Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Measure of a Man ❯ Pain and Sorrow ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) I know Kaiba will most likely kill me for this story, but I think it's a good idea. I hope you Like it.

Eirka Black410 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

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Seto Kaiba was standing in the cemetary. It had been two years since his tournament, but only two days ago since it happened. You see, ever since Kaiba's tournament ended, everyone was after his company. They would do anything to weaken Kaiba just to get Kaiba Corp. This time, the enemies of Seto Kaiba were going to derasitic measures to get the company. These measures were going after Kaiba's little brother, Mokuba.

And the did.

Two days ago, someone killed Mokuba in front of Seto Kaiba's eyes. It wasn't his fault, but Kaiba still blames himself for it. He feels as though he should have been able to prevent it from happening. But he couldn't. After all Kaiba is only one man.

But getting back to the story, that is what brought Kaiba to the cemetary today. Yugi and Solomen Motto, Joey and Serenity Wheeler, Mai Valentine, Tristan Talyor, Duke Devlin, Tea Gardner, and Ryou Bakura were also there for this grevious affair. They became good friends with Mokuba and even though they didn't like Kaiba, they had to be there for him.

Tears began to fill Kaiba's eyes as he stared down onto his brother's tombstone. "Mokuba, I'm sorry. I broke my promise to you. My promise to always protect you. But there is one last promise that I will make to you. I promise that I will find out who is behind your death and I will avange it."

Yugi and the others all heard this, but didn't know What to say to Kaiba.

And to make matters even weirder, some one else was watching Kaiba, but from a safe distance.

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(A/N) I know it's short, but it's a prolouge. R&R