Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mad Tales of Marik ❯ Chapter 1
King Anthony: I don't own any of these characters.
King Anthony: That's right I should introduce myself. I am King Anthony jack of all trades. I'm the host. My other host Judy Jetson is on vacation now so Iori took her place for a while.
King Anthony: This is the first out of a planned 15/16 of the series. Folks it only gets weirder after this.
King Anthony: He still get paid more then me… Then again my profit is zero. I'll go ahead and start.
::Yugi is watching the news::
Reporter: This is the fourth report of a major explosions in the downtown Domino district cause by small children. Where do they get these explosives still yet to be solved. More info at six.
(Yugi cut the TV off because a kid had just walked into the shop)
Yugi: Hey can I help you?
(The boy pulled a grenade out his pocket)
Yugi: Hey!
(The boy pulls the pin throws it and dashes out with not a word)
Yugi: (Standing there silly) Did that just happen or am I going crazy.
Yami: Yes it did! Now get the grenade out the shop!
Yugi: Wha? (Yami takes over leaps over the counter grabs the grenade and dashes outside then tosses it in the air. Luckily the explosion was a small one and it wasn't a frag)
Yami: That was close.
Yami: I wonder where he got that grenade from though. And why were we targeted?
Yugi: I bet it's that no good Marik!
Yami: I wonder if it is….
::Cut to Marik's garage::
(Marik is passing out dynamite to kids one by one as they gather in a line. He looks rather pleased)
Marik: Have fun. (Hands a kid a grenade) Don't forget to show your parents after you light it of course. (Hands another one out) Light, throw, run, come back for more you know the drill (Hands a stick of dynamite to the next kid) Remember this is just a trial next time you pay. (Hands a mine to the next kid) Do me a favor and put that where that "friendly" girl Tea lives.
(After a while the kids come and go the repeats bring cash from who know where. Behind Marik is now a stack of cash)
Marik: Excellent! Kids I'm having a sale now buy two get one free! (The kids yell in celebration. Marik just tosses free stick of dynamite out)
::Yami is walking towards Tea's house::
Yami: She may be in danger as well…
Yugi: Tea?! Why would anyone want to kill her?
[King Anthony There is a great number of reasons why someone would kill Tea. In fact the number was so high I couldn't decide on the joke so I'll let you the reader fill the punch line in. By the buy it's not laziness but interactivity-]
Yami: Let's hurry!
::Outside Tea's house just outside the yard::
(Tea is standing there wondering why a kid just ran from her yard when she was returning home from work)
Tea: He probably was a friend of mom's son. (She turns and walks in her yard toward the door not aware that a mine was buried about three feet ahead of her)
::Yami tore down the street. As he turned the corner to her house he saw a large explosion::
Yami: Tea! (He ran to her yard relieved to see Tea not blown to bits [darn] but tangled in a tree in the corner of her yard)
Tea: Yami!
Yami: (Now under the tree gazing upwards. Tea just came to her sense that she was wearing a skirt and on the point of trying to shift plummets and crashes on Yami)
Tea: *Seductively* Thanks Yami.
Yami: (Tea is in his lap) Uhh! Would you mine…
Yugi: He gets all the fun…
Tristian: Hey guys!!! (Tea jumps up and Yami stands slightly embarrassed)
Yami: Tristian, did someone try to blow you to bits!
Tristian: *confused* How'd you know?
Yami: Someone tried to wipe us out as well.
Tea: Hey, where's Joey? (Just then an unaware Bakura walks by handing flyers to little kids)
Tristian: What's he doing.
Yami: Looks suspicious…
Tea: Hey Bakura! (Bakura turns toward them and takes off down the street dropping a flyer in the process. Tristian runs and picks it up)
Tristian: Listen to this! "Hey kid's looking for 'plosins of fun. Wanting to cause chaos on the everyday people? If you do head on over to Marik's sub own by Bakura Dynamite shop of dynamites!" Then it says his address.
Yami: Marik! I knew it was him all along!
Yugi: No you didn't!
Yami: Shut it!
::Yami, Tea, and Tristian stand outside Marik's house wary of the fact that Marik has in his possession enough explosives to level the city::
Tea: If we believed in friendship we can do this.
Yami: ….Tea why don't you scout ahead and look for mines.
::Inside Marik's garage::
Bakura: That pharaoh is outside right now I bet.
Marik: First off He is not the pharaoh I am! (Bakura gives him a tired look) Second they won't make it past my legion of bomb riddled chilln's. (Takes out millennium rod and uses it to take control of all children who he recently gave bombs to)
Bakura: By the way can I go get some Kool-aid?
Marik: Sure, door to the right.
Bakura: What flavor?
Marik: Grape, my sister made it so don't drink a lot. Last thing I need now is her whiny voice. (Bakura uses the garage door to go inside) I can't even remember having a garage.
::Back outside Yami and the crew look like their in a military test zone with all the explosive blasting about::
Yami: Tea you and Tristian distract while I push forward.
Tristian: That's your plan?!
Yami: You got better?
Tristian: Use your mystical power to paralyze the link from Marik's mind control. The ability's of the Millennium Items are like America's check and balance system. One has power over another while another has power over that like the fact that the Millennium Key can mentally destroy the link form the rod. Got it?
Yami: *Shocked* Uhh… I was just about to do that. (Uses his abnormally strong mystical puzzle to make the kids faint) See.
(Marik dashes out his garage surprised he lost his link)
Marik: What have you done?!
Yami: I weaken you link!
Marik: Argh! I'll finish the job myself! (Grabs a grenade from a fainted kid)
Yami: You won't dare. (Marik pulls the pin)
Marik: I won't!? Well you don't know me that well do you? You know we could play a shadow game?
Yami: (The grenade is about to off Yami looks worried) Go on.
Marik: First one to move loses. (Tosses the bomb in the middle and stands looking calm)
Tea: Yami…
Yami: …
Bakura: Marik! The damn TV busted in your sister room.
Marik: (turns in surprise) What the hell you doing in my sister room!
Yami: You lose Marik!
Marik: (Turns back to Yami) What?
Yami: Look at your feet.
(Marik looks down to see that when Bakura surprised him he stumbled back a bit)
Marik: No!!!
Yami: And as punishment I send you to the shadow realm! (Yami blast Marik and the grenade to the shadow realm)
Tristian: Couldn't you do that at first?
Yami:…..I'm going home.
Bakura: Oh well. (Walks off whistling)
::Elsewhere abroad the seas further then he ever gone before sits Joey in an unknown room with security guards around him::
Capt: Kiij qgpr ua tiye bpnw!?
Joey: What?!
Capt: Fwr rgw oeivw!
Joey: Damn! How am I going to get out of this.
King Anthony: First one done second one coming as fast as ever. Iori?
King Anthony: Speak damn you!
King Anthony: Forget it! Any way next episode is Gundam Wing M
King Anthony: Oh and a hint for the weird security people is look to the left of the letters.
Iori: Next Episode Gundam Wing M. Read, Review, and the burn all those around you.
King Anthony: I like you better quiet.
Iori: I was Told Mai would be here.
King Anthony: I lied.
Iori: I'll kill you!
King Anthony logged out