Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Slumber Party ❯ Yami vs Hikari AND Yami vs DoL ( Chapter 9 )
Joey's Slumber Party
Chapter 9
Yami vs Hikari AND Yami vs DoL
DoL: I just wanna say that I don't own any of these characters except me and my Yami, Karen_Osiris.
Karen: 9th Chapter! Yay!
DoL: -.-0 Uh, yeah. ^-^ Anyways, A new guest! Meet divastarz63 (DVA).
DVA: ^-^ Hi everyone. *glomps… Mokuba?*
Mokuba: ^-^0 Oh, boy.
DoL: Now the gifts. Form RG --> To Shadi: Rogaine (A/N: Neither of us own that) for his baldness.
Shadi: *takes off turban showing a bald head* How'd you know?
DoL: To Ryou: More Chocolate!
Ryou: *eats* Wowthisisevenbetterthanlasttimethanksrowangirlireallylikethis!
DoL: ^-^0 To Bakura: An Automatic Win certificate for the next time he duels "That Baka Pharaoh." And to Malik: The Pharaoh's Power! Alright on with the…
Emily: Ahem!
DoL: Oh, yes. To Bakura, Emily gives a big gold bowl with blood in it.
DoL: I shall begin now.
Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!: Joey's Slumber Party.
Door: *Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 (1400/1200) flies out*
Shadi: AH! *draws 3 cards* I summon 7 Colored Fish (1800/0800). Attack WDGotF1!
Said monster: *obliterated*
Shadi: Whew, that was close.
Karen: Ah! This might help me out. *walks through the "Recent Memories" door.
Karen looking into Flashback…
Marik: (Life Points: 4200; 3 Hats in play; 2 cards facedown) It'll be difficult to win this.
DoL: (Life Points: 0200; Slifer; 13000 ATK; Inferno 1100/1900; Card of Safe Return and Infinite Cards) This'll be way too easy.
Marik: I draw! Go.
DoL: I draw and play Harpie's Feather Duster. Your monster can't stop this card because Dark Paladin is facedown. *Marik's facedowns gone* Now I'll equip Slifer (12000/12000) with Fairy Meteor Crush! Now it'll deal damage even with your defense in play. Slifer, attack! *attacks an empty hat*
Marik: (Life Points: 4200 --> 0000)
DoL: *Millennium Rod appears in his hand* I won't send you to the Shadow Realm for 2 reasons: 1) All Marik fans and 2) You love my Yami, Karen.
Door: *Unlocks*
End Flashback…
Karen: SHADI!
Shadi: *hears* YES?
Karen: I found out…
DoL: I challenge you to a duel!
Karen: Huh? Why?
DoL: If I win, neither you nor Shadi can say what you found in my mind. But, I choose the game.
Karen: Fine. Name your game.
DoL: Dragon Mage. (A/N: All my idea!)
Duel Discs: *morph into Dragon Mage boards*
DoL: *grabs deck* Let's Duel! *draws 6 cards* (A/N: See my story "Dragon Mage" for more info. And please review it, too.)
Karen: I'll go first. *draws 6, then 1* I play WATER MANA B to give me 2 WATER mana. Now, I pay them both to summon Young Aqua Sage (600 HP/480 OFF/300 DEF). Go.
DoL: *draws 3* I play Double the Mana, Double the Fun. Now I can play 2 mana cards every turn. I also play Mana Doubler, which lets me discard a card to double the mana from a mana card. Now I play FIRE MANA G and AIR MANA C, then discard 2 cards from my hand. (14 FIRE + 6 AIR) Now I pay 7 FIRE and 3 AIR mana to summon FIRE DRAGON (2500/2500/2500). Now I pay 4 FIRE mana to play FIRE RING, which first raises my Life by 2000 (Life: 5000 --> 7000) then gives me control of all FIRE Dragons. Now I activate my FIRE DRAGON'S special ability to pay all but 1 Life (Life: 7000 --> 1) and increase its power by the amount paid. (2500/2500/2500 --> 9499/9499/9499) FIRE DRAGON: attack her Sage! (YAS: 600 HP --> 0 HP; Karen's Life: 5000 --> 0)
Joey: Whoa! He won on his first turn!
Serenity: O.O WHOA! Only 1 attack!
Yami: I challenge you to a game of Duel Monsters. If I win, they can talk about what they saw.
DoL: Fine, but if I win, you hand your Egyptian God Cards to me.
Yami: Agreed.
***Time Lapse***
D-1000 Y-5000
DoL: *nothing in play, 3 cards in hand*
Yami: *The Winged Dragon of Ra (6950/4500) in play, 4 in hand*
DoL: I summon Kuriboh (0300/0200) in attack mode and set 1 card face down.
Yami: *draws* Ra, attack Kuriboh!
DoL: I activate Ring of Destruction! Now we each take the 6650 Damage from the attack!
D-0000 Y-0000
DoL: This duel is a draw!
(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, this is a "tie-in" sort of thing.)