Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 8
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 8/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 8/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Eight:
"Maya, wait a second! I'm still fighting with my clothes!" He heard her sigh, "Fine... You have three minutes and then I don't care if you aren't wearing anything, got it?" Cue the sweat drop... "Hai..." He snaked his hand in between them and stroked Mokuba's crotch, trying to distract him.
Mokuba groaned and he continued to suck on the older's neck. He pulled away for a split second to whisper "More" Before going back to the other's neck, nipping at the skin.
"I can't do that until you let go..." He whispered, trailing his tongue along the other's neck, "You're going to have to lie down..." Seto murmured, still stroking the teen.
Mokuba nodded hastily and let him go, lying back onto the bed and pulling the older on top of him. His hands twined in the sheets and he raised his hips slightly, "Nnn, onegai Niisan...."
Seto mentally kicked himself, since he knew Mokuba was going to kill after this... "But... You're going to have to wait..." He quickly moved away from him- fast. "You can come in now Maya." He said, quickly taking a few steps away from the bed. She murmured something before opening the door.
He squirmed in the sheets, "Fuck you!" he growled out and moved onto his stomach bringing the covers up around his form, "You're just a sexual bully!" he whined pathetically and continued to squirm uncomfortably. He swore a few more times, cursing his brother. He hadn't even noticed Maya had walked in.
Hazel eyes blinked, "Am I interrupting something?" She asked, glancing between the two. Seto sighed, "He's having a tantrum..." He muttered, and the day had started out so well too... Maya nodded slightly, though raised a brow slightly in silent question to Mokuba's squirming...
He really wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on around him, "Tell that vile woman to go away, and bring your ass over here and fuck me!" He growled again before throwing the covers off of him, and he paled, "Oh… uhh....Tamashi-sensei.....lovely day....isn't it?" He immediately grabbed the covers again and pulled them back over himself. 'Baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, baka'
Seto smacked his forehead, mentally agreeing with his brother. Maya though looked more amused then anything, "Vile? You haven't even seen me angry yet..." Of course, she had suspected something between them, hadn't thought to find out this way... "Seto-sama, I do need to check your ribs to see that they're healing decently. They tend not to with repetition."
He slowly pulled the covers down; just barely uncovering his eyes, "Gomen, Tamashi-sensei...." his hair was sticking up everywhere, and the little bit of his face that was exposed was completely flushed. He squirmed again, thoroughly embarrassed.
She turned to Seto before walking over to him, "Has there been any pains this time?" Maya asked quietly, leading the brunette over to sit down on the edge of the bed before sitting next to him. Seto shook his head slightly, "Not really."
Mokuba sat up and shook his head rapidly, trying to regain his composure, "He's lying." he said flatly. "You were in pain just yesterday, Niisan!!"
Seto sighed, "That doesn't count, Mokuba. She wants to know if my ribs were hurting on there own, not if something else caused it." He said simply. Maya let the two bicker and instead went to checking to see if there was any bruising, lightly touching the brunette's chest.
"Oooh..." He nodded, "I see..." The younger Kaiba stretched slightly before laying back on the bed, waiting for Maya to finish her examination.
Seto hissed in pain, the woman sighing, "Of course that one... Keep it up and you won't have that one anymore. You know it won't heal properly with two previous fractures if you continue to not watch yourself." She murmured. Seto sighed, "I know that..."
Mokuba raised an eyebrow as he listened to the two adults talking. He hoped that he hadn't made his brother's ribs any worse the day before. He would have to stop laying on top of the older so much.
Maya glanced at the teen for a moment before turning to him, "Mokuba-san, do you mind leaving for a moment? I need to speak with your brother privately for a second."
He sighed heavily, and moved from the bed, "Fine..." It wasn't rare that Maya would ask to speak to Seto alone, and Mokuba hated it. He always knew they were discussing something bad. He walked over to the door and opened it, before shutting it again. He blinked a few times, and pressed his ear to the door.
Seto looked confused, "What else could possibly be wrong with me?" He asked. Maya laughed quietly. "Nothing bad, I just don't think having Mokuba know quite yet would be best..." Now he was even more confused, Seto's expression entirely blank. "There may be a way to get your sight back with certain operations... I'm just not sure if it will work or not..." She whispered.
Mokuba growled slightly. Why did she have to make her voice lower on the last thing she said?! He couldn't hear any of that! He sighed and leaned against the wall on the other side of the hallway. What could possibly be not bad, but something he couldn't know about?
No, she was right; getting the boys hopes up wouldn't be a good thing if it didn't work. He was surprisingly calm though... "No, it would be best if he didn't know... When will you know more?" Just because he was acting calm didn't mean he wasn't a bit excited at the thought. "I can arrange an appointment for you. Sometime during the week hopefully, since I really wouldn't want to put you on a waiting list that could take months..." Seto nodded, "Alright, is that all? Mokuba's probably annoyed." He laughed quietly. Maya stood, "For today, just take it easy, we don't need you in the hospital again quite yet." Seto listened as she left the room, saying good bye to Mokuba before leaving.
Mokuba smiled and went back into Seto's room, "Okay..." He walked over to the bed, and sat down beside him, "What did she have to say?" He asked, hoping his brother would tell him.
Seto shook his head, "You'll find out soon enough, 'kay?" He knew the younger would be impatient about this.... "So... any plans for tomorrow?" He asked, changing the subject.
Mokuba was about ask about the thing again, and sighed, knowing it would just lead to a fight, "I'll go into work tomorrow...I don't feel like going today...and we'll stop by my school as well..."
"So you finally forgot about my birthday?" He asked simply, smirking slightly, knowing that was sure to get the other's attention, seeing as it was the next day and all...
He blinked a few times and shot up off the bed "Dammit!! I didn't even invite anyone yet!! Oh no! Oh no! The party! I've never had to plan anything in less then a day...I might actually have to make the cake!!" He said, pacing back and forth in front of the bed.
Seto broke out laughing, clutching his stomach as he doubled over. His brother panicking over something like this always made him laugh; he only wished he could see him... "I already told you, I don't need a party... Just something small between us is enough for me, alright?"
Mokuba froze, and turned slowly to look at him, "What!? That's no fun! It's your 20th birthday! Don't you want to do something fun for a change!?"
Seto sighed, "Mokuba, sit down for a moment." He said quietly. Whether it was his twentieth birthday or not, he still didn't want anything big.
He sighed and sat down beside him. He looked up at the older and blinked a few times, "What is it?"
Seto pulled the teen onto his lap once he was sitting, arms wrapping around his waist. "I don't need a party or anything; I just want to spend the day with you, alright?" He asked quietly, before a slight smirk played on his lips. "Besides... We can have our own fun..." He said, before playfully nipping the other's neck.
Mokuba smiled slightly, and rested his head against the other's shoulder, "I just wanted to make your birthday special..." he said, before turning his head and nuzzling his cheek against the older's shoulder.
"Just spend the day with me and it will be." He murmured, one hand trailing to run along the teens thighs, stroking his crotch, "Now... we were in the middle of something before we were interrupted, ne?"
He licked his lips slightly, "H-hai..." He moved off of his brother's lap, and lay back on the bed, pulling the other down with him.
Seto removed his shirt, since it was already unbuttoned as is, and tossed it aside. He ignored Mokuba's shirt and instead went to rid him of his pants first, slipping them off of the other along with his boxer's, before they too were tossed aside to be forgotten. Seto moved down slightly before leaning closer to the teen, before licking enticingly along the other's thighs.
Mokuba whined slightly, wishing his brother would have gone for his length instead of his thighs, "Niisan..." he was hoping his brother wasn't planning some sort of revenge on him...
"I remember you requesting something... when we were still on our trip... I haven't fulfilled it yet..." He murmured, before lifting the teen's hips slightly. It took him a moment, but once he found the desired spot, he pressed his tongue into the other.
Mokuba's eyes shot open wide and his hands grabbed the bed sheet desperately, "Ah!" He loved that feeling; it was one of the better things his brother had ever done to him.
He hadn't known why he had even done it in the first place, but if it pleased his brother, then he didn't mind. Seto would do anything to keep his brother happy, hating to see him upset.
He arched his back slightly and he shifted a little, trying to get into a better position. He wanted his brother to stroke him, but he couldn't voice that, all he could do was moan.
He continued to use his tongue to pleasure the younger, pressing his tongue in further before slipping it out, only to thrust it back in.
Mokuba bit down hard on his bottom lip, before moving his hand down to grip his own arousal, pumping himself quickly. His back arched even more.
Seto hadn't even noticed, too busy keeping up with his actions and holding the teens hips up to really have time to pay attention.
His moaning became more vocal, and his breathing became heavier; Mokuba stroked himself faster as he felt all of his muscles in his stomach tighten.
He could sense his brother was close, which only made him increase his current action, as much as he could. His grip on the teens' hips tightened slightly, not wanting to lose his hold on him.
Mokuba felt his whole body tense up, before he released with a loud cry of the older's name. He panted heavily as his back unarched, and he rested against the bed as much as he could while still in his brother's grasp.
Seto pulled away from him and finally lowered his hips, before moving over the teen and lying down next to him. "Enjoy that?" He asked, nuzzling his brother's neck.
He nodded and moved on his side, so he could wrap his arms around the older, eyes slipping closed, "Hai....Arigatou..." he said and nuzzled against him, his breathing still a little irregular.
Seto smiled slightly, wrapping an arm loosely around his brother's waist. Once again the younger had failed to remember his needs, but at the moment it didn't bother him all too much...
He nuzzled against the older, smirking. He hadn't forgotten about Seto's need, he chose to ignore it. He was going to pay the other back for what he had done when Maya had arrived.
Seto let his hand trail down to rest on the teen's hip for a moment, before moving down slightly to caress his thigh, idly tracing circular patterns on the skin.
Mokuba froze. His plan wouldn't work if he couldn't control himself! He grabbed the hand that was on his thigh and smiled as he gripped it, lacing his fingers with the older's.
Seto frowned slightly but shrugged it off; he hadn't really put any thought behind the action. It had just been something to do at the time. He shifted slightly before moving closer to his brother, nuzzling his neck before nipping at it playfully.
Mokuba moved his leg slightly, and rubbed against the older's crotch a few times, before releasing his hand, and turning so his back was facing him.
Seto was confused by the action, and it most likely showed. He once again moved closer to the teen, spooning him now before wrapping an arm around his waist again.
He yawned, trying to sound as sleepy as possible. The raven-haired imp moved, wriggling his bottom against the older. He hated the way Seto had so much control...just once he wanted to see him lose it.
"Unless you'd like to be taken, I suggest you stop moving so much and make up your mind already." He murmured quietly, slightly annoyed.
"Niisan..."He groaned, before pulling the pillow up over his head, "Be quiet..." He said and shifted again, "I'm tired..." He said, in the best sleepy voice he could manage.
"Then stay still..." He didn't want this to end with another argument, not when the day had been alright, not including the part where they had been interrupted...
Mokuba shifted again, "I'm getting comfortable..." He said, his voice still sounding sleepy. He finally moved so that his bare bottom was pressed firmly against Seto's leathered crotch, and he stopped moving, and just pushed back slightly.
Seto moved his hand down to stroke his brother, quite firmly too... "Now stop being a tease and stay still." He hissed, pressing a bit closer to him.
Mokuba moaned slightly, "N-Niisan...I wasn't...b-being a tease!" He said defensively. He squirmed slightly, rubbing his bottom against the older's crotch.
"Bull shit." He replied, smirking slightly and continuing with stroking his brother. "You're pathetic at revenge, Mokuba." He murmured, nipping at his neck.
He whimpered slightly, knowing it was true. He really did suck at getting revenge, "Niisan....ah..." He moved back against the other again, "Please...take me..."
"Mm... I don't know... Maybe I should leave you like this? Since you were more then ready to do the same to me..." Seto replied, not pausing in his touches to the teen's arousal.
He shook his head, "Iie Niisan!!" He said and moved against him more frantically, "I wanted to get you back for before!"
"That was your own fault. You could have gotten off of me and waited, instead you decided to make yourself more aroused by staying put." He answered simply.
"Please Niisan...." He begged, and turned to face the older, "I need you...you know I have no control...I couldn't help myself..."
"Hm... I don't know..." amusement laced his voice and brushed his fingers lightly over the teen's erection, "Maybe I shouldn't..." Seto flicked his tongue out across the other's neck, licking at the skin languidly.
"Seto!" He tackled him back against the bed, and straddled the older, "Please Niisan!" He said and rocked against him, "I need you..."
Seto hissed in pain from being tackled, "Ribs, Mokuba..." Well now the mood had been killed...
"Ah!" Mokuba moved off of him quickly, and sat on the bed beside him, "Gomen nasai Niisan!!" He hadn't even been thinking about that.
He touched his chest lightly, fingers brushing over the skin with a feather light touch. "It's fine..." Seto sighed and sat up, leaning back against the pillows.
He looked down at the bed sheets, and sighed slightly, "Still....I'm sorry..." He said as he stared at the bed, "I didn't mean to...I mean...I wasn't thinking clearly..."
"It's alright, Mokuba." He gave a slight smile, "Don't worry about it. You didn't tackle me too hard." He said gently, "Just... don't let it happen again."
Mokuba nodded, "I won't let it happen again...I promise..." He said and sighed again, "Do you need an icepack?" He asked. The thought of hurting his brother had completely ridden him of thoughts to rid himself of his arousal.
He shook his head slightly, "I'm fine, just need to take it easy..." He murmured, sighing again. The pain was only dull now, so it wouldn't be much longer before it went away.
He nodded again and laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, "So...what did Maya have to say anyway?" he decided he'd try to ask again, but if his brother said nothing he wouldn't press the matter and start an argument.
"You'll find out in a few days..." The brunette answered simply, deciding a bit of sleep would be the best way to ignore the pain.
He frowned slightly at that "Alright, Alright..." He said and moved, so he was snuggled closely to Seto's side, "Is there anywhere you want to go tomorrow? Like out for dinner or something, or do you just want to stay home?"
"Just staying home with you is fine." He murmured, moving his arm slightly so he was able to toy with the raven strand of his brother's hair. "Home is fine..."
Mokuba smiled, and moved up slightly, so he could kiss the older's forehead, "You seem tired...you should go to sleep...I need to go out and pick up a few things, is that okay?"
He nodded absently, "'Kay..." He was already falling asleep, mind fogged slightly with thoughts of rest.
Mokuba smiled and stood from the bed, dressing quickly. He reached a hand into his pocket and fished out his cell phone from his pocket. As he left the room he dialed Kesi's number.
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