Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Games ❯ Bop It!!! *ouch* ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

TenshiBane: *stares* Uh....

Yugi: ^^ It is her first time writing and posting.

TB: Holycrapholycrapholycrap.

Seto: Will you shut up!? Its not like they know who you are or anything.

TB: *pauses* So? I could still make a fool out of myself.

Yami: If she was sugar high it wouldn't matter.

Seto: I agree.

Yugi: TB does not own Yugioh or her own sanity for that matter.

TB:... Is that my cue?

All: YES!!

TB: Okay! Bossy...

King of Games

by: Tenshi Bane


Chapter 1: The King of Games?

*in Yugi's house*

Yugi: *yawns* I'm bored.

Joey: I'm hungry.

Bakura: I'm sexy... I mean, me too.

Ryou: *stares*

Bakura: What?

Yami: * playing on computer* Weeee! Lookit what I can do!

Yugi: *stares at screen* Yami... thats Pong.

Yami: Yes. What advanced technology this century has! Electronic versions of what you call tennis!

Seto: * on couch* Hey Yami?

Yami: Yes?

Seto: Your mental.

Joey: *whispering to Yugi* Let's see the King of Games master BopIt!

Seto, Marik (Yami) and Bakura: *growls* He is not the King of Games.

Joey: Where'd you come from Marik?

Marik: *shrugs* Plothole.

Joey: Oookay...

Yami: What is BopIt?

Seto: Yeah. What is it?

Joey: *stares* You come from this century... right?

Yugi: Hey! That isn't Kaiba! It's the Preist!

P. Seto: *lowers head* I am ashamed.

Joey: No wonder he hasn't called me mutt yet.

P. Seto: Shut up, kitty.

Joey: T-T Ouch...

Yugi: I think he liked 'dog' better.

Ryou: I have an idea!

All: What?

Ryou: How about we do a tournament of games to see who is the real master.

All: Agreed!

Mai: This should be fun to watch:

Joey: Mai?! Where did you come from?

Mai: Shut up kitty cat.

Joey: T-T Yes ma'am.

Yugi: Ai-yah! People are invading my house!

Yami: *coughs* A-HEM!

Yugi: And my Yami is invading my brain!

Yami: *anime fall*

Ryou: Well then, let's get started! * pulls out BopIt from front pocket*

Joey: O.o Ya carry tat thing in ya pocket?

Ryou: It is the only thing electronic my yami hasn't destroyed. I think it is best to keep it safe...

Marik: A tournament, eh? * scratches chin* I shall defeat all of you idiots with my WINGED DRAGON OF RA!!!

Ryou: One more thing. No dueling.

All Yamis: O.O WHAT!!!???

Bakura: Ryou, have you gone insane?

Ryou: *stares* I lost my insanity long ago, no thanks to you.

P. Seto: Haw Haw! You got dissed by your hikari!

Bakura: So? By the way, where's YOURS.

P. Seto: *pulls out keys* I took care of him.

* in Kaiba Mansion*

Seto: *pounding on closet door* LET ME OUT! I AM A SCARED OF THE DARK!!

*back to Yugi's place*

Ryou: Time to start! * gives BopIt to Yami* You start.

Yami: What the hell?

BopIt: BOP IT!

Yami: *kicks Marik in the nuts*


Yami: It told me to 'Bop It'.

Malik: Don't worry. Be lucky that thing didn't tell him to 'twist' it.

Joey: Where did...

Malik: Plothole.

Mai: *giggles* Its fun to watch guys kick another guy in the nuts.

Ryou: Your turn Yami! * hands to Bakura*


Bakura:... Pull what?

Ryou: *sighs and hands it to Marik*

BopIt: BOP IT!!

Marik: *kicks Yami in nuts*

Yami: OW!! Hey! Ryou already said that wasn't right!

Marik: Something called payback, Pharoah.

P. Seto: Gimme that... * grabs it from Marik*


P. Seto: *twists Marik's um.. you know*

Marik: *slaps P. Seto* PERV!

P. Seto: But your hikari said...

Marik: * fire appears behind him and his sore winky*

P. Seto: Never mind...

Ryou: *looks at the others* This... will take awhile


Ja Ne! Read and Review! GIVE ME IDEAS! And presents.