Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Medieval ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Pairings~ Seto/Mokuba, Seto/Noa, and Seto/Mokuba/Noa
Rating~ NC-17(eventually)

Summary~ Happens back in Medieval times. Mokuba and Noa are brothers, orphans, living on the streets. Seto is the King of England. Mokuba and Noa accidentally steals something from the royal delivery thing, and they get caught and taken away to the castle where they are brought forward before Seto.

Warnings~ Incest, Underage Sex, some rape (very little though). Abuse

A/N~ Ok I do know some Ye Olde English, don’t know how to use it well though, so I’m not going to use it. And I am still trying to figure out how people dressed then, I know a little bit of how they did, not a lot though, so bare with me if I get something wrong.

Seto~ 16
Mokuba~ 10
Noa~ 11
On With the Fic!!

A young boy is darting through the streets, his long black hair is flapping wildly behind him. His hair is knotty, tangled, covered in dirt and grim, and has dried blood in it. He is breathing hard, cradling a bruised apple close to his chest. A cart keeper runs by him yelling,
“Stop that street brat!! He stole from my cart!” The young boy shivers in the alley that he ran into, waiting for the cart keeper to give up his search. While the boy waits, he greedily gobbles down the apple, like he hasn’t eaten in a long time. He watches from the alley, waiting till it is safe to leave the alley. When he sees the chance to dart out, his ruff tunic gets yet another tear in it, and he ended up leaving his threadbare cloak behind in the alley. He walks the street, looking for a chance to take another piece of food. He ignores the sharp rocks and pieces of glass cutting through his feet, because he is far too use to the pain. He bumps into another street kid by accident,
“Sorry Noa, didn’t see you there.”
“It’s ok Mokuba, come on, I found this really great place, with almost rich type food!” Noa’s blue eyes light up, waiting for Mokuba to leave with him,
“Ok Noa, where is it at I wanna come!?” Noa grabs Mokuba’s hand and drags him in the direction of this *feast*.

Night comes while they are heading to the *feast*.
“You need to stay quiet Mokuba, or they will hear you,” Noa whispers, Mokuba hisses back,
“I know Noa, I’ve stolen stuff before, I’m not a ammeter.” Noa nods, and the two brothers sneak to the cart holding the food, unfortunately neither of the brothers spotted the royal guards near the carts. As soon as Mokuba reaches for an apple, he is grabbed by one of the guards. He screams,
“Mokuba?!” Unfortunately the guards heard Noa as well, and they grab him as well. Both of the brothers struggle to get away, but the guards put them in chains, and chain them to one of the carts, and immediately set out for the castle.

The procession of the royal carts arrives at the castle the following day. During that night, the brothers were both hurt physically and sexually. Mokuba hadn’t stop sobbing at all that night, and Noa just holds his brother, his face paler then normal, he can’t seem to bring himself to speak. The guards all laugh and joke around about what they did to the petty thieves that night. Noa looks up when he feels the cart holding them come to a stop. The guards roughly drag the two brothers down to the dungeons of the castle, and toss them into the coldest, dankest, smallest cell they had. Mokuba was still sobbing, and Noa was holding him tight, still not able to bring himself to speak.

The guards then head to the throne room, where the King waited for any new news of anything. He has a bored expression on his face when he sees the guards walk in,
“Yes what do you want?” The guards bow to him,
“Your Majesty, we have caught two thieves stealing from the food cart last eve, and they wait in the dungeons for your punishment.” The King says in a bored tone still, but glad to have something to do,
“Bring them here, I shall issue their punishment to them.” The guards bow in reply,
“Yes King Seto, as you wish.” The guards quickly leave, when Seto’s adviser speaks up,
“Seto, are you sure that was a good idea?”
“Yes Yami, I do believe it was a good idea to bring them to me. They are only two little thieves how much trouble can they be?”

End Prologue

Well?? Did you guys like that as the prologue?? Should I write more??? Please Review, much appreciated, flamers will be ignored.