Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss and Tell Hold 'Em ❯ Interlude 18: Bakura/Mandy II ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ML: Finally… it's OVER!
Bakura: So, you're gonna end the fic here?
ML: Yep, and it's your turn too. Anyway, I don't own anything except the original characters. There. ROLL IT!
Interlude: Bakura/Mandy II
Bakura and Mandy were shivering a bit, as they were now the topless ones. Heck, almost everybody, save for Yami and YF and Kaiba and Ishizu were in various states of undress. It was then that Riana shuffled and asked, “So Mandy, what was the most exciting place you ever had sex?”
“Well, it happened during a rain storm, on top of Baku's apartment.” Mandy began…
Bakura looked at the sky in his new digs. He had gained enough money to get an apartment, and took the chance. It was his second day in the building, and it was a pretty good night, so he decided to look at the city from the top. Just as he was about to leave, he was being buzzed. `I wonder who that could be?' he asked himself. He pushed the loudspeaker, and he heard Mandy's voice. “Hey!”
“Baku, you wanna let me in?” Mandy asked.
“Sure!” Bakura asked. He went downstairs, and unlocked the door, letting Mandy into the lobby. They then went into the apartment. “So, to what pleasure do I owe this visit to?”
“I just wanted to see the apartment for myself.” Mandy answered. She looked around, and said, “Wow. Pretty neat place.”
“Yeah.” Bakura said. “Look, I was planning to go up to the roof. I mean, the building does have a nice view of the city from up there.”
“Can I come with you?” Mandy asked.
“Sure.” Bakura said, and both teens went up. Bakura made sure to open the door for Mandy as they reached the top.
“Wow.” Mandy said. “You are lucky to have a great view like this.”
“Yeah.” Bakura said. The clouds were just beginning to form, and he knew he had better get going soon. But then, he had a better idea. He took Mandy into his arms, and kissed her passionately. Mandy was shocked at first, but responded in kind.
“Take me, Baku. Take me now.” Mandy said with a sultry tone in her voice. Bakura just nodded, and slowly took off her clothing, while Mandy took off his. As they were undressing, the rain began to fall as a slow drizzle. Bakura pinned Mandy to the floor, and kissed her neck, sucked her nipples and kissed her stomach. Then he slowly licked her pussy with deliberate, pleasurable strokes. Just when she was about to come, she flipped him over, and started to kiss down his body. After that, she started to lick up his hard member. Then sucking it over and over again. Just as he was about to come, she stopped, straddled him, and started to ride him. As she rode him, the rain picked up, turning from a drizzle to a downpour. However, both lovers didn't seem to care.
“Oh… Mandy…” Bakura moaned out as Mandy bounced on him.
“You love it… tell me you love it… tell me you love me…” Mandy moaned out.
“I… love you… I LOVE YOU!” Bakura moaned out as he came.
“I love you… TOO!” Mandy moaned out just as loud as she came as well. Then she collapsed on him.
“How about a shower?” Bakura asked.
“Sure.” Mandy answered, as both got dressed and went back down to the apartment.
“And that was it.” Mandy answered.
“What if you guys caught cold?” Christy asked.
“Well, we would've made each other better.” Mandy said.
“I don't think that was wise.” Riana said, as she dealt to Seto and Ishizu and Yami and YF. Yami called, and then the flop came out. It was the ace and eight of diamonds and six of spades.
“All in.” Kaiba said, pushing in all his chips.
“I'll call you.” Yami replied back, pushing in his chips as well. Then Riana dealt out the turn. It was another ace. Then she dealt out the river, and it was the seven of diamonds.
“Three of a kind.” Kaiba said, flipping over his cards. Ace-jack off suit.
“Sorry, but I don't think that'll defeat a straight.” Yami said, as he flipped his cards out. Nine-ten suited. He just raked in the pot, and said, “Oh well. Better to be good than lucky.”
“That was just luck.” Kaiba said. He took the loss in stride, and all the couples got dressed and left. Well, Yugi and Téa stayed, while Yami went to bed.
“So Téa, wanna help clean up?” Yugi asked.
“Sure.” Téa answered. After all that, they began to make out.
ML: Well, finally! The end of it all! R&R!