Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Jo-Sh-Ua! ❯ Enter Me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kaji: Hi people its me Kaji Yotoei, I got this idea from the math problem: Sugar x me + Yu-Gi-Oh! = The best Damn fanfic ever! Ok now I need someone read the disclaimer :: draws a name out of a hat:: and the winner is....Yugi!

Yugi: Great this is gonna another YuGi's Day Out like fanfic, fine to not invoke the wrath of the arthor I'll read it :: clears his voice:: Kaji Yotoei a.k.a. Josh Poole does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or YuGi's Day Out, Katstyle2 owns it. Happy now Kaji

Kaji: Yup

Joey: Poole ?! ::laguhs::

Kaji: WHO SAY THAT ?! :: evil eyed::

Joey: 0.0; it was Seto

Seto: Shut up Pug !

Kaji: :: snaps finger, Seto is a small puppy on leash, Joey is the holder of the leash:: that's what you get for making fun of my last name Seto. Joey, Seto is now your pet until the end of the chapter

Joey: all right! Seto roll over :: Seto rolls back and forth on the ground, Joey can't stop laughing::

Kaji: Ok people time to start the fic :: sits on the couch in front of the tv::

Mai: Where's the popcorn and drinks ? :: everyone sat down:

Kaji: Sry Mai :: snaps everyone but Seto has a bag of popcorn and a drink::

All: Yay!!!!!!!!

Kaji: Start the Fic!!!!! ::turns on the tv::

~Yami talking to Yugi~


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The Insert Arthor Saga: Jo-Sh-Ua!

Chapter 1: Enter Me

Me: :: had just beaten his brother at Yu-Gi-Oh! again:: Ha up for another round Adam?

Adam: No way, you have beat me 3 times already :: grabs his deck and exits my room::

Me: Man, oh well :: jumps on his bed and turns on the tv. Yu-Gi-Oh! is on, it is the one where Yugi and the gang arrive on the island:: I love this one :: Pegasus says his speech about the duelist kingdom and it cuts to commercial:: I wish I would go to the Duelist Kingdom :: puts his deck in his pocket, then the screen get fuzzy and Pegasus' head is shown on the tv:: what tha ?!

Pegasus: Oh you would Kaji?

Me: Holy.... This can't be real!

Pegasus: Oh I assure you it is real Kaji, and I'm gonna grant your wish, but not because wished it. Not far from it! I want your Millennium Manacle!

Me: Millennium Manacle ?! ::he looks down at his right wrist. the three links connecnted in the manacle jingled in the now srtong wind::

Pegasus: Yes, now say good-bye to this world ! :: evil laugh and his Millennium Eye glows::

Me: Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! ::in a flash of yellow light he is gone::

Adam: ::walks back in:: Yo Josh mom said you had to...... hmm i wonder where he went ::turns off the tv and walks out of his room::

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::Yugi and the gang were walking down the trail where they meet Weevil Underwood, they see Kaji laying on the ground knocked out::

Yami:~Yugi I sense Millennium Magic coming from that boy~

Yugi:~ok I'll be careful~

Joey: Hey Yug' is that kid ok?

Yugi: I'm not sure Joey, someone try and wake him

Tea: i will ::shake his shoulder:: Hey are you ok?

Me: :: wakes up::: uuuuhhhhh what hit me ? :: he looks at Tea, Yugi, Joey, and Tristan:: holy.....

Joey: She asked if you're ok kid

Me: :: remembers what Pegasus said:: umm yeah :: gets up::

Tristan: What's your name?

Me: :: decides not to use his real name Josh Poole:: Kaji

Yugi: I'm Yugi

Joey: Name's Joey

Tristan: Tristan

Tea: and I'm Tea nice to meet ya

Me: same here "this is SO cool, I can't believe I meetin' Yugi and this friends !"

Voice: Hey Yugi !

::everyoneone turns to see Wevil Underwood:

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Kaji: My first cliffhanger yay! How it you guys like the first chapter?

Mai: It was great I can't wait for the next one

Yami: how can you be here and in your story at the same time ?

Others (Seto is changed back): yeah

Kaji: ummm until next time Ja Ne! ::runs off::