Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Final Chapter ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 20/20
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Twenty:
Seto stood, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. "Can we go down stairs before we start fighting again...?"
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly at this, "I guess if you can get down there." He said bitterly, before leaving the room and slamming the door behind himself. Like always, he had apologized, and his brother said something like that? Okay, so maybe he was taking things a little too harshly...but Seto just seemed so uncaring. He walked down the stairs, and sat himself in the living room on the couch, glaring out the window.
What the hell had caused that?! How had his brother taken that the wrong way? How could that have been taken the wrong way!? Seto honestly hated going down the stairs, and wasn't going to even bother with leaving his room if he had to venture down them on his own. He merely walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge, trying to figure out what his pissed his brother off this time.
The doorbell chimed throughout the house; apparently Jana had decided to follow Mokuba's... "suggestion" of not letting herself in.
Mokuba seriously contemplated on ignoring the door bell, and hopefully having Jana go away. He was definitely in a pissy mood, and didn't feel like dealing with anyone. He walked to the door, and opened it, his glare not easing up that much, "He's upstairs." He said flatly, and walked back away to the living room, leaving the door open for them.
Jana gave a slightly concerned look towards the stairs, "Oh nein... Jetzt was?" (trans- oh no… now what?) she murmured to herself, before glancing at the other two. Kesi frowned slightly, and Nahkti looked slightly confused, hazel eyes glancing between the two girls. Kesi motioned for her brother to follow her, while taking the gift box from Jana and heading into the living room. "Still want to give Seto-san his gift? Jana says it looks good, but she wouldn't show us." She gave a light pout, and hoped she would be able to cheer her friend up.
Nahkti felt out of place, and had said that it most likely happen to his fiancé, but the blonde had insisted that he come anyway.
Janice had headed upstairs, going down the hall until she came to Seto before knocking lightly, "Seto..?" She paused for a moment before opening the door quietly, sapphire eyes moving over to the bed where the brunette was now lying down. "Do you want to come down and open your gifts?"
Mokuba was seated back on the couch, staring out the window, "I don't really care...do whatever you want with it..." He sighed heavily. "It's not like he gives a damn anyway..." He muttered.
"You made the drawing though..." Kesi shook her head and sighed, "Fine..." She set the box down on the coffee table, and set down an envelope next to it, before taking a seat.
"What difference does it make?" He asked quietly, though sat up anyways, feeling the bed sink slightly as Jana sat next to him. "It'll make a difference, just come down first, alright?" Seto barely nodded, before he was hugged lightly by the other. Jana quickly pulled him to his feet before dragging him out of the room and downstairs.
Mokuba rolled his eyes, and didn't look at her. He would have preferred to be alone at the moment, but he wasn't so rude as to just leave the room while Kesi was there...
Both Kesi and Nahkti's gaze shifted when Jana led Seto into the living room, and had him sit down away from his brother since she wasn't entirely sure about what had happened between them. Kesi didn't have a chance to say anything before Jana spoke up, glancing at Mokuba, "Do you want to give him your gift now?"
Mokuba rolled his eyes again, and grabbed the gift from the coffee table. He stood up, and placed it in his lap, in a not-so-gentle way, "There. Happy Birthday." He said flatly and went back to his seat.
Jana gave him an annoyed look before giving Kesi a look, which had the girl quickly on her feet and pulling her brother out of the room. The blonde then turned to Mokuba, blue gaze narrowed slightly. "I don't know, nor do I care what you two have picked for your latest topic of dispute, but it is still Seto's birthday today and I'm not going to sit by while you act up."
Mokuba crossed his arms, and glared at the woman, "Don't come into my house and tell me what to do. If you have a problem with the way I'm acting why don't you just leave? You don't exactly have to be here, you know." He said bitterly, before standing up.
"Did nothing I say earlier sink into your head? Are you truly that immature, Mokuba?" If she didn't stay, who's to say these two would even go near each other for the rest of the day? And Seto honestly wasn't sure on how to intervene in this, opting to remain silent.
Mokuba rolled his eyes slightly, "I don't have to put up with this..." He muttered as he moved to leave the room.
"You have no reason to be walking out, Mokuba, unless you want to prove that you aren't anything except a selfish brat." Janice gave him a dark look, scowling at the teen.
Seto shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Jana, its fine..."
Mokuba narrowed his eyes at the blonde, "Why don't you for once just mind your own fucking business?!" He said angrily. The woman was really starting to piss him off now.
"Because if I did then you two would have broken up long ago." Some how she was managing to keep her tone level and somewhat calm, though the obvious furry she felt at the moment was leaking through.
"Whatever." He muttered, and left the room finally. He walked over to the stairs, and sat on the bottom step, glaring at the wall, "Fucking bitch” he muttered under his breath
Jana groaned in annoyance, "Gomen, Seto." She murmured quietly. The brunette shook his head slightly, "It's fine... Just..."
"I hope you like your presents, Seto." She said quietly, before hugging him lightly and leaving the room, signalling for Kesi and Nahkti to follow- both looked somewhat confused but followed the blonde out.
Only after Seto heard the front door close, did he get up and walk out of the room, moving just outside into the hall. He hadn't heard Mokuba go upstairs yet, and hoped he was still somewhere close.
Mokuba sighed when he heard Seto's footsteps, "Just go away, Niisan." He muttered, not wanting to deal with Seto at the moment. He didn't want to deal with much of anything...
Seto seemed slightly unsure of himself before sighing softly, "Don't hate me..." He turned and went back into the living room, moving over to the couch and sitting, before slipping down to lie on it.
Mokuba sighed heavily and walked into the living room after him, "Just because I'm pissed off at you, doesn't mean I hate you...I don't think it's even possible for me to hate you..."
"Regardless, you're doing a wonderful job at convincing me you do..." he murmured quietly, remaining where he was on the couch.
He sighed again and moved over to the couch. He sat down on the arm of the couch, and watched Seto, "Well I don't hate you..."
Seto remained still for a moment before he sat up. Why did they always manage to argue? Couldn't they for once get along for an entire day? He leaned against the teen ever so slightly, grateful for his presence.
Mokuba hesitated slightly, before wrapping his arms around Seto, "I'm sorry for fucking up your birthday..." Apologising was something he always hated doing, but he knew he had to.
"It's fine." He murmured, snaking his arms around the younger and lightly holding him in response. "You didn't ruin it."
Mokuba smiled slightly, and kissed Seto briefly, before pulling back, "There's still a few hours of your birthday left...anything you want to do in particular?”
"Mm... I haven't opened your gift yet... and apparently Jana left something as well..." Seto only knew that his brother's gift was in a box, he hadn't the slightest what Jana's was since it was only a mere envelope (though quite thick...).
Mokuba nodded and reached over to the coffee table. He handed Seto both or the gifts, "Here, open whichever you like first..."
He set the envelope down beside him on the couch, deciding to open his brother's first since it had his curiosity. Seto removed the lid to the box, before reaching into it, a confused look plastered on his expression. He stayed silent for a moment before he finally said something, "It's engraved...?" he questioned, fingertips still brushing across the surface and wondering what it was.
Mokuba looked at it, and blinked, "Oh...Yeah…" Now he understood why Jana had him draw that picture.
Seto carefully took the plaque out, setting the box down on the floor along with the lid before turning his attention once more to his gift. What was it though? It wasn't kanji and any words, per say, but seemed more like an image... What though? Something that he would be able to figure out easily, yet it wasn't-
"You drew it?" He asked, fairly sure he understood what it was.
Mokuba nodded slightly, "Mm hmm...That's what I was working on yesterday...when you kept asking me if I was writing or not..." He said, smiling slightly.
A slight smile crossed Seto's lips, though he wasn't sure how to reply. He continued to let his fingers run along the numerous grooves that displayed his dragon. "Thank you, Mokuba." He murmured.
His eyes slipped closed, as he leaned forward and kissed Seto again, this time not being so brief as his arms came up to wrap loosely around Seto's neck.
The brunette smiled against Mokuba's lips before returning the kiss, snaking an arm around the teen's waist and pulling him closer.
Mokuba broke the kiss soon afterwards, "I'm curious to see what Jana got you…" He muttered, looking to the thick envelope.
Seto nodded, his free hand setting aside the plaque before taking the envelope. He had to release his hold on the younger's waist to open it, "You'll have to see what's in it..."
Mokuba pulled out two...plane tickets? "Uhm... It's two plane tickets to..." He read over them, "Germany..." He said, sounding slightly confused, "For November 1st..."
"Is there a note or anything explaining what Jana's up to..?" He asked, curious and confused by what the blonde had planned for them.
Mokuba nodded slightly, "Uh huh..." He opened the note up and read it quickly to himself. "It says that she talked to Maya-sensei about that operation... and so Germany is where they're going to perform it! Isn't this great, Niisan! You'll be able to see again!"
Seto could do nothing but smile in response to his brothers' reaction, unsure whether to be annoyed or grateful that the insane girl had once again meddled in his life.
Mokuba Sighed slightly, "You could at least get a little excited you know" He said and teasingly prodded his brother.
"I could... but you seem to be excited enough for the both of us." He mused, lips twitching into a smirk. "I am excited though." Mokuba should know though, he had never been good with emotions.
"I figured you were..." he said and leaned down to kiss Seto gently, "I think we should...celebrate this..." he whispered, and kissed him again.
"Sou ka?" Seto tilted his head slightly to the side, his lips quirked in amusement. "And how, pray tell, do you want to go about doing that?" He asked.
Mokuba licked his lips slightly, and moved himself into Seto's lap. "Well..." he ran his hands over Seto's chest lightly, "There are many ways we could do it..."
Seto wrapped his arms around the teens waist, before pulling his shirt up slightly and slip his hands beneath the fabric. He let his finger tips brush along the others back at a teasingly slow pace, barely touching the skin.
"What did you have in mind?" He murmured, slipping his hands up till they were almost touching Mokuba's shoulders, his shirt riding up his back because of it. Once he was sure he knew where the teens neck was, he playfully nipped at it before trailing his tongue along the skin in the same manner.
He shivered slightly from Seto's touch, "Uhhn...Niisaaaan..." He wrapped his arms around his brother's neck loosely, and tried to keep a little control, "Damn it....why do you always have to tease me...." he muttered.
"Tease you?" Seto's tone had turned playful, which never meant any good. "I'm doing nothing of the sort." He stated simply, before grinning and moving his mouth back to Mokuba's neck, caressing with his lips and working his way along the teens jaw line.
"Bull shit" He muttered. Mokuba felt himself losing more of his nearly non-existent control. He reached down, and grabbed Seto's crotch, massaging it slightly.
He should have expected it, but a slight gasp still managed to pass through the brunette's lips, along with a stifled moan against Mokuba's neck. That action was just... low, in more ways then one. "Cheap move." He muttered.
The teen smirked, and continued "Cheap...but effective..." He said, sounding quite pleased with himself. "Don't you just hate it when you lose?" He whispered, as he began to unbutton Seto's pants.
"In general?" He ducked his head for a moment to lavish attention on Mokuba's chest, lightly on the skin as he worked his way along the younger one's upper chest, before returning to his neck. "Or to you?"
Mokuba growled slightly, as he managed to undo the fastenings on the elder's pants. The teen reached into Seto's pants, and grabbed his manhood, giving it a good firm stroke, before withdrawing his hand. He reached up and gripped Seto's shoulders as he shifted slightly, getting some much needed friction.
Seto lowered his hands to grip his brothers' hips, lifting his own to meet and grind against him. "We probably shouldn't stay down here..." he mused, a smirk on his lips.
Mokuba smirked as well, and shook his head, "Uh-uh...can't walk...need sex..." he said and wrapped his legs around Seto's waist.
"You don't need to walk." Seto murmured, "If you trust me not to walk into something..." He stood, lifting the teen as he did, his hands slipping down slightly to grip Mokuba's thighs.
"Nnn...Just sit down..." he muttered, before latching his mouth onto Seto's neck. Mokuba ran his tongue gently over the skin, before sucking it harshly.
"We shouldn't stay down here..." Seto interrupted himself by moaning quietly, not trusting himself to stand let alone walk now, and promptly sat back down.
Mokuba slid his hands down Seto's chest, undoing the buttons on his shirt as he did so. He pulled away from his brother's neck, and moved to kiss his lips, "You worry too much..." he said before kissing him fiercely.
"And you... not enough." That was like Mokuba though, always risking everything and then saying he worried too much... why wasn't there a happy medium for things like this? Mokuba had been ecstatic about the trip and the operation, yet he barely showed. And with this... He'd never understand it.
"Nnn...this kind of stuff is exciting..." He muttered, and ground his hips down, "Come on....do something..." He mumbled before kissing Seto again.
"Maybe for you..." He murmured, before pressing his lips back against Mokuba's, sucking on his bottom lip as he drew it into his mouth. Seto shifted until he could lie down with the younger on his chest, his hands resting firmly on Mokuba's hips as he forced his hips up against his.
Mokuba moaned slightly, and continued to rub against Seto, "Oh god...Niisan....want you...." he whispered, breathlessly. The teen kissed Seto again, lips parting to allow his brother's tongue entrance.
Seto slipped his tongue into the teen's mouth, sliding it along the others before lazily tracing along the insides of his mouth. He trailed his hands along Mokuba's back, caressing his sides before working on undoing his brothers' pants.
The teen moaned against the elder's mouth. He gripped the other's shoulders tightly, as he tried to deepen the kiss. Mokuba was having a hard time thinking straight, all he could think about was the ache in between his legs, and how it was going to be gotten rid of.
Seto tugged at the teen's pants slightly, before slipping a hand into Mokuba's pants and stroking his arousal. His free hand played across his chest and back, before finally tangling into the younger one's hair and trying to deepen their lip-lock as well.
As Usual, Mokuba entirely forgot the needs of his older brother. He just couldn't help but get lost in the feeling of Seto's touch. The teen had to pull back from the kiss, and take in a deep breath, "Oh gods...Niisan...more..."
Some things never changed... Seto didn't cease his touches to the younger, continuing to please the teen even as he spoke. "You're doing it again..." He murmured, shifting slightly since he was beginning to get uncomfortable himself.
Mokuba took in another deep breath, and he rested his head on Seto's shoulder, "D-doing....what...?" He managed out, He gripped Seto's other shoulder with his hand, trying to remain steady.
"Ignoring me..." Seto murmured, smirking slightly, "You always do that when I touch you..." He gave a slightly firmer stroke on the emphasized word. "Are you going to change that?" He asked idly.
The teenager shifted slightly, "If you were...ah...inside me...this wouldn't be a...a problem..." He panted slightly, trying to catch his breath, as he used his free hand to reach back down, and lazily grab Seto.
"I told you we should have gone upstairs, you didn't want to listen though..." The brunette lifted his hips, needing more contact from the teen. He should have risked it, since now they had an even less likely chance of making now- if it was even still existent...
Mokuba had to grit his teeth slightly, to keep from moaning to loudly, "Gods Seto...less talking....need more..." He bit his lip and pressed himself against Seto, moving quite harshly. He was trying to get all the friction he could get, while his hand still barely stroked Seto.
Seto paused for a moment, before stopping altogether, "First we go upstairs, or you'll have no hope of getting this," He gave a rather hard stroke to the teens member, "problem solved." Of course he doubted that would really do anything, so had to add rather sarcastic comment, though it would make a point hopefully, "Consider it part of my birthday gift?"
Mokuba completely latched himself on to Seto, “Do you really expect me to walk like this!?" He asked and rocked against him still, "Niisaaaan..." He didn't feel like having to move from where he was, not until he was free of his aching arousal.
"You think I'm any better?" Seto shook his head, more to himself then anything. "Just lie down." He muttered, motioning towards the rest of the couch.
The teen nodded his head quickly, and lay back on the couch as fast as he could. "Nnn...This better not be one of your tricks again, Niisan..." He muttered.
"It will be if you don't hush..." Seto threatened, kneeling on the couch next him. He found the others pants and pulled them down, making sure they were low enough before leaning down and taking Mokuba's arousal into his mouth.
Mokuba's eyes snapped open wide at this, and he had to quickly grab one of the couch pillows to muffle out the sounds of his pleasured cries. The teen's back arched slightly, he was already so worked up that the smallest touch would feel ten times better.
At least he had the sense to not simply cry out and actually tried to reduce the sounds coming from him... Seto wanted to get it done and over with, wanting to get upstairs so he could deal with his own problem. He did what he could to finish the teen off, not teasing in the least.
It didn't take much to bring Mokuba to his climax. It was usually the effect of his brother's teasing that usually made this process take longer. He moved the pillow away from his face, his cheeks flushed as he tried to keep a steady breathing pace.
Seto gave a teasing flick of his tongue against Mokuba's now limp member after he'd swallowed his brother's release. He sat back briefly before shifting and standing from the couch. "Now can we go upstairs?" The brunette shifted slightly as he asked, feeling more then a bit uncomfortable himself now.
Mokuba smirked inwardly, and yawned outwardly, "Nnn....sooo sleepy..." He turned over onto his stomach, and snuggled against the pillow on the couch. "Sleepyy...."
Seto could only smirk in response to his brother's little comment, "Mokuba... if you don't come upstairs then I'm not going to touch you let along take you for the next month." His brother couldn't last that long, and he knew that- he had no sexual control over himself unlike Seto.
Mokuba sprang from the couch in one fluid motion, and grabbed his brother's arm, "Let's go!" He demanded, nearly pulling Seto's arm off in the process of trying to hurry.
And Mokuba thought he had him at his beck and call... One mention of being without sex and he'd jump. A self satisfied look crossed his face as he let himself get pulled along, though had to pull back and pace himself when they came to the stairs. Falling wasn't a promising thought...
The teen lead the other up the stairs as best he could, and once they reached the top of the stairs, he was once again dragging Seto, this time towards his room.
Seto actually had to fight back a light chuckle when he was once again being dragged, not that he minded too much, but the thought itself was hilarious. He just needed to be careful with how much he teased the other about this in the future...
Mokuba pulled Seto into the room, and shut the door behind him. Once that was done, he teen leaned up and wrapped his arms around Seto's neck, before kissing him passionately. "I think I remember you saying something about...how you hated rushing things all the time..." now would be the perfect opportunity for Seto to take advantage of this, seeing as Mokuba wasn't as worked up as normal.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Seto gave his brother a look that clearly asked if the other had lost it completely, though how he managed that was a mystery...
"Hey, hey, hey! All you said was that I had to be upstairs...you never went into any more detail then that!" He said, and stuck out his tongue slightly. "You're such a horny little Nympho...my god what are we going to do with you. Tsk, tsk." He said, shaking his head in mock disapproval.
"Mokuba, unlike you, I haven't cum yet." He grabbed the teen's hips and grinded against him for emphasis, "I don't give a shit at the moment."
Mokuba bit his bottom lip slightly, "Well sheesh...When I'm like this you always seem to get annoyed." He muttered, before dragging Seto over to the bed. He pulled his own pants off, and laid himself right down in the middle of the bed, "There, fuck me to your hearts content." he said, giving Seto one of those annoyed looks, not that it mattered, since Seto wouldn't see it.
"Well that sounds inviting... At least a shower won't be ticked off at me..." He muttered, taking a step back before turning and walking towards the bathroom. He'd take a shower- he was desperate...
Mokuba growled slightly, "Bastard!" he spat out after him, and quickly stood up to put back on his pants. He muttered a few other things before he walked to the door
"See! Staying here I have to deal with you bitching- though I'm the only one who has the right at the moment! You're barely aroused if you even are!" Seto shot back.
The teen looked back at him, and his eyes narrowed even more, "All you ever do is complain about how much I bitch! F.Y.I. If it bothers you so much, you could always just not start something with me in the first place! I bet deep down you don't even want to be with me." And with that, he stormed from the room, slamming the door hard behind himself.
Seto contemplated between going after Mokuba or not, deciding it would be easier to think after he took a shower and cleared his head- or had proper blood circulation at least... What was Jana thinking sending them both to Germany?! They'd never survive each other! A groan escaped his lips, since he knew he'd have to be the one to apologize this time. Then again... this was usually what happened with Mokuba... and then he was still blamed for it anyways... "Hopefully will live through this... before we drive each other mad..."
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w00t! Hope you enjoyed reading “Love Adjustments”. Look for the third installment sometime next month!
Ja ne Minna-san!