Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 7
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 7/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 7/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Seven:
He sighed and shook his head, "I'm going downstairs to watch TV." He said and shut the laptop rather harshly. He picked up his brother's pants, and took out his cell phone. He tossed it onto the bed beside his brother, "If you need anything, just call my cell phone, because I probably won't here you if you yell.
"Like that'll do me any good..." His brother really didn't think sometimes, did he? Seto sighed, was this how it would be between them? Acting like they couldn't even stand each other until need won out and they acted like lovers were supposed to.
He smacked a hand to his forehead, "Can't you even figure out which buttons are the numbers?" He sat down on the bed and sighed, "Fine, I'll just stay here."
"Just go... I'll most likely end up falling asleep, and hopefully when I wake up I'll have an idea as to how to end this." He said bitterly, eyes staying closed as he felt the sting of tears.
"You said so yourself, no matter how much we want to end this, we can't." He said and stood up, "We're stuck with each other whether we like it or not..." He walked to the door and opened it again, "And right now, it's annoying the hell out of me." He had no idea why he felt this way all of a sudden...must be some sort of mood swings induced by pressure...
Then maybe he'd have to ignore the need he felt at times towards his brother. Maybe if acted indifferently towards him... They couldn't keep this up, was of them was going to end up beyond hurt...
He walked out of the room and shut the door behind himself. He leaned against the wall beside the door and sighed heavily. This sucked, why couldn't they be normal!
Gods... what was wrong with them? When had everything fallen apart? Everything had been fine... until they'd gone on that stupid trip... Everything had gone wrong on that trip... Not one thing had been positive about going.
He slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, head in his hands. Tears were now leaking out of his eyes. He wanted things to be like they used to be...back when they actually got along for more then 10 minutes...why was sex the only thing they could share anymore?
There had to be a way to fix things... right? What they had couldn't be destroyed so easily, right? They cared for each other more then that... didn't they? Or were they just fooling themselves, and had blindly thought they had loved each other, when that had never been the case in the first place?
Mokuba had been very young when they were first together...and didn't children sometimes say they loved people, when it really wasn't love at all? He shook his head. No, that couldn't be possible...if they hadn't loved each other, why would they have stayed together so long?
Seto had always loved his little brother... but that was it, he had loved him as a brother, not as a lover. The thought had never occurred to him until Mokuba had said he was in love with him, but at that age... He should have known the younger could have been mistaking it... It had just seemed so... right at the time.
He pulled his knees up to his chest, and hugged them tight. All of this, it was just to much to handle. He didn't know what to do anymore. The thought of his brother not really loving him, hurt him...but could he even say he really loved the other? He leaned his forehead against his knees, sobbing quietly.
Seto pulled the blankets up around him tighter, a chill passing through him. Why couldn't this all be a dream? And when he woke up he would still have his loving little brother who was trying to get him to say he loved him finally...
Why was it that after his brother had said he loved him, finally said it...all of it went down-hill? It seemed like it was his fault, because he kept pressuring his brother to say it. Maybe..."When he said it...he realized he didn't mean it..." Mokuba said, looking up from his knees and staring blankly at the wall on the other side of the hall.
Sure they'd had their fair share of fights before, but it had never been so hurtful, had never made him wonder if he could actually... He shook his head, ridding himself of his thoughts. Sleep sounded good... Maybe they would both be in better moods later...
He stood up, and walked towards his room. A place he hadn't slept in for such a long time. He would sleep there now though; his head was beginning to hurt. He needed to sleep to clear his thoughts. He opened the door and sighed as he shut it behind himself. The teen lay down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, "If I fall asleep....I don't want to wake up..." any dream would be better then this...
-- --- --
Mornings were always the worst for Seto, since they were the most painful reminder of what had happened to his sight... That didn't bother him this time though, no, he was more concerned with why the bed was empty and where his brother was- when he remembered what had happened the day before... A quiet whimper escaped his lips and he curled up on his side. He really did need his brother more then he realized...
Mokuba had just finished eating his breakfast and placing his dishes in the sink. He decided now would be a good time to wake his brother, and help him get dressed before Maya showed up to check up on him. He went to his brother's room and opened the door. He looked over to his brother's bed, and thought he was still asleep, seeing as he was just lying on his side, "Niisan, Okite yo!" He said as he walked to the bed.
He turned slightly, head tilting to the side, "Ohayo, Mokuba." He murmured, smiling slightly. At least he didn't seem moody, right? That was always a good sign... Maybe he could prevent anything from happening between them, so there wouldn't be any fights...
Mokuba smiled, as he looked down at him, "Ohayo." he said and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Tamashi-sensei will be here in about an hour...do you want me to help you get dressed, or just lay out your clothes for you?" he asked, his voice much more gentle then it had been yesterday. It was a new day; he decided to use it as a fresh start.
"Help." He murmured simply, sitting up and causing the blankets the fall and pool around his waist. He needed to be close to him right now, so asking for him to help was the best way to get that need fulfilled.
He smiled slightly, "Alright." He wanted to kiss the other, but decided against it as he stood up. He walked over to the closet, and grabbed a pair of simple black leather pants, and one of his brother's normal black sweaters, "Are you still coming with me to school and work, or do your ribs hurt a lot still? And be honest, because if your ribs hurt you need to stay home."
"They're okay. I'll take something if I need to, besides, Maya's coming, she can decide whether or not I'm fit to leave the house." That should have been a good response, right? He wasn't disagreeing and he told the truth...
Mokuba nodded as he moved to the dresser, "Okay," He went to Seto's dresser, and opened the top drawer, and grabbed a pair of his brother's boxers, and a pair of socks. He walked back over and sat beside him, "Here, put these on first." He said and handed him the socks and the boxers.
Seto pushed aside the blankets and took the pair of boxer's, before slipping them on, and then taking the pair of socks and putting them on as well. He tilted his head again to the side, waiting for his brother to say something else.
"Maybe I should just leave you like this." he teased lightly before holding out his pants. He pushed them against his arm slightly, "Here, your pants." he said simply.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He murmured, smiling slightly before taking his pants from the other- leather, he smirked slightly and he moved over to the side of the bed before putting them on.
He laughed slightly, "It would be a much more enjoyable sight then when you are fully clothed." he said and held out his shirt next, doing the same as before and touching it to his arm, "Here, it's black, if you were wondering."
Seto nodded absently and took the shirt from him, slipping it on, though deciding to leave it unbuttoned. "Mm... And you'll run around without anything, how about that?" he joked lightly, grinning for a moment.
"Hmm, no...I don't think so...I want to keep my dignity..." He smirked slightly, before moving behind the older. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around him from behind, and nuzzled his cheek against the other's
"Oh? But it's fine for me to be in my boxer's and nothing else?" He said, leaning back the slightest bit against his brother.
"Iie Niisan!" He said and smirked again, "You would have had your socks on as well." He said and kissed his cheek lightly.
"Like that's so much better... You'd be in those shorts of yours and topless then." He finally decided, turning his head slightly and catching his brother's lips with his.
Mokuba kissed his brother for a few moments, before pulling back, "I don't have a problem with that...I like my shorts...Maybe I should be wearing those when Tamashi-sensei gets here...what do you think she'd think of that?" They hadn't outright told Maya they had a relationship, at least Mokuba hadn't, he didn't know if Seto had, but she should have been able to guess it by now...
"I'll have to hide you in the closet, wouldn't want her to see you like that. All cute and sexy and asking to be ravished." He smirked for a moment before grinning.
"You'd have to be able to catch me in order to put me in the closet...I'm much faster then you are." He said and moved away from the older, "I think I need to go get changed." he teased.
Seto pouted, "That isn't fair and you know it... You don't have to worry about walking into a wall..." This was getting odd... not a bad odd though...
Mokuba smiled, "Exactly, which is why you will have to let me where my cute little shorts around the house...unless you want to try and run after me without walking into a wall." He said and kissed his cheek again. He was glad they were joking around again, and he hoped nothing would mess this up.
"Then maybe I'll have to keep you locked up, hm?" Knowing where he was now, he quickly wrapped his arms around the other, "I wouldn't want someone else appreciating this..." He let his hands move down to rest on the other's rear, "in those shorts..."
He wasn't expecting his brother to grab him, and he let out a little 'eek' noise. When he felt his brother place a hand over his bottom, he giggled, "Niisan...you are so selfish." He said and kissed his cheek again, "but then again...when it comes to something this good looking...I can see why." he said and grinned.
Seto would have rolled his eyes, but opted to merely shake his head and smirk. "It's not being selfish... I'm simply... possessive." He would have added something else, but he wasn't sure in how good a mood they were in...
Mokuba giggled again, feeling more at-ease then he had for a few weeks, "Ne, Niisan....isn't that the same thing?" he questioned.
"No, it isn't..." He murmured, before nuzzling his neck, and then nipping at the skin. His hands stayed where they were, why, he wasn't sure, but at the moment he felt like it...
He smirked slightly, "If you keep this up...Those clothes you just put on may end up wrinkled on the floor..." he said and tilted his head back, to allow the older better access to his mouth.
He pulled away for a moment, "Sou ka?" He murmured, nipping at his neck again before grinding lightly against the other. "That a promise?" Seto asked, smirking against his neck.
Mokuba hissed, "Niisan...we don't have enough time for this....Tamashi-sensei...she'll be here soon...I don't want to take a cold shower now..." He muttered.
Seto pouted slightly before grinning again, "Then she'll be getting a show, hm?" He joked, laughing quietly before nuzzling the teen's neck again.
Mokuba smirked slightly, "Well, I don't have a problem with that..." He said and tackled his brother onto the bed, "But I can imagine you would."
"The only thing I have a problem with is not being able to see her expression... We need a camera... And a very good description to me afterwards…" He said absently, hands moving to rest on the other's hips.
Mokuba smirked and leaned down, running his tongue over the older's chest, "I'll describe it to you" he said and smirked.
Maybe buttoning his shirt would have been a good idea... "You'll have to bug her about it for me..." He murmured, back arching slightly.
He nodded, "Alright" he said before moving his mouth to one of his brother's nipples, taking it into his mouth. He brought his other hand to stroke his brother's crotch through the leather pants.
"You had to pick leather, didn't you?" He moaned out, back arching slightly more, loving that small heat that was his brother's mouth.
He just made a slight humming noise in response to his brother's question. His hand moved to the zipper, and he slowly unzipped the pants.
He was slowly becoming more and more in trouble... "It could have been something else, but no, you had to pick... leather." Seto murmured.
He moved his mouth away, "Leather is much more fun" He said and pushed the pants down, far enough to expose the older's length. He lightly traced his fingers over it.
Seto eyed him for a moment, "What, do you have a kinky side I don't know about yet?" Though the thought was interesting... And there went his mind...
Mokuba smirked, and he finally gripped his brother's length, and pumped him slowly, "I'm willing to try anything once." he said and propped his head up, using his free arm.
He moaned at his brother's touch, hips moving up slightly. It seemed a bit odd that he was acting so... submissive, when usually he was the dominant one... Like he cared at the moment though...
He smiled and sped up his hand movements. He moved so that he was once again showering kisses along the older's chest, and he couldn't help but think how funny it would be if Maya walked in then.
It was amazing how precise his hearing was now... True, when one sense was disabled, the others would enhance, some more then others, but still... "Nn... Maya's here..." It also helped that she had a tendency to always nicely slam the front door shut- just so that Seto would know she was there no matter where in the house he was.
Mokuba smirked, and continued to pump his brother's length, "You said you wanted to give her a show, right?" He said and continued.
He hadn't been serious about it though... Course at the moment he had little choice accept to moan at his brother's touch. Dammit, this wasn't good... Actually, that was debatable…
He continued, but eased up on his movements, he wanted to make sure the other wouldn't come any time soon, "Nnn...Are you ever going to touch me?" he questioned, voice low.
Seto smirked, "Maybe... maybe not." He managed to force himself to pull away from his brother, quickly redoing his pants, but leaving his shirt undone still.
Mokuba immediately latched onto him, "Iie Niisan!" He moved so his legs were around the older's waist, and he rocked against him, "Onegai....quickly..." he had managed to work himself up while toying with the other.
"Mokuba! She'll be-" He cursed, already hearing her calling out for them. Seto stayed silent for a moment before shouting back to her, telling her where he was. "It'll only take a few minutes, unless you distract me!" This might have had a slim chance of working, if not for the grin in his lips.
Mokuba shook his head, and didn't let him go, "Tell her you're busy...Niisan please..." He said, tightening the hold his legs had around the older's waist.
"Mokuba..." He tried to pry the other off of him, already hearing the footsteps coming closer. "You have to get off..."
He shook his head again, stubbornly, and latched his mouth onto Seto's neck, sucking at the flesh as he continued to rock against him.
One sound he didn't want to hear right now, and that was the light knock on the door and the doorknob twisting. "Mokuba!" He hissed.
Mokuba didn't even care. The only thing he was thinking about was the extreme ache between his thighs, and how to get rid of it.
"Maya, wait a second! I'm still fighting with my clothes!" He heard her sigh, "Fine... You have three minutes and then I don't care if you aren't wearing anything, got it?" Cue the sweat drop... "Hai..."
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Review responses
Too tired to do review responses, but here's an update… Zzzzz…