Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ Black Eyes, Blue Tears ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turnmoil

Three: Black Eyes, Blue Tears


Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, SoBe's, or anything else. I don't even own the computer I'm using to write this!

A/N: I gave out the warnings before, so I don't need to go over them again. On a side note, these chapters are titled the way they are because the songs related to the contents of the chapter.

Also, fanfiction.net has discontinued NC-17 fanfics, as you all know by now. So, I ought to tell you how my grading system works so I won't be accused of anything.

G- Uh... Regular stuff. 'Crap' might be used.

PG- Minor swearing, angsty-ness, and stuff little folks prolly won't understand the first read.

PG-13- Language, maybe some sexuality, and murders/deaths.

R- See this fic? This counts. Lol. Uh, language, violence, drug use, etc. Limes would fall into this category, and yeah, you'll see some of those here. O.o!!

NC-17- Lemons. Plain and simple. Because Lemons are NC-17, I won't be writing them here. ...I won't be writing them ever!

Now that that's settled...

The cast members are still uptight. Weevil refuses to speak to me unless something changes. *sighs* Ah, well. ANYways, just remember what I stated last A/N: *spoiler* NO DEATH! ^_~

Rex: *glares at everyone* Weevil was supposed to say the lines... But he's in his trailer... He said he's not coming out of there until this fic becomes 'more adequate for his tastes'... Humph... Read and Review...

Yami: *in the background* *holds up a sign that says 'SAVE ME'*

Kayla nodded slowly. "Okay. But I don't believe you... Rex... What happened?"
Rex moved his eyes toward the ceiling. "Nothing... Don't worry about it." He muttered shakily. He rolled over, and lay on the floor underneath a fluffy blanket. 'Why the hell did I ever tell her? What Goddamned force took over me?! My life is over now... Fuck....' He swore mentally.

Weevil glanced at Rex. "What happened to you? You look like you didn't get any sleep."
"No kidding."
Weevil glared at him for a moment before returning to his omelet. "Well I slept perfectly."

"Am I supposed to care?"

Weevil glared at him again. Kayla didn't exactly like Weevil. She didn't see much of him, and he usually had a bad attitude when she did. But, hey, she was playing the part as host. So, why not make the best of it?

"Well... Do you guys want to play basketball this afternoon? It could be a one on one on one match." She smiled.

Weevil sat there, considering it. "I'll watch..." He said after a while.

"Okay. See you outside in a couple hours!" She said, and brought her plate out to the sink.

"Are you sure you don't want to play, Weevil? We could join forces and bring down Rex."
"I'm quite happy over here, thank you."
She sighed. "Okays..." Before passing the ball to Rex.

Silently, he grinned. He'd waited two years for this opportunity. But this was a plan made more than three years ago. And these first few stages had to go perfectly. If one mistake was made, his entire works would go to ruin. And too much was riding on this for him to screw up. Yami pushed some of the blonde bangs on his face away. Now... To begin.

Kayla jumped up and tossed the ball towards the net. It was going, it was- blocked! Rex didn't look like the all-star player, but he was. 'Well... Looks can be decieving...' She thought. She paused, and looked at Rex, who seemed to be gazing at... Something... A muffled sound from behind her caused her to turn. Everything looked in order. But wait, where was Weevil? And that was her final thought.

Rex turned, his eyes wide at the figure in front of him. He dropped the ball and ran, only to be grabbed by the back of his vest.
"You," Yami started. "Are coming back with me..."

Rex started to shake violently. "No..." He whispered.

Yami brought his mouth close to the other's ear. "Oh, yes..."

Why do bad things happen to good people? It shouldn't go that way. Okay, so maybe he didn't lead the best life. But that wasn't totally his choice. So why did life throw him such a bad hand? Thoughts like these leaped through his mind as fast as the pain. It was worse than the last time. Much worse than he remembered. Or maybe it was the same. He had tried to block it all out before...

Yami leaned down next to him, brushing his hand over Rex's back. "Aww.... Poor little Rex... Don't worry, I'll end it soon. But," he started. "Not too soon." And with that said, he returned to his position, a demonic smile creeping up his face, as he thrust into Rex.

More of Rex's tortured screams finally made her waken. She looked around, and gasped. Hell on earth, it had to be. She looked around, and tried to walk away. And then noticed her arms were shackled to the wall. 'Oh, great... What now?'

Near silent clanks to the left of her made her turn. There, Weevil was trying to silently pull his wrists out of the shackles. Kayla turned towards her own. 'He's got a good idea... Now, let's see just how tough these things are...' She thought, trying to yank her wrists free.

"Why do you struggle so, little one..?" Yami whispered into his ear. "You have no reason to be afraid ...yet... So why persist? I've been treating you nicely, little toy..." He breathed heavily into his neck.

"Drop dead."

Yami's eyes narrowed, and he kicked Rex's stomach. "Filthy worm! You dare speak to me in that manner? How dare you!" He yelled, before pouncing upon him, beating him with his fists, kicking with his feet. "You," he started, grabbing his face. "Will die slowly. Very slowly... You'll be begging me for death. But I won't let it have-" he whipped his head around.

Weevil froze, halfway to the door. His eyes were wide with fright, and resembled a deer, transfixed by a car's headlights.

Thanking whatever god was up above, she pulled Rex up, grabbed his clothes, and they ran, searching for a door.

'Here,' he mouthed, pointing to a scratched and blood-stained door, as he pulled on his jeans. He twisted the knob and they ran, down, down the winding staircase.

"Fuck." Yami cursed as he watched them run across the street from the balcony. His eyes narrowed as he heard a soft creaking. "Oh, no you don't. Not there..." He muttered, and ran to a bloody Weevil, who had opened a door.

Weevil gaped. Who could have done this? Why? And how?! The creatures inside the room, nearly as tall as him, legs -all eight of them- at least twice his size... And the eyes, cold and calculating... Menacing... Deadly, it seemed. He stared at them, morbid interest creeping up inside of him.

A firm hand clasped his shoulder. "You like my pets..?" Yami breathed into his ear, a twisted smile across his face.

"I... I'm, I-" Before he could find words to speak, he was brutally shoved into the room, the demonic insects -spiders- slowly inching toward him, their pincers clanking softly, drooling ever so slightly...

Yami shut the door and locked it shut.

"Where... Are we headed?" Kayla gasped as she ran.

"A place I know... They might be able to help..." Rex answered. 'I hope they will...'

The two ran through the streets, dodging cars, and swerving away from a stray cat or two that was idiotic enough to jump into their path.

"I don't think... I can run much more..." Kayla panted, leaning onto the side of a house.

"Won't have to... We're... Here..."

A light flickered on, and the door opened. "...What do you want?"

Rex looked up. He saw the middle-aged woman, and the smal child hugging her legs. "Mom..?"

Rex: Fangirls, are evil.

Yami: *nods*

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Four: Bring It On (PREVIEW)

He's home... The demon is hunting... There is no sanctuary...