Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ Cleanin' Out My Closet ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil


Read this at your own risk.

Many A/N's attached.

A/N: I don't know what's possessing me to write this, but... Ah, well. This is NOT something that will be uploaded quickly. I had promised myself I wouldn't try to write this until I reached collage. Heh, that idea worked well. For about a day.

Why the wait between chapters? Because it deals with some heavy and controversial issues. And I don't have the privacy of my own computer.

The rating on this is high, and can only go higher. Why? Many reasons: Blood, rape, murder, abuse, torture, I could go on. O.o! This chapter, though, is a bit on the light side, compared to the rest of this. So if this disturbs you... Don't read the rest. Please.

And as I rant, I wonder: What the heck happened to Gatochu: The Harassed Author(ess)?!
I think it's because she turned thirteen...

So, now, Gatochu: The Harassed Teen Author(ess) provides a controversial lil' fic that if my parents ever got a hold of, would destroy instantly, and throw the computer into the trash bin.

A/N 2: Rex haters and Rex lovers: This is for you.

For those of you who have brought Rex into their fanfictions in a good way (non-bashing), I thank you deeply. In my opinion, Rex is one of the most mysterious and interesting characters. Why? Because he only appears in five (KidsWB) episodes, and in only two of them do we get a good (vague, but good) idea of his character.

His past was never told (like many other characters, unfortunately), he didn't really do much, and yet he's pretty high up there on the bishie list (Again, my opinion).

So to all those who recognize him for the cutie and angst-worthy character he is...

I give you an Almighty Sacred Cheesecake!

I think people who really like Yami (Yugi) should stay away from this (Which makes me ask: Why am I writing this?). You'll find out why soon enough.

Mary-Sues are evil. I do not write them. Kayla is not a Mary-Sue. I originally wanted to call her Kasumi. It means 'blur' (But then I realized something - she's American). Because her past is a blur, as I'm not delving very deep into it. I don't want to. She's not all that important, even in the later chapters. ^_^;

By no means is this a self-insertion. Kayla shares my room and appearance, but many other people's spirit, heart, mind. I'd name them all... But this is too long as it is.

A/N 3: I have absolutely nothing against Rex, Yami (Yugi), Yugi, or Weevil, so you can't say I hate them. And I am expecting flames from this. A lot of them. But if you do like this... *shrug* Then I guess I'm lucky.

A/N 4: (O.o!) A lot of the normal characters won't be in this. If we ever see Téa, Seto, Mokuba, Bakura, YamiBakura, or Tristan, it'll be a miracle. Joey might come in, depending on how much a fellow fangirl friend of mine wants him to. ^_^; You know who you are.

A/N 5 (Last One): As I've said before, this is a very controversial fic. Kids under 13 should DEFINITELY not read this. Heck, kids under 17 shouldn't read this... Which makes me ask again: Why am I writing this?

Blame it on my internal muse of angst and darkness.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, or SoBe's. I also do not own any of the songs that may pop up in this.

I do own (in part) Kayla, and (in full) Rex's family (mom, dad, and sibling).

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

One: Cleanin' Out My Closet


A N: American currency used in this, I don't know the Japanese currency, sorry.

The cassette tape stopped with a click, and the music faded thirty seconds later.

"That was Eminem, 'Cleanin' Out My Closet', here on Open House Party! WHOO!" The DJ announced.

"Glad I finally taped that... Just wish I got the end piece." A girl muttered, as she searched for a puzzle piece that would fit in the little space. Three little prongs... One hole... Blue background. Couldn't be too hard, could it?

Ah, but that's the trouble with 750 piece puzzles... There's always at least ten pieces missing the day you want them. But, lo and behold! A piece of the stork's wing!

The girl stopped, adjusted her glasses, and moved her arm. Her floor, though carpeted in burgundy, was not comfortable for long. Digging through the box, she found a few pieces that looked promising... And tossed them back in the box seconds later.

"It's hopeless." She laughed, as she got up, and walked down the carpeted stairs to get a drink.

"How is it up there?" Her mother asked, referring to the temperature.

"Same as always." She muttered, searching the refrigerator for her Citrus flavored SoBe.

In other words, it was sweltering hot. The girl brushed an irritating strand of dirty blonde hair out of her eyes, and took a sip of the vitamin-filled yellow drink. With almost instant energy from the vitamins inside (or maybe just the sugar), she bounded up the stairs, and lay back down by the puzzle on the floor. Considering whether or not to dump all the pieces on the floor and organize them into little sections, she heard a faint noise.

Figuring it to be her cat, she ignored it, and decided not to organize the little piles. She put the puzzle in a more safe spot than the middle of the floor, and put the box on top of it. Turning around, she came across a surprise. For, instead of her cat, were two (relatively short) bodies naked from the waist down. Both male.

She gave a shriek, which was greeted with two more shrieks from the boys.

"Kayla! Is everything okay up there?"
"Uh, yeah, Ma... Ju-Just the TV..."

"Who the hell is she? And where are we?!" The teal-haired boy asked.

"Like I care..."

"Just who are you? And what are you doing? Er... Scratch that, I think I have an idea as to what you're doing, but... How did you get here?" She asked nervously. Her somewhat random mind was now very randomized.

"And how should we know? Now leave us alone..." The boy ordered.

"It's... A legitimate question..." The other boy told him.

"I'm not paying for talk."

'Paying?' She thought.
The brunette sighed. "Right... Can you get us a blanket... Or something?"


The brunette sighed again. Scanning around the room, he found what he was looking for. "There," he pointed. "A blanket. Please get it for us. I would but um..." He trailed off, glancing at the other boy lying on top of him.


The teal-haired boy groaned. "Forget it. Just forget the whole thing."
"I said forget it."

The brunette glared at the girl. "Thanks." He growled angrily.


"Idiot." The teal-haired boy muttered as he shifted away from the brunette and grabbed the blanket.

"Huh... She actually said something."

The girl gave a growl as her fluffy pink comforter was dragged onto the floor to cover up the two. "Just what are you doing here? In my room?!" She asked, voice rising frantically.

"I don't know and I don't care."

"Well, what about you?" She asked the brunette. No response. "Well?"
"Don't mind him. He's just upset because he's not getting paid."
"And now I'll be living out of the trash bins for at least a week. ...Again."

"...Right... Listen, you guys can't stay here..." She said, nervously.
"And where are we going to go? No pants, remember?" The teal-haired boy asked.

"I don't know..." The girl sighed. "What are your names?"
"Weevil Underwood, and I'm a top Duelist. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."
"Rex Raptor. Happy?"

"Erm... Yeah... I'm Kayla."


"Um.. You really can't stay here... My parents..."
"Pants." Weevil simply stated.

"Right..." She muttered, heading to her dresser. She pulled out a pair of pajama pants (pink with tiny Mickey Mouse heads), and a pair of cut-off jean shorts, and tossed them to the two.

Rex immediately grabbed the shorts and pulled them on, much to Weevil's dislike. "Thanks..." He muttered under his breath.

"Your we-"

The girl flinched. "Coming! Uh... You stay there..."

"Whatever..." Rex muttered as she ran down the stairs.

"Yes, Ma?" She asked as she got down.

"Who is he," her mother started yelling, pointing to Weevil. "Why is he in your pajamas, and just WHAT does he mean there's another person up there? Some prostitute?!" Her mother yelled frantically.

'How did he get down here so fast?!'
"Uh... That's Weevil Underwood... He's in my pajama pants because he didn't have a pair, and um... Yeah, Rex Raptor... He's upstairs too..." Kayla explained cautiously.

"How did they get up there?!"
"I don't know... I was doing my puzzle, you know the one you gave me a few years ago... And anyway, they just... Appeared."
"You expect me to believe that?"
"It's true, Miss. We don't know how we got there... We just were."
Kayla's mother stared at the teal-haired boy. "And where is this... Rex?"
"Go get him."
"Okay..." She said, running up the stairs. "Hey, uh, Rex?"
"What?" He asked grumpily.

"Uh... My mom wants to see you."

"How'd she find out?" He questioned, getting up. Kayla noticed that he had to keep a hand to the jean shorts to keep them from slipping down his slender waist.

"Weevil told her... He went downstairs, I guess."
"Figures." He muttered as he walked through the (very) short halway to the kitchen. "Yes, ma'am?"
"Are you... Rex?"
"I am."
"...Listen... According to Kayla and Weevil... You didn't come here of your own will... Is that right?"

"Pretty much, yeah."
"Yes or no answer." Kayla's mother ordered.

"Yes, that's right."
"Well, then... You can stay here until you get back home. But I don't want any..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, I know. Prostitution stuff, right?"
"Yes... You're both... Going to need some pants, then?"

"It would be nice." Weevil spoke up.

"I'll need you two to measure you leg and waists for me by tomorrow. You can sleep in the living room..."
"Thank you." They said, bowing.

"Your welcome."

"Um... Why don't I show you guys around? ...If that's okay?" Kayla asked, looking to her mother.
"Go right ahead." She sighed.
"Okay. This is the kitchen, there's the dining room... Down this hall," she spoke as she walked down a small hallway carpeted in green. "Will take you to the bathroom, living room, and computer room."
Rex peered into the living room. "Holy sh-"
"Erm... Sorry, ma'am."

The room was large, probably the biggest room in the house. Inside was a very large and very old fashioned table, which was in reality a very old record player/radio. On the other side of the room was a huge big-screen TV standing in front of a large window that was covered in lacy drapes. And, strew around the room were various pictures of family mebers and speakers that were obviously part of a Home-Theator System.

"One of you will get the couch, the other one of the chairs." Kayla told them, pointing to a medium-sized couch, and two armchairs.

"...That's just about the entire tour... The only other rooms are the cellar and mine, and you've seen my room."
"Right..." Rex muttered, looking at the electronics in awe. "Amazing..."

"Erm... Do you guys wanna go up to my room and watch TV or something..? It's not a big screen, but my mom likes to watch her late-night cooking shows..."
Rex nodded. "Okay."

"I'll stay here..."
"Right... Come on." Kayla said as she rushed through the hallway and up the stairs.
Rex took a good look around the room. Burgundy carpet and wooden walls. The ceiling came up nearly to a point, maybe this used to be an attic? There was a wooden desk on one end by the only window in the room. There were three bookcases, all of them filled to the maximum with books and magazines of every shape, size, and variety.

"You uh... Like to read?"
"Yup!" She said proudly.

"Ah... Right." He muttered as he turned towards the other end of the room. A bed lay at the left side, and near the foot of the bed was the dresser and some plastic storage bins containing a large amount of notebooks and craft kits. And, to the right side was a floral-patterned couch, sitting in front of a television set. To the right of it was another dresser, and, near the side of the couch, a small side-table holding up a radio.

"So... What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know... Haven't seen anything in a couple years. I wouldn't know what's on." He muttered.

"Oh... Your parents cut the cable?"
"My parents disowned me."
"Oh... Well... I-"
"If you're going to say you're sorry, then forget it. I don't need anyone's pity."
"...Fine." She answered, and turned on the TV.

Rex turned over in his sleep on the floor of Kayla's room, not knowing he was being watched.

'What did he mean, disowned? That's for real? I thought it was just something parents say as a warning...' She thought, watching him with slight interest. 'He did get a bit touchy on the subject, though... Wish I could help him...'

"Stop staring at me." Rex muttered.

"Eh?" Kayla asked, sitting up suddenly on the couch.
"I said stop staring."
"I thought you were asleep!"

"Which gives you the right to stare? Idiot."
"Watch it... You weren't asleep, were you?"

Rex rolled his eyes. "Not in the least."
"Sure convinced me."

"I've had two years practice."

"Forget it."
"Forget it."
"I said forget it, bitch."
She glared at him. "No."
"Why are you so interested in my personal life?"
"I dunno... Why are you in such a hurry to cover it up?"
"Because it needs to be covered."
"But... Why?"
Rex stared at her, studying her face. It had taken him nearly half a year, but he had gotten good at reading people's faces. He had to be able to. He didn't want to get caught up in another mess like that time-

'No. I'm not bringing that up...'

"It's a long story..." He muttered.

"I like long stories."
"You wouldn't like this one."
"Try me."
Rex cringed. 'Of course she likes long stories... She's a damn bookworm! Shit, now what? Tell her? I can't... It's... Embarrassing... Stupid... I was stupid... Fuck... What do I do?'

"Well?" She asked, slight impatience in her voice.

"I..." He gave a soft growl, and sighed. "Two years ago, when I was twelve... I got into some things I really shouldn't have. A friend of my said he had a job for me. I needed some cash, so...


"Sure! So, up at your house? What is it, like, house cleaning or something?"
"Uh... Yeah, or something." The blonde grinned.


"So, uh... Why'd you need me to come over here this late?"
"Is it that late, really? Huh..." He shrugged. "Well, come on in, Rex."
Rex walked up the porch steps, and stood at the doorstep confused. "What's up with the decorations? They're... Weird."
And indeed they were, for the occasion. The lights were turned down low, and the lamp shades were covered in red slip-covers. Blood red candles strewn around the room were filling the air with an almost intoxicating smell.

The blonde put a hand on Rex's shoulder. "Why don't we come over this way..." He said, motioning them to sit on the couch.

"Uh... Right..." Rex muttered nervously.

For a while they just sat there on the couch, listening to the country silence. Rex was only barely aware that his friends hand was creeping closer and closer to his pants. He gave a sharp yelp as he was brought back to the real world, now fully aware where the blonde's hand was.

"What are you-?"

"Ssh..." The other muttered, easing his shirt off.

Rex gulped. "Listen, I better get back home, I-"

"Ssh... You want your pay, don't you?"
"Just relax. You'll get paid."

"I- What?"
A soft kiss made his lose his words.


"After that... It all went so fast... Before I knew it, I was waking up naked beside him. I got paid ...at least..."
"You... Had sex for pay? At twelve?"
"Yeah... I was stupid, I know."
"So... What happened next?"
Rex took in a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. "Well... It didn't get any better... Just worse. A lot worse."

"How worse is that?"
"Heh... Just listen..."

He walked home slowly that night. And a bit painfully. But his hand was clenched on the twenty dollar bill in his pocket. As he stumbled up the stairs of his porch, the light flew on. It took his eyes a moment or so to adjust.

"Have a good time?" His father sneered.

"Get in here." He growled, pulling Rex in harshly, causing him to fall and hit the ground. "Just what was going through your mind, tonight? Idiot! You've disgraced this family!"
"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, you little whore."
"Don't you dare call me that. You don't deserve to be in this family!"
"Wha'd I do?" Rex asked, not quite grasping the situation.

"Dad! Stop calling me that!"
"But you are! How much did he pay you for that little stunt?"
Rex stared at his father.

"Wondering how I knew? He just called. Said he asked you over for a night of passion and romance. You stupid bastard." He growled, and proceeded to kick him in the stomach.
"Ah!" He yelled. "But... No. No, I-"
"Get out."
"Get out of here and don't come back."
"GO! You are not my son, you whore." He seethed as Rex ran out the door.

"And don't come back. Or I swear that the day you do, that day will be your last."
Rex took a look at his home one last time and ran. Faster than ever before. Because he knew his father. He knew that he would never, ever go back on his word. Even if it meant killing his own son.


"Your father... Really did that?" Kayla asked, in shock.

"Yeah. I had the bruise for a week." He muttered, running a hand over his stomach. "But, guess what?"
"Erm... What?"
"That's not even the worst bit." He laughed. But it wasn't a laugh of mirth. Instead one of resentment.

"It wasn't?" Kayla asked.

"Hell, no... I had just started to wander the streets...."


"That'll be 19.75, please."

"Ah. Right. Here." Rex muttered as he handed the saleswoman his twenty. After a cold night spent on a park bench, Rex had decided it was best to find some warmer clothes, and some food, so he looked for a store that looked like it had decent prices. Luckily, he had found one. He collected his quarter, and his bags, and headed out the door.

"Hey." He heard from the corner.

"Don't I know you? Ah, yeah, you're Yugi. Hi."

Yugi -or what seemed to be him- shook his head. "Nope. I'm his other. Yami."

Yami nodded. "It's hard to explain, but... It's like... Yugi and I... We share the same body. I'm a... Spirit, if you may."

"Oh. Well, uh... What's up?" Rex asked, confused.

"I... Heard you were in some trouble. Thought I'd help out."
"You heard? How?"

"It's the talk of the school. Everybody knows what happened last night."
Yami nodded. "Exactly. So..."
"How can you help me?"
"Well... I can pay you for-"
"No." Rex growled, narrowing his eyes. "That's what got me into this mess."
"You can't dig yourself into the hole any deeper, Rex." He said, pulling out crisp fifty dollar bills. "Well?"
Rex stared at the money. "You-You'd..."
"Yup. On one condition, though. I only do it S.M."
"Essem? Uh... Yeah, yeah, okay. Right." He muttered, glancing at the bills.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, looking into Rex' eyes.

"Well, then. Meet me up at the old apartment building on the other side of town at nine. It's in the other side of town, biggest building there."
He nodded. "Yeah, yeah, okay."


"Essem?" Kayla asked.

"No, S. M. It's the letters."

"Oh. What's it mean?"
Rex grimaced. "Slave/Master." He muttered.

"Why do I get a bad feeling about that..?"


Rex cried out in pain as the heavy leather whip struck him.

"You're fat, do you know that?" Yami whispered into his ear. "Fat and ugly."
Rex nodded as the tears came rolling down his cheeks.

"And you're no fun, either... I've had much better than you... Stupid bastard."
Rex cringed.

"Little toy... You're crying... I'll make you better." He whispered, sadism lining his voice. "Now... Don't you worry, my toy..." He grinned. "Don't you worry. It'll only hurt if you disobey me. You don't want to disobey me, do you?"

Rex shook his head no violently. According to Yami, he had disobeyed him many, many times already. And the punishments grew steadily worse each time. Rex didn't know how much more his body could take from it. Surely Yami wouldn't kill him? Would he?

"I asked you a question, toy... You didn't answer... That's very, very bad..." He whispered in his ear, then proceeded to give it a lick.

Rex grimaced, and waited for what he knew would come... Again.


Rex continued his story, the details more terrible as it went along.

"And, after a long time, he tossed me out the door, threw my clothes at me, and told me to get the hell away."

Kayla shivered. "That's... Awful."

"Told ya you wouldn't like it."
"...Are you okay? What did you do after that?"
"I basically found a deserted alleyway, claimed it as my own, and did whatever jobs I could for some cash."
"Yup. There isn't anything else out there for me. Too young for a real job, no family I can turn to. I do what I can how I can to get money."

"What about your mother?"
"My father never made any huge decisions without my mother's approval. I suppose she agreed with him."
"Night." He muttered, and turned over.

"Night..." She whispered back, and lowered the volume of the radio. She glanced at Rex one last time and shut her eyes. The last thing she heard was the DJ announcing the next song: 'Ordinary Day', by Vanessa Carlton.

And there you have it. Probably the second lightest chapter in the entire fic.
The next (and lightest) chapter is probably going to be the shortest as well.

After that, I think I'll bump up the rating. O.o! Heh. If you've read this far and liked it... Gee, thanks... ^_^;

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Two: Ordinary Day (PREVIEW)

A demon returns... A past history is revived... Is this the start of something evil..?