Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Long Forgotten, Now Regained ❯ Does he Really Need to Help? ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurayami24: Heh, now is the time for the unexpected surprise to be revealed. It most likely WON'T be who lots of people think it is.


Kurai: Of course not! They all probable forgot all about the person!


Kurayami24: Yeah, you're probable right. To bad to, he's going to play a major roll from now on in the story too.


Kurai: Yup, he is. Oh yeah, before I forget, Kura doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or any of its characters.


Last Time:


"So what is… (Wheeze)… this card… (cough)… so important for?" Tea asked as she tried to stay with Kaiba's fast pace.


"That card has my brother's soul in it so I have to get it back." Kaiba said as he saw Pegasus turn into a room. "That way!"


Turning towards the room that Pegasus headed into, Kaiba and Tea were in for a VERY unexpected surprise.


Now onto the story!


Chapter 7: Does he Really Need to Help?


"Tea! What are you doing here?" Tea and Kaiba heard a voice say from the room that Pegasus supposedly went into.


"Huh? Who are….TAI?! What are you doing here?!" Tea asked as she ran up to him to give him a hug.


"Nothing much, this is my part time job. I swear that I told mom that…" Tai said, turning to face Kaiba. "And who's this, your boyfriend?"


"Um…well…kinda. You should remember him Tai, considering YOU were the bully at the orphanage." Tea said, releasing him.


"Wait, it couldn't be. It can't be! Yamagata, is it really you?!" Tai said, getting a closer look at Kaiba.


"Yes, stupid. It's me. Except I'm Kaiba now." Kaiba said as he swiftly walked past Tai. "Now if you will excuse us, we have to go find that stupid-assed Pegasus."


"Yeah, what he said." Tea said as she caught up with Kaiba. "I'll see you later Tai!"


"Wait! Maybe I can come with you!" Tai said as he ran after them.


"No! You can't come!" Kaiba yelled. "Oh yeah, what happened to yourself? I mean, you really changed."


From Tai's normally brown hair that he had in the orphanage, he now had black spikey hair. He was wearing black jeans with a dragon going down one side, a dark blue shirt that said "I like you. When the world is mine, your death shall be quick and painless" on the back and a tiger slashing on the front, and a silver necklace that had a dragon winding itself around a lion hanging off of it.


"Heh, being adopted really changes people I guess. I mean, come on. You're the CEO of Kaiba Corp. for goodness sake!" Tai said when reached the two.


"Yeah, you're right. Before I forget, what did you mean by `I swear that I told mom that'?" Kaiba asked as they started on their search for Pegasus again.


"Sheesh, didn't Tea tell you? We were adopted by the same people! So I'm also a Gardner. Tai Gardner to be exact." Tai said, looking at Tea with an expression that told her "why the hell didn't you tell him? I thought that he was your boyfriend?"


"Forget it. There's something more important going on here, so let's hurry up!" Kaiba said as he randomly opened doors to see if Pegasus was in any of them. "So if you're done speaking, let's find Pegasus already!"


With that, the two boys and one girl went on their search. For 15 minutes the three of them searched high and low, opened every door that they passed, went up and down every set of stairs…but nothing. Until…


"Wait, what is so important that you have to find Pegasus for?" Tai finally asked.


`Boy, this guy is really slow. It took him 15 minutes to finally ask that question!' Kaiba thought, as he tripped over something.


"Um…Tai….couldn't you have asked that question earlier?" Tea sweatdropped as she clumsily helped Kaiba back onto his feet.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~With Yugi, Mai, Joey, and Tristan*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


So, where do ya think that they went to Yug?" Joey asked as they stopped at ANOTHER fork in the road, or in this case; hallway.


"Um…that way maybe?" Yugi said as he heard voices coming from the left path.


"Uh, I knew tha'." Joey said as he rubbed the back of his head.


"So let's go already!" Mai said as she ran down the hall.


"Why is she so enthusiastic to find them? I mean, she doesn't even KNOW who we are looking for, well…except for Kaiba." Yugi said as the guys started to follow Mai's lead.


"TAI! We just went this way you ass!" was heard somewhat far up ahead. The response that the four heard was "No we didn't Yamagata! I swear we didn't!"


"Uh, Yugi, who's Yamagata?" Tristan asked when he heard the one they guessed was Tai say.


"Oh, that's just Kaiba. His old name." Yugi said as he crept closer to the arguing voices.


"What da ya mean, "His old name"? Wasn't he always a rich bastard?" Joey asked, confused.


"No, he used to go to the same orphanage as Tea did. Shh. I think that we're really close to them now." Yugi said as he walked along the wall as quietly as he could.


"Guys! Stop bickering! We'll never get Mokuba back with you two whining left and right!" They heard Tea say, with annoyance evident in her voice.


"But Tea! He's lying! We didn't go down this way before! I'm sure we didn't!" they four could see Tai now who was walking backwards in front of Kaiba and Tea.


"Actually Tai, we did. We're just going around in a big circle! Are you sure that you didn't see Pegasus run through the room that you were in?" Tea asked as she too became visible to Yugi, Tristan, Mai, and Joey.


"Huh? Didn't I say that I did? I'm certain that I -ouch! What the hell was that for?!" Tai asked as he rubbed the now forming bumps on his head that he received from both Kaiba and Tea.


`I think now might be a good time to stop them.' Yugi thought as he walked up to the verbally fighting trio. "Hey guys, what are you doing just standing here?"


"Huh? Who are you? Tea, who's he? Yamagata, who's he?" Tai frantically asked since he didn't really like to talk to someone that he didn't even know.


"Yugi!" Both Tea and Kaiba said, one happy that he was here and the other wishing that he wasn't there.


"Hey guys! Um...who's he?" Yugi asked, pointing towards the annoyed Tai.


"Oh, hehe, this is my step-brother Tai. Tai, this is Yugi; my best friend." Tea said as she pointed to each person in question. "Now Kaiba, DON'T bicker with Yugi, got that?!"


"Argh. Tea, if he's helping, I'm leaving and searching for Pegasus on my own." Kaiba said as he started to walk away.


"Wait up Yamagata! I want to come with you!" Tai said as he started after Kaiba. "I'll be seeing you Tea!"


"You can come on one condition Tai: you stay shut up and only say something when asked a question, got it?" Kaiba said reluctantly. `At least he's not Yugi.'


"Yes Sir Master Yamagata Sir." Tai said as he mockingly saluted Kaiba.


"Shut up and come on." Kaiba said as he dragged Tai away from the laughing girls and boys.


"Hey! I can walk you know!" Tai said as he struggled out of Kaiba's grip.


"Then shut your damn mouth and walk!" Kaiba was really getting irritated now.


"Wow, Yamagata. It still surprises me that you're the same timid Yamagata from the orphanage, especially when you talk like that." Tai said, truly impressed with Kaiba's change.


"You don't know the half of it." Kaiba mumbled, but Tai managed to catch what he said.


"What did you mean by that?" Tai asked as he finally got out of Kaiba's grip.


"Nothing. Nothing at all."


"Hey, what's your relationship to Tea anyway? She did tell me you were sorta her boyfriend." Tai asked, walking along side Kaiba's swift stride.


"She's my fiancée." Kaiba said, smirking when he saw Tai's expression.


"WHAT!?!?!?" Tai yelled, stopping immediately. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU'RE TEA'S FIANCE?!"


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*With Tea, Mai, Yugi, Joey, and Tristan*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


A loud "WHAT!?!?!?!?" was heard throughout the hallway which was quickly followed by an equally loud "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU'RE TEA'S FIANCE?!"


"Oh boy, it seems that Tai got around to asking what mine and Kaiba's relationship is." Tea said as she almost laughed out loud.


"Wha' do ya mean by yours and Kaiba's relationship?" Joey asked, still not quite putting the two together.


"Uh, Joey, he's my fiancé. Didn't you tell him Yugi?" Tea asked, turning towards Yugi.


"Um…no…I forgot." Yugi said, blushing slightly from embarrassment.


"That's okay Yugi. Now let's help Kaiba find Pegasus by going this way." Tea said, pointing down another hall.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Kaiba and Tai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


After Tai practically had a heart-attack, the two continued on their journey to find Pegasus. One was smirking triumphantly while the other looked like he wanted to strangle someone, namely the one with him.


"Argh! Where is he?!" As soon as Kaiba asked that question, they saw him. He was calmly lounging in a chair, sipping wine.


"Sir? What did you do that made Yamagata extremely mad?" Tai asked, forgetting about what Kaiba told him when he saw Kaiba get even madder when he Pegasus finally came into view.


"TAI!! TEA ALREADY TOLD YOU!!!" Kaiba yelled, tired of Tai's stupidness.


"Oh, she did?" Tai thought a moment before saying "Right, she did, didn't she?"


"Where is the young woman at anyway, Kaiba-boy?" Pegasus asked, finding that Tea wasn't with them.


"With her friends from the loser brigade." Kaiba said, matter-of-factly.


"Is that so? Well then, she wouldn't mind if I did this, now would she?" Pegasus asked as left "eye" started to glow.


"What are you doing?!" Kaiba said as he all of a sudden felt really lightheaded.


"Oh nothing, except taking your soul!" With that, Kaiba's soul went into a card, just like his little brother. "Now, Tai, please tell the others that Yugi have three people to help win their souls back."


"Y-yes Sir!" Tai said, a little afraid of Pegasus now.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Others*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


"Hey, isn't that Tai?" Yugi asked, pointing towards the approaching figure.


"Yeah, that's Tai. Wait, why isn't Kaiba with him?" Tea asked, now worried over Kaiba.


"Tea! I'm so glad that I found you!" Tai said as he caught his breath. "Pegasus told me to tell you guys that there are three souls that Yugi has to rescue."


"Who are the three? I know my grandpa, but that's it." Yugi asked, slightly confused.


"Another one is Mokuba." Tea said, recalling why she was in the building with Kaiba in the first place.


"And the last is Yamagata." Tai said reluctantly.


"What?! Kaiba!?" Tea said, turning towards the direction that Tai came from; and ran. "Kaiba!"


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Pegasus*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*


`Ah, the joys of stealing souls.' Pegasus thought as he heard running feet.


"Pegasus! Give Kaiba, Mokuba, and Yugi's grandpa's souls back!" Tea yelled, being the first one there.


"Why, if it isn't Kaiba's little girl. How have you been since you two were in a compromising position after mine and Kaiba's duel?" Pegasus asked, liking when Tea instantly blushed.


"We were not in a compromising position! He just tripped, that's all!" Tea yelled, blushing like a ripe tomato.


"Pegasus! Give me my grandpa's soul and the Kaiba brother's souls back!" Yugi said as the rest of them came into the room.


"You have to duel me for them, Yugi-boy." Pegasus said, feeling like he said that to someone before.


"Fine! Let's duel!" Yugi said as he and Pegasus got on the dueling platform.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*After the duel*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


"I won, now give the souls you stole back!" Yugi said, silently thanking Yami for helping him win the duel.


"Fine. You're no fun, Yugi-boy." Pegasus said as he released the three souls. "There, they're released."


"Yes!" Yugi said as he enthusiastically jumped up.


"Hey, guess who I found!" They heard Tristan say from behind them.


"Where were you Tristan? You disappeared a while ago!" Tea said as she turned to see what he was talking about. "Mokuba?!"


"Ugh, Big Sister Tea?" Mokuba said as he looked up.


"Huh? How do you know my name?" Tea asked.


"That's easy. Big Brother has pictures of you all over his room." Mokuba said, noticing that his big brother was coming towards them. "Hi-ya Seto!"


"What did you do Mokuba? By the looks of it, it seems that Te-Gardner is related to a ripe tomato." Kaiba said, commenting on Tea's blushing face.


"Oh nothing really. I just told her that you have pictures of her all over your room." Mokuba said, using the patented Kaiba smirk.


"YOU DID WHAT?!" Kaiba asked as he to began to blush. "We're leaving now, Mokuba!"


"Um, okay Seto. Bye guys!" Mokuba said as the two left.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Elsewhere*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*


"We shall compete in a shadow game for our Millennium Items." Was heard, followed by a "What's a shadow game?" before the other said "We use our shadow powers from our Millennium Items and see which is stronger."


What happened after that, well, was deathly magical. Pegasus lost his Millennium Eye in that instant to the tomb-raider, Bakura.



Kurayami24: Ah, another chapter done… and with that, so is Duelist Kingdom: Kura's version!


Kurai: you actually named your version of Duelist Kingdom? Weird.


Kurayami24: So what if I did! Anywho… R & R please!