Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 5/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Five:
It had been a few hours since Mokuba left the room to get the laptop. He was now seated at the desk in Seto's room, typing away. He was now nearly done with the last report, even after having to re-do what information was lost on the plane.
Seto stirred slightly, listening for a moment before groaning. "Of course you're working..." He muttered. Maybe he shouldn't have always acted so serious with his work- then his brother might be acting differently...
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before looking back at him, "Yes, I told you before you went to sleep I had work to do.” He said simply.
Seto stayed on his side, pulling the blankets up around him. "You need to take a break..." He said quietly, still feeling a bit tired, but not wanting to sleep.
"No, Niisan." He turned back to the computer and began to start typing again. He yawned slightly and shook his head a little, "I need to finish this, this is what I need to do..."
"Mokuba... You said you wouldn't..." Seto turned onto his stomach, hissing in pain quietly, since his ribs were still healing, and buried his face into the pillows.
Mokuba sighed again, "I'm not doing anything wrong to go against what I said." He said plainly, "I have friends, don't I? I'm already unlike you in a big way." he said and rolled his eyes slightly.
Seto stayed silent, ignoring the pains in his chest- one from injury, and one from his brother's words. Instead he picked himself up, moving the blankets aside and, using the wall as a guide, made his way into the bathroom, before locking the door behind him.
He leaned back in the chair, and stared up at the ceiling. He didn't know why he said that...but why did Seto have to keep pestering him about working? He knew how hard and time consuming doing these things are...why couldn't he understand?
He managed to find one of the towels and wrapped it around his waist, since he wasn't wearing anything else at the moment... Seto slipped down to the floor and leaned back against it, a hurt and slightly lost look on his features.
He looked from the door to the computer screen, and then back to the door. He stood up and walked over to the door, sighing heavily. "Niisan, open the door." He said as he knocked on it loudly.
"I don't want to." He stated simply, though truthfully he simply didn't feel like trying to find the door and unlock it. Just sitting on the ground seemed fine at the moment.
"Open the door and stop acting like a child." How many times had his brother said the same words to him? This was beginning to just get weird...
"I... I don't feel like trying to find it..." He answered truthfully, voice nearly silent as he spoke. Seto still felt exhausted, more so as of late then before.
Mokuba sighed heavily again, "Then you shouldn't have locked yourself in there in the first place." He shook his head slightly, "Do you want me to get something to use to open the door?" A simple knife would do fine; it wasn't a hard thing to do.
"No..." Couldn't his brother get it that he didn't want to talk to him right now? So he was acting childish, oh well, he felt like it at the moment...
He rolled his eyes slightly, "Fine..." He walked away from the door, and seated himself back down in front of the laptop, staring at the screen blankly.
Seto wrapped his arms around himself, sighing quietly. How were they supposed to work when things like this were bound to happen? It couldn't... there just wasn't anyway for them to make this work...
He continued to stare at the screen, not knowing what else to do. After a few more moments, he saved his work, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anymore, and closed the laptop. He leaned his head against the desk and sighed. Why did things have to be so much more difficult for them?
Why were they even trying to keep their relationship together? It was hopeless, there just wasn't anyway to do it... The arguments would never stop, and the pain they caused one another would always be there...
Sure, they argued a lot...but didn't they love each other? Mokuba sighed as he stood from the chair and stretched slightly. Why couldn't they stop this stupid arguing? Why did it always seem like they didn't love one another...
He knew they loved each other, but why didn't it seem like that was enough? Even though they cared deeply for the other, they always managed to inflict the most pain against one another...
He moved over to the bed, and lay down, his head buzzing with thoughts. He wondered if they would ever stop this fighting, or if they would grow to hate each other. Maybe they needed to separate now...before they began to hate each other...
Too much thinking, and the fact that he was still tired, didn't help... It wasn't long before the brunette fell asleep against the wall, arms still wrapped around himself.
Mokuba sighed, and wrapped the blanket around himself. He was tired after all, and was beginning to get a headache from all of this. He allowed his eyes to slip closed and tried to push away thoughts as he fell asleep.
-- -- --
Seto was more then confused when he first woke up, though slowly remembered what had happened, and why he wasn't in bed were he should have been.
Mokuba hadn't slept long at all, and he lay, staring up at the ceiling. He was extremely confused at this whole situation...and the only reasonable thing to do seemed to be breaking up...
Seto carefully stood up and once again used the wall as a guide to find the door, unlocking it and leaving the bathroom. He wasn't sure if his brother was still in the room or not…
When he hear the door open he turned to look at his brother and sighed, knowing Seto wouldn't know if he was there or not, "I'm still here...in case your wondering." he said simply.
The brunette nodded slightly, keeping his hand on the wall while he walked along, before moving away from it and going over to the bed.
He moved so he was sitting, and sighed slightly, "Niisan..."He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "I really think we need to talk..."
Maybe he should have stayed in the bathroom after all... He carefully sat down on the bed, pulling the blankets up slightly. "I figured as much..." He said simply.
He looked at him and shook his head slightly, "We have a problem..." He said and then looked down, "The way we fight...it isn't healthy...and all it does is hurt us...I don't want us to end up hating each other..."
Seto stayed silent as he leaned back against the pillows. He knew his brother was right, but that didn't mean he liked it... "Are you finally going to admit then, that we can't work?" He asked quietly.
He continued to stare down at the bed, and was silent for a long time. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew it was true, "I wanted it to work...I need it to work...." He shook his head, "But it can't..."he whispered.
Seto reached out, finding where his brother was before moving enough and pulling him against his chest. His arms wrapped around him, one hand going up to run through his brother hair. "We can't work, no, but we have to. We rely on the other too much. We need each other whether we like it or not, so we can't break apart even if we wanted to...." He murmured softly.
He closed his eyes as he felt tears trickle slowly down the sides of his face, "All we are doing is hurting each other...I can't keep doing this..." He wanted to pull away from Seto, but knew he couldn't, and he hated it.
Seto continued to hold him, staying silent, since there wasn't anything for him to say, since they both knew this relationship was tainted.
He sighed heavily, "Please Seto....let go of me..." He knew that his brother would have to let go of him, because he couldn't pull away...Seto had to be the stronger one.
He shook his head, holding him tighter against his chest, even though it hurt in doing so. "I'm not letting you go, not ever..."
Mokuba shook his head, "I need you to let go of me...because I can't push you away...even though I want to...I can't..." He opened his eyes, staring blankly of into space.
"I can't let go of you, Mokuba, and I don't want to either..." He murmured. How ever painful it was between them, they didn't have a choice in whether or not they wanted to remain together or not, they needed each other.
He shut his eyes and sighed, "What's the point...we hurt ourselves if we're together, and we hurt ourselves if we're apart...there's no point in any of this..."
"We have to be more careful with our words..." He said simply, once again toying with the teens raven hair. "We have to try harder to prevent the arguments from starting..."
"We said the same thing weeks ago." He said and sighed, shaking his head slightly, "And we see how well that one worked out." he said sarcastically.
"We have no choice, Mokuba; we have to make this work. Whether we want to or not, the fact still remains that we have no choice about this anymore, we need each other too much for it to be our choice..." Seto said quietly.
"So, we'll stay together, even though we are beginning to practically hate each other. And we live hurting one another everyday, staying together, and forsake the opportunity to maybe find happiness with someone else..." He shook his head again, and even though he couldn't move away from Seto still, he tried his best to touch him as little as possible.
It was rare though to be his entire fault when Mokuba was hurt. More often then not it was in result to his brother hurting him, and he'd retaliate, and thus hurting him...
Mokuba sighed again, "I always thought you were going to change or something...that you'd do all those romantic things I'd always dreamed about...but we can't ever have that...can we? We'll always be like this, won't we? And Now I'm changing...it's all wrong..."
"We can still do those things that you wanted to do..." Seto said quietly, lazily tracing patterns on the others back again. "You wanted to go on vacation, didn't you?"
Mokuba nodded slowly, "Yeah...I did..." He said, becoming relaxed once again by his brother's gentle touch, "But there isn't any time to..."
"Yes there is... It won't take you too long to get used to the work. Once you're caught up, two weeks at the most, then we can go somewhere." Seto murmured quietly, continuing with idly tracing patterns on the other's back.
He sighed slightly and shook his head again, "And when I said that to you, what did you always tell me?" He moved so he was sitting up more, "There won't be time..."
"Mokuba... when you mentioned wanting to do romantic things... I had already started planning it... There will be time, alright?" He said gently, pausing in his touch for a moment.
Mokuba turned his head to look at him, "You were already planning them...?" That was surprising. He didn't expect that his brother would do something like that, "Wow....thank you..."
Seto nodded, "I was mainly thinking about the vacation, planning on where to go and figuring out what would work best... But yeah, I was thinking about a few things." He smiled slightly.
He wrapped his arms around him tightly, his head leaning against his chest, "Did you ever figure out where you wanted to go?" He asked gently.
Seto laughed quietly, "Yeah, Italy... We never did go out for dinner." Of course, he had also the idea of taking more of trip around Europe as well, but he'd wait and see how things turned out before suggesting it.
Mokuba laughed slightly, "That sounds good Niisan..." He nuzzled his head against the older's chest, feeling content once again, "Let's hope no one in Italy knows who you are." He said and smiled slightly.
"I doubt it." Seto still had a slight smile on his lips. They were having one of their better moments, something rare these days. He could only hope neither of them messed it up by saying something...
"And watch...we're going to get off the plane, and a horde of teen girls begin to swarm you." he joked. It was an odd thing for him to joke around with his older brother lately...but he enjoyed it.
"I highly doubt that, they'll be too busy squealing over you." He stated, "You're the cute one." The current mood between them wasn't one they'd had for a while, but he wasn't about to let slip...
Mokuba let an eyebrow raise, and he giggled slightly, "Oh yeah, well I am...but you're sexy!" He said and nuzzled his head against him again, "Sexy beats cute any day." He liked the way this was going...maybe they would be able to make things work...
"Mm... I prefer cute." He murmured, pulling the younger one closer to him, "Because you never know... they might be sexy underneath." He whispered, smirking slightly.
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Review responses
Mandy925892002- I figured, lol. I hate it when I want to review and can't think of what to say.
MalfoyRocks- He's acting waaaaay too much like his brother, yes…
Koi-Bara- Haven't died yet no, lol.
Afiong Bassey- I don't think it's really creepy, it's just… Well hopefully it'll change in time.
Zack- Yeah, the smoking idea came from a Doujinshi I have.
Kathy Smiths- Yep, well, at least to a degree it's Seto's fault. I'm not saying that it's Mokuba's at all, but I can kinda see Seto doing something like smoking because of the stress. Though mostly it seems he just works way too much to try and get away from everything- I decided to do something different.