Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Med-Evil ❯ Bloody Gemstone ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Declaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

"Hey, Tea," Yugi called her on his grandpa's phone," want to go downtown tonight? It'll be fun," he ask," Joey, Mai, Bakura, and I are coming too, why don't you join us,"

"Alright guys, that would be great, see ya in a bit," she answer.

" Ok, see ya," he hanged up.

When it was 8:30 pm, Tea came downtown on the bus to meet her friend, she saw Mai wearing a bright purple skirt, and a cute purple blouse. Then she saw Joey in the corner with Yugi, they were both still wearing their uniform, and so was Bakura. She walk over to meet them, Tea was wearing her pink skirt, and blue shirt.

" Hey guys," she wave to them.

"Hi, Tea," they all shouted.

Yugi turn around, and bend down to tie his shoe. Joey stomach growl, " I'm hungry guys, let's find something to eat," his stomach rumble again, " Man, I'm starving,"

" Great idea, what about....," Yugi looked around town to see if there was a place to eat, then he pointed to the restaurant over his left shoulder, " Let's eat there,"

" I don't care where I eat," Joey said as he hold his stomach.

" Good idea lets eat there," Mai said as she ran towards the restaurant, " Last one there is a rotten egg," she called out.

"ummm.....guys I don't think I could run," Bakura said in one of his soft voice.

"Well, then be a rotten egg," Mai joked, and continue running towards the restaurant, the group laugh at her "little" joke.

"Don't worry Bakura," Tea whisper, " she's only joking,"

"No problem, besides I know she's always like that," he replied as he walked towards the restaurant.

"Let's sit here," Joey pointed out a spot near a door.

"I don't like it there," Mai argued " I like to sit somewhere away from the door because it's too cold at night,"

" I do too," Bakura agreed, " it is very cold tonight,"

" But, I don't want to sit there, and I want to sit here," Joey argued back, then he pointed to the table near the door.

" Then sit there by yourself, Joey," she said in a loud voice.

" Guys, clam down, there's no need to argue over where to sit," Yugi said, trying to stop the argument that was coming between Mai and Joey. " Let's just sit in the middle, so we all get what we want," he suggested.

"Fine," they both said.

So they sat down at the table in the middle, and a waitress came by and gave them their menu.

" I'm ordering fried rice, and a coke," Joey said, " what about you Yugi, what are you getting?" he asked.

" I don't know yet," Yugi answer as he looked through the menu, " maybe fried chicken," he finally answer.

" I'm taking pancake," Mai said.

"No Mai, that's the breakfast page," Joey said as he helped Mai turn to the right page.

"Oh, thanks," she smiled.

" Your welcome," he return the smile with a grin.

After 5 minute later the waitress took their order, then after awhile their food came.

"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba?" Tea ask pointing to Kaiba.

" Not him again, he's gonna spoil my food," Joey scold as the turn to hide his face.

"Just ignore him, Joey," Bakura suggest as he "enjoy" his food.

" Hello you dogs," Kaiba tease them as he walk towards their table, " hope you're enjoying your stupid food,"

" You better stop that, or else," Joey yelled, and tried to cool himself back down.

" Or else what?" he ask, then his blue eyes scan through their table, and he saw a cute girl that stroke his heart, Tea.

" He's looking at me," Tea whisper to Yugi, " he's getting me nervous,"

" It's ok, just don't make any eye contact," suggested Yugi.

" Well, I better go," Kaiba then walk to the table near the door and sat there.

" I wanted to sit there," Joey mumble to himself.

After when they were done eating, they went home.

" Tea, how are you gonna get home?" ask Yugi. Joey and Yugi were unlocking their bike.

" I'll go home with Mai," she said as she watch them unlocked their bike.

" You should have said that earlier," Joey said as he got on his bike, "Mai already drove Bakura home,"

"Well, guess I'll have to wait for the bus," she said.

" Ok Tea, but be careful," Yugi and Joey said as they drove away on their bike.

" I will," she wave to them, then she slowly turn and headed for the bus stop. " It's so cold," she said to herself and shivered. Just then Kaiba came out of the restaurant and saw Tea just standing there shivering. " Need a ride?" he called out. Tea turn to see who it was calling her, and found that it was Seto Kaiba. "It's ok, I'll wait for the bus," she answer.

"You'll just be standing there and waiting for hours," he said, " I won't seduce you or anything like that,"

" Yea right," Tea thought in her head, but should she trust him, she can't just criticize him like that, and she also didn't want to wait for hours just for a bus. She thought for a while then answer, " Sure, that would be awesome," she said as she follow Kaiba to his car.

" Your welcome to sit anywhere you want," he said.

Tea chose the back seat of his car. Then she told him where her house was so he could drive her home. Then about 30 minutes later they arrived to her house.

" Thanks," she said as she got out of the car.

" Anytime," he reply, then he looked at Tea, " Umm... Tea,"

" Yes," she turned back to face Kaiba.

"Can you umm... go out on a date with me, tomorrow,?" he ask.

Tea was shock, didn't Kaiba hate her and her friends? Her eyes grew larger and wider, " umm..." she thought for a moment " Ok,"

" Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:00 pm," he then drove away.

"Strange.....," she said in her mind.

A/N- I'm so sorry I didn't put Tristan in. Please review. Thank you so much. For those of you who review I will return your kindness by Reviewing your story back. And the next chapter will have some Sexual things, and killing.