Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ Yet Another ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By: Kymorie E-Mail: DemonessKymorie@yyhmail.com

Ryou: Kymorie does not own Me.

Yami: Or me

Yugi: or me.

Bakura: or me.

Joey, Tristan,& Tea: and she would never want to own us.

Kymorie: But I do own Morouw. He is my lil' creation . . .

I would like to thank all those who have reviewed my story, and I hope to entertain you further with this chapter.

Ryou: Entertain? By hurting Yugi and me?

Kymorie: ^^;; Yup! Oh! And so does my friends, Neko!

Neko-chan: ^^ Yup!!


Kidnapped Chapter 3: Yet another


*^* Yami's POV *^*

"And that little one is who I want!" the demon says. Yugi looks at me, worried. This man is sick! He takes a step forward and I push Yugi behind me.

"Go away you bastard!" Joey yells. The demon steps back to where he originally stood.

"Hn. Seems as thought my current prisoner is waking from his unconscious state," the demon laughs. What has he done to Ryou?! "I will be returning for the young one," and with an evil laugh, the demon disappears.

^*^ Bakura's POV ^*^

Ryou was unconscious? What the hell did that bastard do to him?! Damnit! I try to move again and to my surprise, I can.

"Ah! Fuck!!" I yell loudly. Everyone turns to me in surprise. I try to calm down and think of something. Wait! I'll just materialize where Ryou is, since he is conscious. Then I'll kick the `demon's' ass and I'll get Ryou out of danger. A smirk crosses my face and the pharaoh looks at me strangely.

"What are you thinking?" he asks. I look Yami in the eyes, though not answering his question. Instead, I disappear to the ring.


I once again materialize, but this time in a dark, dank room. I hear the voice of the demon that kidnapped my aibou.

"So my little pet, how was your nap?" he says sarcastically. I look around, trying to find any source of light but all I see is dark. Just like old times. I soundlessly wander through the cave, or whatever it is. I find a corner and peek around. I see the red-eyed man as well as my hikari. He looks like he's scared shitless. I want to just grab something sharp and ram it straight through his evil heart . . . if he has one, being demon and all.

"So Bakura," the demon's voice says, cold and bitter. "You want to shove something sharp into my heart," Ryou looks confusingly to the demon then to the darkness he is staring at. I step from around the corner and stare straight into the eyes of hellfire, as rage seems to rise in the demon's emotions. A smirk crosses my face. He is not so tough . . . or so I think . . .

^*^ Ryou's POV ^*^

"So Bakura," the man says. "You want to shove something sharp into my heart," I look confusingly toward him then to the darkness were he is staring. Bakura's here? Bakura steps from the darkness; anger full in his eyes. I look back to the man to see rage and hatred in his features. I can see a smirk cross Bakura's face through the corner of my eye. Oh please god let him be okay in the end.

All of a sudden I am pulled to my feet by my hair. I wince in pain and rage flashes over mine and Bakura's link. The man snickers at Bakura, causing him to get even more pissed off.

"Let him go and fight me!" Bakura growls. I look at my yami, a tear falling down my face.

//Bakura, don't get yourself killed!// I say over our link.

/Right! This guy isn't any match for me!/

"Oh! So you say I am no match for the all mighty tomb raider, Bakura?" The man says. My yami smirks again, clarifying so. The man throws me back to the bed, looking straight into Bakura's eyes. "Fine. Let me give you a taste of my power,"

^*^ Bakura's POV ^*^

"Fine. Let me give you a taste of my power," the demon says. My smirk widens, but I still want a question answered before I kill him.

"First, before I kill you, tell me who you really are," I say, looking straight into his sanguineous eyes. He smirks and shrugs.

"Well, if you are so sure you are going to kill me then I might as well inform you. I am a demon, as you know, by then name of Morouw," I keep staring at him, my smirk had disappeared.

"I want to know why you are here and why you kidnapped Ryou," I say as calmly as possible. He sniggers slightly.

"I am here for but only one reason," he pauses. I expect him to continue, but instead I am thrown across the room by a powerful punch. And all I see is black . . .

^*^ Yugi's POV ^*^

I wonder what kind of plan Bakura had. He just disappeared without tell us anything. I am currently sitting by a fire Yami, Joey, and Tristan had just built. It is turning to night and Bakura has been gone for a really long time. I still want to know what that `demon' wants with me. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on them.

"Hey Yug," Joey says lightly as he sits down beside me. I smile up to him, though it is partially fake. "You ok?" I look at him quizzical.

"Yea. I just want to know what that `demon' wants with me. And I am really worried about Ryou. What if he's hurt, or," I pause, not wanting to think Ryou to be gone forever. Joey sighs and stands up.

"We just can't think like that. He has to be alive," Joey shows a smile. "Just think on the up side!" I smile back at my friend and nod. He's right, I just need to think positively. He turns to Tristan who had just called his name. "I'll be right back, Yug," He says. I nod and notice Yami walking towards me. I smile at him as he pulls me into a hug.

"Daijoubu hikari?" he asks. I nod and sigh.

"Bakura's been gone for a long time . . . I wonder if he's ok," I say lightly. Yami sighs and looks down to me.

"I don't know aibou," He pauses. "I just don't know,"

We sit there for a while until both of us fall into an uneasy sleep.

^*^ Ryou's POV ^*^

"I am here for but only one reason," the demon pauses and I can tell Bakura is waiting for his to continue. Instead, Morouw delivers a punch that sends my Yami to the furthest wall.

//Bakura?! Daijoubu?!// I say over the link. I don't get an answer back. He's unconscious.

"And so are you," Morouw says, walking towards me. The next thing I see is ebony.


"Now to continue with my plans," Morouw says to himself. "Yugi Muto will be mine."

^*^ Yami's POV ^*^

It's about eight in the morning when I wake up. I can feel the heat of my Hikari beside me. I slowly get up, as to not wake Yugi. I walk to the small stream we are camped beside and splash water on my face. I look to the morning sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" a voice says from behind me. I start and turn to see my aibou. "Ohiayo Gozaimasu," he says with an angelic smile. I smile back to him.

"Did you have a good rest?" I ask. Yugi nods and turns to the water, splashing it in his own face.

"Oh, you two are up also," someone says. Tea comes up to the stream with a smile. "Good Morning Yugi, Yami,"

"I think I am going to get some fire wood so we can make breakfast," I say as I begin to walk away.


About fifteen minutes later, I return to camp. And the first person I see is Yugi . . . held by a certain demon.

"Let him go!" I yell. He smirks and pulls forth a dagger.

"I don't think so," and he disappears.


Heh. Let us see what happens . . . Later . . . Ok, so the third chapter is up and I am tired as hell. I haven't slept in, like, forever. Stupid Cartoon Network had to change the airing times for Yu Yu Hakusho and InuYasha, so now they are on weekday nights. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter of Kidnapped. It was kinda rushed but I still got is done! Please read and review.