Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Medieval ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1
Summary~ Noa and Mokuba are brought forward before King Seto, and he deals their *punishment*.
Disclaimer~ don�t own wish I did, please don�t sue
A/N~ ~*blah*~ flashback
Ok, I now know some old English, not sure how to use it in context, so those who helped, THANK YOU! But I decided not to use it lol, and I think I have figured out how they dressed then, but if I get something wrong�sorry!
Now, on with the fic!
Seto impatiently taps his fingers on the armrest of the throne, waiting for the guards to return. He grunts softly as he fixes one of the sleeves of his silk houppelande(1). His advisor, Yami, glances at the door constantly, almost nervously. Seto only sits up when there is a loud bang on the door. Yami whispers to Seto,
�Are you sure about this Seto?�
�Yes Yami I am positive about this.� He then orders to the door guard,
�Allow them in, now!� The guards quickly open the huge double doors, as the other guards push the two brothers roughly into the throne room. Noa quickly stands, trying hard not to show fear to the king, but he helps his younger brother up, because he is frightened of the rumor, �cold and heartless king�.
~*Flash Back*~
The two brothers are shivering in the stone cell. Mokuba�s tears have finally ceased, but he is still trembling. Noa, still hasn�t talked yet, but he holds onto his brother tightly. The guards that are standing outside their cell look in and tease them,
�Look there Braun. I guess our fun with them has turned the two little whores into fucking each other.� Braun laughs,
�You can say that again Grald. I mean when we had fun with them, they were fulfilling their purpose for their pathetic life, but them doing each other is just wrong, but I guess the whores have been fucking whoever their whole lives I guess it doesn�t matter to them anymore.� Braun and Grald both laugh again. More tears rim Mokuba�s eyes and Noa hugs his brother tighter, trying to block out the guards� awful comments about them from Mokuba.
�Noa, will we ever get out of here? It wasn�t our fault, we didn�t know we were stealing from the king. Do you think he will understand Noa? I heard the king is really mean, do you think he will kill us for just taking two apples?� Noa, finally speaks but only in a very, very low whisper that only Mokuba can hear,
�I do not know Mokuba. I hope we get out of here soon, and I don�t know how the king will punish us Mokuba. Try to rest now Mokuba, I�ll keep awake to make sure the guards don�t harm us again, alright?� Mokuba nods sleepily, and snuggles closer to his brother�s chest, trying to keep warm. Noa removes his own threadbare cloak and wraps it around Mokuba, hoping that it will provide some warmth for his brother. Two hours pass as Mokuba sleeps, Noa feels his own eyes get heavy, but he stubbornly keeps them open, determine not to fail Mokuba again. Noa looks up when he hears the cell door open. He pulls Mokuba with him farther back into the cell as Braun orders,
�Come out here immediately you pathetic thieves, the King has ordered that you come before him so he can issue your punishment.� Grald yanks Mokuba away from Noa. Mokuba immediately wakes up and struggles to get away, back to Noa, but Grald locks shackles on his wrists and ankles. Noa growls, and tries to attack Grald, but Braun stops him, locking shackles around his wrists and ankles as well. The two heartless guards drag the two boys up to where Seto waits them in the throne room.
~*End Flash Back*~
Seto studies the two young boys before him, and thinks
~these are the thieves? But these are just kids, is my kingdom this bad that it forces children to steal.~ Seto�s eyes first linger on Noa, then on Mokuba longer then he usually would if it had been any other thief or criminal. Noa holds onto Mokuba�s arm best as he could protectively. Yami leans over to Seto and whispers,
�These are the thieves that the guards told that stole from the food delivery last eve?� Seto nods and whispers back,
�Yami, I think I know how to punish these two, they will live here in the palace with us, you know I will never have an heir.� Yami nods in agreement and replies,
�Yes I agree with your punishment Seto. But I see that look in your eye, promise you will not harm these two, they are awfully young.�
�I know this Yami, and I will not harm them, I will wait until they are ready.� Yami nods, then straitens back up, looking back at the brothers. Noa whispers very softly to Mokuba,
�I promise you little brother, I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. I will take your punishment, you do not deserve the punishment, for it was I that led you to the cart remember?� Mokuba numbly nods, and whispers back,
�But Noa, I was the one that went with you, I am equally guilty, I can take the punishment.� Noa sighs, then looks back up at Seto and Yami, who are both looking at them with interest as they watch Mokuba and Noa talk. Seto stands,
�I have been told that both of you are guilty of stealing from our food delivery, are both of you guilty for these crimes?� Mokuba and Noa nod numbly. Seto is silent for a moment,
�What are your names, so that it may be known to the kingdom when word of your punishment, if the news does reach them?� Mokuba looks to Noa who nods,
�I-I am Mokuba, and-and this is m-my brother Noa y-your majesty.� Seto nods,
�And why doesn�t your brother speak for himself, is he mute?�
�N-No sire, h-he wishes not to talk r-right now, it, its his story to tell why he does not talk right now.� Noa nods in agreement with Mokuba. Seto�s hands clasp together behind his back,
�I see, so now, on to your punishment.�
�W-Wait King, m-may I say something before you punish us?� Seto gives a small nod,
�We-We are sorry for stealing f-from you. We didn�t know we were s-stealing from you your m-majesty.� Mokuba and Noa both hang their heads, waiting for Seto�s order about their punishment. Seto and Yami look at each other, Yami�s eyes almost fill with sadness, and Seto nods,
�Your punishment will be that you will remain here in the palace. You will live here, as well as be taught and when the time comes, one of you will ascend to the throne.� Noa�s and Mokuba�s eyes open with shock at what they heard. The guards standing there had a similar reaction, but they know to remain silent.
�Jager, take these two to the healer and have them healed, then take them to have new clothes fashioned for them.� Jager bows,
�Aye, Right away my lord.�
�And have those shackles removed immediately.� Jager does so before he leads the boys away from the throne room to the healer. Seto slumps back down into the throne, looking over at Yami,
�I did do the correct thing, correct Yami?�
�Yes you did do the correct thing by allowing the two brothers to remain here.� Seto sits back up, fixing the belt around his houppelande,
�Yami, I can not get them out of my mind, and I have only just met them, is that normal?� Yami chuckles,
�That my friend, is love. You better be careful. If the town finds out you have gone soft, they might try to do more law breaking deeds.� Seto rolls his eyes, waving the rest of the guards out of the room.
Noa holds onto Mokuba tightly, both following Jager. When they stop, they are outside the healer�s quarters,
�We are at the healers now, I will remain out here until he is done his work and then we will continue on to the tailor.� The two boys nod, and slowly walk into the room. They see a boy, that looks around Seto�s age bent over some books. He has long white hair. He wears a loose white tunic and black breeches(2). Mokuba clears his throat, they boy was startled some, but he turns, his soft brown eyes reflect kindness,
�So you must be the two brothers the King has sent. I am Ryou, resident healer of the palace.� He smiles kindly to the boys, who shyly smile back. Ryou walks over to them and looks them over,
�OK, I am going to need you to bathe, so that I can see what is just dirt, grim, and dry blood from the wounds. You can bathe right through there.� He points in the direction of the baths, and hands them towels,
�Soap and hair soap is in there already. When you are finished I will examine both of you.� Ryou gently pushes the two boys into the bathroom, already feeling the scars on their backs, his eyes are narrowed, but he says nothing.
End Chapter 1
(1) A houppelande is like a gown type thing that the rich wore. A belt was worn around the waist to hold it in place. Its sleeves were like balloons almost, that were like the elastic type stuff on the end of the sleeves, around the wrists.
(2) Ok, I don�t think they had breeches then, but it don�t really matter right? I don�t have to get everything historically correct.
Well? What did ya guys think?? Not bad, took me 2 ½ hours to finish this chappie. There is a lot more to come, that I am already thinking about, not giving any hints! Reviews plzzz would be much appreciated, but stupid flamers will be eaten by my dragon Malfiesto mwahaha.
Chapter 1
Summary~ Noa and Mokuba are brought forward before King Seto, and he deals their *punishment*.
Disclaimer~ don�t own wish I did, please don�t sue
A/N~ ~*blah*~ flashback
Ok, I now know some old English, not sure how to use it in context, so those who helped, THANK YOU! But I decided not to use it lol, and I think I have figured out how they dressed then, but if I get something wrong�sorry!
Now, on with the fic!
Seto impatiently taps his fingers on the armrest of the throne, waiting for the guards to return. He grunts softly as he fixes one of the sleeves of his silk houppelande(1). His advisor, Yami, glances at the door constantly, almost nervously. Seto only sits up when there is a loud bang on the door. Yami whispers to Seto,
�Are you sure about this Seto?�
�Yes Yami I am positive about this.� He then orders to the door guard,
�Allow them in, now!� The guards quickly open the huge double doors, as the other guards push the two brothers roughly into the throne room. Noa quickly stands, trying hard not to show fear to the king, but he helps his younger brother up, because he is frightened of the rumor, �cold and heartless king�.
~*Flash Back*~
The two brothers are shivering in the stone cell. Mokuba�s tears have finally ceased, but he is still trembling. Noa, still hasn�t talked yet, but he holds onto his brother tightly. The guards that are standing outside their cell look in and tease them,
�Look there Braun. I guess our fun with them has turned the two little whores into fucking each other.� Braun laughs,
�You can say that again Grald. I mean when we had fun with them, they were fulfilling their purpose for their pathetic life, but them doing each other is just wrong, but I guess the whores have been fucking whoever their whole lives I guess it doesn�t matter to them anymore.� Braun and Grald both laugh again. More tears rim Mokuba�s eyes and Noa hugs his brother tighter, trying to block out the guards� awful comments about them from Mokuba.
�Noa, will we ever get out of here? It wasn�t our fault, we didn�t know we were stealing from the king. Do you think he will understand Noa? I heard the king is really mean, do you think he will kill us for just taking two apples?� Noa, finally speaks but only in a very, very low whisper that only Mokuba can hear,
�I do not know Mokuba. I hope we get out of here soon, and I don�t know how the king will punish us Mokuba. Try to rest now Mokuba, I�ll keep awake to make sure the guards don�t harm us again, alright?� Mokuba nods sleepily, and snuggles closer to his brother�s chest, trying to keep warm. Noa removes his own threadbare cloak and wraps it around Mokuba, hoping that it will provide some warmth for his brother. Two hours pass as Mokuba sleeps, Noa feels his own eyes get heavy, but he stubbornly keeps them open, determine not to fail Mokuba again. Noa looks up when he hears the cell door open. He pulls Mokuba with him farther back into the cell as Braun orders,
�Come out here immediately you pathetic thieves, the King has ordered that you come before him so he can issue your punishment.� Grald yanks Mokuba away from Noa. Mokuba immediately wakes up and struggles to get away, back to Noa, but Grald locks shackles on his wrists and ankles. Noa growls, and tries to attack Grald, but Braun stops him, locking shackles around his wrists and ankles as well. The two heartless guards drag the two boys up to where Seto waits them in the throne room.
~*End Flash Back*~
Seto studies the two young boys before him, and thinks
~these are the thieves? But these are just kids, is my kingdom this bad that it forces children to steal.~ Seto�s eyes first linger on Noa, then on Mokuba longer then he usually would if it had been any other thief or criminal. Noa holds onto Mokuba�s arm best as he could protectively. Yami leans over to Seto and whispers,
�These are the thieves that the guards told that stole from the food delivery last eve?� Seto nods and whispers back,
�Yami, I think I know how to punish these two, they will live here in the palace with us, you know I will never have an heir.� Yami nods in agreement and replies,
�Yes I agree with your punishment Seto. But I see that look in your eye, promise you will not harm these two, they are awfully young.�
�I know this Yami, and I will not harm them, I will wait until they are ready.� Yami nods, then straitens back up, looking back at the brothers. Noa whispers very softly to Mokuba,
�I promise you little brother, I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. I will take your punishment, you do not deserve the punishment, for it was I that led you to the cart remember?� Mokuba numbly nods, and whispers back,
�But Noa, I was the one that went with you, I am equally guilty, I can take the punishment.� Noa sighs, then looks back up at Seto and Yami, who are both looking at them with interest as they watch Mokuba and Noa talk. Seto stands,
�I have been told that both of you are guilty of stealing from our food delivery, are both of you guilty for these crimes?� Mokuba and Noa nod numbly. Seto is silent for a moment,
�What are your names, so that it may be known to the kingdom when word of your punishment, if the news does reach them?� Mokuba looks to Noa who nods,
�I-I am Mokuba, and-and this is m-my brother Noa y-your majesty.� Seto nods,
�And why doesn�t your brother speak for himself, is he mute?�
�N-No sire, h-he wishes not to talk r-right now, it, its his story to tell why he does not talk right now.� Noa nods in agreement with Mokuba. Seto�s hands clasp together behind his back,
�I see, so now, on to your punishment.�
�W-Wait King, m-may I say something before you punish us?� Seto gives a small nod,
�We-We are sorry for stealing f-from you. We didn�t know we were s-stealing from you your m-majesty.� Mokuba and Noa both hang their heads, waiting for Seto�s order about their punishment. Seto and Yami look at each other, Yami�s eyes almost fill with sadness, and Seto nods,
�Your punishment will be that you will remain here in the palace. You will live here, as well as be taught and when the time comes, one of you will ascend to the throne.� Noa�s and Mokuba�s eyes open with shock at what they heard. The guards standing there had a similar reaction, but they know to remain silent.
�Jager, take these two to the healer and have them healed, then take them to have new clothes fashioned for them.� Jager bows,
�Aye, Right away my lord.�
�And have those shackles removed immediately.� Jager does so before he leads the boys away from the throne room to the healer. Seto slumps back down into the throne, looking over at Yami,
�I did do the correct thing, correct Yami?�
�Yes you did do the correct thing by allowing the two brothers to remain here.� Seto sits back up, fixing the belt around his houppelande,
�Yami, I can not get them out of my mind, and I have only just met them, is that normal?� Yami chuckles,
�That my friend, is love. You better be careful. If the town finds out you have gone soft, they might try to do more law breaking deeds.� Seto rolls his eyes, waving the rest of the guards out of the room.
Noa holds onto Mokuba tightly, both following Jager. When they stop, they are outside the healer�s quarters,
�We are at the healers now, I will remain out here until he is done his work and then we will continue on to the tailor.� The two boys nod, and slowly walk into the room. They see a boy, that looks around Seto�s age bent over some books. He has long white hair. He wears a loose white tunic and black breeches(2). Mokuba clears his throat, they boy was startled some, but he turns, his soft brown eyes reflect kindness,
�So you must be the two brothers the King has sent. I am Ryou, resident healer of the palace.� He smiles kindly to the boys, who shyly smile back. Ryou walks over to them and looks them over,
�OK, I am going to need you to bathe, so that I can see what is just dirt, grim, and dry blood from the wounds. You can bathe right through there.� He points in the direction of the baths, and hands them towels,
�Soap and hair soap is in there already. When you are finished I will examine both of you.� Ryou gently pushes the two boys into the bathroom, already feeling the scars on their backs, his eyes are narrowed, but he says nothing.
End Chapter 1
(1) A houppelande is like a gown type thing that the rich wore. A belt was worn around the waist to hold it in place. Its sleeves were like balloons almost, that were like the elastic type stuff on the end of the sleeves, around the wrists.
(2) Ok, I don�t think they had breeches then, but it don�t really matter right? I don�t have to get everything historically correct.
Well? What did ya guys think?? Not bad, took me 2 ½ hours to finish this chappie. There is a lot more to come, that I am already thinking about, not giving any hints! Reviews plzzz would be much appreciated, but stupid flamers will be eaten by my dragon Malfiesto mwahaha.
