Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Meet the Kidnapper ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Dani-Ella E-mail: DemonessKymorie@yyhmail.com

Disclaimer: I don't own the wonderful Yami-chan, or the ultra wonderful Ryou-chan. Boohoo!

noname: Thank you! I have never liked my own stories because I thought they were poorly written but I am glad to have so many fans!

Kymorie: (Being unusually formal) Thank you all for the wonderful reviews. I am pleased to see that everyone likes my stories.

IceDemonessRebeckah: Oh! Come off it! You aren't that polite!

Kymorie: Yes I am you baka!! Oops . . .

Rebeckah: heh. Whatever you say . . . Oh!!!! I wrote a new story!!! Kymorie you must read it!!!!! It's called Love's Confession!!

Kymorie: O . . . K . . . I will read it later.

Rebeckah: (pouting) Fine bitch.

Kymorie: Heh. I know. Well, we had better let the people read the story now.

Rebeckah: . . .

Kymorie: Fine! Don't talk to me! ^_^ Go ahead and read!


Kidnapped Chapter 2: Meet the kidnapper.


~*~Bakura's POV~*~

Damnit! Where the hell could he be?! I am going to kill the asshole that kidnapped Ryou! I am presently . . . lost could you say? My anger has over ruled my logical thinking and now I am just wandering, trying to find a trace of my Hikari. I have to find him!

~*~ Hour and a half later ~*~

Fuck! I have been walking around for an hour, if more. Also, to make it worse, The pharaoh, and the mortals have joined me in my search. I have been telling them to go away but they insist on following me. Damnit! We're just going around in circles!

"Uh . . . Bakura? I think we've already been here," The blonde idiot says. I am loosing my patients with the insolence of the three taller humans. All they do is babble! And the pharaoh's votes of confidence are only making me want to kill him more. I breathe deeply to keep myself from killing Joey.

//Yami . . .// Ryou's voice says over our link. I stop abruptly, causing the mortals to look at me confusingly.

/Hikari?!/ I nearly yell. He seems weak and in pain.

//Help me!// His voice is panicked.

/What's wrong?/ I try to control my anger.

//It hurts so bad!!// He yells, still seeming weak. I am fearing for his safely. Oh please Ra let him be alright!

/Ryou, where are you?/ I need to know where he is being kept.

//. . . // I receive not an answer. Damnit!!

^*^ Ryou's POV ^*^

I open my eyes, seeing black yet again. It seems darker than it was when I was unconscious. I look to my left and I notice acrimonious crimson eyes. A light switches on, how, I do not know. I see a merciless smirk on the man's face. I wince as pain shoots through me. Damnit! Where is Bakura?!

"Your little Bakura is currently lost in the forest," the man says, his voice bitter yet calm. I look at him, shocked. Can he read my mind? "Yes I can, my little pet. I am quite good with telepathy. You are afraid, but of course any mortal could have figured that out."

I stare into his eyes, unable to look away. He said `Mortal'. Is he not human himself? The man smirks again.

"I am anything but human, boy," he says. Once again my fear increases. Not human?! This is unreal! The man advances, his smirk changing to a psychotic smile. He's insane! How can he not be human?

Suddenly a dark light surrounds me. The man seems bemused as I try to struggle but every part of my body hurts too bad to move much. The light grows brighter and a pain shoots through me. I wince, as the pain grows stronger.

"You don't seem to be hurting enough!" he yells, and the light surrounding me grows brighter yet again. Pain beyond pain shoots through my body. I scream, not able to stand the bone crunching pain.

//Yami…// I say over the link, though almost certain Bakura will not answer.

/Hikari?!/ his harsh voice rings over the weak link.

//Help me!// I say, panicked.

/What's wrong?/

//It hurts so bad!//

/Ryou, where are you?/ Everything begins to turn black as he speaks. I try to answer, but darkness evades my senses.

^*^ Normal POV ^*^

"Communicating with his yami didn't do anything but weaken him even more," the man says, smirking. "I think I should give little Bakura a nice visit. The boy should be fine. Damnit. Since when do I talk to myself?" he smiled at himself, amused by his own idiocy.

^*^ Yami's POV ^*^

"Bakura?" I say, stepping forward. He jumps slightly and a look akin to fear spears his emotions. What could Ryou have said? "What's wrong?" I don't receive an answer from the former tomb raider. He seems dazed, as though, he is in pain.

"Heheh . . ." a spine tingling laughter sounds. I shiver as I turn to see the same cloaked figure that had kidnapped Ryou hours before. "You're little Bakura is under a stun curse. Also, if you think you have a chance of rescuing little Ryou, then you are very mistaken," I growl at the cloaked figure; something I haven't done in years.

"Who are you?" I growl demandingly. His hood falls back and I see a pair of blood red eyes; merciless, cold, acrimonious eyes. I see a smirk cross his face.

"I am a demon," he says, his evil eyes locked on mine. I do not doubt him for his eyes hold a seriousness that no one could mistaken. His glare adverts to my Hikari. "A demon who is seeking human prey . . ." He looks back to me. "And that little one is the one I want!"


Well, second chapter done. Hope you liked it. Hmm… well tomorrow is New Years Eve and I will be at my friends house rockin' to POD, Radio Head, Puddle of Mudd, Avril Lavigne, and bunch of other bands. As well as scarfin' down Pixie Stix and Hot Fries, and chuggin' Vanilla Coke and Orange Soda! Oh! We are gonna drive her mother crazy!! But of course, we are just seventh graders. IceDemonessRebeckah had better warn her mother!! Sugar, soda, and music are not a good combo. C-ya tomorrow Rebeckah!
