Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Dani-Ella E-mail: DemonessKymorie@yyhmail.com

Disclaimer: Yami: Kymorie Does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Kymorie: Nope but if I did, pain would be experienced much, much more! Heh! Ryou: Thank god she doesn't own it!!

Authors Notes: Well, This is my first ever Yu-Gi-Oh! fic. I only just got into YGO! but I thought it would be cool to try my own fic. I shall now warn you that this fic contains: Rape, violence, angst, and yaoi . . . I warned you . . . Read at your own risk. Oh and I must say that Joey and Tea are my least fave characters, so don't be too surprised if I bash them . . .




"Yes! I only need 4 more star chips!" Joey yelled jovially. He had just defeated a weaker duelist and gained two more chips. Yugi was only two star chips away from entering the castle.

"Nice going, Joey!" Yugi said with a smile as they began to walk away from the dueling platform. They had walked a couple steps when he noticed Ryou had not been paying much attention. He was facing towards the high bushes in the forest.

"Hey Ryou!" he yelled slightly, trying to get the youth's attention. "You alright?" Ryou turned to face Yugi, a slightly worrisome look on his innocent face. He quickly put on a smile for the smaller boy and nodded. There was something back there . . . Ryou thought. He ran up to Yugi and the others, not making himself noticeable.

/Yugi./ Yami's voice rang through their link.

//Yes, Yami?//

/I have a feeling there is something following us./ Yugi was somewhat confused.

//Following us? Why would anybody be following us?//

/I don't know, but I think Ryou might have heard or seen something./ Yugi thought about it for a second.

//Maybe . . .// Yugi looked back to Ryou, only to find him gone.

"Where's Ryou?" Yugi asked Joey, Tristan, and Tea. They all shrugged, then noticed footprints that led further into the forest. (It had rained the previous day and early that morning)

"Those weren't there when we passed," Tristan said as he began to follow them. The footprints led into a clearing where Bakura, Ryou, and another figure, hidden in the shadows, where. Ryou was tied to a tree, but still conscience, and Bakura was facing the figure, with a very, very pissed off look on his face. Yugi began to run over to Ryou when a powerful shot of light hit him, sending him flying. Luckily, Joey caught him.

"You alright, Yug?" He asked. Yugi nodded. He looked to Bakura, who was on the ground, somewhat occupied. The shadowy figure had attacked, and Bakura had not been ready. The figure snapped his fingers and suddenly Ryou disappeared as well as the figure. The last thing Bakura saw of Ryou was his eyes. They were full of terror and fear.

Yugi ran over to the fallen tomb raider. "Bakura?" He said lightly.

"Go away!" Bakura growled, not bothering to look at the youth. Yugi backed off slightly, but didn't go away. The silver haired robber stood up slowly, keeping his head down, as to not allow the five `mortals' to see the tears that were threatening to flow. (Yami had materialized after Ryou disappeared.)

"Bakura?" Yugi said again, his voice holding traces of sympathy, sadness, and hatred all at once. He was mad, no, fucking pissed, that someone had kidnapped Ryou. "We'll find him," Bakura turned to the young boy, his head still down as to let his bangs hide his face. Joey, Tristan, and Tea advanced cautiously, because they had found out that when Bakura was pissed, it was best to either approach cautiously or don't approach at all. Yugi took a step forward when he noticed Bakura's shoulders trembling, weathering they were from crying or anger, He didn't know.

Bakura took a step back and suddenly disappeared. Everyone looked dumbfounded except Yami. Actually, he wasn't there to be dumbfounded. He had dissipated in side the puzzle.

//Yami?// Yugi asked through their link, but no answer was returned.

~*~ Ryou's POV ~*~

Everything is dark. Why can't I see anything? I turn my head, looking for any sign of light. I can't move because I am still restrained. Suddenly, a light turns on, and a dark figure walks into the room. I finally notice I am sitting on a bed with a pitch-black comforter. I recognize the figure as the one that had tied me to a tree.

//Yami?// I try to speak to Yami through our link but I receive not an answer. The figure comes a step closer, and fear increases a step. The dark figure steps out of the darkness to reveal him self. He has cold red eyes that stay locked on mine. He isn't human . . . I can feel it. My fear increases tenfold. He must have noticed, because a smirk crossed his face. His cloak swaying slightly.

"You should be afraid," he says plainly, his eyes roaming to a different part of the caliginous room. Fear races through my veins as the man advances. He kneels as to be my height as I sit. I try to kick him but he presses against them so I cannot move. His eyes are full of malice. He pulls me forward as to capture me in a violent kiss. I squirm to get away, yet no avail. His bites my lip until he draws blood and he licks it away. I fight harder to get away. Oh please Ra, let someone find me! And Quick!

The man releases me and backs away, still looking at me with those flaming eyes. "You're so beautiful." He says plainly. I want to scream or something just so someone might hear me, but my voice seems not to work. He grabs my arms and pulls me to my feet. He pushes me into yet another harsh kiss. He unties my restraints but holds tightly to my wrists. So tight, it feels as though they are breaking. A tear slides down my face, then another, and another. He pulls away again, only to push me back onto the bed. He claims my lips again, but this time I bite him hard. He pulls away and slaps me, cutting my lip.

"I own you! Don't you forget that!" he yells, anger and malice rising in his crimson eyes. More tears roll down my face. The man climbs on to the bed, straddling me. I try to move once again but I still cannot stop the man. He pulls off my shirt with a violent tug. His smirk growing to a wide grin as he fondles with the buttons on my green shirt. I cannot stop the onslaught of tears that has wracked my body.

"P-please . . . " I say, my voice shaky and weak. "S-stop," The man pays no attention to my pleading. I'm done for . . .

~*~ Normal POV ~*~

"Where did he go?" Joey asked, looking around the aforementioned forest.

"To find Ryou, of course!" Tea nearly yelled. Yugi watched his friends as they began to argue over Joey's stupidity. He was too busy trying to figure out the mix of emotions that Yami was feeling. Yami had not bother to close off their connection, but instead, he vented his emotions through it.

//Yami?// Yugi said over their link.

/Yes?/ Yami said back in a slightly cold voice.

//Daijoubu ka?//[1]

/Hai . . ./[2] Yugi can tell that Yami is lying. His voice held a certain tone to it.

//Aren't you going to help us find Ryou?//

/Of course/ and Yami materialized in front of his hikari. Yugi smiled at him then turned to Joey and the others.

"This would be a lot easier if Bakura were here," Yugi said downheartedly. He had noticed the sadness welling in Yami's eyes. "But we have to find him," His friends all nodded their heads in agreement.

~*~ Ryou's POV~*~

"P-please . . ." I say my voice shaky and weak. "S-stop!" The man doesn't pay attention to my pleading. He is too busy fondling with my buckle. He slides down my pants, as he begins to apply pressure to my manhood, I gasp as it hardens. Damnit! Shit! He seems more aroused as I try to hold back a moan.

"You like that, don't you?" he asks. I sob harder. I don't want this, but my body is reacting to his touch. Fuck! I curse myself. He smiles wider as he pulls down his own pants. He straddles me once again and I try to punch him, but I miss horribly. He slaps me once again and more blood runs from my split lip. He pushes me into another crushing kiss. He licks away the blood that has formed. He seems to becoming aroused by my sobbing. This sick bastard! I think to myself.

He slowly slides my boxers off and grabs my length. A soft moan escapes my lips. He smiles maniacally.

" I knew you liked it," he says as he thrusts a finger inside me. I gasp in pain but he claims my mouth and roams my mouth with his tongue. He thrusts another finger into me, causing me to scream into his mouth. He moves the fingers in and out of me. Soon he withdraws the aforementioned digits from my body, but they are replaced by a larger length. I scream again as he thrusts into me unmercifully. It feels as though I am being ripped apart. Like white-hot knives are slicing through me.

The man replaces his mouth with his hand as to keep me quiet, but I have no more energy to scream. Too much pain has enveloped my mind to let me scream.

"Mmmm . . . So tight!" he groans, though his voice seems far away. Darkness clouds my vision as the man continues his merciless beating.

//Yami . . . // I try to say through our link before darkness portrays my vision.

~*~Bakura's POV~*~

//Yami . . .// Ryou's voice comes through our link.

//Hikari?!// I try to reach him, but I do not receive an answer. Where the hell could he be?!

To Be Continued . . .


Well, here's the first chapter. I started this yesterday (12-14-02) and I finished it in 13 hours. I have just gotten into the Yu-Gi-Oh thing so I don't know a lot about like Malik and Marik so I don't put them in any of my fics. For some reason, I have noticed the excessive amount of Ryou torture fics. Which is so Awesome! Well, this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fic, as well as the first rape fic I have ever written, so bare with me. Please Read and Review!
