Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Measure of a Man ❯ A Hard Loss ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. It's gonna be a real tear jerker, I hope.

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"I wish there was something we could do for Kaiba," said Yugi as he and the others walked back to the Game Shop, after the Funeral.

"For once, so do I an' I hate Money Bags," said Joey.

"You know I never really was friends with that little runt, but he was sweet to me when I met him," Said Mai.

"He was nice to everyone," said Tea.

"Poor Kaiba," said Yugi.

(Kaiba Mansion)

After the funeral, Kaiba went back home. This was the most painful day of his life. He lost the only person who ever cared about him and the only perosn he cared about. Mokuba was the one person who kept Kaiba's heart a little warm. Now that he was gone....would Kaiba's heart become as cold as an iceberg or colder?

"Mr. Kaiba?" one of the maids asked.

Kaiba didn't answer. He was looking at pictures from when he and Mokuba were kids. From the time they were at the orphange to the time they were adopted by Gozoboro Kaiba. From the time Kaiba took Kaiba Corp to the day before Mokuba died. These pictures brought more tears to Kaiba's eyes. What was worse was the fact that now that Mokuba was gone, was the fact that Kaiba would never be able to concentrate the same way he used to. He would have all the memories of Mokuba when he tried to get something done.

"I should have stopped it. I could have saved him. He should still be alive. If anyone should be dead it should be me," he muttered. Tears rolled down his eyes and onto the pictures.

The maid knew that this was hard for Kaiba and left him alone.

This was the end of the world for Kaiba. What was he going to do now? It was as though he was an inch away from death. At least things couldn't get much worse for him....at least, not yet.

(back at the cemetary)

"He wasn't suppose to be killed," muttered a girl. The same girl that was watching Kaiba earlier. "He was only suppose to be kidnapped, not killed. I should have been the one to do it.

"You were only following orders," said a man placing a hand on her shoulder.

"But the result wasn't suppose to be death," said the girl. She too was crying.

"Don't worry about it.We have more important things to worry about at the moment," said the man. And with that both he and the girl walked away from the cemetary.

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(A/N) Chapter 1 done. I hope you R&R!