Yumi was taken aback by the words as she cuddled the small boy closer to her, wrapping her arms around his fragile body as she attempted to calm him.

“No Sweetheart, don't ever think that again. You're father loves you more than anything in the world. He would never leave you or me.”

“But then... Then why did he not come home from da store?”

The young woman looked down into the boy's eyes that reflected her own shining tears.

“Sweetheart, things happen for a reason, something had happened to your father and we are now trying to get him back. Just think of all the fun things you two can do when he returns okay?”

The boy wiped his salty tears away as she nodded sadly. “Okay Mommy. I bet Daddy is just stuck in one of those duel with cousin Seto again.”

Yumi smiled as she watched her boy walk back upstairs, dragging his blanket in tow as she wiped her eyes.

“If only it was that simple Yuugi.”

She then proceeded back to watching the remainder of her soap opera, muttering something along the lines of “how can I make life simple for us again?”

- -

Time had taken the best of the situation as things became unbearable for the Mutou family. The span of one year had passed since the day of Yami's disappearance. Nothing had been found or solved upon his state of life or whereabouts. The authorities along with the majority of the family had called all searches to an end, pronouncing the young man dead.

Now they sat at the ending ceremony of Yami's funeral, sitting silently as others mingled and mourned over the “loss” of the great game king.

Yumi sighed as she stared blankly at a stray wall, thinking of everything that had gone through her mind as thought of Yami.

'I can't believe it all came down to this Yami. I wish I knew the truth. Are you seriously dead or are you alive? I don't think I can go on living without knowing the truth.'

The thoughts plagued her mind continuously as she then gazed around at her little boy, smiling slightly as she felt her nerves on end.

'I don't think I can raise you anymore Yuugi. I don't think I will be able to give you the love and care you need.'

With this thought planted deep into her mind, the young mother felt that it was time to make a final decision.

“I'm seeking out Sugoroku for advice on this matter.”

To be continued...