Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs ❯ Diaries ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By Hikari Briefs

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. Drat. >_< But I do own Tori and Faiachi. ^_^

Notes: Chapter One! In this chapter, Tori writes an autobiography in her diary. In later chapters, she and other characters will write memoirs in their diaries. Also in this chapter, we see the ADOPTED daughter of Seto and Joey, Faiachi. Pay attention to her. She's going to play a huge part in this fic, but not a super huge one. She's not a Mary Sue either and it's pretty obvious who she is going to be paired up with. She also has a diary and will also write an autobiography in her diary in this chapter, and like Tori, will write memoirs in it later on. Also, the name that comes after DIARY POV is the name of the person writing in their diary. For example, if it says DIARY POV (Faiachi), It's Faiachi who is writing in her diary. Anyway…


Chapter One:



Dear Diary,

It's been a while, hasn't it…since I last wrote in you? I don't think I've written in you for a good five years, not since dad died. Thank god I wasn't sent to an orphanage. That was the last thing I wanted.

I kept this diary because it was the last thing my father gave to me before he died. He didn't die naturally, mind you. He was killed.

I'm pretty sure I haven't written down my life story yet. Most people put their life story down into words in their diary. So I will as well. Later on, most of my entries will be about events that happened on that day or memoirs. I love memoirs. I'm going to write my life story now.

My name is Tori Pegasus. My Birthday is May 29th and I am 15 years old. I am the daughter of Maximillion Pegasus and the would be Cecilia Pegasus. I have the same color hair as my fathers and the same color eyes as my mothers. My birth was a result of the two of them fooling around. However, my parents didn't believe in abortions, so I was allowed to be born into this world.

Whoop-dee-doo. Like you care. You're just an empty book for me to write in. Yay.

Anyway, my parents were under age and couldn't get married until I was about two. They waited until about a week after my 3rd birthday to get married. It was the eve of mom and dad's wedding that mom died.

I don't remember my mother very well. I remember she was a beautiful woman with grace and kindness, and that my father loved her very much, and always would.

Dad lost it. He stayed in his room for three days, making me fend for myself. I didn't blame him. What if it was me who had lost the love of my life? During the period, I cut myself by accident on my arm. There is a scar there. I don't like to mention it to people. Later in my life there would be times where I would cut myself on purpose, but that is for later on.

My father wandered around the world I believe. He left me with my grandparents. Every day I missed my dad more and more, even though I liked my grandparents. They were one of the nicest people I knew. I was there for a few weeks. I was so happy when my father came back.

He was different. His left eye was replaced with something gold and glittery. Later I would know it was called the Millennium Eye. My father had a brilliant mind. He really did. He created Duel Monsters. I was the first to know he based it on an Ancient Egyptian game.

He didn't put it into world wide circulation until I was about nine, but that didn't mean he didn't play the game with me, for I grew up as a duelist. Probably the first in the world not counting my father. Like I said before, I was playing the game before it was ever put into circulation.

I always dueled my father, but I would never win. It was like he could read my mind. He HAD read my mind. I thought it had something to do with that eye. Later I would know it DID have something to do with that eye.

I was tutored. My father was afraid people would use me as a popularity tool. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the daughter of the creator of Duel Monsters?

I'm very much like my father. At least I was. When I was young, I liked to read Funny Bunny comics with my dad. That rabbit was so funny. I had my own set, while my dad had another set. Sometimes my father would let me take a sip of his wine. It was actually very good. I snuck some for myself when he wasn't looking.

About a year later, my father told me we were going to the Duelist Kingdom. I was confused. It was near my 10th Birthday, which is in Spring, and we usually never went unless it was summer. He told me he had a tournament going on at the island and we were going.

For some reason or another I was told to stay in my room for most of the tournament. Of course, I never listened to my father. That's when I met my first friend. Besides my dad anyway.

His name was Mokuba Kaiba. He was the brother of Seto Kaiba, the CEO of Kaiba Corporation. We didn't agree on a lot of things. Mokuba didn't like my father and I didn't like his brother. But besides that, I was good friends with him, even though I had known him for only a day or two. I was only able to see him for so long. I couldn't risk getting caught.

However, most of the time I just did as I was told. Things I did in my room most often were draw and play the piano. My mother knew how to play the piano very well. She taught my father, who taught me. I was never really good at it. My dad used to be an artist. I decided I wanted to be an artist too.

A day or so had passed. I got into an argument with Mokuba. When I went to apologize, he didn't respond. It was like his soul was gone. I blamed myself for it…and that's when the cutting began. I cut myself twice. Thank god they didn't leave scars. Thank god dad didn't know.

Less than a day later, I saw guards dragging Seto Kaiba's body. What happened, I don't know. I don't think I want to know. But all I know was disaster was going to strike. For a day later, my father dueled Yugi Motou. He lost.

I wasn't able to watch the duel. I was forced into my room for almost the whole time. A little while after the duel was over, I heard him scream. I saw Croquet and a few others drag my father's body away. He was dead. He was murdered. He had to be. I think a boy named Ryou Bakura killed him and took his Millennium Eye.

I went back into my room after that, and I cut myself again, blaming myself because I thought I might have been able to save my dad. I only cut myself once, but it didn't leave a scar. Don't you think it's ironic when you cut yourself on accident it leaves a scar but if you do it on purpose it doesn't?

After that, I spent almost all my time in my room for about a month, doing nothing but playing the piano for days. I would perfect it, for him. That's what he would want.

For five years I spent most of my time learning Japanese. I then went to Japan. I've only been here for a few days, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to make progress. My plan is to succeed where my father failed. I WILL get all the Millennium Items and I WILL take over Kaiba Corp. Then I can see my parents again.

I just wish someone was here to wish me luck.



"Class! Class! CLASS!" The teacher said.

Every student went quiet.

"We have a new student. Her name is Tsuchi Shiroi. Please treat her with respect as if you were a new kid," The teacher said.

Tori entered the room, under the fake name of Tsuchi.

"Miss Kaiba!" The teacher said.

The girl bolted up in her seat.

"Yes sir?" The girl said, pushing her glasses upward.

"Please be so kind as to let Miss Shiroi sit next to you," The teacher said.

"Yes sir," The girl said. She had a very small voice. It was obvious this girl got shy easily.

"Miss Shiroi! Take your seat!" The teacher demanded.

Tori took her seat next to the girl.

"Hello," Tori said.

"H-Hi..." The girl said.

"What's your name?" Tori asked.

"F-Faiachi. Faiachi Kaiba..." Faiachi said.

"Faiachi Kaiba..." Tori said. "Interesting..."


After school, Faiachi entered the mansion. "Dad? Joey? Uncle Mokuba?" She asked, walking around. Suddenly, she felt two arms encircle her and began to tickle her. "Hey! Cut it out!" She laughed.

"Welcome home Faiachi! Your dad's waiting for you!" Joey said.

"Really?" Faiachi said.

"Yeah…" Joey said. He was covered in sweat, and his hair was more messy than usual.

"Let me guess. You had fun with dad," Faiachi said.

"Yes. Adult fun…" Joey smiled his idiot grin.

Faiachi laughed and went to Seto's room.

"Welcome home, Faiachi," Seto said. He was typing something on the computer. Faiachi was pretty sure it was business stuff.

"Thank you dad," Faiachi said.

"Let me ask you something," Seto said. "Did you get a new student at your school?"

"Yes…" Faiachi said.

"What did she look like?" Seto asked.

"She had silver hair and dark blue eyes," Faiachi said.

"Stay clear of her," Seto said.

"Why?" Faiachi asked.

"Because I know she is trouble," Seto said.

"How do you know?" Faiachi asked.

"Because she's after the Millennium Items. Yugi called me yesterday. He said Ryou was attacked by a girl with silver hair and dark blue eyes. He said she told him she was after the Millennium Items and she wanted the Millennium Eye and Ring," Seto said.

"Why doesn't Ryou just call the police?" Faiachi asked.

"Because it would cause more problems. I'm sure she came to your school under a fake name. If she is who I think she is, then that means she's also after Kaiba Corp. I don't want her using you to get to my company," Seto said. "Also…"

"Yes?" Faiachi asked.

"Mokuba bought this for you before he went to Ryou's to comfort him. He told me to give it to you," Seto said, handing Faiachi a small, pink, diary.

"Thank you…" Faiachi said.

"Don't thank me, Faiachi. Thank Mokuba. He's the one who bought it for you. He said he believes you won't have so much problems if you write them down," Seto said.

"I'll go write in it now," Faiachi said.

"Okay," Seto nodded.

"Bye dad," Faiachi said, walking out of the room.

"Goodbye Faiachi," Seto said, going back to typing whatever he was typing on the computer.


DIARY POV (Faiachi)

Dear Diary,

My name is Faiachi Kaiba. I am newly 15 years old from yesterday. I really don't know what to do with you. I guess I could write my life story here, if you don't mind, which you probably don't, since you're a diary and you're an inanimate object. Let me start…

My name wasn't always Faiachi Kaiba. It was once Faiachi Seireino. I have two older sisters named Mizukase and Kiteiaisu, but I haven't seen them in years. Before I was born, my father abandoned the family. When I was 4, my mother committed suicide. We were all sent to an orphanage. I don't remember what it was called, but I remember it was for girls only.

Kiteiaisu and Mizukase were my dearest friends, even though they were my sisters and I got into a lot of fights with them from what I remember. I remember the orphanage had some kind of rule. One person could only adopt one child. This meant Kiteiaisu and Mizukase were separated from me. We had only been in the orphanage for two weeks and they were chosen and taken away.

Kiteiaisu was first to be adopted. An American adopted her, I don't remember her name, but she had very pretty hair. She was quite elegant. The moment she saw Kiteiaisu, she was in love. She quickly told the adoption people Kiteiaisu was the one she wanted. Then Kiteiaisu left.

Not even a week later, a guy on a motorcycle came to the orphanage. He saw Mizukase and loved her tomboyish attitude. She was also quickly adopted. Then I was all alone for 6 years, until I was finally adopted.

A man, I don't even think he was 16, came to the orphanage. From his clothes I could tell he was pretty rich. His name was Seto Kaiba, and at first he seemed very cold, but he's actually quite nice once you get to know him. He told me he had adopted me because I reminded him of him when he was my age. I found out he also had a love for chess.

Seto told me that his stepfather wasn't very nice to Mokuba and himself. He didn't tell me much about that, but he promised me the things his stepfather did to him would never happen to me. Seto told me he had came to the orphanage for the same reason as his stepfather did: To find an heir to Kaiba Corp.

Seto is young, but he still felt better finding an heir, probably because I have found out he's tried to kill himself many, many, many times. He refused to throw away his brother future, so he adopted me. I always dreamed about having a huge company, but I was so shy and was pretty sure it would never happen.

I'm quite smart, but I keep to myself a lot, which makes the teachers at school yell at me. I don't have many friends. They all think I'm a duelist champion and are afraid I will steal their cards. The truth is I've never played Duel Monsters, though both dad (Seto) and Joey (Dad's lover) are duelists.

My Uncle Mokuba (Seto's brother) is very nice. He's the same age as me, but I look up to him. He has a lover named Ryou Bakura. Ryou is very nice as well.

I want to fall in love one day…and I already think I have. I think I fell in love today.

Her name is Tsuchi Shiori. She's a new student and she's mysterious and kind. My father has a problem with her, so I'm forbidden to talk to her. I wish I could, though. I think it was love at first sight for me. I'm pretty sure Tsuchi doesn't feel the same way. She's probably straight. She'd probably think I was gross and stay away from me. For some reason, though, I think she feels the same way.

I have to stop writing in you. Uncle Mokuba has come home with Ryou and I have to thank him for buying my this diary to write in. I'll write in you later.



Alexi: That was longer than I thought…

Hikari: I think it's good.

Alexi: >_> Reel the reviews in, people!

Hikari: If you don't, I'll send you to the Mary Sue Realm!

Alexi: Oh, like you wanted to send all the annoying boys in my 5th period class to the Mary Sue Realm? >_>

Hikari: Well, yeah. ^_^;;;

Alexi: Anyway…Will Faiachi talk to Tsuchi again? Will Seto find out that Tsuchi is Tori? Will Yugi and Yami show up? Will we get a lemon next chapter? *Ahem* Find out this and more in…

Hikari and Alexi: CHAPTER TWO!

Hikari: Also…

Alexi and Hikari: REVIEW NOW!