Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Too Close for Comfort ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

To whoever asked if this Keith was `Bandit Keith' from the series (sorry I forgot who asked) yes it is. I don't like him so I decided to make him an evil person. Seemed only natural. Hope you enjoy the chappie. And don't hate me too much when…well you'll find out soon enough.

Also, I'm really sorry it's taking me longer to get the chapters up. With school starting and now I have two dance classes a week that I have to go to. I'm really trying to find more time to write, but you're just going to have to bear with me for right now.


Yugi and Yami stepped into the entrance hall and the crimson-eyed teen halted, looking back at his lover. "That completes the full tour rather than the dinky one I gave you before. Any questions about anything or should I start on the rules?"

The younger gave a big smile and shook his head. "Nope, I've got everything. So what're the rules for this place?"

Yami shook his head and then started his way to the stairs, sitting down once he reached them and motioned Yugi to do the same. "The rules are simple enough. Tell somebody where you're going to be if you're going to leave."

Yugi swallowed guiltily but otherwise looked innocent about already breaking that rule earlier.

"No sneaking out a night either and basically all the other rules that you'll find in a basic home: jumping on furniture, stuff like that."

The amethyst-eyed teen nodded. "Okay, that's settled. Can we do something now," He asked impatiently. "You've spent the whole morning giving the grand full tour, rather than pointing at doors like you did for the first tour, and now you've given the rules. Let's do something fun?"

"Like what, Yugi?"

"I don't know. We could go to the game room and play video games or something. You told me when you showed me that room that you have yet to find someone who can beat you at any of those games."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"My grandpa ran a game shop, remember? You don't think I actually just sat around and stared at them; no way, I played them. Now, let's go see if we can find a challenging game for the both of us and see which of us two is the better? That way I don't have to hear you complain that nobody can beat you."

Yami smiled and nodded. "Alright, Yugi. Let's see what you've got."

The couple walked off four the game room, hand in hand.


Yugi and Yami stepped out of the game room, heading for their room to be alone, when Yami's mother called out to her son from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yami, dear, you have a phone call! It's from your cousin Nuka!"

"Okay, mother, I'm coming." He called back before turning to Yugi. "Just go wait in my room, Yugi. He's probably just going to go on about how his birthday went yesterday and than ask if he can come by for a weekend or so, just so he can check you out and see if you're worth stealing from me."

Yugi giggled and nodded. "Okay, Yami. Not that it'll make a difference. I love you and would never want to leave you."

Yami flashed him a smile and headed downstairs.


Yugi closed the door behind him as he stepped into his and Yami's room. He looked around thoughtfully and smiled. `This is my home now and my family. There's no place else that I would rather be than right here for the rest of my life or in a place of our own, just for Yami and me."

His eyes glanced to the bed and he remembered the blue notebook that he saw before while looking for the other notebook with the recipe wanted in it. `I really shouldn't. Yami must have it hidden for a reason and it's his own privacy too. He'd probably be upset if he came in and saw me looking at it.'

He passed the bed and tried to get his mind on other things rather than his mind wandering to why the notebook was hidden underneath Yami's mattress.

Finally curiosity got the better of him in a matter of minutes and he pulled out the notebook from under the mattress.

Opening it he found a list of names and numbers next to them. He flipped through the pages and found that nearly every page was filled with the same thing. He turned back to the first page and looked at some of the names.

`Ernie Dallas? Peggy Palino? Who are these people?' He thought curiously. Looking down the list he started to recognize a couple of the names. `Mai Valentine and Miko Tsunami? Those were two students that were in Yami' class.'

Yugi looked at the top and found a title written across the very top of the first page. `Sex Counter? That's an interesting title. I wonder what…' Yugi's eyes widened as it all began to click. `No! Yami wouldn't - he wouldn't want to - why did he keep this?'

"Yugi, my cousin is going to come up for the weekend. Is that going to be - Yugi, what are you doing?" Yami questioned, looking at the notebook in Yugi's trembling hands. His eyes widened as he registered what it was. "Yugi, where did you get that?"

Amethyst eyes looked up sadly, tears already starting to fill the, but being refused to fall for the time being. "Yami, why did you keep this after all this time? Do you actually miss what you were then?"

"No, of course I don't." Yami walked shakily over to Yugi. "I meant to get rid of it, Yugi; I promise, but when I did I just couldn't let myself."

"Why, Yami? Did I ruin your life that much that you wanted to remember what it was like before I came into it? Or were you hoping that you could add me to it; maybe you already did." Yugi's voice rose. His eyes widened at what he just said and he quickly thumbed through the pages, searching frantically for his name.

A hand over his stopped his from looking, but he refused to move his eyes to look at Yami. "I would never do that to you, Yugi. I love you and I would never ever put you in… in this book. This book is something that I made because I thought it would be cool at the time. I haven't written in it since my junior year. The last time I ever really looked at it and was happy about it was when I gave it over to Joey for our bet. Besides, even if I was ready to burn it, my mother was always coming around or Keith and I don't want either to see it; both for obvious reasons. I don't want my mother to know what I've done. Keith because I don't want to give him the satisfaction that I actually believed everything he said to me.

"Yugi, I swear to you that I didn't keep this because I was proud of it; I kept it because it was a reminder of the foolish things I turned to when there could've been another way out. Please, understand? I just couldn't burn it because it seemed like I was running from my problems again. I was going to get rid of it when I felt that I really had a right to get rid of it."

Yugi closed his eyes in defeat and nodded. He still felt that not all of his trust in his boyfriend and yet to return. When he opened his eyes and focused on the page in front of him, still not wanted to look at Yami just yet, his face paled. In a whispered voice he read the name and number directly in front of his eyes. "Tea Gardner - 52."

The crimson-eyed teen's face also paled considerably. `After all the names his eyes had to land on it had to be the one that I did it with the most. Somebody must really be out to get me for some reason.'

"Was she good?" Yugi's barely heard voice reached his ears in the silence of his bedroom.

"No, Yugi. Even now I regret that I ever went to her. You have to believe me, Yugi: I never ever had feelings for her. Every name in this notebook, no matter how many numbers and especially Tea's, did I ever have any feelings for. Nowhere will you ever find a scrap that says your name, Joey's, Ryou's, Bakura's, Malik's, Marik's, Seto's, or any of the rest of our friends. I swear to you."

"I understand, Yami. I don't like it or want to believe that you even wrote down whom you did and how many times, but I understand. Just, please," he pleaded like this counted on his life, "please, don't ever let me find this again, Yami. It hurts too much to see it, to know what he did to you and what made you ever consider doing this in the first place."

"I promise I'll try. Here, I'll put it away until the time comes for me to get rid of it. Thank you for understanding, Yugi. Not many people would at least consider it."

Yugi nodded and silently gave the book up. Trembling as he waited for Yami to return to his side to let him know everything was okay. `Now I want to hurt Keith more than ever for what he's done to my Yami. All those people… but at least he didn't rape any of them - at least I hope he didn't.'

Yami knelt down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Yami?" He whispered. After a `hmm' in acknowledge was given he continued. "You didn't force any of them did you?"

"Never, Yugi. After what I've experienced I would never do that another person."

Yugi nodded and lent into Yami, enjoying the warmth eliciting from his body after the cold discovery. Yami wrapped his arms around his young love and kissed the top of his head, rocking him back and forth to calm him down.


A few hours later Yugi and Yami were sitting outside in the garden, enjoying each other's company.

Yugi shifted in his seat uneasily and swallowed. "Yami," he whispered.

"Yes, koi?"

"I'm sorry I looked at your book. I knew it was wrong of me and I tried to ignore it, but my curiosity got the better of me. Can you forgive me," he asked, looking down at the gravel and shuffling some around with his shoe nervously.

"Of course, Yugi. It's my fault, I should've told you about it sooner. I never wanted to hide it from you, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to tell you about it, or show you."

"It's okay, Yami. I forgive you for not telling me about it anyway. It was just shock I guess."

Their conversation ended when the sound of the doorbell reached their ears. Yami stood up and gestured to Yugi that he'd be back in a minute.


Yami opened the door and was thrown back against the wall.

"Yami-kins!!! Oh, I've missed you so much and now we can finally be together!" A high screechy voice screamed out as they cuddled him with hugs and kisses.

Upon focusing his eyes he severely wished that he had kept them shut. "Tea!!! What the hell are you doing here!? Get away from me!!" Yami attempted to push her off but quickly realized his hands were pinned between himself and the wall and couldn't move them.

"Never, Yami!! You'll never get away from me now!!! Not with that bothersome shrimp Yugi gone for good now! You and I were meant for each other!" She shrieked annoyingly.

"But Tea -"

Yami was silenced with lips placed over his. He struggled to get away but his expelled ex-classmate had a surprisingly strong grip on him making it impossible to move. Then suddenly Tea thrust one of her knees in between his legs and started to rub back and forth causing him to gasp and her slimy tongue drive into his mouth and explored freely.

He's about to bite her tongue when a gasp echoes in his ears and Tea pulls away to see who was bothering her. Yami shakes his head to clear it and then looks up to see who gasped when, for the second time that day, wished he had kept his eyes closed.

Yugi stood by the stairs by the stairs, gaping at what he's seen. Unable to believe his eyes but still knew it to be the truth. "Yami…I…she…how could you, Yami?" He asked in a cracked and shaken voice. Tears already pulled in his eyes for the second time that day.

Tea sighed in annoyance and started to yank Yami outside where she could be alone. "So you felt sorry for the little twerp and let him live with you. It doesn't mean we can't still be alone together." She stated, the smirk clearly heard in her voice.

Yami tried to fight her off so he could go to Yugi, but she still had an amazingly strong grip on his shirt. He was tempted to just wriggle out of the top but it wouldn't do much good as she had another grasp on his wrist.

Fear clouds Yami's entire being as the door is slammed and he no longer has Yugi in his sight. `I'm just an idiot!' He cursed at himself. `I should have at least told him something instead of staying silent! Anything to have him know that it was all Tea's doing!'


Yugi falls to his knees in hurt. The lump in his throat made it hard to swallow and even more so to breathe. `Yami wouldn't…he told me…he said…but he…' He couldn't form a single coherent thought about what just happened. All he knew was that it pained him more than he'd ever hurt in his life. `Did he really bring me here out of pity?' He finally asked himself.

Shaking his head he tried to escape the thought, but it wouldn't leave him. He settled for clenching his eyes and hoping that it was all a bad dream and Yami would shake him awake any second and hold him until his tears stopped.

Footsteps sounded in his ears and warm, comforting arms wrapped around his shaking form. He leant into the inviting heat and cried his tears into the person's shirt.

After he'd calmed down a little bit the warm arms wrapped more securely around him and picked him up. His mind registered that it must've been Keith since Yami was far too busy at the moment to hold him and he doubted Kiore could've picked him up no matter how light he was right then, but he didn't care at the moment. He just wanted someone to comfort him so he wouldn't be alone.

Yugi felt himself being carried to one of the rooms; he wasn't sure which one. He continued to hide his face in the cotton shirt as more tears slid out of his eyes. Soft words tried to comfort him, but all he could think about was Tea kissing his Yami and the notebook with Tea's name in it. His mind felt completely scrambled and he was confused about anything and everything at the moment that he couldn't register that he was going anywhere with Keith alone or that Yami might've been innocent.

He felt himself being pulled away from his current haven and he clenched the tear-stained shirt in hi hands as tightly as he could, pleading not to be left alone. He gasped though as a pair of warm lips descended on his and a tongue sneaking into his mouth to explore his moist cavern.


Outside Yami finally got his hands free and he shoved Tea away forcefully, wiping his mouth off quickly as if that would get the feeling of Tea's lips on his.

Tea just giggled and fluttered her eyes in what she believed to be a sexy and flirty way. "Oh, Yami, you're so cute when you act like this. I love it when you're rough with me, Yami. I'm sure you can never act the way you want to when you were with that runt of an idiot, Yugi."

"Shut up, Tea!" Yami growled. "I'm sick of you always picking on Yugi and I hate the way you act like you actually ever had a chance with me. I find you revolting and the most disgusting of creatures ever bred onto this planet and I never want to see you again! Don't you get it, you bitch! I hate you so just leave me alone!"

"But, Yami, you must be mistaken. You're just -"

Yami growled at her and, instead of replying, grabbed her very transparent blouse, which clearly showed she wasn't wearing anything underneath it and left nothing to the imagination, and dragged her down to the main gate. He threw her to the ground past it and slammed the gate shut. "If I ever catch you on my mother's property again I'll call the police!" `And Keith'll go with you.' He secretly added. He jammed the lock into place and stalked angrily, but quickly, back towards the house to look for Yugi.

The crimson-eyed teen looked around the entrance hall and then looked up the stairs, thinking Yugi went to their bedroom. He ran up to the second floor and glanced around the room. Panic started to flow through him when he couldn't find him. He sprinted back down the stairs and started to look desperately for him, knowing his little Yugi was lost to everything when he was upset.

Thoughts of Keith taking advantage of Yugi's lost state he started to panic even further.

"Oh, Yami dearest, there you are. You never told me what Nuka said on the other line. Is he well? Did he have a nice birthday?" Kiore asked her son as she spotted him coming out of the study.

"Yes, mother, he had a very nice birthday." Yami breathed, trying not to look desperate to get away so he can continue to find Yugi before Keith did.

"Sweety, are you feeling alright? You look deathly pale."

"Oh no, mother. I feel terrific. Couldn't feel better." He lied. "If you don't mind, mother, I must hurry." His hopes dropped at the confused look on Kiore's face and he knew he'd have to explain. Racking his brain a light bulb sprang up. "You see, Yugi and I are playing this game and I'm on a time limit to find him."

"Well then hurry up. I don't want to ruin your fun."

"Thank you, mother." He turned and headed for the library, hoping Yugi went in there since books always seemed to calm him down the most. `Escape to another world where reality could never be.' That's what he remembered Yugi telling him once about books.


"You'll be a much better whore than that brat Yami could ever be."


Yami froze as he heard that line and ice seemed to flow through him. `No, Yugi!' All the cruel and hateful things Keith usually said to him when he raped him started to repeat themselves over and over again inside his mind.


Keith then told Yugi as the violet eyes stopped shedding tears and looked at him in a dazed over and lost in another world way, but still listening to him nonetheless, "I'll take care of you now, Yugi. I can lover you right and I would never allow you to get hurt no matter what. Let me love you, Yugi." He ordered.

To Yugi in his current state it sounded more like a question for permission to do something rather than being told he had no choice but to accept it. Without realizing it he nodded his approval of Keith's suggestion and didn't move or try to stop the fingers that began to unbutton his shirt and tug it from his pants, not hearing Keith's evil chuckles as he did so.


Yami was pulled from his thoughts as foul laughter that could only be Keith and gasped once he turned one of the corners and saw what Keith was doing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He demanded in a loud tone and was proud that it didn't hold any of the fear that was flowing through him.

The voice startled Yugi out of his dazed world and he looked at Keith confusedly before wondering why he felt cold. He looked down and gasped as he saw that his shirt was nearly off by Keith's hands.

Yami also startled Keith out of what he was doing and he stopped undressing his newest plaything, cursing to himself as Yami ruined his plans once more. `What happened to that girl I called - Tea? I thought she was supposed to be keeping that monster busy.'

Yami stomped over to where Keith was sitting with Yugi in his lap, stunned, and pulled him off of Keith and behind his back to keep him from his step dad's lust-filled like he did the first night Yugi came to the house. Relief flowed through him as he felt Yugi curl into his back, wanting his protection once it finally registered what was going on.

He glared at Keith, ripping Yugi's shirt from his hands, and backed out of the library so he could keep his eyes on the sex-crazed man.

Once outside the library Yugi collapsed onto Yami and cried out a bunch of `I'm sorrys' to Yami as he whimpered in his chest.

Yami wrapped his arms around his young lover and tried to sooth him the best he could, feeling at a lost of what to do since it was his fault Yugi had nearly been raped by Keith right under hi nose and in one of Yugi' favorite places in the house too.

"I should be sorry, Yugi. I don't even know how Tea got this address; I swear it. I never gave anybody but my friends the house address and I know they would never give it to the likes of her."

He carried Yugi to their bedroom and held him tightly for both of their sakes. He didn't know if he could live with himself if Yugi were ever touched like he had been by Keith. He'd never let Keith touch him. Not if he was around to stop it.