Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Know Your Stars: Yugioh Style ❯ ... ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I own Yugioh?! REALLY!?! AWESOME DUDE! Yah…! *celebrates*

What do you mean April Fools?!?! @_@ THAT WAS ALMOST A MONTH AGO! GRRRRRRRRR….>O< *sends ebil minions after you* @_@ NO MORE SUGAR FOR YOU! @_____________________________________@

Tehe…I'm too lazy to list peoples who review…and I always wind up forgetting peoples T.T WAHHHHHHHHHH.

>.>;;;;;;;;; yeah…@_@ I GOTS THE SUGAR! FEEL FREE TO TAKE SOME…*looks at all the readers* O.O;;;;; NOOOOOOOO! >.>;; hehe…I changed my mind! @_@ *runs away with the sugar*

Tehe…..soooooo this chapter's victim shall be…TRISTAN! @_____@

*ahem* TRISTAN! ^__^


GAHHHH *kicks random things and gets in neighbors go-cart* AHHHHHH I'VE COMMITED A FELONY! ._.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *swerves around random objects and hits a cat…O.O;;;;;;;;;* >.>;;;; *looks back* WHOOPS! ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;; *keeps driving* WHEEEEEEEEE THIS IS LIKE BUMPER CARS….*crashes into a tree* @_@ or not….X_X

Well…that was the adventure of the day ^_________________________^ more coming soon! Just as a heads up, this fic will prolly go up to twenty or twenty-five chapters or so…and then I'll make some new, totally random Yugioh humor fic (check out my profile for details on that ^_^)

TEHE…onto more insanity! *pulls Tristan out of closet*


Tristan: …^__^;;;;; maybe…>.>

GRRRRRRR ~_~ no more escaping! @____________________________@ NEXT PERSON TO ESCAPE SHALL…uh….umm….have something BAD happen to them…yeah! ^_^

Tristan: O.o;;;;;;;;;;;; (ya know, there's this kid in my class…and his name is Tristan! O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

Oi…sooooooo this chapter shall reveal:

The mystery of the pointed hair peoples…@_@

The ransom of Pebbles (one of Mokuba's and Roxie's kids…I think they adopted…>.>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I mean, it looks NOTHING like Roxie!! @.@)


Things that were taken out of the other chapters! ^_________^

Please review!!! My friend was actually the 200th reviewer ^___^ *throws confetti* WAY TO GO iwantSK! ^___________^ GO READ HER FIC…NOW! @________@ I mean…AFTER you read this ^_^;;;;;

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ < p class="c36">Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Tristan Taylor…

…Is obsessed over Britney Spears

Tristan: O.O;;; WHO TOLD YOU?!?! >.>;

RVG: A little bird…tweet tweet! ^_______^

Tristan: I mean…what are you talking about?! I have no such obsession over some wannabe…(<.<;;; maybe he hangs around Duke…I guess anything's possible ^_^;;;;;)

RVG: Yeah…one look in your dressing room gave me the hint…^_^;

Tristan: O.O you're not supposed to go in there!!!

RVG: I found your little shrine to-

Tristan: *gags RVG* DON'T TELL…THEM!!!!


Now come join me in my pointing and laughing! ^_________^

*points and laughs*

Readers: o.O;;;;


Readers: *point and laugh* ^_^;;;;

Tristan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOW EVERYONE KNOWS! >.>;;; I have to flee the country…change my name…get a new identity…maybe a sex change…

RVG: O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Yup, it's official; he's been influenced by Duke. -_-;;

Duke: Yeah, like WHATEVER! *walks away to cheerleading practice*

RVG: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Tristan Taylor…

…Is a secret agent


RVG: ^_^ Can you show me your gun?! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *looks around for FBI stuff*

Tristan: I'm not a secret agent…>.>;;;;

RVG: AHA! I get it…your such a secret agent, that they knew you wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, so therefore, they never told you and you don't know. That way, since you don't actually KNOW you're a secret agent, you can't blab it to anyone and reveal your secret identity!

Tristan:…yeah…let's go with that -_-;;;;;;;

RVG: …sooo…can you introduce me to the president?

Tristan: ~.~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NOOOOOOOOOOO!

RVG: ;_; fine…be that way! *runs around crying*

Tristan: Why do I feel like I'm babysitting Johji? -_-;;; (that's his little cousin or nephew or something…right? ^_^;;;)

Tristan Taylor…

…Will now tell us the secret to getting your hair to defy gravity

Tristan:…I…will? ^_^;;;;;

RVG: yes! @_________________@ *ties Tristan up*

Tristan: O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

*gets readers to come in*

RVG: *shines flashlight on his face* WHERE WERE YOU ON SATURDAY THE SIXTEENTH OF APRIL?! HUH, HUH!?!?

Tristan:…The sixteenth was a Friday…

RVG: AHA! SO YOU ADMIT IT! *scribbles something down*

Tristan: O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;; What'd I do?!

RVG: That's what I'D like to know!!! NOW START TALKIN!!!


*three hours later*

Tristan: @#$%^&*_________#$%^&* Okay! OKAY! I'LL TELL YOU! JUST STOP IT WITH THE RANDOM OBJECTS BEING FLUNG AT ME! T________________________T

RVG: @______________@ *shines spotlight on Tristan*

Tristan: Well…well…*twiddles thumbs* It all started back in 1345 BC…that was a time when there was no hair gel and…

*drones on for five hours*

Tristan: And THAT'S how come our hair's like this ^_^'

RVG: -_-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Wha, wha, wha?? Did you say something? *looks around*

Tristan: ^_^;;;;;;; I was just explaining how come our hair's all pointedy…so that you'll not throw anymore random pointy thingies at me ._.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Readers: *wrote it down* (head to the end of the chapter for the answer to the pointediness!)

RVG:…sooooo…can we take pictures of your shrine and sell them on ebay? (I don't own ebay…'cause then I wouldn't keep getting emails from them saying that I haven't paid yet! ^_^;;;;)

Tristan:…NO!!!! >O<

RVG: Fine…*picks Tristan up and sticks his head into the wall*

Tristan: My head…is stuck…maybe I shoulda listened to Yami -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

RVG: Now you know, Tristan Taylor…man I love this job! ^____________^ *sees April* …sometimes ^__^;;;;;;


Mokuba: ;____________________; ROXIE!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T__________________T

KH4ever: Gah…he's been like this for a week ~.~;;;; Doesn't she have a cell or something?

Kaiba: *throws cell phone that shows Roxie: 426-7625 (try and figure out what that spells ^_~)* -_-;;;;; Don't ask *walks away* I'm gonna go count my money.

KH4ever: *hands Mokuba cell phone* Why don't you call her? ^_^;;;;;;;

Mokuba: *sniff sniff* Okay…

SOOOOO he calls Roxie, and the make up…though I still don't see how he can kiss a rock…well, I guess he could but…-_-;;;;; well…I don't feel like writing their lovey-dovey conversation…it's so…odd -__-;;; SOOOOOO Let's get right to the wedding; ALL READERS INVITED, REVIEWERS GET FRONT ROW SEATS!

*A place that's…outside…you know, some open field…they're about to get married…I don't see how she's gonna wear a ring, but…w/e -_-;;;;;;;;; They're outside havin' a wedding, okay? Okay! -.-;*

Mokuba: *walks up the aisle with Kaiba as his best man, who's on his cell phone*

Kaiba: I said BUY NOT SELL! … Well, **** you too! *hangs up*

*Willie is playing wedding music…and conspiring…evilly…I mean, what other way is there to conspire an ebil plot?? Huh, huh?! @.@*

Mokuba: *has made his way all the way up the aisle and everyone's just there talkin' and some of the peoples are playing their GBASP's …I shoulda brought my cd player -_-;;;;;;;;*

Roxie: *is being carried up the aisle on a pillow and is dressed up in a wedding gown…Serenity and Tea (<.<;;; who's still alive…somehow ~.~) are holding the back of the dress while smiling their creepy smiles. Isis is behind them, and just threw her flowers at Marik ^_^;*

Isn't this wedding wonderful? T.T a real tearjerker -_-;;;;;;;;;

KH4ever:…Where's RVG?!?! >O<

Yugi: He said something about his flight to Singapore…or something…

KH4ever: ~_______~;;;;;;;; *makes RVG appear out of nowhere*

RVG: ._.;;;;;;;; BUT I DON'T WANNA MARRY THOSE TWO! T______T IT'S AGAINST MY BELIEFS! I don't believe in this marriage!


Well…not really, 'cause no one cares -_-;;;;;;;

KH4ever: Ever heard of Nike©??? JUST DO IT!!!! >O<

RVG: ._.;;;;; yes ma'm *walks up to aisle gloomily*

Mokuba: *jumps up and down for joy* HIIIIIIIII PEBBLES! HI STONEY!!!!!! *waves to them in the front row*

Pebbles and Stoney:…

Of course they're not gonna say anything! Are you as naïve as Mokuba?! ^_^:;;;;;; ROCKS DO NOOOOOT TALK! ~________________~;

OR MOVE! @.@

RVG: Do you, Mokuba….blahdyblahdyblahdyblah? (I DON'T KNOW THE HOLY MATRIMONY THINGY! I'M NOT MARRIED!!!!! ~_~;;;;;;)

Mokuba: I do *wipes away tear*

RVG: And do you…ROXIE blahdyblahdyblahdyblah…?


Mokuba: *makes Roxie nod and throws his voice:* I do…

RVG: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Aye, does anyone have any objections to this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace…I know I have a lot to say…

Willie: MWEHEHEHEHEH @________________@ *bites carrot* I HAVE COME FOR THE KID! @___________________________________@ *steals Pebbles*

Roxie: *somehow glares at Mokuba, takes Stoney with her and runs after Willie….IT'S ALIVE!!!!! IT'S ALIVEEEEEEE! NEXT THING YOU KNOW, JELL-O WILL FALL FROM THE SKY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*

Mokuba: T.T NOT AGAIN! I CAN'T TAKE THE REJECTION! T__________________________________T *runs off to the land of bunnies where he meets my odd hikari, Emi and they all chase after bunnies…don't ask -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*

HAHA! I LEFT YOU ON A CLIFFHANGER! I should make it a soap opera! ^___________________^ WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


From Chapter One; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Yugi Motou…

…Once stole a deck of duel monsters cards from a little kid

Yugi: No I didn't! I'D NEVER- *pack of cards falls out of pockets*


Yugi: NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL….>.>;;;;;;;;; *runs*

RVG: AHA! I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! @____________@ *chases*

KH4ever: CUT! >O< YUGI!!!!!!! *chases*

From Chapter Two; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

KH4ever: Now who shall be our next victim? Hmmm….

*Yugioh cast backs away*

Darkanimechick: OooO! I know! Pick me!!!

GX805: Where'd she come from?

KH4ever: Does it really matter?


Kaiba: What?! NO WAY! Secur--hey, what's this? *picks up a note*

GX805: I KNOW! I KNOW! It's a note! ^^

KH4ever: -_-; I'm surrounded by idiots.

Kaiba: What?…what do I care if Mokuba's been kidnapped! I HAVE A MEETING TO GET TO!!


Kaiba: NEVER!!!!!! *hitchhikes…to somewhere*

GX805: Should we get the body double?

From Chapter Three; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Bakura Ryou…

…Is in love with POKEMON!


RVG: *pokes* You're s'posta say "NO I'M NOT!"

Bakura:…@________________________@ *sees flowers outside and they start blowing away so he chases them*

KH4ever: I think we're gonna hafta do this again -___-;;;;;;;;;;;;;

From Chapter Four; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Malik Ishtar…

…*feeling evil* Is immortal *evil laughter*

Malik: OoooO! I am?! *still wearing white wig*

RVG: YUP! ^_^

Malik:…Are you sure? *_^

RVG: Positive! And if you don't believe me, just go jump off that cliff there! ^_^ *points to…a cliff -_-; where do these things come from?!*

Malik: WHEEEEEEEE *flies away to bunnyland*

RVG: O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I'm not even gonna ask, nope nope nope…*walks away* It's time for my lunch break -_-;;;;;;;;;;

From Chapter Five; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Isis Ishtar…


Isis: *Millennium Necklace glows* No…I don't sing in the shower while doing the Macarena…

RVG: I have my ways ^_~

Isis:…you realize you just skipped a bunch of lines, right? ^_^;;;;;;;;

RVG: *takes out script* Dammit ~.~;;;

From Chapter Six; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Tea Gardener…

…Doesn't know what 2+2 is

Tea: Of course I do! The answer's four! $%^&*_______#$%^&*

RVG: O_____________O;;; WHERE'S THE CALCULATOR?!?!! I KNOW YOU HAVE ONE!!!!! *looks around for a calculator*

Tea: *picks nose*

KH4ever: ~______________________~ GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR let's just do a retake! And this time; NO CALCULATORS! >O<

From Chapter Seven; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Know Your Stars…

…Know Your Stars

Ryou Bakura…

…Shall now and forever be known as the 'Pillsbury Scream Girl'

(I don't own the Pillsbury Dough Boy…may God help you if you think I did…but I do own the Pillsbury Scream Girl, my friends and I created it one summer ^_^ My friend Kylie shall forever be known as the Pillsbury Scream Girl)

Ryou: *blink blink* O_O; May I ask why?

RVG: 'Cause you scream like a little girl ^_^

Ryou: I most certainly do not SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!

RVG: *gets RPWCOON (random person who comes out of nowhere)*

RPWCOON: *pokes Ryou in the stomach, like the peoples in the commercial poke to Pillsbury Dough Boy*

Ryou: *bites RPWCOON's hand*

RPWCOON: O.O THAT'S IT! I QUIT!! ;_; *runs away crying*

RVG: You better hope you didn't give him rabies…

Ryou: *foams at mouth*

RVG: o.o;;;; *steps away*

From Chapter Eight; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Joey Wheeler…

…Has perfected the art of SUMO

Joey: *still sleeping*

RVG: *shakes Joey's arm to try and get him to wake up*

Joey: *who's now on the floor, rolls over* Pizza….*snore* Fries….UH OH, SPAGHETTI-O's! (don't own it…I don't even like spaghetti-o's ^_^;;; they're more like, ghetto o's ^_^)

RVG: >.<; *gets megaphone* WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joey: -_-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

RVG: U_U; who gave him the Nyquil©?

GX805: *whistles innocently*

KH4ever: -_-;;; at this rate we're gonna be here all day T.T;;;;;;;;

From Chapter Nine; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Yami Motou…

…is the ruler of the almighty ULTIMATE SUGAR STASH!!!!!! @.@

Yami: Nuh-uh!…^_^;;;

RVG:…yeah you are! @_@

Yami: Uh…I think I should run now! *runs but winds up falling into a hole*


Yami: T_T not again! *head gets stuck*

KH4ever: Grrrr…who put that hole there?!?! >O<

Joey: Tehe…*looks around nervously* I didn't dig up that hole! NOOOOO…of course not! ^_______________^;

KH4ever: JOEY!!!! >O<!!!!!! *chases after with water gun*

From Chapter Ten; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Duke Devlin…

…Is really a girl in disguise

Duke: O.O how'd you know?! T_T *pulls off outfit and a random girl person runs away*

RVG: O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; If that wasn't Duke…then where is he, I wonder…

*finds Duke in a closet tied up ten minutes later*

Duke: @_______@ THAT GIRL GAVE ME SUGAR! ^_____________________^

RVG: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;; why must I work with these idiots…?

From Chapter Eleven; Bloopers/Outtakes-----

Know your stars…

…Know your stars

Mokuba Kaiba…

…Is engaged to Roxie

Mokuba: O.O Nobody's supposed to know about Roxie!!! (There's this boy

in our school who really is married to a rock! NO JOKE! And…well, I think they broke up…U_U;;; and I think she took the kids…^_^;;;)

RVG: Don't worry…I won't tell anyone…*sends invitations for the wedding*

Mokuba: ^.^; good…would you like to meet her?


Mokuba: HERE SHE IS!!! Isn't she a beaut? ^_______^

RVG: O__________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OMFG!!!! That's a rock for Pete's sake!!!

Mokuba: I don't know any Pete….but anyways….GASP!!!! How dare you hurt Roxie's feelings!!!!! *cuddles with Roxie* It's okay…he didn't mean it, everything'll be alright…

RVG: O_O Out of all the things in this job, this has GOT to be the weirdest U_U;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Mokuba: *makes out with Roxie*

RVG: O.O THAT'S MORE THAN I NEED TO SEE! *turns head* You're only supposed to kiss her! ^_^;;;;;;;;;

*Kaiba comes in*

Kaiba: O_______________________O;;;;;;;;;; MOKUBA!!! GET AWAY FROM THAT…THING!!!! It's unsanitary!

Mokuba: GASP!!!! We're gonna have to make a run for it Roxie…*starts running away*


RVG:…*blink blink*


Well…I think that's MORE than enough for one chapter. PLEASE REVIEW!!! I just spent two hours typing that, so review and be sure to request the next person, even though I'm pretty sure of who it's gonna be ^_~

OI! AND I ALMOST FORGOT…Here's the secret revealed of…HOW YOU GET YOUR HAIR ALL POINTY LIKE! ^__________________________________^

Ingredients: mayonnaise…ketchup…some dishwasher soap…lots of cold water…super glue…and…ummm…toothpaste! SOOOOOOOOO…you should try it sometime, ya know? CAUTION: has a reverse effect on some people and may cause baldness…


















…And then the three bears saw Goldilocks in their beds…they were all like, "GET THE **** OUT OF MY BED, BLONDIE!!!!" And then there was this huge fight and the neighbors called the cops. Now they're in jail. The moral of this story is…bears are ebil…so stay away from them….@_@














…And then they all lived happily ever after, The End! Or…that woulda been the case if Jack and Jill hadn't fell down the hill…here's another take on it: Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke some marijuana, Jack got high and dropped his fly and said Jill do you wanna? Jill said yes and dropped the dress and then they had some fun, Super Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son! (this person in my math class got this stuck in my head ~____~)
















This is the last stop for all readers. Please exit the vehicle and review on your way out. Be sure to come back next chapter for another ride to insanity! ('less you're already insane…which I'm sure you are *nod nod*)