Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Big Brother ❯ A Change of Plans ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

LusciousDragon: Sorry that was short, there really wasn't much to say for that chapter, this chapter will have more…

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*A Change of Plans*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Joey, Seto, I'll be blunt. I am very disappointed in you, you've had a whole week together, and I don't see any improvement. I'll give you one last try to work things out, and by Monday, I'd better see serious improvement!!!"

"But it's Friday, how can we make serious improvements if we only have a few hours left of school?"

"I'm betting you two can come up with something."

"Not with that rich jerk I won't."

"Speak for yourself, it's your fault we're in this, if you weren't so stupid."

"Who you callin' stupid?"

"Um… You!"

"Take that back!"

"What are you gonna do, Mutt?"

"Stop it, both of you. STOP IT!!!"

"I can see you both are having a problem, therefore, I feel it necessary to make you each find ten good things about each other. If you don't it's suspension for both of you!!"



"So it's my fault that he's to dumb to learn?"

"Hey, watch who you're calling dumb."


"There aren't ten good things about Joey, he's a dumb Mutt!"

"There aren't even 5 good things about Kaiba, he's a filthy rich bastard!"

"OK, that's IT!!! You two, I order you to live under the same roof for the WHOLE weekend, maybe then you'll learn things about each other!!"

"What? You can't do that!"

"Well, in the document you signed for the Big Brother program, it says, that if I feel something extra should be done, I can instruct you both to do it. And I deem it necessary for you both to discover good qualities about each other."


LusciousDragon: Review, and maybe give me ideas, but try to make them unique…