Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ Ordinary Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turnmoi

Two: Ordinary Day


Read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, SoBe's, 'Beat the Geeks', Comedy Central, Monday Night Mega Mix, or any song titles/lyrics that may pop up in this.

A/N: I gave out all of the warnings last chapter, no need to go over them again. But, because of a signed treaty by some... Erm, rather uptight cast members... There is no death in this. ^_^; Which is probably the biggest spoiler I can give you. Keep that in mind. NO DEATH.

Yami: *pacing and muttering in Ancient Egyptian* *hieroglyph subtitles blurred for content* *looks up* I think the SoBe's finally got to her... She's gone insane... Anyway... In return for the no death rule of this book, I get to say the most famous line of all authors: Read and Review! *continues to pace*

The midmorning sun shone throughout the room, and was already starting to heat the house. Rex changed the channel on the television, and glanced at the still-sleeping figure on the couch.

'How can she sleep so late? It's inhuman... Or, maybe my getting up earlier was the inhuman behaviour..?' He shook his head. 'Funny... What two years in an alley can do to a person. Heh... Oh, shit. It's back on...' He thought, snapping his head back to the television set.

"Ne..?" Kayla muttered, taking a glance at the clock hanging on the far wall. "...What an ungodly hour..." She said to herself.

"It's 10:30." Rex informed her.

"I know. Ungodly." She replied, sitting up. "Sleep well?"
"Shush." He scolded, and proceeded to turn up the volume to hear the show.

"Beat the Geeks, ne?"

"Shut it!"

"...Right..." She responded before moving to the other side of the couch, closer to the radio.

"Damn it, another commercial. See, now I missed it." Rex blamed.
"Swearing is bad for y-o-ur health." Kayla spoke through a yawn.

"Whatever. Your mother made breakfast about an hour ago."

"Ne, I'll have cereal."
"What's 'ne' supposed to mean?"
"Anything from 'yes' to 'huh?', actually... Now lemme sleep..." She muttered, and turned over.

Rex glared. "No. You made me miss the answer, now I get to make you miss your sleep." And with that, he poked her in the back. Continuously.

"Gaah... Why me?" She muttered. But it came out more of a 'graah... Whff merrf?'.

"Because. YOU made me miss!"
"If you keep bugging me... You're going to miss it when it comes back on..."

"...Shit, you're right!" He exclaimed, and sat back down by the T.V.

Kayla rolled her eyes, and got off of the couch. "Did you sleep here all night?"
"Nah... Went downstairs an hour later... Weevil took the couch..." Rex muttered absently as he focused his attention on the show.

"Okay... Well... I'm going downstairs."

"So... Do you play at all?" Kayla asked.

"What? Me, play basketball? In these new jeans?! You must be insane." Rex chuckled.

"Aw, come on. Betcha I'd beat you."
Rex rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't stand a chance against me."
"Wanna bet?"
"I'm not doing nothin' in these jeans. You're lucky I'm even outside in these jeans!"

Kayla sighed. "Ah-hah... I think you're just upset because you know I'd beat you."

Rex snorted. "Yeah, that's it."
Kayla grimaced. Then, she smiled evilly. She turned around and bounced the basketball on the blacktop of her driveway. "Aw, it's okay... Chicken-boy..."

Rex shot up. "Wha'd you say?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Gimme the damn ball."
Kayla grinned as she passed the ball to him.

Kayla leaned against the porch railing. "So, uh... What's the score again?" She panted.

"72-12... My favor..." Rex replied. "I told you, you wouldn't have a chance against me."

"I'm just letting you win." She lied.

"And that's why you're out of breath, and I'm not. Okay..." He smirked.

"Heh, yeah... Imagine that." She grinned. "Call it a night?"
"Yeah, I think dinners just about done." Rex muttered, wiping the sweat off his brow. Amazingly, his pants had managed to stay relatively clean throughout the day. He picked up his sleeveless vest from a lawn chair on the back porch, and replaced it with the basketball. He stopped for a moment and glanced at the hamburgers cooking on the grill, before opening the door and heading in.

Weevil got up from the table. "Wonderful meal!" He said quickly, before bowing and bringing his dish to the kitchen. Kayla heard the water running in the sink and glanced over to see Weevil washing his dinner dishes.

'How ...strange... What kind of teenager washes their own dishes after a meal? It's... unorthodox...' She wondered.

A few minutes later, both she and Rex had finished the remainder of their meal. Kayla brought the dishes and placed them in the sink.

"Where'd Weevil go?" She asked Rex.

"The cellar. He's been there all day." He responded.

"Ah... Wanna go watch the Monday Night Mega Mix? It should be starting about now."
"What's that?"
"Basically the best of Comedy Central."

He grinned. "Eh... Why not... I've got nothing better to do, anyway."

Rex stirred in his sleep. Dark memories crept up from the dungeon where Rex had long locked them away, to be forgotten. But they had escaped, as they often do. His encounter with Yami had left him torn, broken. He'd wanted to end it all. He considered it. But the idea of pain wasn't pleasing to him. No. So he lived on... And avoided the building to all costs. For fear of what was residing in it.

"Yes... You were afraid..." A voice whispered in his ear. Rex twitched slightly, and opened his eyes. "Ah... You're awake... So good..."

His eyes widened. He knew the voice well. Yami. "What do you want from me?" He whispered in a voice that was barely audible.

"Oh, come now. Don't you remember? Hm?"

Remember? Rex remembered a lot of it. Following the sticky-notes to the top floor. The second floor, actually. For the first had had a remarkably high ceiling, which was held up by immense Greek-style pillars. The ceiling itself was painted beautifully, like how some banks were, or old chaples.

Then, there was the winding stairway. Up, up, it went, and twisted around like those stairways in a lighthouse. And at the top of that stairway, a door. Inside that door... A twisted, demonic Hell.

Rex shuddered. Blood stains, it had looked like, were almost everywhere. Shards of glass... And two doors, leading to God knows what.

"Oh, come now... Surely you must remember..." Yami whispered into the brunette's ear. "What happened... After?"

After? Ah, when it was over. Near dawn, Yami hand thrown him by the door, adding more bruises to Rex' collection. He had thrown his clothes at him, and told him to leave. But what happened next? What happened next??

Rex tried to remember, fearing that if he didn't... If he didn't, Yami might take that as disobeying...

"I'll help you remember... A warning, to you..."

"A warning, to you, toy. If you even utter a word of this night to anyone... I shall personally make sure that you die a horrible, painful, and most particularly slow death. Now GO!" He yelled, and kicked Rex hard in the stomach. He fell down maybe fifteen steps before stopping on a landing.

He lay there, shivering, before he looked up. Yami was gone... He pulled on his clothes painfully, and slowly eased down a few steps...


"Now... Do you remember?"

Rex cringed. He nodded.

"Good... So you'll know why I'll be after you..." He grinned, a finger trailing down his side. Unexpectedly he grabbed Rex' face and pushed him into a harsh kiss.

Rex' eyes widened in shock and horror. Not now..? He couldn't now, could he? He wouldn't! ...Would he..?

"No, my toy... Not here, and not now... Get some sleep... I'll be back for you later..." And with that, he was gone.

Sleep wasn't what Rex had in mind, not now. How could he..?


He turned toward the voice. Kayla. Damn, had she seen it all?

"Was that... Him?"

Rex grimaced. "Yeah..." He said, his voice still barely audible.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah... I'm fine..." What else could be said?

Kayla nodded slowly. "Okay..."

Pretty much the lightest (and shortest) chapter of them all.

If you've read this and liked it... THANKS! And free Cheesecakes to you all!!!

Rex: Ya know... Maybe it's the Cheesecakes that got her...

Yami: And not the SoBe's... Yeah, maybe...

Both: Hmm....

Before the brief three sentence preview, I'd like to say that I've made some minor changes to the ages of the characters.

Rex: 14

Kayla: 13

Yami: ancient

Yugi: 15

Joey: 15

Téa: 14

Tristan: 15 ½

Ryou: 14 ½

Bakura: ancient

Weevil: 16

Seto: 17

Mokuba: 13

I think that's all of them... If I've missed any of the major characters, please tell me, ne? ^_^

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Three: Black Eyes, Blue Tears (PREVIEW)

He has returned... They are taken... A family is reunited...