Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Masquerade ❯ what would you do for me? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Nero: O_O OMG! I’m so sorry readers! I didn’t really think that people loved Masquerade but an e-mail from Drusilla changed everything! I’m so glad people enjoy this story!     Obelisk: Nero you should be ashamed of yourself! Forgetting your story like that!     Nero: I didn’t forget; I’ve always been thinking about it! Just drama and neglect occurred. If you like Masquerade, perhaps you’ll enjoy ‘The Artist and the Duelist’ which is housed on Fanfiction.net! Take a Read!     Ra: Disclaimer!     Disclaimer: I, Nero do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or the God Cards; they just serve as my muses and nothing more. I own Kusanagi Rezi and her family, and other people that look like they don’t belong. Don’t sue me. You’ll get nothing.     Summary: Well, starting up Chapter 5, Rezi is being plagued by dreams of Seto…fantasies if you will, and she’s finding it much harder to teach him, as the Masquerade ball lingers just a few days away.     Other Notes/Comments: Well, I need people at the ball, so reviewers if you have an Original Character who would like to be paired with other YGO bishounen just slip in a comment about it, and we’ll talk over e-mail or IM.     You can talk to me on AIM as: ShadowedHeart88, AOL as BlckHeartNero, or msn at Shiranai_Ookami@msn.com. Thank you so much Drusilla for giving me the motivation to write up chapter 5 and neglect it no longer. –Sends hugs-     Special Notes: italics- dreams and thoughts in general   Masquerade By: Nero     Chapter Five: What would you do for me?               ;   The distinct sound of moaning could be heard echoing through the room belonging to Kusanagi Rezi. The moans were followed up by panting and gasping, and through the shaded curtains of her canopy bed two silhouettes could be seen in a rather compromising pose.     Rezi’s green eyes were squeezed shut as one of her hands clenched the sheets of her mattress. Her other hand was entangled in the brown locks of Seto’s hair as his head lay nestled between her legs, tongue feverishly lapping at one particular spot, hitting the nerve over and over again, causing her to arch her back and plead for more.     She exhaled softly, as he moved back up to kiss her, giving her the privilege of tasting herself as he kept her legs pushed apart. Once Seto pulled away from her to breathe, he started toying with one of her nipples gently, getting a sigh of appreciation before a whimper escaped the girl’s throat. Seto smirked at her, letting his fingers slip inside her opening, starting at a slow pace, picking up when he wanted to.     “A-ah!”Rezi moaned in surprise, turning her head to the left, allowing Seto to suck lightly against the flesh there, leaving an obvious mark that was going be even more visible in the morning.     “There’s something I want you to do for me, Kusanagi…” he spoke to her, pulling away from her neck. Rezi looked up at him this time.     “Wh-what is it?” she asked this time.     “Wake up…” he whispered against her lips.     And just as that happened, Rezi bolted up out of bed, panting heavily. “Dammit!” she blurted in frustration. She looked at the clock seeing that it read 6:30 in the morning. She sighed to herself, tilting her head upward and closing her eyes; it had been the same dream for the third time in the row. The dream had been appearing since the last encounter she had with Seto during his first dance lesson. And of course she woke up covered in a thin sheen of sweat and unfulfilled down south, and the only thing she could do was take a shower.     “Kami help me…” She whispered to herself. She pushed back her covers, and headed into her bathroom, running the shower. She selected her change of clothes as well as her under clothes and then stripped down, then moved under the spray of the shower. She started to lather up with some soap and what not, closing her eyes briefly, leaning one hand against the pale blue tiled walls. She rinsed the soap away, her mind starting to think about her dream; the dream that has been plaguing her mind recently for the past few nights. Perhaps she was ignoring the fact that this dream meant something. But she wasn’t about to head to some psychiatrist; she could just turn to the friend that was always around…if Jou hadn’t gotten rid of it.     Her mind and body was slowly processing the fact that she needed to get the drugs out of her system, but there was always temptation when she saw the local dealer on the corner, offering it. Sometimes she wouldn’t be aware of the hand trembling or, the bead of sweat forming on the side of her forehead. Then again, once she probably took the L or S, waves of guilt would strike at her head on, and she’d be trapped in the past. Such ‘sweet’ relief came with a price.     Rezi didn’t want to count the days that had gone by where she hadn’t taken a single drug unless it was aspirin or something to help her sleep, that was stashed away in her mother’s medicine cabinet. Sometimes she just wanted the thoughts of S to go away, or the thoughts of her past to stop biting her in the ass repeatedly, reminding her of how much she screwed up her life when she believed her ‘friend’ and took the drugs. Everything went into a downward spiral from that point on.     She wasn’t aware of her phone ringing, or who was calling her. She turned off the shower, running toward the phone, not bothering to grab a towel, since everyone else was either still dead to the world or just moving about, heading toward their destined places.     “Hello?” she started.     “Good morning.” A voice greeted. “Don’t bother coming over. I’ll be over there.”     Rezi looked at her phone. “Kaiba, what the hell is this all about now?” she asked, sounding irked. Perhaps it was the drawbacks of being clean from S, broken up from a shower, and disgruntled with the fact that she just had that dream and wasn’t able to do anything about it.     “Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. You’re my teacher, remember?” Seto replied, saying ‘teacher’ with such distaste. Rezi wasn’t sure if she should be offended or joyful that he has to be taught by a girl.     “If you sound that dejected, why don’t you hire a personal instructor who will force you to pay her a shitload of money?!” Rezi replied this time. Seto glanced out the window before turning back to his laptop as Jeeves turned a corner down on the Rezi’s block. They passed by the complexes until they reached the second to last one. Seto got out as the elderly man held the door opened.     “Stop overreacting,” Seto started this time, ringing the buzzer. “I figured you know best, since you’re one of those people who are actually social.”     Rezi looked down the hall, hearing the buzzer. She watched her younger sister skitter off to get it, pressing the middle button.     “Who is it—”     “Imouto, let him in! I’m sure you’ll keep him company. I’ll be out of my shower soon.”     “Now you’re making me wait, Kusanagi?” Seto replied with a roll of his eyes.     “Well, I didn’t know you’d be here so early, let alone come upstairs.” Rezi replied, hanging up and going back to her shower.     Seto pressed ‘end’ on his phone and boarded the elevator as people got off, wondering why someone like him was here. He pressed the floor button, watching as the elevator speeded past the other floors; at least he wouldn’t have to wait forever.     Rezi leaned against the shower wall, inches away from being underneath the spray; now how would she be able to think straight with his hands on her hips, or those stupid sarcastic comments? She couldn’t; that dream made it all possible. Things just got a step more complicated.     And Rezi refused to believe that she was falling in love.     ~*~          &n bsp;    Kei held out a piece of candy toward the brunette, her green eyes so light and happy. Seto looked up at her, noting the difference between her and Rezi; Kei was still unaware of what was going on with her sister, and she wasn’t told anything.     “Do you want some candy Kaiba-san?” she asked politely.     “No thanks.” Seto replied. “You know that candy is bad for you, right?”     Kei nodded and sat in the recliner next to the couch, reaching for the remote. Seto watched her curiously; she was like a miniature Rezi save for the hair colors, and much more naive like his brother when he was that age.     “Candy in the morning isn’t bad,” Rezi started, walking further into the living room. “It’s such a delicious, naughty thing to do.” She picked up a piece of chocolate from the candy that lined the bowl and pushed the sweet object into her mouth as Seto looked up at her before standing up.     “Let’s get this over with.” He started. Seto walked toward her, about ready to start the dancing lesson with or without music. Rezi’s eyes darted back and forth and she stepped backward.     “N-no we can’t start yet!” she started.     “Why the hell not?” Seto asked, already becoming annoyed. Rezi looked at the time. “You said 9:00, so I don’t know why you came an hour and 15 minutes early. It’s only 7:45, so you’ll have to wait. I’m only following YOUR rules.” She replied.     Seto was obviously agitated by this and simply sat right back down on the couch, as Kei continued eating candy and watching television.     “You can wait in here with my sister, or go into my room. Don’t worry, I’m not going to blast any music…it’s still too early for that.” Rezi spoke. Seto felt like he had no choice but to follow her. He walked down the hallway until Rezi reached her room. She let him enter first before she followed behind him, closing the door.     “Sit down wherever. I don’t care.” She finished, lying back on her bed.   “I’m not going to sit here for an hour and do nothing, so we might as well begin.” Seto replied this time, looking down at her. He then allowed his eyes to travel along her skin, noting how pale it was. His eyes followed along her shoulders this time, then down to her chest. He managed to blink a few times; well sure, he’s seen her, but he hasn’t seen her when she was almost bare, dressed in a tight tanktop and some loose shorts. His eyes still traveled along her curves then down to her well-toned thighs.     “Hey, you know that my eyes are up here, not anywhere else…” Rezi trailed off; on some nights her dream started this way, and all she needed was for him to lean down and kiss her. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, but it hadn’t spread to her nose yet.     “And I’m still mad at you!” she finished. Seto looked up at her this time, shaking his head. “Stop being so childish.”     “Childish?!” Rezi began. “You’re the one who decided that it was a great idea to start pleasing me and then stop because of the stupid time limit!”     Seto leaned back in the other chair. “So, you did want more.” He replied this time, looking at her. Rezi blushed at that one, sitting up in objection and denial.     “N-no! I didn’t!” she started, but paused. “I mean I—I…shut up!” she started this time. Seto found this to be pretty amusing; she was caught in wanting him or denying him and whichever way he was going to get something out of this.     “I want a straight answer.” He replied this time. Rezi glared at him; how was she supposed to exactly come out and say it? ‘Yes I want you, now come over here and fuck me like an animal!’?  She crossed her arms, closing her eyes for a moment, looking away from him.     “Yes…I did.” She replied finally. Seto uncrossed his arms this time, looking at her. “Well, I appreciate your honesty. But I don’t think you’re going to get anymore.”     Rezi’s green eyes snapped open she sat up. “What?! I mean I—don’t…but…” she paused; was she that desperate? Or was she that tempted by him and his touches, that she was in protest? Seto looked at the speechless girl before him, sitting on her bed comfortably.     “But what, Kusanagi? You’re my teacher and nothing more.” He added this time; of course he wasn’t sure whether he was fooling her or himself. One thing was settled, he would not fall in love with her, because that would make him seem weak almost. To be attracted and tempted by a girl; he was the CEO of Kaiba Corporation! He watched her stand up, looking at him for a moment.     “We should start your lesson. The ball isn’t too far from here.” She spoke simply, looking through her shelf of CDs, for the appropriate music.     Seto watched her; she had gotten quiet. Perhaps he figured that maybe it was best that she say nothing more to him. Sometimes he didn’t know why he bothered with her for any other reasons but being taught how to dance at a Masquerade ball. He watched as she held her hand out to him.     “Shouldn’t I be asking you?” he began, looking at her.     “Shut up, and let’s begin.” Rezi interjected this time. Seto’s eyes narrowed for a moment as he grabbed her wrist momentarily.     “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to—”     “I’m talking to you, Kaiba!” Rezi replied. “Now shut up and let’s begin!”     “No.” Seto started. “We won’t begin until the time specified.”     “I don’t give a DAMN about the time right now! The faster I finish teaching you, the faster you can leave and continue on with your life!” Rezi replied.     Seto didn’t move, nor let go. “No. We’re not starting. So sit down.” He replied, pushing her against the bed. Rezi looked up at him, eyes narrowed.     “Who the hell do you think you are?!” she started, jumping back up and going to punch him. Seto easily moved out of the way, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. His free hand reached up to cover her mouth, so she wouldn’t scream; the last thing he needed was her family here, ready to beat the hell out of him.     “Hostile, and fired up because I said no? Because I told you that you’re my teacher and nothing more?” Seto spoke into her ear, the last part laced with nothing but pure denial. Rezi’s eyes narrowed again, but she didn’t bother to struggle. Seto removed his hand from her mouth and she growled at him.     “So what if I am hostile and fired up?!” Rezi shot back this time. “Last I checked you made me feel so good yesterday…” she had trailed off this time, looking away, and out her window.     “You left me in a state of nothing but complete desire…want and need…” she continued. “No one ever made me feel that way before…I didn’t want it to go away, alright?!”     Seto listened to her before letting her arm go; she felt this way? He wasn’t sure on how to absorb all of it in, but perhaps…     Seto shook his head; no! Falling for her, would only complicate things. He’d do a complete 180. He didn’t want that.     Seto moved one arm around her waist, keeping her against him; but his body found it hard to ignore anything. This felt good…maybe it would feel better if he was inside her…or perhaps if his lips were against her skin softly, just like before…     “What would you do for me?” he spoke this time, breathing a bit shallow. “If I pleased you, what would you do for me?”     Rezi looked ahead of her for a moment. “…Whatever you wanted me to…” she spoke this time. Seto closed his eyes at that thought; she’d do anything he wanted her to? Free of her own will?     Seto grabbed the bottom of her tanktop, moving his hand underneath it, as his eyes became half lidded momentarily. He felt her soft skin, this time figuring she probably had been in the middle of a shower before he got here. He felt her shiver in his grasp, and it felt good. His middle finger brushed lightly across nipple, hearing her inhale sharply before letting out a whimper. He let his other hand travel down her stomach stopping to untie the string to her shorts.     Eventually he turned her around and crushed his lips to hers. Rezi was more than willing to accept it this time. She wasn’t even planning on protesting. Seto pushed his tongue past her teeth, letting it explore the inside of her mouth. Traces of the chocolate were still evident, so that made it much better, along with the blend of mint from the toothpaste she was using. Rezi let her tongue do battle with his as her arms came around his neck. Settling for some place besides the bed, he put her on her own dresser this time, causing her to look at him for a moment.

“No words.” He stated simply, pulling her into another kiss. Rezi kissed him back this time, as he pulled up her tanktop halfway. He pulled away to start kissing on her neck lightly as she let out a soft moan. Her eyes opened for a moment, and she looked at the clock on her desk. She smirked to herself.     “It’s time for your lesson.” She stated simply pushing him away from her, pulling down her tanktop and tying her shorts back up. Seto looked at her in disbelief; no she didn’t just do that!     “Fuck the lesson! You see what you have to deal with now, don’t you?!” he protested this time, pointing to the rather obvious hard-on.     Rezi smirked again. “The bathroom’s right there, Kaiba.” She finished, pointing to it. “Come now, we have to start soon.”     Seto growled, his eyes narrowed. “I can’t believe you—DAMNIT!” he shouted, slamming the door to her bathroom.     Rezi smirked, very satisfied at her revenge, even thought she wanted more too. She leaned against the bathroom door, with her eyes closed, that smirk still plastered across her face.     “Turnabout is fair play.” She spoke simply.     ~*~   Nero: Yay! The end of another chapter! And I made sure to tease my readers! Time to celebrate my return! Thanks so much Drusilla! I owe you big time! Yay! *dances around with her muses*     Ra: Yeah! WOOOO!       Nero: Now I get to work on the next chapter. The lemon won’t happen until after the ball! MWAHAHA! So you’ll have to keep reading and waiting! HA HA!