Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Lonesome ❯ The Reality of Things ( Chapter 5 )
A/N- Okay, I'm sorry for the spoof! Here's the real final chapter. By the way, I don't know the age difference between Mokuba and Seto, or how old they were when they were adopted so I made Mokuba about six, almost seven when they were adopted and now he's about thirteen. Seto's about eight years older in this and is twenty-one, okay? I should have mentioned it earlier, but whatever.
Disclaimer- I know something you don't know! (I really own everything!) Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Meh, I wish.
Warning- Not too much this time, really. I swear! Actually, I will tell you, this chapter will be brief and boring. Just a way for them to get final closure.
Chapter Five
The Reality of Things
Hours after falling asleep holding each other, Amita and Seto awoke. Sun was pouring through the window and birds could be heard chirping in the trees. It seemed that the whole world was celebrating their happiness.
Quickly they bathed, wanting to join the world as a couple once more. First things would be to pick out an engagement ring for Amita. They knew that now nothing could stop their union. Amita picked out a flowery yellow sundress to wear. Seto picked up his clothes off the floor as she got dressed and did her hair and make up. They left laughing and holding hands like every other happy couple.
They selected a ring with a white gold band and a heart shaped center diamond. Embedded in the band on the sides of the diamond were tiny emeralds. After having it sized, Seto kneeled down on one knee and proposed traditionally, slipping it gently onto his love's finger.
"Amita Constantine, will you do me the honor of returning to be a part of my life, permanently?" Seto looked at her expectantly.
Smiling Amita said, "Yes Seto Kaiba, I will."
He stood tightly hugged her to his body. Lifting her in the air, while still embracing her, he spun the two of them around the jewelry store and they laughed like they had when they were teenagers. He set her down and kissed her softly. "Amita, I never thought I could be this happy again. I wish that I had never forgotten you."
Silently tears filled Amita's eyes and escaped. "I don't blame you Seto. My leaving was a devastation even I wanted to forget, but my dreams wouldn't let me. It doesn't matter now anyway, because we are together, and we will always be together."
Seto kissed her again and they left the jewelers to return to Seto's mansion.
Having packed some clothes to go with them, Amita could move in that day, and just return for her other items after settling in. Mokuba was with friends seeing a movie, so they could celebrate their engagement alone. Seto had his servants bring them the best wine they had, and invited them all to join in a toast. After many congratulations they announced Mokuba's return.
Seto and Amita waited for Mokuba in the study. He walked in with a nervous look on his face, "What did I do this time?"
Amita laughed and Seto just smirked. "It's not something you did little brother, it's something we did."
Mokuba leaned against the wall and made a smirk identical to the wine Seto wore. "So, you guys finally did the nasty?"
Amita shook her head and mumbled something about hormones. Seto just looked taken aback. "Actually Mokuba, we did something more, something that will most likely be the social event of the season. We're engaged."
The younger Kaiba brother's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "But...but you've only been on one date!"
Seto looked to Amita to explain this part. "Actually Mokuba," she began. "We've been together longer and been on many more dates than you can remember.... You see, I used to baby-sit you when you weren't much older than seven, not too long after your adoption. That was about six years ago. All I really did was make sure you did your homework and went to bed without bothering Seto. While I kept you from bothering, I ended up being the cause for more distraction than you ever were. We developed a relationship and fell into what was known as a teenage love. We were together a lot because of my position as your baby-sitter, but we got caught by your stepfather. He fired me and my family moved back to Greece before I had a chance to say good-bye." She knew she was giving Mokuba the easier version, but it was better not to go into details, especially not the details his testosterone filled mind wanted. "I graduated college and came back here. When I started working for Seto, he didn't recognize me, something I don't blame him for, but now he remembers and we're together again."
Seto squeezed Amita's hand. "I don't know how I didn't remember, but Amita had left in a bad way so I assume my mind didn't want to bear the pain any more. As for you, you were used to people taking care of you, leaving and then a new one filling in. I'm sure that your mind melded her memory in with some twenty others."
Mokuba was slightly paler than he had been and his eyes locked on the pair in disbelief. Slowly recognition came over him and he smiled. "I think I remember you, you're the one who took me to all the fun places. I missed you when you left, but I just thought I'd done something like I had before for all the others and that made you leave so I didn't think any more about it." He walked up to his brother and soon to be sister-in-law. "Welcome back and welcome to the family." He hugged her and Seto knew everything would finally be all right for them. No more heartbreak and no more misery.
Two months later Seto and Amita hurried down the aisle into an awaiting limo to take them to their wedding reception. Everyone who was anyone was invited. There was dancing all day and into the night before Seto and Amita finally left for their honeymoon in Aruba.
One year later there was a formal announcement about the new addition to the family. Seto finally had all he'd ever really wanted, a family full of love and happiness, and he knew nothing could take it away from him again.
A/N- Sappy ending I know. But I just had an epiphany! There will be a sequel much later to this. Unless absolutely no one wants one. But here's the overall summary for it.
Seto had finally gotten the life he'd always wanted, until one accident threatened it all. He turned to a life of drunken rage, to forget, to numb himself from the pain of a tragic death. His rampage through his home left shattered hearts and hopes. Injuries that were skin deep and deeper. Can Amita suffer through it for the sake of their children, can she help Seto get the help he needs? When Seto's, madness drives him to keep his wife and children captive in their own homes, it seems like all is lost for the once happy Kaiba family. That is, until one dark stranger appears in the mansion of despair. No one could have expected the pain and lust this stranger will cause.