Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 3
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 3/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 3/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Three:
Mokuba smiled and walked over to the bed, sitting beside him. He leaned up, and gently kissed his neck a few times, before moving to whisper in his ear, "Now...how about I make up for two weeks of ignoring you?" He moved back to kissing the other's neck lightly.
Seto smirked before shifting slightly, before moving his hand over to the other, bumping it against the younger's knee before he trailed it up. He repeated what he had been doing on their flight, though when he traced along Mokuba's thigh and reached his crotch, he didn't touch him with teasing fingers, but instead stroked him through the material of his pants. "Mm... Sounds like a plan..."
He bit his lip, before speaking, "Are you…ah...Sore anywhere...I don't want to hurt you..." He wrapped his arms loosely around the older, as he moaned again.
"Just don't put too much pressure on my chest..." Since his ribs weren't entirely healed, it felt like the skin was bruised, but ten times worse by means of pain. He continued to touch his brother, before finally deciding to un-do the teens pants and let his hand slip into them.
His head snapped back at this, and he had to place his arms out behind him to hold himself up, "Ah! N-Niisan..." He bit his bottom lip again as he raised his hips from the bed, "More..."
Seto set about removing his brother's clothing on the lower half of his body, leaving him with only his shirt on now. He let teasing fingers trace his brother's thighs, running up along the skin, but staying away from his arousal now.
Mokuba sat up, and grabbed the brunette's shoulders. Gently, he leaned backwards so he was lying on his back, pulling the older on top of him. He moaned again as his hips raised from the bed, "Onegai..."
A smirk played out on his lips as he ignored the teen's plea, instead removing the teen's shirt before teasing the skin with nips and licks. This was just a little reminder of why his brother shouldn't ignore him again, lest he want to get teased instead of pleased.
Mokuba saw the smirk on his brother's face, and groaned. That smirk always meant trouble, "Niisan please....do you forget it's been two weeks for me as well?" He lifted his hips just a little higher.
Seto sighed, "Hm, yes... but once again you seemed to have forgotten that I can't exactly take you with my pants still on..." His brother always seemed to forget about him still being dressed...
Forgetting wasn't the problem for him. His problem was Seto. Whenever his brother touched him in those intimate ways, the only things he thought about were those touches, and how to get more of them. He sat up on the bed and his hands trailed to the older's pants, slowly unzipping them, before pushing them down slightly.
Seto had taken to nipping his brother's neck lightly while the other started on removing his clothes. His hand slipped down to tease Mokuba, causing a distraction that had him wondering if the other would still be able to go about his task.
He managed to get the older's pants down to his knees before he became lost in the feeling of Seto's teasing touches. His hands moved up to grip Seto's shoulders, "Ah...Niisan..." he moaned out.
Seto laughed quietly before pushing his brother onto his back lightly, and then fully ridded himself of his clothing, tossing it aside somewhere... "You're going to have to grab the lube." He murmured, tilting his head slightly towards his bedside table, "I'd rather not waste time trying to find it..."
Mokuba's face fell at that and he was still for a few moments, before he finally moved to open the end table. He peered inside and spotted the small tube. He grabbed it, and handed it to the older, "H-here you go..."
Seto frowned slightly, "What's wrong? And don't say nothing, because something's bothering you..." He didn't take the lube, obviously, since he didn't realize his brother was holding it out to him, even though he'd said something, where exactly it was lay unclear to him.
"Nothings bothering me..." He stated and touched the end of the tube to Seto's hand, "Here." He said again.
"I can hear it in your voice... Something was bothering you... Or is..." He moved his hand slightly to touch the tube before taking it from the teen.
"There isn't anything wrong." He said, his tone flat. He lay back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, sighing slightly.
His shoulders slouched slightly and he dropped the lube on the bed, sitting back and shifting so he could bring his knees up against his chest, forehead resting against them. Why wouldn't his brother just say it? Why did he have to pretend? "I may be blind Mokuba, but don't act like I'm stupid..."
Mokuba sat up and looked at him...his brother wouldn't even be able to know when he looked at him. He shook his head slightly and sighed, "Seto, I didn't say you were...there just isn't anything wrong." He stated.
"Then why did your tone change? Why did you pause before you moved? After I asked... Did you forget?" He couldn't come up with anything else; nothing could have caused him to act like that...
He sighed and grabbed one of the pillows, hugging it to his chest, "It's nothing...I was being selfish...just forget about it..." He looked down to the bed and stared at the deep blue sheets.
"It isn't nothing though, or else you wouldn't have hesitated... I know I felt you hesitate for a moment." Technically, he was looking at his brother, but glazed blue eyes seemed to be looking through him, instead of at him...
Mokuba looked up, and shivered when he saw Seto's eyes, and he quickly looked away. He didn't like those eyes, they weren't his brother's eyes...Seto's eyes had always been deep, full of emotion that the older couldn't speak. He clutched the pillow tighter, "Nothings ever going to be the same..." He muttered before burying his head into the pillow. Wasn't it he, who not more then 40 minutes ago said that everything was going to be alright?
Seto let his eyes slip shut slightly and he turned the blank gaze elsewhere. He had insisted on wearing the sunglasses always for a reason, not needing people to be staring more then need be... "I thought everything was going to be alright? Or did it finally sink in that this can't work... You can't even look at me now, can you? You refuse to look at my eyes, don't you?"
His brother knew him much too well. He clutched the pillow tighter, "I don't refuse to look at your eyes..." He lied. There wasn't a choice in the matter, this had to work...They had to be together.
Seto shook his head and sighed, "Don't lie to me Mokuba; it only makes this worse... You can't lie to me when I can hear it..." He murmured sadly.
"I'm not lying!" He said angrily. He threw the pillow across the room out of frustration. Why couldn't Seto just drop it? Why couldn't he just forget about it, like Mokuba had asked!
"You'd like me to think so..." He muttered, more depressed sounding then actually angry. If his brother couldn't even look at him now, why was he trying to pretend this would work? It couldn't work... "You were right to say something then... before this happened... We can't work... Maybe we would have been fine, but now..." His voice cracked and he had to fight back the tears he knew wanted to escape down his cheeks.
"Seto...." Mokuba looked at him, shaking slightly, "A-are you saying th-that....You want to....break up....?" He was praying his brother would smirk, and say something like, 'you worry too much' and then kiss him...
"This can't work out... It hurts too much, Mokuba..." He said quietly, tears running free now as he tried to hold back the sob caught in his throat.
He shook his head...No! This wasn't happening! Seto wasn't breaking up with him, he couldn't! "Niisan...no...I love you..." His brother promised him he wouldn't ever leave him! This wasn't fair!
"Are you sure? Maybe it's faltering, now that I'm blind?" How could his brother say that? How could he sit there saying he loved him when... "How can you sit there lying to me about caring when you won't even fucking look at me!!!"
"I'm not lying Seto! Not this time!" He cried out as tears poured down his cheeks, "I love you! More then anything else. Why don't you believe me?"
"You refuse to look at my eyes! I can sense it! You said it would be fine, but if you won't even accept me like this... How am I supposed to believe you?" He ended quietly, wishing now more then ever that he could see; end this argument between them... Seto wanted to simply hug his brother and say everything would be fine, that nothing was wrong now or ever, but how could he if he wasn't even sure where his brother was?
"I do accept you! It's just..." He looked back to the bed sheets, "It hurts to look at your eyes...You had such beautiful eyes...and it's just a reminder that my stupidity took them from you...I'm sorry....You can say it's not my fault all you want...but we both know it's not true....you left the hotel that day because of what we had been talking about...because of what I said..."
Seto sighed and shook his head, before moving back to where Mokuba was. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed before reaching down and opening the bottom drawer of the bedside table, before taking something out. "Mokuba... The car that hit me... the man who'd been driving had been drunk yes, but he wasn't going fast enough- that under normal circumstances- would have caused an accident, I should have heard the car and easily been able to move aside..." He paused, wondering if his brother would simply be confused or something...
Confusion, yes. That is exactly what Mokuba was feeling. He raised an eyebrow, watching the older, "N-Niisan...?" He continued to watch him, "What are you talking about?"
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Review responses
I would have updated sooner, but I was banned from my computer… Got it back today!
Afiong Bassey- Lol. This is Kaiba we're talking about, and I can't see him as the type to actually like parties.
Koi-Bara- xDDD I don't like chocolate, so I've never tried the chocolate pocky before. I just stick with the strawberry pocky, lol. I used to only eat that when I was about six or so, lol.
MalfoyRocks- We shall see about Seto coping with everything.
Zach- w00t. Glad you liked it.
Kathy smiths- Finally updated!
Mandy925892002- Hm… Next time I need to try and update from school…