Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Long Forgotten, Now Regained ❯ An Unexpected Helper...Well...Not Really ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurayami24: Thanks for all of the reviews! Especially to HiEi JaGaNasHis FlAmE who has reviewed every chapter so far!


Kurai: Woohoo, good for HiEi JaGaNasHis FlAmE. Anywho… yeah, um… kurayami24 doesn't own Yugioh or any of its characters. Good thing to, if she did… tch… Seto and Tea'd have TONS of interaction with each other.


Kurayami24: okay, DK will have some changes, like who battles who when, what Tea does in some parts, the out comes of certain battles, and the meetings of certain people (coughcoughTeaandSetocoughcough).


Muses: now onto the story!


Chapter 6: An Unexpected Helper…Well…Not Really


`Ugh! How many times have I seen Kaiba here?! I'd say around five million times! I don't even think that the guys have even noticed!' Tea thought with an angry sigh.


"Hey Tea! Come on! You're going to slow!" Yugi yelled when he noticed that Tea was hanging behind.


Catching up to the guys, Tea once again noticed that Seto Kaiba was lurking around. `Hm… probable headed to the finals location.' Tea thought as she watched Kaiba disappear into the darkness of the forest. `I hope there aren't any bugs around…'


"Yugi Moto, I challenge you to a duel!" a voice said from a dark portion of the forest.


"Who are…huh?" Yugi said when he saw the boy come out of the darkness. "Um… do I know you?"


"No, but I know you." The boy said. "My name is Weevil Underwood."


"Uh, okay…" Yugi said sweatdropping. Whispering to Joey, "What kind of name is Weevil?"


"I dunno…" Joey said, looking at Weevil with a weird expression on his face.


"HEY! My name is not weird!" Weevil yelled, overhearing what the two were talking. "But forget about that! Let's duel!"


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*With Kaiba*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


`Why that no good sleaze-ball of an ass. If and when I get my hands on Pegasus… Argh! I can't even think straight right now I'm so fricking angry!' Kaiba thought as he angrily stomped up the stairs to Pegasus' castle. `How dare he try and kidnap my little brother and try to get away with it!'


"Why Kaiba-boy, what's with the angry face? Did something happen to the runt?" Kaiba heard the distinct voice of Pegasus from the top of the castle. "Did you lose him, perhaps?"


"Pegasus! You know perfectly well what happened to Mokuba and where he is!" Kaiba yelled angrily. If looks could kill -which, by the way, Kaiba sorely wished they did right now- Pegasus would have reached the other side of the world by now.


"Why put all of the blame on poor innocent me?" Pegasus put on the classic "just because I say I'm innocent means that I'm telling the truth" act.


"Hm… maybe because it was your damn henchmen who captured him from our house!" Kaiba yelled back in response. "So where the hell is he?!"


"Here, with me. Take a look." Pegasus held out a duel monsters card with Mokuba clearly on it. Or, in this case, in it. "And you will be soon to follow."


"What did you do to him!?" Kaiba asked, getting angrier by the second. "Tell me now!"


"Why, all I did was put his soul to sleep inside of this card. That's all." Pegasus said, enjoying Kaiba's obvious anger. "Does it anger you to know that you weren't there for your `sweet baby brother'?"


"Just shut the hell up and duel me for that card!" Kaiba said, whipping out his deck. "I win, and I get the card. You win…hell; you can choose that for yourself."


"Ooh, such a bad mouth Kaiba-boy. Whatever I want, eh? How about your useless soul?" Pegasus smirked, slightly smiling.


"Fine. Let's duel!"


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*With Tea*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


`Um…where am I?' Tea thought as she hastily trekked through the dark forest. `Oh, why didn't I just stay with the guys?'




`Ugh, this is sooooo boring! It's obvious that Yugi's going to win! So why am I even here?!' Tea thought as she shifted her feet for the tenth time during that duel. `I know! I'll go and find Kaiba!'


With that thought, Tea went on her search for Kaiba. But unbeknownst to her, she'd get really lost.


=)End Flashback=)


Walking amid the many trees, she realized something. The entire part of the forest that she was in looked the exact same! Running aimlessly through the forest for another few minutes, Tea saw something. The castle in the distance!


"Alright! Now we're getting somewhere!" Tea yelled as she ran towards the castle, Kaiba, Pegasus, and… (A/N: Like I'd tell you! It would ruin the entire next part of the story!)


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Yugi and the guys*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


The battle ended with the victor obvious: Yugi. Er… make that Yami. Yugi turned from the sulking Weevil to face Joey, Tristan, and…wait. Where'd Tea go?


"Um…guys? Do either of you know where Tea went?" Yugi asked of the two boys next to him. "Uh, guys?"


"Huh? Wha'? What do ya mean "where's Tea"? She's right here…or was right here." Joey said, pointing to where Tea used to be.


"Damn that girl! We have to go find her!" Tristan yelled, turning towards the depth of the forest.


"Not before I had my fun with Yugi here." Groaning, the boys turned towards the new voice, a feminine one this time.


*sigh* "Who are you?" Yugi wearily asked the approaching figure. He really did NOT want to duel right now. Especially with Tea missing.


"My name is Mai Valentine and I will be your next opponent in this tournament." The woman said, pointing at herself.


"Argh, fine. Let's duel." Yugi said half-heartedly as he changed to Yami.




"Whew, almost there." Tea said as the castle loomed closer…ten minutes later.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Kaiba and Pegasus*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


"Wanna quit any time soon?" Kaiba said, smirking.


The life point count was down to Pegasus: 1500 and Kaiba: 3400. Not looking very good for Pegasus.


"I summon a monster in defense mode and set two cards face down." Kaiba said smirking, therefore ending his turn. *sigh* `This stupid match is going to take a while…'




`Alright! I'm there! Well, almost…' Tea thought a few minutes later when she reached the bottom step of the stairs that led to the castle.


Running up the many stairs, Tea spotted just who she was looking for: Seto Kaiba.


"Hey! Kaiba! Whatcha doing?!" Tea yelled, waving.


"What does it look like, Gardner?! To me it seems like I'm in the middle of a duel!" Kaiba yelled very irritated at being distracted from his duel. `Why that stupid girl, always interrupting…wait. Girl? What's she doing here?' "Gardner! What the hell are you doing here?!"


"Well excuse me for interrupting your "very important duel"! Jeez, what is with guys and dueling?!" Tea asked out loud. `Well, it's not just guys, I like to duel as well, but I suck…'


"For your damn business Gardner, this is VERY important! Now shut the hell up and come up here or leave!" Kaiba yelled as he watched Pegasus set down a magic or trap card.


"Why, Kaiba-boy. Who is this girl?" Pegasus asked, genuinely curious as to whom this girl that was getting Kaiba so mad -or was it flustered? - was.


"She's no-one! Leave her alone!" Kaiba yelled, summoning one of his three Blue Eyes White Dragons and placing a card face down.


"She isn't, is she? Then why are you defending her, Kaiba-boy?" Pegasus asked, enjoying seeing Kaiba like this. "Well then, why don't we find out, shall we?"


"What do you mean by that Pegasus?!" Kaiba yelled. "Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack his Toon Summoned Skull with White Lightening!" That left Pegasus with 500 L.P and Kaiba with 3000.


"How could you do that?! It was just an innocent toon!" (1)(A/N: Whoa, déjà vu.) Pegasus said, stricken by Kaiba's "cruelty". "Just for that, I will make you pay!"


"How do you expect to do that, Pegasus? Especially when you only have 500 life points left?" Kaiba said as he glanced at Tea who finally reached the dueling platform.


"With this, Kaiba-boy! I play the magic card Exchange!" (A/N: hehe, he probable doesn't have this card in his deck, but since this is my story he does!) Walking towards Kaiba, he took a closer look at the young girl that was standing on Kaiba's side. She seemed to be about Kaiba's age and was also a brunette, like Kaiba.


"Hn. Fine. Take a look." Showing Pegasus his cards, he watched as Pegasus took one of his two Blue Eyes' that he had in his hand. Taking Pegasus' Toon Alligator, Kaiba walked back up to his dueling platform as Pegasus did the same.


"Now I play the cute and loveable Blue Eyes Toon Dragon!" Pegasus said, smirking.


"Cute? Um… Kaiba, what's wrong with this guy?" Tea asked as she turned from the UNcute toon to face Kaiba's disgusted expression. "Uh, Kaiba? Is something wrong?"


"What did you do to him?! You stripped him of his pride!" Kaiba yelled angrily. "By the way, I agree with you Gardner."


"Exactly. Now Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, attack Kaiba's Blue Eyes!" Pegasus yelled.


"You fell straight into my trap! Activate Deck Infection Virus!" Kaiba yelled as he watched both Blue Eyes being destroyed.


"What?! Why you no good snake in the grass! I'll get you back for that one!" Pegasus yelled as he watched ten of his cards go into the graveyard.


"Sure I will." Drawing a card, Kaiba activated a magic card, much to Pegasus' chagrin. "I activate monster reborn bringing back the Blue Eyes White Dragon that you stole from me! Attack Pegasus directly with White Lightening therefore I win this duel!"


"No! How could you beat me?! How?" Pegasus screamed as he watched his life points drop to zero.


"Now give me back that card!" Kaiba said as he lunged for Pegasus, but missed and ended up landing on Tea.


"No! You have to get it from me!" With that, Pegasus ran into the castle.


"Um, Kaiba… could you please get off of me?" Tea asked, blushing so red that a tomato would get jealous.


"Uh, sure. We have to stop him!" Blushing slightly, Kaiba helped Tea up and dragged her towards the castle entrance.


"Kaiba! What are you doing with Tea?!" The two heard a frantic voice yell as they followed Pegasus.


"Sorry Yugi! I'll be back in a few minutes!" Tea yelled back when they turned a corner.


"What did she mean by that?" Yugi asked as the three boys and one girl reached the top of the stairs, "Why are you following us again Mai?"


"Because you know Kaiba of course. And because I have nothing else to do today." Mai replied satisfactorily.


"Um, okay." Yugi said sweatdropping.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Tea and Kaiba*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


"So what is… (Wheeze)… this card… (cough)… so important for?" Tea asked as she tried to stay with Kaiba's fast pace.


"That card has my brother's soul in it so I have to get it back." Kaiba said as he saw Pegasus turn into a room. "That way!"


Turning towards the room that Pegasus headed into, Kaiba and Tea were in for a VERY unexpected surprise.




Kurayami24: heh, figured that I better leave it off there. ;P


Kurai: Ah, my hikari is so evil. (sniff) It makes me so proud.


Kurayami24: sure, whatever. Okay, time for something different. Anyone notice the number 1 in the story? Well here's the reason why:


Anyone who knows where this quote came from (as in, when if you don't exactly recall) I'll include an idea of ALL the winners in my story…sometime. All the credit WILL go to the winners. It will only count if you review for this chapter, of course. So until next time, R & R please!