Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs ❯ Secrets and Love ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By: Hikari Briefs

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh. Do NOT sue. I do own Tori, Faiachi, and Faiachi's sisters, though.

Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my best friend Crystal (Yadda Talkalot).

Notes: Looky! Chapter 3! (Audience groans) Quiet you! I got inspired to write more, okay? And I have a theory about Adena (The female version of Mokuba). I will write the theory into the fanfic to work with the plot, bringing a new couple into this fic. Adena/Rebecca. And since this is 5 years into the future (Yes, I have said this before but some idiots *CoughSilverWolfCough* Don't know how to read!) The ages of Adena and Rebecca aren't that bad. In this chapter, Faiachi uncovers a secret in Tori's home that has nothing to do with Tori! What is it? To figure it out, read on!


Chapter Three:

Faiachi looked with wonder as Tori took her into her house. Faiachi's eyes widdened at how clean it was.

"Woah! You've only been here for about a week and this whole house seems so clean!" Faiachi exclaimed.

"I might have just moved here, but I've had possession of this house for about...I'd say four years. I'd sometimes drop by, and that's when I would clean it," Tori explained.

"I see..." Faiachi said.

"Make yourself comfortable," Tori said, smiling at Faiachi as she sat down.

Faiachi smiled back as she found a seat of her own and sat down.

"So how are you?" Tori asked.

"Pretty good," Faiachi said as she shifted in her seat.

"I'll make some hot chocolate," Tori said, walking into the kitchen.

Faiachi didn't mean to do what she did next, it just happened. She bolted straight up in her seat and stood up, beginning to run. She ran upstairs. She knew it wasn't polite, but she couldn't help herself. Before she knew it, she was in the attic. It was filled of things Faiachi was sure belonged to the previous owners of the house.

Many boxes littered the floor. They all has names on them, but they were faded out. Faiachi fell to her knees and began to look through the boxes. Why she was doing this, she didn't know, but she couldn't stop. She found a dusty letter on the bottom of one of the boxes. She read it. She gasped as she realized who owned this house before Tori: Seto's real parents!

Faiachi ran downstairs, letter in hand. Fortuneatly for her, Tori was still in the kitchen making hot chocolate. Faiachi had to act quick. She quickly but carefully put the letter in her bag.

Seto's real father had kept a secret from Mokuba, he had told Seto in the letter to one day tell Mokuba if he wasn't able to. According to Seto, his father died two years after Mokuba was born in a car crash. Even though Seto was supposed to have told Mokuba the secret, Faiachi was pretty sure he hadn't told Mokuba.

Tori returned, carrying a tray of hot chocolate. "Here you go," She said, handing a cup to Faiachi.

"Thank you," Faiachi said. "Hey Tsuchi, aren't we supposed to be doing our homework?"

Tori smiled. "I accidently did it in study hall."

Faiachi smiled back. "Me too."

Tori sat down, hot chocolate in hand. "So, your last name is Kaiba, correct?"

"Yes..." Faiachi said.

"Are you related to Seto Kaiba?" Tori asked.

"Y-Yes. He's my adoptive father," Faiachi said.

"Do you know anything about your father's company?" Tori asked.

"No, actually," Faiachi lied. Had her father been right about Tori?

"I see..." Tori said. She was trying to tell if Faiachi was lying.

Faiachi was very ashamed. She had rarely ever told a lie. That lie just then had been the biggest lie she had ever told in her whole life. But it was for the good of her father's company.

"Hey Faiachi," Tori said, smiling.

"Yes, Tsuchi?" Faiachi replied.

"Wanna spend the night? It'll be fun!" Tori said.

"Okay...but what will I tell dad?" Faiachi asked.

"Tell him you're at a friends house if you really don't want to tell him my name," Tori said.

"Okay," Faiachi said. At least that way she didn't need to lie again. She called her father.

"Hello?" Seto asked.

"Hi dad! It's Faiachi!" Faiachi said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Oh. Hello Faiachi," Seto said, realived. He thought it was going to be Joey calling to tell him Mokuba blew up the mansion while cooking.

"I was wondering...could I spend the night at a friend's house?" Faiachi asked.

"Okay...you usually don't ask. Why?" Seto asked.

"No reason. I just want to spend the night at a friends' house. Bye!" Faiachi said, hanging up.

"Now lets go have some fun!" Tori said.

"O-Okay..." Faiachi replied.


Seto hung up. He wonder who this friend of Faiachi's was. Faiachi hasn't ever asked to spend the night at a friends' before. He wondered about it. Soon, his eyes slowly began to widden.


Could it be that this friend was the new girl Seto told Faiachi to stay away from?!

~*~*~That night~*~*~

Tori looked at Faiachi. The latter was asleep. Tori's hearted warmed at the sight of the sleeping girl. The truth was, the reason she didn't want to hurt Faiachi was that she was in love with her. Something about her made Tori so attracted to her.

Tori walked over to the girl, leaning down to her face. She brushed Faiachi's dark red hair out of her face as she leanned down to Faiachi's face again until their lips met. Tori snapped back. She couldn't kiss Faiachi in her sleep! What if Faiachi woke up and felt like she had violated her? What if...

Tori opened her blue eyes. She saw Faiachi's purple eyes looking back at her.

"T-Tori?" Faiachi asked.

She had been awake the whole time.


A girl walked to the airport. She was going to Japan to find her brothers. A long time ago she had been seperated from them, but not anymore.

Just then, a girl with blonde hair ran up to her.

"Hey Rebecca," The girl said.

"Hey Adena," Rebecca said.

"So, are you ready to go to Japan?" Adena asked.

"You bet! I wanna have a rematch with Yugi!" Rebecca said.

"Lets go!" Adena said as the two of them walked into the airport.


Hikari: O_O You put Adena as a real person in this?!

Alexi: Well...yeah. ^_^;;; I explain next chapter.

Hikari: Oh. Okay. ^_^

Xela: *Kills someone randomly*

Alexi: What is Faiachi's reaction to Tori kissing her? Who are Adena's brothers? Why is Rebecca going with Adena to Japan? Find out in...


Alexi: And, I must BEG for you to...

Hikari and Alexi: REVIEW NOW!!!

*Notice! Yeah! Before you review, read this!*

I will be hosting a fic challange for anyone interested. The rules are simple. Write a (Yami) Bakura/Mokuba fic. It can be rape, lemon, or a non-sex fanfic, as long as Bakura and Mokuba are a couple. Adding Ryou in is optional. I will end this challange on November 7th. By that time you must have at least one chapter of your fic up! Good luck!

*This notice was brought to you by a deranged loonatic named Alexi who wants more Bakura/Mokuba fics out there.*