Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs ❯ Turn of Events ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By Hikari Briefs

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Notes: Chapter Two! Yay! Anyway, in this chapter, things begin to heat up! What does Tori have planned for Seto and company? More importantly, what does she have planned for Faiachi? Also in this chapter, Faiachi gets a surprise!


Chapter Two:

DIARY POV (Faiachi)

Dear Diary,

You won't believe what happened. I got a phone call. More importantly, it was from my eldest sister Kiteiaisu! I was so shocked. After all these years, was it possible that Kiteiaisu remembered me?

It all started when I went downstairs to thank my Uncle Mokuba for buying me the diary. A few minutes after I talked to him, the phone rang. I had picked it up.


"Hello, dear Faiachi," A voice said. I knew I knew the voice, but I don't remember where. Like it had been years since I last heard it.

"Who is this?" I asked. I was very nervous now.

"I'm insulted! After all these years, you don't remember your own sister?" The voice asked.

I had heard that accent before.

"K-Kiteiaisu?" I had asked.

"Of course! Who else would it be?" She said.

"How did you get this number?" I asked, amazed she knew this number.

"I showed this boy, I think it was Seto Kaiba's brother, a picture of you when you were young. I told him your name. He said he knew who you were and gave me the number. He told me not to tell anyone else the number," Kiteiaisu said.

Well, at least Mokuba had the sense to tell her not to tell anyone else.

"My dear sister, I was just about to call your sister Mizukase. I was wondering. Would you like to come and have a reunion at the park?" Kiteiaisu asked.

"Oh course I would!" I had exclaimed. I would have been crazy not to.

"Well then, I'll see you at the park in three days. Goodbye Faiachi," Kiteiaisu said before hanging up.

I'm so excited! I'm finally going to see my sisters again!

I'm going to tell Dad, Joey, Uncle Mokuba, and Ryou (Who is here as well) The good news. Write in you later!




Tori sat in her new house, tapping a pencil.

"Faiachi Kaiba MUST be the adopted daughter of Seto Kaiba. Therefore, I must use her to get close to the secrets of Kaiba Corp," Tori said.

She actually really felt bad about her plan to trick the girl. She seemed nice...and friendly...and shy... But she had to rise where her father fell, and in order to do that, she had to use Faiachi. It wasn't really fair, but what Tori had to do, Tori had to do. She couldn't fall after coming so far.

But still...it still wouldn't make her feel better for what she was going to do to Faiachi.

*The next day...*

Faiachi was in gym. Class had just ended, she had back into her school uniform, and she was now looking for her glasses. She must have misplaced them, for she couldn't find them anywhere.

"Looking for these?" Tori asked.

Faiachi jumped as she turned to face Tori. "Oh, it's just you, Tsuchi."

Tori smiled at the use of her fake name. "I believe you were looking for these," She said, handing Faiachi her glasses.

"Thank you..." Faiachi said, putting her glasses back on.

"So..." Tori said as she leanned against the wall. "What are you doing after school?"

"Nothing much...just my homework..." Faiachi said.

"I have homework too! Maybe we can work together on it at my place!" Tori said.

"Well, you see, my father said I can't hang around you..." Faiachi was stopped from saying anymore when Tori pressed her finger to her lips.

"Your father doesn't have to know..." Tori said.

"No. I refuse to go against my father's wishes!" Faiachi said.

"Come on, Faiachi. You can't keep going by the rules. You have to live a little," Tori said.

"Maybe you're right..." Faiachi said.

"So will you?" Tori asked.

"Of course. I'll meet you after school," Faiachi said.

Tori smirked as Faiachi walked away. "All is going to plan..." Tori said.


Ryou was making a full recovery.

"Thank goodness..." Mokuba said. He was so glad Ryou was alright.

"It wasn't serious in the first place..." Bakura snorted.

Ryou laughed at his Yami's remark. "You are right..."

"So what happened?" Mokuba asked.

"As you very well know, I was attacked. My attacker wanted the Millennium Eye and The Millennium Ring," Ryou said.

"I know what she looked like. Seto told me. You don't have to tell me, since I already know," Mokuba said.

"Well, to tell you a strange fact, she looked a lot like Pegasus," Ryou said.

"Why would she look like Pegasus?" Mokuba asked.

"At first I thought because she was a fan, but there is only one way she would know about the Millennium Items. She has to be related to Pegasus in some way," Ryou said.

"But how..." Mokuba wondered.

"It might be possible Pegasus and his girlfriend had a daughter before his girlfriend died," Ryou said.

"Interesting..." Mokuba said.

"But how? When I looked into his soul, I couldn't see anything about her!" Bakura said.

"You have to remember he was in a state of depression. The depression of losing the only chance to get his wife back probably filled all of his soul," Ryou pointed out.

"In any case, I'm glad you're alright, Ryou," Mokuba said, hugging Ryou.


Alexi: I am so sorry for the short chapter!

Hikari: *Shrug* They won't mind, as long as you continue soon.

Alexi: Anyway, will Tori's plan work? Will Seto find out about Faiachi hanging out with Tori? And will Faiachi's reunion with her sisters go well? Find out this and more in...

Hikari and Alexi: CHAPTER THREE!