Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ losing my mind (title may change!) ❯ chap 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Losing my mind

Chapter 1

"What the Hell do you mean!!!! I thought that -" Jou yelled at Yugi

"Jou, two things. 1 shut up. 2 don't get to worked up! We don't know for sure yet and keep your voice down too. I do not want Yami to here this." Yugi said

"OK! Man I'm sorry. Just tell me already what is going on."

"Fine. But let's go to my place. I want to take the puzzle off and leave it there and go somewhere else to talk about it." Yugi said as he got up to leave. Jou just held his small friend there. "Yug. I am genuinely worried about you. You seem…distant at times."

Yugi just shook him off. "I know and I need to talk to someone about it." Yugi looked over at Yami "But I can't talk to him. He would take it wrong."

"K man, but if you get into trouble don't come crying to me." Jou stared at his friend.

"I know. I mean if you don't want to hear it, I'm sure Mai would…" Yugi trailed off.

"Oh shut up Yugi! I'll come" Jou said and Yugi smiled inwardly. Just then the cell phone that Jou got a week before started ringing. "Who the heck could that be!?" Jou yelled as he answered the phone.

"Hello?" Jou's face went almost five shades whiter then it usually was. "K. be there soon." He hung up his phone. "Yug, sorry but I have to make a rain check. But somethings wrong at home. I'll see ya later!" And he darted out the door. Yugi just sighed and left, not hearing Yami's yells for him to come back.

//Yugi? Whats wrong?//

Yugi was surprised that Yami contacted him. Then realized that he didn't close the link.

/Nothing. Why?/

//I don't believe you aibou. Now tell me.//

/Nothing is wrong. I'm just a little upset that Jou can't do anything tonight, that's all./

//I still don't believe you but I see I'm not going to be able to get an answer from you.//

Yami said and left. Yugi took off the puzzle. Not wanting to have to worry about worrying Yami. |I'm sorry Yami, I'm going to have tot tell you sooner or later.| Yugi sighed to himself. And headed home.

When he got there he kisked off his shoes and ran upstairs. Right past his grandpa who wasn't expecting Yugi or Yami home. So he followed Yugi upstairs.

"Yugi? You OK?" He called. There was no answer. So he knocked on Yugi's door. No answer still. Gramps didn't mean to intrude but he went in and found Yugi crying.

"Yugi? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing! G-go away!" Yugi screamed.


"B-because!!!" Yugi managed to choke out.

"All right. Just let me know if you need anything. K?"

"O-ok. Gramps." Yugi said still between sobs

"Bye" Gramps said as he backed out of the room and closed the door. |He must've told Yami| When he got downstairs it had started raining. So he went and closed the door. Just afterward, not even five minutes, Yami came bursting in the door.

"Where is Yugi??" He asked instantly

"Upstairs. Did he tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Yami said worry spread over his face

"Never mind then. Yugi will tell you when he's ready." Gramps said.

"OK." Yami said and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. He was still a little worried though. |What could Yugi be hiding? I'm his counterpart, I would know, He would tell me… Wouldn't he?| Yami was too busy thinking to realize the toast he put down had popped up.

"Hey! Your toast."

"Oops, thanx!" Yami answered. And he buttered his toast when Yugi contacted him through the link.

/Yami help./ It was barely audible.

"Gramps! Yugi is hurt or something!" Yami yelled while headed toward the stairs. They suddenly heard a thump from above. |Screw this!| Yami thought as he transported to the puzzle and back out in Yugi's room. What he saw horrified him…

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Maliks gurl: ooh. Cliffhanger!

Yami: Yeah, I know.

Yugi: *pouts* Whats wrong with me?

Maliks gurl: *whispers it in Yugi's ear*

Yugi: *faints*

Yami: Uh oh…