Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ KIDNAPPED ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yamialex17 read and review

Bakura: Alex why do I have to be bad in this one?

Alex: because kura in the show they have you as being bad so I thought it would fit but I still love you anyway

Bakura: so have thought about adding any new people in this story like maybe a hot looking girl with an item and…

Alex: Bakura shut the fuck up would you by the god Osisir and the goddess Hathor

Bakura: I should kill you where you stand for saying such things Alex the god and goddesses would not be please that you have insulted them now take it back

Alex: alright alright I take is back shish * under her breath she says* nori set kedi onish nayi * roughly trans to stupid fucking bastard*

Bakura: what did you say about me being a bastard you seem to forget that I can read that and I know that your friend taught you that so you might as well stop calling me that.

Alex: ok ok jezz chill would you any way getting back to the story there will be someone new coming into this story much later on in I think chapter 2 or so

Bakura: sorry hon I'm just having one of my days I love you and on v-day I'm gonna prove it just you see

Alex: Bakura not right now ok any way I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not putting this on every chapter not enless Bakura wants to but I sure the hell ain't well bye

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Yami no please don't go YAMI!!!!!" Yugi screamed in the middle of the night. Suddenly Yami smashed open the door to Yugi's room. The older teen look at Yugi with questioning eyes "Yugi what's wrong abiou, what's the matter" Yami said shakily as he sat on Yugi's bed holding he close trying to calm down the younger teen.

Yami was 6'0 with tri-colour hair his eyes were crimson red and he was only wearing black shorts and a black sleeveless shirt, which he almost always wore. Yugi was 5'4 and he look a lot like Yami only without the blonde streaks in the top half of his hair and purple eyes. His blonde bangs were stuck to his forehead from the sweat. "Yami are you always going to stay with me?" Yugi asked staring into Yami eyes "of course I will why do you ask sweet one" Yami said holding Yugi tighter "I just want to make sure you would never leave and go to Tea's Gardener's or Marik Istar's house"

"Yugi do you know how much I hate Tea and there's No way I'm going to Marik's place I can't stand his other half Malik I didn't get along with him in Egypt and I still don't. Now go back to sleep and will talk in the morning ok?" Yami said leaving Yugi's room. As soon as Yami was out of the room someone opened Yugi's window sneak into his room and grab Yugi. They put a hand over his mouth and climbed back out the window and brought him to an abandon wear house.

~Next Day~

Yugi woke up and looked around to see where he was. This didn't look or smell like his room at all. "Wh… wh… where am I …I" Yugi stutter "You my Pet are somewhere where no-one will ever find you. Now you be quite and you won't get hurt understand my pet" came a sickly voice from the shadows "where are you and I am I demand to know right this minute" Yugi demanded, "I don't think your in the position to be demanding anything young one." said the voice. "Now you be quite and you won't get hurt"

~In Yugi's room~

"Yugi are you awake I made pancakes for…… YUGI WHERE ARE YOU ????" Yami shouted as he open the door only to find Yugi not in his bed. "YUGI THIS HAD BETTER BE A JOKE OR ELES" but still know answer from anywhere in the room. Yami hurried down stairs to see if Yugi was down there "YUGI PLEASE ANSWER ME PLEASE BE HERE" Yami yelled down the hall. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Yami went to the door to see who was there but when Yami opened the door but no one was there he saw only a note it said



"WHO ARE YOU SHOW YOURSLEF YOU COWARD" Yami yell with no response "fine if you want a fight you'll get one" Yami said running down the road to get to the place the letter had said. When he got there he saw Yugi tied up in chains. "Yugi are you ok" Yami said going over to Yugi. As he got closer Yugi seem to fade into nothingness "YUGI WHERE ARE YOU"


"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME LET ME GO PLEASE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU BAKURA PLEASE LET ME GO" Yugi cried as another hand slap him across the face "YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD YOU WEAKLING DO YOU UNDER STAND ME" Yelled Bakura as his slaps turned into punches "YES" Yugi cried. "I think it's about time to show Yami where we are"


Suddenly there was a loud thundering sound. Yami turned around and saw Bakura standing infront of him. "Bakura I should have known it was you what have you done with Yugi you fiend." Yelled Yami "Let me tell you something Yami all of these years I have watch you win battle after battle and never once have you or the people you love so dearly have their souls now why is that hum can you tell me cause I really want to know" Bakura said sickly "the reason Bakura is because I have faith in myself and in the Heart of the cards something that you do not have. The only reason why you can't understand is because you never loved anyone or any thing in your life the only thing you really care about is thieving and trying to get what you want." Replied Yami try hard not to make is words to harsh. "Shut up you don't really know me you can't say what I love and don't love and for your information I do love someone" Bakura cried out trying hard not to let the tears in his eyes fall "don't forget Yami I still have Yugi and the only way your going to get him back is to duel me and if you lose I get you puzzle do you understand" "yea I understand but if I win you will never bother me or Yugi anymore got it" "LET THE DUEL BEGIAN" they both said at the same time. (I not getting into what happen it's why to much to do but in the end Yami won) "I Won Bakura now give me back Yugi and leave us alone forever got it" Yami said after getting Yugi free from the chains he was in. " I'll leave but you can be sure that you have not seen the last of me Pharaoh" Bakura said as he disappeared into the darkness with an evil laugh and a flash of white light he was gone but for how long they didn't know " come on Yugi let's go home and get you cleaned up ok" Yami said picking up the battered boy and taking him home. But suddenly Yugi started to convulse and went in to a coma.