Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mariku's Christmas Wish ❯ A winter day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Winter it wonderful it's like the heavens raining there light on the earth for just a bit…

It was about Christmas time in Domino city. It has been two years since battle city. Everyone has calmed down. Including the Ishtars.

Marik was behaving himself and Mariku has became a little more soft. He lost the desire to kill and take over the world, he has even given up dueling. Mariku always felt left out this time of year. He felt like he didn't belong and always left Marik's house until Christmas was over then he came back and no one ever said a word about it.

"Marik help me clean the house!" Marissa yelled.

Marik was napping on the couch when he was interrupted.

"Do I have to you just cleaned it yesterday…" Marik complained.

"Yes it's a pig pen"

Marik looked around everything looked spotless to him it even smelled too clean. He stared at the Christmas tree it seemed to glow gold from all the lights. The golden glass balls hung loose from the green sweet pine smelling branches of the tree. He saw a few ordainments on the ground that were shattered. He broke them from trying to vacuum all the pine needles off the ground. They only had the tree for about a week and it was shedding like crazy.

"Marik anybody there?"


"Can you please help me just straiten up a bit?"

Marissa walked back into the kitchen.


Marik sighed and tried to get up off the couch.

Marissa was busy making blueberry pancakes, Isis was reading the paper and rubbing her temples and Mariku was still upstairs sleeping.

"Hey Marik" Marissa called.

Marik was still on the couch trying to get up he was so tired.

"Huh? What?"

"Go get Mariku tell him that breakfast is almost ready"

"Ok fine"

Marik finally got up and dragged himself upstairs yawning. He heard muffled crying coming from out of Mariku room.

"What's that?" Marik thought.

The crying became louder as he got closer to Mariku room. Marik tiptoed to Mariku's room and cracked open the door just a bit. Mariku had his face buried into his pillow and was sobbing.

"Why is he crying.." Marik thought.

Mariku lifted his head from his pillow that was soaked with his tears and let out a sigh. He got off his bed walked over to a chair in the corner and threw on his black robe, along with his slippers. He slowly dragged himself toward the door. Marik didn't want Mariku to think he was spying on him so Marik opened the hall closet and jumped in before Mariku stepped out of his room. Mariku slowly pushed his door open and he stepped out. His eyes were watery and red and his cheeks were bright pink. Marik was still in the closet watching Mariku. Mariku dragged himself to the stairs and headed down wiping his eyes and sniffling.

After the coast was clear, Marik open the closet and walked down stairs and to see what was wrong with Mariku.

Hey so what do you think so far? Please tell me and if you want me to continue this review!