Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 19/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 19/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Nineteen:
Mokuba looked back at Seto, and sighed slightly. He opened the door to the bathroom, and stepped in. He removed what was left of his clothes, and stepped into the shower, turning the cold water on.
It was only once he heard the water running that he decided, and moved over to the edge of the bed before standing. Silently, he walked over to the wall, using it as a guide to go over to the bathroom door. He waited though until he was sure that his brother was in the shower.
Mokuba sighed, leaning against the tile of the shower walls, as the water washed over him soothing him. He closed his eyes, and shivered slightly at the coldness of the water.
Seto silently slipped into the bathroom, not wanting to attract his brother's attention, though this entire thing would have easier if he knew where he was going. He didn't hear any form of a reaction from the younger, and took that as a sign that he hadn't been seen. Quickly undressing, he contemplated for a moment on where his brother would be standing, before disregarding that thought. He altered the temperature to a warmer one, but too distract since he didn't want to accidentally burn the other.
Mokuba blinked when he felt the water get warmer, and he looked up. The teen looked around before Seeing Seto, and he sighed slightly, "What?" He asked, in a rather flat tone.
The others voice at least told him where he was... Seto stepped into the shower, leaning back against side before motioning for the younger to come closer.
Mokuba sighed and crossed his arms, moving slightly closer to him, "What do you want, Niisan?" He said, looking at him sternly.
"Can you come over here first?" He asked quietly, without the slight annoyance he wanted to add as an undertone.
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly, and walked over so he was standing right in front of Seto, "Okay, what?"
Better... Seto wrapped his arms around the teen, before he decided to move away from him. "No more teasing..." He murmured, one hand slipping down, while he let his fingers brush against the younger's rear. "That's what tonight's for." A slight smirk set itself upon his lips as he pressed a digit into the other.
Mokuba sighed, and grabbed Seto's arm, keeping him from doing anything else, "No, Niisan...I don't want to right now..." That was probably the first time he flat out refused Sex, but he was seriously annoyed at the moment, and Sex wasn't something he wanted at the moment.
He'd definitely screwed up this time... Nodding, Seto let his arms drop to his sides, allowing the younger to move if he desired to do so.
Mokuba did move away, and he grabbed the shampoo from a small shelf in the shower. He squeezed some into his hands, and ran it through his hair.
Since his reason for coming into the shower was now lost, Seto slipped out and used the wall to guide him over to the linens closet, quickly grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist before going back into his bedroom.
Mokuba rinsed the shampoo from his hair, and finished washing up before turning off the water. He stepped out of the shower, and grabbed two towels. He put his hair up in one, and wrapped the other around his waist. He walked back into the bedroom, and watched Seto, sighing slightly.
Seto was sitting at the foot of the bed, leaning against one of the bedposts. He hadn't bothered to try and go through his closet, merely sitting down on the bed.
Mokuba shook his head, and walked over to the bed. He sat down beside Seto, and leaned against him slightly, "I'm sorry..." He muttered, closing his eyes.
"It wasn't your fault." Seto said softly, and hesitantly wrapped an arm around the teen's waist, pulling him closer.
"But it's your birthday...Sorry I ruined it...I screwed up dinner, and then this..." He sighed slightly, and nuzzled his cheek against Seto's chest.
Seto shook his head, "I shouldn't have gone that far." True, his brother had screwed up dinner, but it had turned out anyways. "The day isn't ruined yet."
Mokuba smiled slightly, and moved into Seto's lap, "So...Did you have anything else in mind?" He asked, tracing a finger lightly down his brother's chest.
Did he have anything else in mind... well, nothing that could be used at the moment. "Not exactly..." He murmured.
Mokuba frowned slightly at this; "Will you just lay down with me and hold me then?" He wanted to be close to Seto right now, as he usually did after a fight.
A slight smile came to his lips, "Sure." Seto pulled back from the younger, before pulling him lightly over to the middle of the bed.
Mokuba smiled, and nuzzled into Seto's side, "Good...I really don't think we do this often enough..." he said and made a light noise of contentment.
Seto nodded, a slight sound of agreement leaving his throat. He let his fingers run through the younger one's hair, taking up his habit yet again.
Mokuba closed his eyes, and yawned slightly. Today had been somewhat exhausting. "I'm gonna take a little nap..." He snuggled against Seto even more, and grabbed the blanket, pulling it over himself.
"I'll wake you up when Jana calls." And thankfully his cell was still sitting on the night stand.
Mokuba nodded slightly, and he placed his arms loosely around Seto, before drifting off to sleep.
It wasn't for over another hour before Jana did finally call, Seto picking up the phone quickly barely after the first ring, since he didn't want it to wake his brother. The blonde confirmed that she would be dragging both Kesi and Nahkti by shortly, since whether the brunette wanted it or not, he would be getting a gift from her. After a short bit of hushed back and forth between the two, Seto finally ended their conversation and set the cell back down, before turning his attention to waking Mokuba. He shook the teen slightly.
Mokuba groaned slightly, and pulled the pillow over his head, "Five more minutes..." He muttered, still asleep for the most part.
Seto sighed and shook his head slightly, having no other choice as a means to waking the teen. He let his hand play across the other's chest, pushed aside the towel that was wrapped around Mokuba's hips, and let his fingers caress the boys' thighs.
Mokuba was certainly awake now, and he tried to wiggle away form Seto, "Noo…" He whined, and grabbed the blanket back, "Still Sleepy…"
"Jana said she'll be here soon though." Seto replied with, before pulling the blankets away and off of Mokuba.
Mokuba shrugged half heartedly, "I don't caaare." He said and grabbed the blankets again, "She's your friend..." he muttered, and snuggled under the warmth of the blankets.
"And Kesi is coming as well, so unless you'd like her to see you without anything on, I suggest you get up and get dressed." This was getting no where fast...
Mokuba shrugged and pulled the blanket fully over he head, "Kesi would probably like that" He joked, "Might as well give her an early Christmas present…It's a blessing to see this body in the nude."
"Mokuba... Get up." There was a slight note of warning in his voice, and that obviously meant he was planning something... Though really, when wasn't Seto plotting something?
Mokuba sighed heavily, and pulled back the blanket, "But Why!! I can set the alarm and wake up in an hour...I'm tiiiiireeed!!"
"Then you'll be sleeping on the floor..." Seto stated plainly.
Mokuba made a face, "So now you won't let me sleep in your bed?" He said, sounding a bit upset at this.
"No, I just want you to wake up and sleep later. You are the one who wanted to have Jana, Kesi, and Nahkti over in the first place..." Seto murmured.
Mokuba sighed heavily, "Yeah, for dinner...dinner is kind of over...so now you can just go and talk about whatever it is you and Jana talk about."
Seto remained quiet for a moment before throwing his side of the covers over the other (or at least, that's what he was aiming for), and quickly got out of bed. He re-adjusted the towel around his waist and carefully made his way over to his closet to grab a change of clothes.
Mokuba blinked, and looked over to Seto, "Nn...What are you doing?" he asked. If his brother just gave up like that, then it really wasn't any fun...
"Trying to figure out what the hell is what..." Seto went with a pair of leather pants, since black would go with anything, and then randomly grabbed a shirt which ended up being a deep purple.
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly, that hadn't been exactly what he meant, "I'll go get dressed...I should wear my shorts just to embarrass you" He said, and got out of bed.
"As long as you're wearing something, I don't care, but it wouldn't hurt to leave a good first impression on Nahkti. I've only met him once myself..." And that meeting had been brief...
Mokuba was surprised at this, he figured Seto would have seen him more, "Whatever, I'm getting dressed." and with that, he left the room and headed to his own.
Taking the shirt and pants, he found his way over to the dresser, taking out what was needed before he went about dressing.
Mokuba sighed slightly, as he pulled on his boxers, before a pair of jeans. He was still really tired, and wanted to sleep, but he didn't want Seto to get too angry with him. He looked through his drawers, and pulled out a Black and white stripped long-sleeved shirt. He'd save the cute shorts for later. Once he was dressed, he made his way back to Seto's room.
Seto was buttoning his shirt while moving over to sit on the bed, checking to make sure he hadn't missed a hole and had gone off.
Mokuba stood in the doorway, and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest, "So I guess we're just brothers for the next few hours?" He said, watching Seto.
Seto tilted his head slightly before nodding. "It won't take too long, alright?" He wasn't even sure why Jana insisted on giving him a gift, it wasn't like he neither needed nor wanted it.
Mokuba sighed slightly, "Are we really going to have to sneak around forever?" He asked, his gaze shifting to the floor. "It makes me feel like I'm doing something criminal..." Which technically, he was...
"Mokuba... you know we don't have a choice." How many times had that come up in the past few years? Hadn't they discussed it enough? "Just wait until next month, and then we'll be able to go on vacation, alright?"
He sighed again and shook his head slightly. He stepped into the room, and sat beside his brother on the bed, "It's not fair that we have to travel thousands of miles, just to do the things others can do wherever they want..."
Seto wrapped an arm around the teen's waist, pulling him closer. "I know..." They couldn't change that though, so what point was there to bring it up? "We should go downstairs, they should be here soon."
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly, "You act like you don't even care." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. He scooted away from his brother, and gave him a slightly angry look.
"What do you want me to say then?" He asked, annoyance slipping through. "I never seem to say what you want to hear- so do us both a favour and tell me yourself."
Mokuba sighed and shifted uncomfortably. He hated it when his brother used that tone of voice, "Sorry..." He muttered, looking down at the floor.
Seto stood, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. "Can we go down stairs before we start fighting again...?"
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly at this, "I guess if you can get down there." He said bitterly, before leaving the room and slamming the door behind himself.