Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Games ❯ Mastering the Rubix ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tenshi Bane: *tears up* 3 reviews... OMG!!! THREE REVIEWS!!

Seto: O.O Calm yourself Tenshi.

Tenshi: Thank you SO MUCH! You have given me the will to continue!

Seto: What next?

TB: ....

Seto: Well....?

TB: Go back to chapter 1 for disclaimer.

Seto: *anime falls*

CHAPTER 2: Mastering the Rubix

( Seto: Oh gawd... poor other half... ^^ Not!)

Yugi: * watchs Marik threaten P. Seto* Um...

Ryou: Let's move on to another round...

Joey: *staring at Marik hitting P. Seto with a frying pan* Ah.. the evil of frying pans...

Mai and Malik:....

Ryou: Alright everybody, we are doing another round!

All yamis: * sits on the floor VERY close to Ryou and looks at him...* Yes?

Malik: *sweatdrops* Idiots with an obsession...

Ryou: Better not be me...

All: *anime fall*

Ryou: Okay! *pulls out 4 rubix cubes from pocket* First one who puts all the colors on the opposite sides wins!

Joey: Where do you put all of those games, Ryou? I mean... dare ain't even bulges in yo pockets...

Ryou: ^^ Its a secret. *gives one rubix cube to each yami* Ready... set... GO!

After five minutes....

Yami: DONE!

Ryou: Okay, let me see...

Bakura: *still furiously trying to work with his rubix*

Ryou: Hmmm... *still looking* Hey! You just peeled all of the stickers off!

Yami: *angel eyes* Its what Yugi does...

Yugi: *shrugs* True.

Joey: CHEATER!!!

Yami: Shut up Kitty.

Joey: T-T

Yugi: Yami! Be nice to our friends.

Joey: *shivering* Thanks Yug...

Yugi: 'sides, he looks more like a hamster.

Joey: -_-''''

Yami: Cat!

Yugi: Hamster!

Yami: CAT!

Malik: Ladybug!

Mai: A booger!

Bakura: Sh.. I mean... CRAP!

P. Seto: NEMO!

All: *stares*

P. Seto: * currently watching Finding Nemo (don't own!) while others argue about what Joey is* WAAHHHH!!! Poor widdle Nemo! Got taken by tupid mortals! *sniffels*

Bakura: *joins him and cries too* Stupid mortals... *stops crying and looks at P. Seto* I've got an idea!

P. Seto: What? *sniff*

Bakura: Let's take revenge on Nemo and send all dentists too the SHADOW REALM!

Yugi: Yes! *looks around* I mean.. NO!

P. Seto: You've got my back dude!

Bakura: Sweet...

P. Seto: Totally...


Bakura: * stares* Screw Rubix. LETS GO! *runs off with P. Seto*

All: O.o

Ryou: Okay... since Yami cheated and those two quit... Marik is the winner of this round!

Marik: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I shall win this tournament and conquer all!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

*a minutes silence*

Yugi: So Marik... what's with the wig?

Ryou: O.o... What a sudden change in subject...


Yugi: That makes it even weirder. What did you do, stick a fork in a light socket?

Marik: Grrrr....

Yami: What is a light socket? Did he stick a fork in an eyeball or something?

Marik: No, but I would like to right NOW! *glares at Yugi*

Yugi: Eeeep! *runs behind Yami* Save me! Pweez!

Yami: Get off me you little leech...*steps aside*

Yugi: AGH!

Marik: *starts running after Yugi*

Joey and Mai: Run Yugi, run! Run Yugi, run! ( Taken from Forrest Gump. I don't own that either)


Bakura: I don't think we're in Kansas any more, Toto.

P. Seto: Yes we are you idiot look. *points to sign*


Bakura: O.o How do they always know?

P. Seto: Why are we in Kansas anyways? We need to get to Sydney!

Bakura: >-< You said we were going to send ALL dentists to the shadow realm.

P. Seto: Rescue Nemo first. Shadow Magic... later.

Bakura: *pouts* You no fun...

P. Seto: Plus, I don't think Kansas has any dentists....

Random Kansan: *walks up to P. Seto and Bakura and smiles a toothless grin* Hewo. You bwoies need deerections?

Bakura: OMFR!! ( Oh My F***ing Ra!)

P. Seto: * flinches* Told you! * both run like idiots screaming their heads off*

R.K: Weirdwos....


End Chapter two!

Will we ever get back to the tournament? Will the two Egyptians find and rescue Nemo? Does Ryou have anything ELSE in those pockets? Tune in Next time! Who know when that'll be though.... ^^

Thank you----------

TAB: Thank you so much for reviewing! I hope you continue with your stories as well.Yeah, my friend gave me the idea of the invading thing when she said that little voices that tell her to burn things were invading her head... O.O


InsaneAuthoress: Thank you so much! I have never gotten a ten in my life! Well... I have... usually on tests though... O.o Anyways, I hope your dad still doesn't think you're mental. I know how that feels..^^

Ja Ne!

P.S Could anyone tell me what oekai or however you spell it is? Oekkai... uh... somefink like that.... oh well.