Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 2
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 2/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 2/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Two:
Mokuba angrily shoved the laptop back into his bag as the plane landed. He had screwed up on the work at least six times before finally getting it right, and when he had almost been finished, the battery on the blasted thing died and he lost all of his progress. "That's five hours of my life wasted." He muttered angrily as he unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. He had gone to sleep in between screw ups.
"You should've saved in between... At least once an hour, so that you'd only have to catch up on a bit should something happen..." Seto stated quietly, waiting for the damned announcement to come on and tell them they could get off.
He stood, leaning against the back of the seat in front of him. He sighed heavily, "I know that now thank you for stating the obvious." He said and sighed. This was really pissing him off. He wasn't cut out to run a company and he knew it.
Seto sighed and unbuckled when the announcement came on, though the thought that they were now extremely close to getting home, roughly twenty minutes, was enough to lighten his mood.
Mokuba moved out into the isle and looked up at the older, "Niisan, are we riding home alone?" He asked. What he meant by that was, 'I want to get things started in the back seat of the limo. We should go home alone.'
He nodded silently and once again put his sunglasses on. Maya was already taking their things down, taking Seto's and handing it to him, nudging his arm slightly so he would realize it was there.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed slightly, before walking down the isle and off the plane. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall outside of the gate, waiting for the other two.
Seto had tried to stay right behind his little brother, but that had changed when a kid ran out from her seat and her parents had to follow. Maya had had to pull him back before moving around him to lead him out, spotting Mokuba when they exited.
Mokuba sighed again, "Come on, let's go." He said and began to walk off in the direction of the baggage claim. He stood in front of the place, waiting for their suitcases to slide down and onto the platform in front of him.
Seto remained silent mostly, standing next to his brother while they waited for their luggage. Maya spotted her bag and grabbed it, "Will you two be fine if I leave now? I need to go check up on a few things.”
Mokuba saw Seto's and pulled it off of the platform, "Yeah, we'll be fine...thank you Tamashi-sensei." He said and groaned when he spotted his own. "I really should have thrown away some of these clothes..." he muttered as he pulled it off. He placed his brother's suitcase on his left side. "There Niisan." He said, letting him know his luggage was there.
She smiled at them before going, taking her cell out as she went and trying to get a half decent signal. Seto picked up his suitcase, after searching for the handle, before tilting his head slightly, "We can go?"
He nodded his head, though the act was pretty meaningless, "Yeah, we can go now." He smiled slightly and shifted his school bag to his other arm. He gripped the handle of his own suitcase in the same hand. He hooked his free arm with the older's, "This way." He said lightly, and began to guide him through the airport and towards the exit, glad that it wasn't very crowded.
Seto allowed himself to be led, though hated it at the same time. "They're staring..." He knew that most everyone was giving them odd looks; he didn't need his eyes to know that...
Mokuba looked up at him for a few seconds before looking back in front of them. It was true, people were staring at them, and Mokuba shot as many nasty glares at people as he could, "They don't matter Seto, don't let it bother you." He said as they approached the doors.
He sighed and only nodded, wanting to be home now more then he had ever wanted. Before he hadn't even noticed when eyes followed him, but now... this was different, and he couldn't help but hate it.
He let go of his suitcase for a brief second, to open the door. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" He asked as he let go of the older's arm, to allow him to get through the door way. He moved and stood with his back against the door, holding it open for his brother, "I'll make sure to tell the cooks to make whatever it is you want." He said simply.
Seto shrugged and stepped out carefully, not wanting to bang into anything... He stepped to the side and waited for Mokuba to lead him again.
Mokuba grabbed his suit case again, and grabbed onto the older's arm once again, leading him over to the limo, where their driver held open the door for them. "Niisan, you have to eat properly...I'll tie you to your chair at dinner and force-feed you if I have to." he said, half joking. He placed his bags on the ground to allow the driver to place them in the trunk. "Be careful not to hit your head as you get in..." He said as he waited for Seto to climb into the back seat.
Seto smiled slightly and put down his own suitcase and bag to be put in the trunk before carefully getting into the back. Once in he moved down to the other side, before waiting for his brother to get in as well.
Mokuba sighed and ran a hand through his hair again before climbing into the back with his brother. Once the door was shut he immediately snuggled up to him, closing his eyes slightly. He let out a soft contented noise, while nuzzling his cheek against the older's side.
He brought his arms up to wrap around the teen, trying to pull him closer. The contact was needed right now, but it wasn't quite enough... "Mokuba... kiss me, please..."
He blinked a few times. He couldn't ever remember the older asking him to kiss him. Mokuba knew Seto wasn't one to ask for anything, period, which was going to change now. He smiled weakly and pulled himself up, "Aishiteru..." He whispered before kissing the other. The kiss was gentle, but full of passion.
Seto returned the kiss, continuing with the gentle but passion filled one, before turning it more desperate and needed. Silent tears began to streak his cheeks, though he didn't take notice of them, and instead focused on his current lip-lock.
He wrapped his arms around the older's neck, and gently toyed with his hair. He continued to kiss the older for a few more moments before pulling back. He looked at Seto, confused, "Niisan...what's wrong?" He asked, and moved one of his hands to wipe away the other's tears.
He pulled him against his chest tightly, ignoring the light pain the action caused. "I can't even kiss you now... Without asking you..." He murmured quietly.
He closed his eyes, and leaned against him slightly, "Please...don't cry...it'll be alright..." He tried to reassure him. He placed his arms around him gently, holding him.
"It won't be alright... It can't be alright..." Seto removed the sunglasses again, throwing them down at the ground hatefully and glaring where he thought they roughly were now. His sapphire blue eyes looked ice like now and glazed, the reason for the glasses in the first place.
He looked up at the older and sighed slightly, "Niisan...the important thing is that we're together...and that's never going to change." He grabbed Seto's hand, and laced his fingers with the others "I'm always going to be right here with you...and as long as we have each other, everything will be alright."
Seto merely shook his head but stayed silent this time, a few more tears running down his cheeks before his glare faltered and a lost look took its place. How could everything be alright when he couldn't even see his brother?
Mokuba reached up, and lightly brushed the tears away again. He had tears running down his own cheeks, but stayed silent, not wanting his brother to know he was crying. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, his voice as low as possible.
"You keep on saying that, but you haven't done anything wrong..." He murmured. One hand trailed from the teen's waist up his chest, to his neck, and finally to cup his cheek, before Seto was able to kiss him lightly, "You haven't done anything..."
"And you keep saying that..." He said and turned his face downwards, "...but I've done everything wrong..." he muttered quietly.
"What have you done wrong?" He asked, tilting his head slightly and hoping he was facing more towards were Mokuba was.
"Never mind..." He wiped his eyes and sighed slightly, "You still haven't told me what you want for dinner." He said, trying to change the topic.
"I don't feel like eating..." Seto said quietly, leaning back slightly and letting his head rest against the window. Truthfully, he wasn't sure why, but he felt sick to his stomach at the mere thought of food.
"Niisan!" He looked back up at him and sighed slightly, "You haven't been eating right for a long time! I'm worried about you!" He said and frowned, "Please eat something when we get home."
Seto made a face, "I'll just feel sick after I eat, so what's the point?" The reason why he never ate anything was because his stomach couldn't handle it usually, which was another reason Maya tended to keep him in the hospital when ever something happened- to make sure he wouldn't wind up sick from lack of nutrition.
He sighed and sat back against the seat, "Fine..." He muttered. He looked out the window, recognizing familiar landmarks and he sighed from relief, they would be home in about 10 minutes… He allowed his mind to drift through different thoughts and he sighed slightly, "Do you not want me to help you?" he questioned, looking up at him.
"Not help with what?" He asked, head tilting slightly towards him. Seto hadn't the faintest idea as to what the other was talking about, since there were too many things he did need help with.
"Before we got on the plane, I offered you my hand, and I know you knew it was there, and you didn't take it. On the plane you yelled at me, and now you won't listen to me!" He said, trying not to raise his voice.
"Gomen..." He whispered quietly. At the airport he had wanted to try acting normal, so walking without being guided was what he had chosen- plus he was sure his brother had still been annoyed about getting hit with the hacky sack. For the yelling part, he wasn't sure what his brother was referring to since they'd had a few spats during the flight. As for not listening... Seto wasn't sure.
"I just want to protect you...like you did for me when I was a kid..." he said, looking up at him, "But you don't want me to..."
Now he knew which argument the other had been referring to... "I just can't stand it when you act like I can't do anything now... I know you mean well, but you act like I might break..." In his mind he couldn't be broken any further...
"I'm sorry...I'm just so scared that something else might happen to you..." He said and started to cry again, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you..."
"Nothing else is going to happen to me... What else could happen to me?" His mind screamed that he could lose Mokuba, that the teen would get fed up with him and leave... It hurt to think about it...
He moved and laid his head down on the other's shoulder, "I'm sorry...I'll try to ease up, alright?" He wrapped two arms around one of the older's neck and nuzzled his cheek against it. "But you have to promise me you'll be careful!"
"I'll be careful..." He murmured, leaning his head against Mokuba's. "Aishiteru..." Seto moved his arm slightly in the other's hold, lacing his fingers with one of the teen's hands.
"I love you too..." He said gently. The car slowed down, and eventually stopped. Reluctantly, Mokuba released the hold he had on his brother, and a few moments later the door was opened for them. Mokuba slid out and turned to the driver, "See to it that our bags are taken upstairs, and set outside our doors." He said, in his best 'respectable-business-man' voice. Might as well practice for the future. He stood to the side of the car door, waiting for Seto.
A sigh escaped his lips as the limo stopped. He didn't really feel like moving from where he was, though at least they were home and could hopefully continue once upstairs... Seto moved over to the other side, forgetting to grab the sunglasses that were still somewhere... Carefully getting out, he stepped to the side so that the door could be closed.
The driver saw the look in Seto's eyes...or was it the absence of one...and he gave him a strange look. Mokuba immediately glared at the man, eyes narrowing. He grabbed Seto's arm again, "You want to go up to your room?" He questioned as he began to lead him across the lawn, to the front door.
"Sure..." He was now seemingly staring at the ground, bored again without sounds to listen to. That was another reason why he didn't want to be left at home should Mokuba be at the office now- it was too quiet and would drive him insane.
He yawned slightly as he fished around in his pocket for his keys. Once he found them, he unlocked the front door, and stepped in. "Finally! Home sweet home..." He smiled slightly as he walked in. He stretched his arms slightly, and blinked when he spotted the date on his digital watch. How could he have been so careless as to not realize the date? "Ah! October 23rd!" He sighed heavily. Seto's birthday was in two days, and he hadn't even remembered. He then doubted if Seto even remembered his own birthday.
"What's wrong with it being the twenty-third?" He asked, clueless as usual to when his birthday was. It wasn't that he didn't remember, he just didn't care to think about it, so it easily slipped his mind. "Can we go upstairs..?"
Mokuba blinked, "Seto! I can't believe you forgot your own birthday! It's in two days!" He sighed heavily, "You're impossible....come on." He grabbed the older's arm, and lead him towards the stairs. "I'll have to do some party planning like crazy!" he said and sighed slightly, "I hope everyone can come on such short notice." Mokuba always loved planning parties; he'd actually planned his own birthday on several occasions.
Seto made a face, "You know I hate parties, a reason why I gladly forget my birthday..." People tended to get too loud at parties... Though he doubted he had much choice in whether or not he'd have one, Mokuba always seemed to love planning them... Seto sighed; he wasn't going to live through this...
Mokuba began to lead him up the steps slowly, "Well, it's a good thing I love parties then, and you love me, so that means you'll let me plan it." He said and giggled slightly, "Come on, it'll be fun! I'll invite all of your friends, and we'll have cake and do other birthday party-type things. Plus, you're turning 20, that's a big deal Seto!"
Seto had to sigh, "Non-existent social life Mokuba... Remember?" His brother seemed to always forget that... He really only had one 'friend', though he had never actually said that out loud at any given time- Jana was just a business acquaintance who knew his life pretty damned well...
Mokuba frowned as they reached the top of the stairs, "You have plenty of friends! Yuugi, and all the others, and Jana." he said smiling slightly, "You will have fun, alright? And you aren't going to get out of this, so no arguing." He said, his tone light and playful as he walked down the hall towards Seto's room.
Seto groaned, "Yuugi-tachi are far from being my 'friends', Mokuba... Why do you insist on torturing me?" He sighed again.
He frowned again, "You never give anyone a chance, Niisan! If you let them, they would be your friends!" He sighed slightly, "I'm not trying to torture you...now that you will actually have free time, you should have some friends to spend that free time with!"
"Mokuba... the only one who can even stand me is Yuugi... The rest just follow along like obedient puppies..." He muttered, "So there's no point in inviting them... As for free time... I'll figure something out..."
"Like I said, you don't even give anyone a chance!" He opened the door to the older's bedroom and stepped aside to let him in, "You're so stubborn, Niisan."
"Mokuba... They aren't about to give me a 'chance', so why would I bother? Plus I can't stand them anyways... The Mutt is past annoying, Mazaki doesn't know when to stop talking, that other guy has the worst hair style I've ever seen..."
Mokuba sighed heavily, "Fine then, on your birthday you can eat your cake alone, Loner-boy." He said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"And where will you be then, if I'm to be alone?" He asked, brow slightly raised in question, though it seemed odd since his eyes held no expression... "Besides, cake's too sweet."
"Not sure, maybe I'll go hang out with Yuugi." he said, teasing him, "And you better eat the cake! I plan to make it myself!" He said and watched him with a slight smile.
"You, baking...?" Seto smirked slightly as he pictured that, edited a few things... Dammit, that was sure to cause future dreams...
Mokuba looked at him, "Yeah? Is there something wrong with that?" he questioned before closing the bedroom door. "I've always wanted to try baking..."
"Depends on whether or not you burn the kitchen down..." He muttered to himself, before walking over to his bed, bumping into it slightly before moving to sit down.
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Review responses
Sorry this took so long you guys! School is really getting out of hand. I have a project in all four of my classes. T.T
MalfoyRocks- And interesting review… Quite insightful too…
Mandy925892002- Finally, there's more, lol.
Mandy925892002- Finally, there's more, lol.
Koi-Bara- I prefer pocky high's… lol. Nope, no dying, because then that would be bad and I'd miss the funny reviews T.T
Pharaohs Little Sister- Uber sad, yes…
Shrimp-Toast- Aww… Still being in shock isn't good.
Afiong Bassey- Will he get his sight back… A good question with no answer as of yet.