Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Know Your Stars: Yugioh Style ❯ ... ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


If I were to own Yugioh©, I'd be rich. *looks around room* Do I look like I'm rich??? Noooooooooooooooo…? EXACTLY! ^_^

HEY LOOKIE! I figured out how to make the little copyright symbol! ^_^ GO ME! GO ME! ^_______^

You people…you make me count these reviews T.T I decided to update sooner since I got about…thirty reviews in one day. Do you realize how much that is? That's more than

one and less than a million!…I think…*ponders*

Well, you see…I could've just counted from the last review

To see who was the hundreth reviewer…but I wanted to make sure! So…I counted ALL THE WAY BACK FROM THE FIRST REVIEW! ^____^ And you thought I wasn't smart ^_^ So…lots of people want sugar, huh? O.o;;; You're just as odd as me! ^_^ Kool! ^_^

Let's see…reviewer number one hundred is…DRUMROLL PLEASE! *drum roll…by Willie himself ^_^*

I'm stupid and tried to get it right. From my sources, reviewer #100 is…
























Boy, you must really wanna know, huh? Well, a smart person would just scroll down…not even read this part. You must not be normal, huh? Well, it's what I'd do too. It's proven that people under the influence of sugar tend to lose more brain cells when thinking…I think @.@;;;











*throws confetti and streamers*

Ok, you see, I tried to email you, I even looked up the pen name on ff.net, but when I emailed the person, they thought I was insane…not that I'm not. But, you put about four choices and I was just wondering which person you wanted me to do the most. Well, using my good judgment, I shall decide which one is most worthy of facing down RANDOM VOICE GUY! *spooky music comes on*


*goes on for ten hours*


*points at Duke (ya know, you woulda known that if you had just looked at the name of the chapter ^_^;*

Soooooo…I wonder if I'll do that for the 200th reviewer? We'll just have to see, won't we? Hehehe @.@;;;

RVG: This should be fun @.@

Duke: Ya know, I could be getting my hair done now! *clicks tongue*

O.O;;; *looks over papers* that's not in the script ~.~;;; NO IMPROVISING!!!

Read and Review please! Or…^_^ I just may have to send a certain silver haired youko to ahem, hunt you down. Some people are annoying me…they have me on their favorite authors list, or author alert list, without me ever recalling them reviewing. NOW IS THE TIME TO STEP FORWARD PEOPLE! \_/ Before Youko reaches your house and starts slaying random people, not after silly! *giggles*

And, I didn't forget about handing out the sugar and the free petting Willie ^_^ Since I got SOOOOOOOOOOooo many reviews though (and because I REALLY don't wanna sort them out) newcomers and old time reviewers get sugar AND get to pet Willie. Please stand behind the caution tape at all times. You don't wanna end up like Bob…T_T but he's in a better place now…*looks up…then looks down…* Or maybe not ^_^;; just…stay behind the shiny yellow tape please ^_^;;; And realize that these are responses ONLY to people who reviewed last chapter…or…umm…whoever reviewed between the time I posted the ninth chapter and tenth chapter. ^_^;; sorry, but I'm not about to spend more than half the chapter writing response…sugar makes me weary -.-;;

FG (<< interesting name…good email too, nice review. Ya know, I speak fluent gibberish too…)

Eternal Darkness 1 (<< our winner! ^_^)

iwantSK (<< that's my good friend from NJ, please read her fic!)

Sabe the Tiger (<< thanks for reviewing more than one chapter!)

Spirit of the Moon (<< thankies very much! I think I will keep the insanity going…FOREVER!!!)

Some Dude (<< yes, I will keep up the good work. Maybe I shoulda saved the pointy hair joke…ah well! ^_^)

Jeir (<< I hope that you didn't get injured in that 15 min. of laughing…don't send me the hospital bill ^_^;;;)

TheHotChick (<< here's your sugar ^_^ *hands everybody sugar* and I hath gotten insaner? I didn't think it possible! ^_^)

Bakura's Girl88 (<< hmmm…not a bad idea…sounds like a plan! @.@)

Mina-chan AMD (<< thanks for reading! I checked out your fic and I reviewed ^_^)

The Six Of Hearts (<< yup, I love the baseball part too ^_^ I can imagine them playing with the millennium items like that, LOL)

Cute lil' Yami (<< happy easter to you too! Glad I got you to laugh ^_^ take as much sugar as needed…O.O on second thought, don't ^_^;;)

Kotori Susayski(<< it's funny? ^_^ thanks for reading ^_^;;)

Female-Yami/Yugi (<< I believe you were sugar high. You know, it's not very healthy to have all these sugar highs *reprimands* But Hell, let's do it anyways! ^_^)

Anonymous (<< I'm writing, I'm writing T.T don't kill me ._.;;;)

Sutaru49 (<< LOL, I checked out your fics, keep writing!)

LilKay13 (<< …O.O; you tried to save the pharoah? NO SUGAR FOR YOU! @.@;;; J/K ^_^;;;)

FearofDying (<< lots of people want me to do Mokuba, he'll prolly be next, just to give you a heads up ^_~)

Sephi-Chan and Team Celsius (thankies for the review! Hmm…yami malik, not a bad idea @.@;;;)

SetoTheEvilNeko (<< SURE! ^_^ maybe we could talk sometime on AIM, my instant messenger name's in my profile. *twinkles in eyes* pretty review @.@)

Harding the fool (<< ?_? And…^_^;;;; you lost me, but thanks for reviewing! ^_^;;;)

I'm to lazy to login -.- (<< nice name ^_^;; LOL, thanks for finding me so funny ^_^;;;;;)

Nekomoongirl (<< yes, strange but true, yami does speak pig latin U_U here's your sugar ^_^;;)

Tremora (<< here's your Duke chapter ^_^ enjoy!)

Pyromaniac (<< yes…there are others out there…we are all sugary high…edy…yeah @.@ I had SUGAR AGAIN ^_____^)

Quicksilver Foxx (<< hmmm….let's try and fit you in here somewhere ^_^ if I remember that is, feel free to yell at me if I don't -.-;;)

Yami Kaiba (<< ^.^ thanks for putting me on your favorites, or so you say. Keep reading!)

Lightning Sage (<< O.O;; I think some people are going to get injured from laughing so hard…^_^;;;)

^_^ (<< nice…name I guess ^_^;;;; you likies? SO DO I! ^_^ wait…I wrote it….do I even count? ^.^;)

Well, that's everyone…I think ^_^;; sorry if I missed you. And now,

It's time to pet Willie! ^_^

NOTE: Aprilisnotresponsibleforanydamagecausedbyyoutouchingwillieheisverystupidsoo ooummmmwaitwhyareyoureadingthisyoucertainlyareoddthisisreallyhardtotypewith outspacesanywaysanyinjuriescausedbywilliearenotmyproblemandimnotpayingforan ythingsooodontsendmeanyhospitalbillsthankyouforyourtime

^_^ Onto the random, crazy, chapter thing!!!!!! ^_________^

^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~* ^~*^~*^

Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Duke Devlin…

…Is really a girl in disguise

Duke: *twirls hair around finger* I am like, SOOOOooo not a girl. Cross dressing's like, SOOOooo last week! *clicks tongue*

RVG: Uh-huh…so you just normally act like…a girl?

Duke: *ten seconds later* What?

RVG: *imitating Duke* You are SOOOoooooo blonde! (no offense to any blondes ^_^;;;)

Duke: Like, what's that supposed to mean?

RVG: -.-;; Never mind.

Duke Devlin…

…His-I mean her true meaning in life is to discover the cure for cancer

Duke: Umm…no.

RVG: Really…-_o then what is thou's true meaning in life? (I really need to get Romeo and Juliet out of my head ~.~;;;)

Duke: *holds up nails* Well, for one thing, I'm gonna invent a nail polish that doesn't chip! *glares at nails*

RVG: O.O;;; o…k ^_^;;;

Duke: And then I'm gonna create my own line of hair care products so everyone can have as beautiful hair as mine. ^_^

RVG: How…inspiring -.-;;;

Duke Devlin…

…Wears dice on his ears

GASP! For once he said something that's true! *clap clap*

…that he uses to cheat with when playing Monopoly©

-.-;; scratch that. And…I don't own Monopoly, 'cause then I'd own Boardwalk and Park Place and I'd be pretty damn rich! Which…I'm not ^_^;;;

Duke: I don't cheat! Cheating's dishonorable!

RVG: Yuh-huh…that's why you always do, right?

Duke: *hesitates* Umm…exactly! ^_^

RVG: O.o;;;

Duke: *stares back* O.o;;;

RVG: (*)_(*)

Duke: (*)_(*)

RVG: ._o;;;;

Duke: ._o;;;

RVG: AH-HAH!!! You forgot one sweat drop!!!! XP!

Duke: *looks at Kodak© (I do not own it, notice the little © symbol…nifty, ne? ^_^)* Damn -.-;;;

RVG: What is your obsession with dice?

Duke: *has gone back to normal…but what exactly is normal? O.o;; Hell if I know ^_^* I'm not obsessed with dice. *throws dice in hands* Why do you say that?

RVG: ~.~;; no reason…ehehehe @.@ (I think that Yami's sugar stash had a permanent affect on our…funny eerie friend man person thing ^_^;;;) *steals Duke's dice*


RVG: O.o;;; you named your dice?

Duke: *sniffle* T_T *nod nod*

RVG: O…k then…*throws dice off of the random appearing cliff ^_^*


RVG: Hmmm….>> *eyes sign that says: UNWANTED CLIFF; where you throw down things that have lost their use/convenience or, just for fun!* >> hehehe @.@ *throws Duke off the cliff*


RVG: I thought you wanted to see your precious dice again!!! I'm just reuniting the family!!!! ^_^

Duke: O.O *grabs onto RVG's leg*

RVG: O.O *rock crumbling noise* I don't think that's a good sign. *both fall off the cliff*

Duke: *yells down* Don't worry! I'll be there soon!!!!!!!!! *blows kiss to dice…O.o;;; boy he's odd, and I'm even odder since I'm the one with the head that thought of this ^_^;;;*


^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~*^~ *^~*^

Well, that was…erm, interesting. Is everyone's spring break as sucky as mine is? I mean, that's the only explanation for the large number of reviews! And…I'm actually updating. ^_^ You see that miracles happen when you review! MAKE MIRACLES HAPPEN!


























Ther e are no refreshments left, sorry. Willie ate them all ^_^;;;












That's all she wrote! I mean, me wrote ^_^;;;








Apparently not. -.-;; I know this is hard peoples, but you MUST REVIEW! Or…you'll be letting some little kid down…somewhere, some little kid's biggest dream is for you to review this chapter! Make wishes come true! *makes rainbow appear with shiny stuff around it*











Yes….@.@ down further, further,














Look! I actually LED you to the reviewing area ^_^ I hope you enjoyed your stay, now review on your way out. This chapter is © of Kuramaandhiei4ever. If you must steal her ideas, then you are odd because her ideas are odd, and since you actually read the fic and then actually decided to use her ideas, you are twice as odd as you already were. I'm not good in math, so you figure it out…-.-;;; ok, just REVIEW!!!!! How many time must I say it before it sinks through that thick skull?? Umm….and Duke fans, please don't kill me ._.;;; *hides*