Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Kings ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Luc: this is chapter 2, i thought it's gonna take a month before i can update this one, but thanks to all the reviewers, i can continue with a huge grin on my face ^________^

This is the result of the little vote we had, since most of you like to see little Yugi got hurt,(Yugi: What do you mean?!) then that's what you got. To all those who had choose #1, I cry with you, cause I too want to use 1, it's simpler, now i got to take the long and hard way, if you know what i am saying.

Anyway, i set up another poll, please left a mark of you suppose before you leave. Thank you, I love you all! ^^

Disclaimer: Luc does not own YUGIOH or it's characters!

[warning:YAOI, violence, abuse, rape and foul language?!]

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Ancient Egypt

{Unknown person's POV}

"Where am I? Who are you? And WHERE IS YUGI?!" I flinched at his used tone.

"Answer me!" Okay, I am scare, no, terrify! Why didn't anybody tell me Pharaoh Yami had a temper problem?

"I-I am Unas, sir, y-you are in Egypt, this is your tomb, and-and I don't know who's Yugi, sir."

His eye widen, "Egypt....." I heard him whispered.


{Yami's POV}

I am in Egypt, and Yugi is not with me!? I can't use mind speech cause I don't have the Sennen Puzzle, the whole world seems to be spinning around me, I am in Egypt...without my light...it can't be.....this is not happening!

"Ph-Pharaoh Yami?" I look at the boy, Unas is it, I had reasons to believed he had something to do with this.

"What is going on?" I scowl, he better give me a decent answer, or else, I am so gonna tear him a part piece by piece, and feed him to my Silver Fang.

"P-p-please forgive me sir, I didn't mean to disturb you, b-but you have to help me, my people are dying, you are the only one who knows how to seal the Gate--"

"Gate? What Gate?" I had a bad feeling about this.

"The Gate to the Shadow Realm sir, it's open..."

"WHAT?! What kind of *beep* *beep* *beep* fool dare to open the Gate?"




{Somewhere else in AE, third person's POV}

A group of man was walking under the sun at midday, one of the man shouted, "Hey, what is that?" He pointed somewhere ahead of him.

Another man, riding on a camel said to him," Go check it out."

The first man hesitated for a moment before he advanced toward to what look like a cape under the sand. He pulled it out with difficulty, it was a boy, he was covered by the sand, and only his strange cloth was reveal which he thought was a cape. He shouted back to the group, "It's a boy!"

The man riding the camel came to him, and stared at the small form on the sand, then he smirked, "Take him with us, I can use another 'toy', he looks quite tasty don't you say."


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{Back to the tomb, Unas' POV}

I wonder what is he thinking? He was first very angry when I told him my side of the story; how I found this place; How my selfishness had cause my people to suffered; I told him about the accident with the book, the spell I used, basically the whole thing with the sorcerers and the monsters.

I shifted to a more comfortable position, my legs were numb, we, yes we, had been sitting on the floor for at least an hour. With his legs cross, arms fold and eyes close, Pharaoh Yami haven't stir a bit.

"Tell me Unas, how long have you been on the throne?"

Finally! I thought I was going to have a nervous break down.

"Al-almost a year, sir."

"How old are you, Unas?"

"S-seventeen sir."

"Despite all the mistake you had made, all the suffering you had cause, there was one thing you had done right."

Wow, I did something right! That was unexpected.

"W-what is that, sir?"

"You had brough me back to live, I had a body!" He smile.

For some reason that smile gave me the creeps!

"Are you willing to help me sir?" I asked, back to the main subject.

He stared at me for a while, then said, "No, I am not going to help you,"

What?! He's not going to help me?! I am done for!

"For it is my people that needed to be saved."

Wait, did I heard that right? Oh, thank Ra, he's going to save my people after all.

"Yes, right sir, thank you sir!"

"Show me to the Palace Unas."

"Yes, sir, follow me sir. I shall gathered all the courtiers and council members, and my mother, she would be delightful!"

You should seen their faces when we were walking on the way back to the Palace, they were hilarious!

First they lie eye on me with hatred, then, when they saw Pharaoh Yami, their reaction was priceless. Some of them stared at him, their eyes gone twice as wide as their normal sides. Some of them kept their mouth hanging, the others dropped what they were holding. And some of them even bow to him.

I left him in the court room to find my mother, "Mother...mother, ah, here you are, come mother, I have something to show you."

She look at me frowning, "What are you doing? Where have you been Unas?"

"No time for that, come quick, I brough some one to help!"

"What? Who...?"

"You'll see..."

I dragged her all the way to the court room, when she saw Pharaoh Yami standing in the middle of the room, her eyes widen just like the others.

"She must be your mother." The Pharaoh walk up to us and said.

"Yes, she is sir." I glanced at her, poor dear mother, she was trembling, then she fell on her knees, and bow with her nose touching the stone floor, muttering something very fast that I can't catch what she was saying.

"Please rise, my fair lady."

She did as she was told, "Ra had pity for us, he had brough you back, he cares."

"Ah, yes he does, however, it is Unas here, who brough me back."

At the very moment, the courtiers and council members arrived, saved me from some embarrassment. Like my mother, first they were shock to see Pharaoh Yami, like they had seen a ghost, then they bow and praised, quite annoying if you ask me.

"SILENCE!" They all stop.

So powerful, I gazed at him with new admiration, no wonder my people respect him.

"You may all rise," they did, "I need to know the damage in the cities, and which duel monster had have been summoned, and of course, the sorcerers, ever detail of them, I want to know."

I watched as my High Priest and Commander step forward, and the meeting began. It ended at dusk, every courtier and council member got a part of what they need to do. I was in my sleep chamber after they all departed, holding the crown my father gave me before he die.

I don't deserved this, I am not fit for a pharaoh. I figured I have to act, so I went to find Pharaoh Yami, but he was not in his chamber. Where could he be? I went searching for him in the Palace, one of the guard told me he was in the royal garden.

I run into the garden, and saw him gazing at the bright moon by the lotus pond. I walk up to him, carefully not to make any noise. But I knew he had noticed me the minute I set foot in the garden. I knelt on my knees, bow my head, and stretched out my arms in the air, with the crown.

"What are you doing, Unas?" He turn around frowning.

"Please accept this crown as my gratitude toward you, O great one!" He didn't take it, he turn his back on me!


Why?! Because everybody love you, but they hate me to the guts! That's why!

"I fear....."

Pharaoh Yami turn to face me and interrupt before I could finish my sentences, "Fear...it is like a coward. If you back away, it becomes a fearsome beast who will crush you into the ground. Face him and he shrinks to a tiny noisome insect.

In life, there are two kinds of people: those who run from their fears and those who overcome them. Which one are you Unas?" He continued without giving me a chance to answer, honestly I don't really know what to say, I felt...lost.

"Being Pharaoh isn't easy Unas, respects don't come freely, they are earned. As pharaoh, you are powerful, you are the law, your people's fate lies on your palm, but remember this, with great power comes with great responsibilities. To be a ruler who will loved by his people, he must place his people at the first line.

Think before you act, cause your every action, every speech concerning the will being of your people.....You are young Unas, there is a long road ahead of you, you'll grow, body and soul with each step; you'll gain greater knowledge: knowledge of your needs to become a better person, a greater ruler. Sometimes you may find yourself being block, you may even fail.

People make mistakes Unas, however, if you learn from your mistake and try to correct your wrong doings, you are growing. Stand up every time you fell, and you will succeed. Think about it." With that he left me alone in the garden, having the urge to cry.

(Luc:ok, that was like the wisest thing i had ever said or wrote, i don't even know i had that in me. Oh, and the part, 'with great power comes with great responsibilities', i got that from Spider Man the movie. Yami: Figure. Luc: what does that mean?!)

Nobody, not even my father had said those thing to me, I had this strange feeling inside my stomach, which I can't describe, I had never felt like this before. To say the least, I am confuse.....

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{Somewhere else in AE, Yugi's POV}

I woke up from the burning pain on my back, and glanced at my surrounding, where an I? The last thing I remembered was walking on the over heated land of sand, I thought might be I could find Yami somewhere near by. Then I felt dizzy from the heat and... I think I pass out.

"So, you are finally awake." A man in a black robe came into view, I saw him sneer at me and spoke again, "Good, cause I like to heard my 'toys' scream when I am 'playing' with them."

I felt my heart pounding against my chest, as the stranger came closer to me. I tried to move, but my hands had been tied behind my back, and so are my legs. I felt a hand on my cheek, which cause me to flinched visibly. Fear spread over my body, I screamed, "Get away from me!"

He chuckled, "Oh, so you want to play hard to get?" He moved his hand from my cheek to my abdomen.

I tried to jerk away, I left sick at his touch, "Don't touch me, I'll scream for help..."

He chuckled again, "Scream all you want, but no body is going to hear you." He lean down and tried to kiss me on my lips but I turn away, and screamed, "HELP! SOMEBODY!HELP ME!"

"I told you nobody is going to save you, so why don't you save some breath, you'll need them." and he laugh and lean closer.

"NO, don't touch me!" With all my might, I kicked him on his stomach, then I try to move away from him.

"Why you little whore!" He grab me by my ankle and slap me on my cheek.

I moan, hot tears running freely down my burning cheek. And my nightmare has just began...

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Luc:Please read and review!!!

Okay, let's have a little poll before i go on with chapter 3. The duel monsters will make their appearance, and rescued little Yugi, and bring him to the Pharaoh, but I need help with the personalities of the duel monsters and their relationship.

The duel monsters are The Dark Magician, The Celtic Guardian, the Magician of Black Chaos, Kuriboh(is that how you spell it) and the Mystical Elf, so far. (they are my favorite^^) And they should be like this:

#1. The Dark Magician is very obedient to little Yugi, but he is somewhat 'off' with Yami, what I mean is he and Yami had something in common. *wink * Dark and Celtic were brothers before they became duel monsters, now they are still like brothers, Celtic is like the goof-ball *snicker* , and the Mystical Elf is the only saint one in the group, maybe to saint, Kuriboh is like a 10 year old, very childlike, but the Magician of Black Chaos, he's a madman, err…he has some anger problem^-~, oh and he's very very very protective over little Kuri^^

#2. They all are as obedient to Yugi as to the Pharaoh, but let's say the Dark Magician and the Celtic Guardian are lovers, Chaos and Kuriboh, and the Mystical Elf is a very lovely and tender woman.^^

So which one do you like, suggestions are most welcome. ^_____^

Oh, and I am starting another fic, it's a one shot story x-over with Jackie Chan Adventure, involving the Tiger Talisman. The title is gonna be 'Uncle saids: "One more thing…"', I think it's funny, oh, and one more thing *LOL*, tell be what you think about the idea, if you like, I will write it , but if you don't tell me no to bother. Okay?