Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Kings ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Luc does not own YUGIOH or it's characters!

[warning:YAOI and foul language?!]



{Normal POV}

"Oh, this is too silly," The Mystical Elf exclaimed. "Dark please be reasonable, the Pharaoh doesn't know what happened, and I believe he didn't know Yugi-sama was here in the first place, or else he wouldn't of let anything happen to him." She then turned to face Yami, "And please forgive him, my Pharaoh, we have found Yugi-sama in a very…unusual situation, its not--"

"I am here! The next time I ain't running, I …what's up with all the long faces, err…hehe…I'll just wait here….." Under the death glares of a fierce magician and a furious Pharaoh, Celtic backed away, toward Chaos and Kuri. "So err…what did I miss?" He asked quietly to the black haired magician.

"The part where Yami claims Yugi-sama is his and Dark said otherwise." Chaos explained with his own words.

"No, really?! Cool, hey can you get me some popcorn."

Chaos nodded. He lowered his gaze to Kuriboh when he felt a tug on his robes.

"Chaos-chan, they aren't going to fight, are they?" The small monster asked, frowning.

"Nah, don't worried little one, they wouldn't fight, not when Yugi-sama is in the middle."

"Okay then, can I have some popcorn too." He smiled sweetly at the magician.

"What am I!? A vending machine?!" Chaos playfully pinched the small monster's cheeks.

"So, what's going on right now?" The elfin warrior questioned.

"Deciding who's gonna keep Yugi-sama. You see, they both won't back down, so they had this glaring contest, the one who turns away first, loses, and the winner gets to keep Yugi-sama…"

"Chaos, shut up!" Dark and Yami hissed at the magician, turning their glare to him.

"Hey, which one of you turned away f--"

"Shut up!!" They growled in unison.

"What?! I was just trying to help."

"I don't need your help!!!" with that they turned their glare back to each other.

"Give him to me!" Yami scowled.

"No." Dark refused.

"Damn it! If you don't give him back to me right now, you are forcing me to send you back to the Shadow Realm, painfully."



"Give me the puzzle."


"Give. Me. The. Puzzle, or I'll be forced to attack you."



"If you two can't decide, maybe I should take him."


"What the--"

They all turned to the intruder. Their eyes going wide at the person before them, then unexpectedly, Yami, Dark and Celtic burst out laughing.

"Very funny." The intruder said coldly.

"What…hahahahaha….." Yami pointed at the intruder, but he was unable to finish his sentence.

The Dark Magician had to wipe away a few tears from laughing.

Celtic was laughing so hard that he actually collapsed on the floor with his hands on his sides. However, he almost choked when a deep voice sounded behind him.

"Are you laughing at our Master, little elf?"

He turned his head mechanically, behind him stood three identical monsters, all in their human form. Long white hair, blue eyes, tight white clothes. Their names were, Kai, Kasa and Kysen.

(Luc: so do you know who the intruder is?)

"N-no, I-I ain't laughing, I was just go-going to…back to my friends." He stuttered, stood up, and moved closer to his fellow duel monsters.

[Kysen: Can I eat him?]

[Kai/Kasa: No!]

[Kai: Master wouldn't be happy if we eat one of his little love's monsters.]

[Kysen: Damn!]

"Are you done laughing?" The intruder said, annoyed.

"Hahaha…what the hell happened to you Kaiba?!" Gasping for air, Yami stared at the young CEO with pure amusement.

"Huh, I was just wondering that myself. One moment I was working in my office, and then in a flash, I was in a tomb, dressed in some crazy Egyptian outfit. I don't know if you have noticed or not, but my hair has turned red."

"Hahahaha….." Yami burst out laughing again, "I am sorry…but…do you know…you look funny with red hair?"

"I've noticed." He said, with both arms outstretched. He muttered something under breath, and in an instant, Yugi is in his arms.

"How did you do that?" Yami demanded.

"Hand him over, Kaiba." Dark glared at the CEO with his own steely blue eyes.

"I can do more than that, and no, I won't hand him to you." He gazed at the petite boy in his arms. He was amused at how light the small boy was.

"Kaiba," Yami growled, "give him to me." He disliked the way Kaiba stared at his other halve.


{Mystic's POV}

Oh, dear….. (Luc: Is that all you can say? Mystic: Yes, dear. Luc:*smack her with a mop* Mystic: X_X)

{Una's POV}

What should I do?! Should I order the guards to attack?! What to do? What to do? Oh, whatever, I'll just watch. This is getting good!

{Kuri's POV}

Three hotties fighting for Yugi-sama…what could be better than this! (^^)

{Chaos' POV}

Cute little Kuri…. (Luc: Can you think of someone else? Chaos: No. luc: +holding a mop+ Chaos: +glare+ do that and no chocolate for a month! Luc: +throws mop away+ Hehehe… Chaos: +Smirk+)

{Celtic's POV}

This is getting better and better by the minute. If it wasn't for those three over grown lizard behind me …are they still behind me?! (Luc: Yep! Celtic: Damn! I hate you! Luc: Yeah, love you too! ^^ Celtic: Argh!!!)

[Kysen: Can I eat him now?]

[Kai/Kasa: NO!]

[Kai: Kysen, we already told you, Master Kaiba wou--]

[Kysen: Can I screw him then? +Smirk+]

[Kai…Maybe later…..]

[Kasa: Hey, count me in! +snicker+]

[Kai…Maybe later…..]

[Kasa/Kysen: Okay! ^^]

{Dark's POV}

Note to self, must find out what spell Kaiba used. So the Pharaoh isn't the only one who can't resist Yugi-sama's charm? Now Kaiba has joined the club. I can't back down no matter what!!

{Yami's POV}

Must not lose your temper! Must hate Seto Kaiba plus the Dark Magician! Enemies are Seto Kaiba and Dark Magician! I hate them, I'll crush them, and Yugi will be mine! All mine!!

{Kaiba's POV}

So those two want Yugi, huh? Not a chance! +sigh+ He looks so peaceful and adorable when he's asleep. Humph, isn't he a little too pale, I wonder what happened? I feel him stirring a little. He must be waking up! Wait, I can't let him see me like this, I look…funny! No way am I going to give him to Yami or the Dark Magician! Arhh…must not give up, must hide, must…too late, he's awake!

He took a look at me, blinked a few times, then he tilted his head cutely, still looking at me.

Say something Kaiba. Right, here you go, "Morning Yugi, sleep well?" Did I just say that?!

He smiled.

"Hai, did you dye your hair, Seto? You look great!"

I can't help but smile back at him. My name sounds so right coming from that sweet, soft little mouth of his. And did you hear, he said I looked great!

(Dark/Yami: +Fell over anime style+)

{Normal POV}

Yami quickly retained himself, he cleared his throat and called, "Aibou…"

The small boy turned to him then back to the CEO, "Seto, can you put me down?"

Unwillingly, Kaiba put him down.

Yami made his way toward his light. When there was only a foot between the two, he stopped, and raised a trembling hand, touched the little boy's pale cheek softly. "Yugi…I am sorry….." He whispered, apologizing for a reason unknown to him.

What happened next, startle everyone in the room.

Yugi raised his hand, and slapped the taller boy across the cheek.

{Kaiba's POV}

Am I seeing things? Yugi just hit his Yami? Does that mean he's out of the club?

{Dark's POV}

Yes, yes, he slapped him! He slapped him!

{Chaos' POV}


{Kuri's POV}


{Mystic's POV}

Oh, dear… (Luc: +smack her with a mop+ Mystic: X_X)

{Una's POV}

He just hit Pharaoh Yami! Shall I arrest him? …Nah, I think I'll keep watching.

{Celtic's POV}

Wow, you go Yugi-sama! +chills+ Wha…???

[Kai/Kasa/Kysen: Hehehehehe…..]

{Yami's POV}

I-I don't understand, why…then when I looked into his beautiful eyes. It's not anger or hatred that I see, but pain, sadness and maybe something more, "I am sorry, Aibou." Again, I apologized.

"Yeah, you better be! You promised you'd never leave me, Yami…And…you were gone! I thought I would never see you again…"

Those tears, those painful words, tore my heart like thousand daggers. Without hesitation, I embraced him with all my might, "I am sorry…I am sorry….." Once again, I repeated those words. Burring my face in his amazingly soft hair, I breathed in the wonderful scents that belonged to my love, "I missed you so much, little one…"

Returning the embrace, he whispered into my ear, "I miss you too Yami…"

Oh, Ra please let time stop. I would give up anything to stay in this moment. To have the one I love in my arms; I feel his heart beat against mine; to be enveloped by his sweet scents; to hear his angelic voice right in my ears…..I wish for nothing more.


Luc: -____- this chapter is …weird…

Well anyway, please R+R^^

The next chapter will get into the main topic of this fic, you know, duel monsters and stuffs….