Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ Bring It On ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turnmoil

Four: Bring It On


Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, SoBe's, or anything else. I don't even own the computer I'm using to write this!

A/N: I gave out the warnings before, so I don't need to go over them again. On a side note, these chapters are titled the way they are because the songs related to the contents of the chapter.

Chapter1= Cleanin' Out My Closet = Eminem

Chapter2= Ordinary Day = Vanessa Carlton

Chapter3= Black Eyes, Blue Tears = Shania Twain

Chapter4= Bring It On = Stephen Curtis Chapman

Erm, spelling mistakes in the note Rex writes are done intentionally.

Yami: I still don't understand why you're making me out to be the bad guy... What'd I ever do to you?! Why couldn't Yami Malik or his light do my part?!
Gatochu: Absolutely nothing! It's just that you're so easy to write about! If I had Yami Malik or Malik do your role, it would be harder to write. ...And besides... There is a good reason why your character behaves this way.

Yami: And unfortunately, you won't let me see the script for any of the other chapters... Ah, well. Read and Review!

"Mom..?" Rex asked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again.

"Mom, please... Let me in... Please..."

The brunette closed her eyes and sighed. "Hurry up and get in here. And be quiet!"

"Thank you..." He whispered.

"Yeah, whatever. Who's the girl?"
"Hm? Oh, uh... Kayla. Kayla something or other."

"Ah. Justin, you go up to bed."
"Bu' mommeee! You sai' I coul' hear a stowy!"

She closed her eyes and gave a soft smile. "I'll be up in a few minutes, honey."

"Okays!" He laughed, and rushed up the stairs.

"Cute kid." Kayla said. "Your grandson?"
"Son." She corrected.
Rex stopped in his tracks. "Then he's... My brother..?"
Rex's mother looked up. "I don't know what you're talking about. You're not a part of this family."

He nodded, and looked around. It was all the same. The cramped kitchen, the large dining room, a small living room, a computer room, storage room. Everything was as he remembered. The gray carpeting still had that same sweet scent. The stairs were still dusty, no matter how often you swept them.

It was home, his home. He could stay here till he grew an old gray beard. But, no. He didn't belong here. He wasn't part of the family. And it was probably for the best that he didn't stay here long. His brother, Justin, he didn't need to know about Rex. Or his past. Or anything else. His parents more than likely felt the same way.


"Hm? Oh, you."
"Yeah, me. Who else?" Kayla asked.

He shook his head. "What did you want?"

"You were kinda spaced out. I wanted to know if you were all right."
"Yeah... Yeah, just thinking."

"Oh... Nice place." She started, trying to get a conversation.

"I guess. Nicer than anywhere I've been living... Alleys don't get carpets, you know?" He forced a weak laugh.

"Yeah, I guess..." She said. 'This doesn't feel right. I'm unwelcome in some other person's home. But if we go back out, that... That... Thing will get us...' She worried. "What are we going to do?"
"Make the most of it, I guess... We should only stay a night or two... I could take you back to my erm... Alley, I guess... It's the only place I feel safe..."


"But for now, I want to see what they've done to my room..." He muttered and ran up the stairs, nearly hitting a laundry basket at the landing.

'Some things never change...' Kristen Kline -for that was her name- thought sadly. She turned around and returned to cleaning up the kitchen.

"So... This is the upstairs?" Kayla asked, recieving a roll-of-eyes from Rex.

"What else would it be?"
"Well, my house doesn't have an upstairs."

"Then how is it that your room is upstairs?" He muttered, looking around the rooms. TV room, storage room, what looked like his parent's room.

"That's the attic. We remodeled it."
"Ah..." He replied, stopping at a door.

"Hewo!" A young voice called out.

"Hm? Oh, hello there..."
"Justin! My name's Justin!"

"Hello, Justin... I'm... Rex."
"Tha's a funny name!"

"Well, it's more of a nickname..."

"Ooh... Okay... G'night!" He exclaimed happily, before bouncing into his bed.

"Just what the Hell were you thinking, damn it?! I told you he-"
"I know! But what was I supposed to do? Turn away my own son?"
"I thought we had both made it perfectly clear, he is not our son!"
"He just deserves a chance to rest. Later, today or tomorrow, he's out. It's his last chance. And it may be mine, as well... Please, David..."
"I don't like it. If one thing, and I mean it, just ONE. Then I'm not going back on my word."
"I understand." Kristen said, and turned back to her cooking.

"Mommeee! I'm hungwy! When's the bacon gonna be done?" He asked, running in.

"It just needs to cool."

"Yay!" He exclaimed, running around joyously. "Daddy..? Who are the people who're stayin' here..?"

"Their... Just some wanderers... They're only staying here a day or two. Then their leaving."
"Oh. Is it done yet?"
"Almost..." Kristen answered.

'Justin: I hope youll find this when youre older, youre young now. YOu probly won't remember me, it was probly a long time ago since I wrote this. Youre parents probly never told you about me, & this may be hard for you to beleive, but Im your brother. I never got too know you, and I dont think I ever will, were too diffrent. I hope youll live a good life, and have alot of good luck. Never give up, and do the rite thing.

'Nicholas "Rex Raptor" Kline'

"I guess it's okay..." He muttered as he folded the piece of paper. Moving towards the end of his brother's room, he moved the rug, and pulled up a floorboard. There, he found all of his old treasures. A bit dusty, but otherwise in perfect condition. He smiled as he fingered the three dinosaur figurines. A tyrannosaurus, a raptor, and a bracchiosaurus.

He put them away just as quickly, and slipped in the note.

"Bitch! I've had it with you!" He heard from downstairs.

"Oh, no... Kayla..." He growled, and ran down the stairs.

"You don't get it! You're not even giving him a chance! He was younger then, don't you think he's learnt by now? You can't just forget about him, he's your son!"
David glared at Kristen, who was silent.

"Well?" Kayla asked him.

"I think that it's about time I did what I swore to." He answered, his voice strangely calm. Kristen backed out of the room and into the kitchen, becoming suddenly interested in washing dishes. David grabbed Kayla's arm and rushed out the door.
"Let me go, let me go now!"

"Kayla? Mo- ... Where is she?!"

"...I think it's best if you forget about her..."

"Damn!" He yelled, running out the door, seeing a familiar green car drive up the road. "Fuck it, what is her problem! Why did she have to get him fucking angry?!" He yelled to himself, running after them.

Rex stopped short, seeing an all-too familiar figure standing in the road in front of his father's path. "Gods, no..." He breathed, watching the Ford's tires squeal to a halt.

"Are you TRYING to die, kid?!"
"I'm very sorry, sir... But the girl in your car... I've been searching for her..."
"No..." Kayla muttered.

"You don't want her. She ain't worth your time."

"But sir, an honorable man such as yourself... You don't want blood on your hands... Give her to me... I'll take care of her..."

"...I don't know how you know, but... Yeah, take her."

A faint grin appeared on Yami's face. Kayla wasn't sure where to place it. Satisfaction? Sadism? Insanity? It seemed it was all three.

Rex stood there, frozen. How? How could he have followed them so fast? But, then... They hadn't gone very far... And they didn't move around from place to place. Which would have been the best option... As Yami pulled the struggling girl out of the car, he turned his head toward Rex. For a moment both of them just exchanged glares, until Yami mouthed two words.

"You're next."

"Do you know why I took you?"

'You're a sadistic bastard?' Kayla thought. "No."

"Because you personally interest me. You barely know him, and yet you help him... It intrigues me."
"...So just why am I here?"

Yami gave a sigh, his hands fondling her breasts, making her shiver. "You helped Rex escape. I wasn't going to hurt either you, or you're friend. Weevil, I think his name was... Just kept you here, until I finished. But you had to try and escape..." He muttered, his lips moving closer to hers. "You had to disobey... That was wrong..." He muttered, voice lust-filled.

She moved her head back, but he grabbed her, and forced her into a deep and painful kiss.

"Oh, you shouldn't cry, little one... I'm done..."
"Go away..."

"Hmm... You honestly do interest me... And you puzzle me... You provide me with a great challenge... My light, he loves challenges, puzzles and games. But he doesn't like this one... He thinks I'm cruel... Do you think I'm cruel, little one?"
'So cruel you ought to burn in Hell for all eternity.' She thought, but said nothing.

"Hmm... His name is Yugi. Yugi Motou... And he's more than slightly upset that you're here... But I couldn't care less... He's been yelling at me from his Soul Room for two and a half years now. I've gotten used to it." He laughed.

"I suppose you're wondering what a Soul Room is. It's where we live when we're not separated, or in control, Yugi and I. It's his prison... It's getting late. I'm off to make my nightly rounds. Don't try to escape. My pets are trained to kill." He grinned, before walking out the door.

Yugi: You've got me involved now?

Gatochu: Yeah... So?

Yugi: Don't you think that this is kinda, oh, I don't know... Wrong?!
Gatochu: ...Define wrong.

Yugi: GAH!

Gatochu: ANYway, you can't blame the SoBe's on this one.

Yami: Sure we can! How many did you have this week?
Gatochu: ...Five and ¼, I think.

Yami: I rest my case.

Rex: *nods*

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Five: Quit Playing Games With My Heart (PREVIEW)

A Light in the Darkness... A slight hope... Home at last..?