Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ So Many Things to go Wrong ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a few days later after the incident with Keith in the library. Yami had kept a closer watch on Keith and Yugi since then but his stepfather hadn't tried anything since then; he knew he had to be planning something though since he never gave up on his goal.

`I might have to tell mother soon if we come to another close call like the other day.' Yami thought worriedly. `What will she say? What will she think when she finds out I never told her?'

"Hello, Yami! Anybody home?" An obnoxious called out as a fist knocked repeatedly on his head.

"Ow!" Yami pulled away from his cousin and rubbed his head where it started to throb. "Nuka did you have to do that?"

"Well you wouldn't answering me. Daydreaming of Yugi, are we? Have you done anything with him yet or is your relationship based on emotional attraction purely?" He teased.

"Nuka! I don't have to tell you anything!" He shouted in an annoyed voice.

"Aha! So you have done something with him!" Nuka whooped with joy. "You sly dog. All the way I'll bet too."

Yami flushed and looked away. `I'm just glad Yugi isn't here right now. I hope mother isn't embarrassing him though.' He looked in the window's reflection to see what trouble his visiting cousin was getting into then.

Nuka was the same age and a little taller than Yami. He had bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes that always reflected his joking personality. No matter how many times he came over or for ever how long, Yami never tired of him or really meant of the things he said about him about being irritating or too old to be acting the way he did.

Yami's cousin was looking his yearbook picture from his senior year. He stopped at a picture of Yami and Yugi cuddling, unknown to them that the picture was taken until they saw it in the yearbook months later.

"How come Yugi couldn't hang out with us? You mother seemed awfully keen to get him away?" Nuka asked as he looked up from the pictures.

"I think she just wanted us to hang out alone since we haven't been able to see each other much. What with Aunt Darine and Uncle Steven getting divorced. I still think they should've let us watch you instead of sending you across the country to stay with grandpa."

"That does seem kind of pointless, doesn't it? I think they were just trying to keep me away from the commotion; or just get me out of the way. I mean, halfway across the country I can't really do anything but joke around with an old lady who doesn't really know what I'm doing. It takes away all the fun."

Yami laughed as he watched his cousin pout and pretend to cry into the pillows on the bed. "Stop being so dramatic. Will Drouzer come near you yet?"

Drouzer, their grandmother's miniature pincher, was completely terrified of Nuka only because when he was five he tried to ride around on him like a horse and purposely ran him into the pool.

"Yup. Don't get why either. I was only playing the sheriff and was trying to rescue my noble steep from the icy waters of the Atlantic." He laughed.

"I don't think it counts when you actually push the poor dog into the water to begin with." Yami pointed out.

Nuka rolled his shocking blue eyes and jumped up excitedly off the bed. "I wanna see Yugi!" He shouted playfully, using his whiny voice that usually gets him whatever he wants. "He's your boyfriend; why should your mother get to keep him to herself?"

Yami nodded and gestured for him to follow. "If I know mother, and I do, then she probably has my poor Yugi stowed up in my mother's room for help with looking after Shiro."

"That's bad luck. Let's go rescue him then. At least this is a real rescue and it wasn't my fault."

Yami laughed as he decided to not voice his thoughts. `Actually it is. If he hadn't come over than Yugi wouldn't be stuck there.'

Nuka knocked on his aunt and uncle's door and opened it slowly in case Shiro was asleep or if Keith were in there instead of the people they were looking for. He knew bits and pieces of what happened with Keith and Yami, but only because he figured it out on his own. He wasn't stupid like he played to be around school and easily figured out; he didn't tell Yami though. If Yami didn't tell on his own then he didn't want anybody to know and he respected that.

"Oh, hey U.K!"

Yami rolled his eyes as the short way to say `Uncle Keith'. `I'm just glad he hasn't called me `Y' yet. As long as he doesn't give Yugi a nickname then I don't care.'

"Have you see Aunt Kiore or Yugi around anywhere. We wanted to know if he'd play some games with us. Yami tells me he's totally awesome when he has a controller in his hand."

"I believe I saw them in the kitchen last, Nuka."

"Cool, thanks." The blonde turned and headed for the stairs humming to himself cheerily. "Sorry to disturb you!" He called back as he started to jump down the stairs.

Yami turned to close the door and felt a shiver run down his spine as eyes bore into his skin. Looking up he repressed his reflexes to run and hide. Keith ran his tongue over his lips as he eyed Yami approvingly. He quickly closed the door and sprinted to catch up with his cousin, meeting him in the kitchen while talking to his mother.

Yugi was hiding shyly behind her back but he came out when Yami walked through the door. Yami smiled at him and opened his arms, which Yugi gladly went into and snuggled up to him.

He could tell Nuka was about to ask his mother if they could steal Yugi away but his mother beat him.

"Yugi's been such a great help with Shiro, Yami. I could really use him more often if he'd like."

The violet eyed teen smiled up at Yami and nodded. "She's lots of fun, Yami. I never got to play with a baby before. Kind of makes me wish that I had a baby brother or sister for myself. You're so lucky."

Yami smiled and played with Yugi's hair. Nuka was just about to try again when his mother pulled a note from her pocket and handed it to the boys.

"How about you and Nuka go to town and pick up a few things for me?" She handed them some cash from her wallet. "It would be a big help. Yugi can stay and help with Shiro until you get back."

Yami tensed and he felt Yugi squeeze around his middle reassuringly. He relaxed a lit but held Yugi tighter. He tried to wiggle around his mother to get Yugi to come. "Why can't Yugi come with us? Keith can help you with Shiro?" He repressed a shiver at the very thought of it. "Or maybe Nuka can stay. You two haven't been able to have a real conversation since he got here."

"Honey, Nuka's your guest. He's here to see you and you can see Yugi anytime since he's living with us. Don't be rude."

Yami sighed and tried to think of another way for Yugi to come with them. He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt Yugi rub his face into his chest. Looking down he caught the slight twinkle in Yugi's eyes. He reluctantly nodded to his mother, knowing she could be a pain and ruin everything when she wanted to, and leaned down to Yugi for a kiss. After separating he whispered, "Be careful, Yugi. Keith's still here so just stay with my mother," into his ear. At Yugi's nod he followed his cousin out the door.

"Sorry, Yami. Wish he could've come." He secretly added about having to leave him alone with his mother, who hadn't figured out yet why her son hated her husband, and Keith, whom he also figured out was after Yugi.

Yami nodded and started a fast walk. `I'll be back as soon as I can, Yugi. You'll be safe that way.' He thought as he looked over the list his mother gave him.


The phone rang minutes after Yami and Nuka had left and Kiore when to answer it. Yugi followed her, carrying Shiro.

"Oh dear. Are you sure you're okay?" Kiore's cheery voice dropped to concern.

"Of course I can help. Will you be needing me long?"

"No, I'm not doing anything that can't be helped. Yami's out with his cousin and his boyfriend, Yugi, is helping with Shiro. I'm sure if I asked he wouldn't mind."

"Alright, that's good. I'll be there as soon as I can then, Marietta." She hung up the phone and turned to Yugi. "That was one of my friends. Her car's in the shop and her daughter's hurt herself and needs to be taken to the doctor. Would you mind watching Shiro by yourself for a little while? I won't be gone very long."

Yugi shifted to his other foot uneasily. Kiore took it for a sign of nervousness at not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, dear. It's very simple and she hasn't been a problem for you yet. If you have any questions I'm Keith can help too. He's upstairs if you need him."

`That's what I'm worried about. Yami'll be upset if I let this happen. Maybe I could convince her to let me come.' Before he could open his mouth though Kiore was waving goodbye and closing the door behind her. Yugi's heart sped up and he glanced at the stairs and heaved a sigh. `Maybe if Keith doesn't know she's gone then I won't have to worry about it. I'll just stay in the kitchen and wait for Kiore or Yami and Nuka to come back.'

A few minutes later though his luck ran out. Keith walked into the kitchen with a smug look on his face.

"Hello, Yugi. Kiore just left, where did she go?" He asked, not caring if he got an answer as he eyed the violet-eyed teen up and down hungrily, licking his lips as he went.

"She went to help one of her friends. She didn't have a car and her daughter hurt herself and needed to go to the doctor's." He answered with a surprisingly calm voice, completely opposite of his squirming insides. `Maybe he doesn't know Yami and Nuka are gone.' He thought hopefully.

"What of Yami and Nuka? It's too quiet so they must be gone as well, hmm?"

`Damn!' He cursed loudly. "They went to the store to get some things for Shiro." `And will walk through the door any minute,' he wished.

"So it's just you and me." He smirked proudly.

"A-and Shiro t-too." He stuttered. "Darn, so much for not showing how utterly terrified I am.' He felt arms wrap around him and he jumped, praying the gods he wasn't holding Shiro for he would've dropped her if he had. `When did he get so close? I didn't even notice.' He started to shiver.

"Yes, of course. Can't forget my little girl." He whispered into Yugi's ear, causing another shiver to run through his body.

"I really should be looking after you, Keith." He swallowed deeply. "Kiore asked me to while she was gone."

"I'm sure you can spare a few minutes to talk with me, little Yugi. After all, you've been with Yami the whole time you've been here and now that he's with his cousin you don't have anybody until he leaves."

"I don't mind. I always spent my time alone at school until I met Yami so I'm used to being alone." He explained. `Where's Yami and Nuka? How long was that list Kiore gave them?'

"Oh but a pretty little thing like yourself shouldn't have to be alone." The grip around his waist tightened and he could feel himself being lifted up.

"I'm not really com-comfortable with any of this, Keith. C-could you put me down, pl-please?" He stuttered, praying to anybody listening that Yami or Kiore would walk through the door and make Keith put him down.

"No, I don't think I will. You don't seem to realize just how irresistible you are all the time nor how hard it is to get you alone for a little while."

Yugi swallowed and willed his tears to stay back as he started to get carried out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. "I'm not as good as you might think." He started to panic as Keith turned left and walked into his and Kiore's room. "You can ask Yami when he comes back. Our relationship isn't physical at all after our first time. He thought I was really bad and he didn't want to have a physical relationship afterwards." He lied, trying to persuade Keith out of it.

"No I think you'll be just perfect." He whispered seductively as he closed the door and locked it, throwing Yugi on the bed and crawling on top of him soon afterwards.

"Can't we just talk about this?" He whispered, too scared out of his mind. "I'm sure there are plenty other way to relieve sexual tension."

"So Yami's told you about are sessions has he? As least the whore has enough sense not to tell his mother. Of course, I'm sure he's just trying to get back to me."

"That's a lie!" Yugi burst out. He gasped though as Keith literally ripped his clothes off and he shivered at the cold air and of what was going to happen. His voice was lost to him as Keith started to kiss him but his hands had minds of their own and started to push at Keith to make him move.

Calloused hands grabbed his thin wrists in one hand and forced them above his head. He tried pulling his head back away from Keith but the older man above him just pushed in further. Tears started flowing out of violet eyes, unable to be stopped but he didn't change his predicament.

Keith's free hand slithered down his pale body and grabbed his limp manhood, pumping it harshly to bring it to life. Yugi cursed himself as his body started to betray him, his limp organ started to harden and rise.

The older man started to bite at his skin leaving red marks and teeth marks on his body. Bruises started to form where there weren't bites from Keith's hand that had previously left his member.

He never even felt Keith shift until the most unbearable and terrible pain he'd ever felt in life shoved into his tight entrance and ripped a scream from his throat that could be hurt outside the front door.


Nuka and Yami finally finished shopping and had everything on the list Kiore had given them. Yami rolled his eyes as Nuka started to get dramatic again, calling out `We're free!' to the skies as he cartwheeled around in the grass as they walked back to the house.

"Come on, Yami!" He called from ahead. "Have some fun! You can't tell me you thought that was fun!"

Yami just shook his head at his cousin and made to catch up with the blonde when a sudden foreboding feeling clouded his soul.

"Yami?" Nuka called as he noticed the ruby-eyed teen suddenly stop and concentrate on something. He ran back down to his cousin and watched him for a minute. "Cuz, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." He whispered, still not completing paying attention to the other teen. "Something just doesn't feel right."

Nuka shrugged and took the bags from Yami. "I'm sure when we get back to the house you'll feel better. It might just be because you haven't been with Yugi all day."

"Yugi? Keith!"

Nuka tensed and looked back at his cousin sadly. "You're mother's there."

It didn't register to Yami that Nuka practically told him he knew what was going on. Instead he started running back to the large house as fast as he could; only Keith, Yugi and what was happening to make him feel so sick to his stomach on his mind.


Keith grunted as he released himself into Yugi before pulling himself out of the boy. "See, I told you that you'd be perfect." He smirked.

Yugi whimpered as more tears leaked from his eyes.

The older man growled and slapped Yugi across the face. "Will you shut up?"

The slap across the youth's face caused his head to jerk and hit against the hard wall. He curled into himself but fell off the bed at being so close to the edge and his head smacked on the side table's corner before falling unconscious on the floor.


Yami burst through the door and ran into the kitchen, not stopping for breath. Shiro's cried filled his ears and he picked up his baby sister looked around worriedly for his boyfriend, panic clouding his senses when he nor his mother were there. "Yugi?" He called loudly.

Nuka ran into kitchen and gasped for breath. He sat on one of the chairs after placing the bags he ran with on the table. He gasped as he saw Yami's panicked expression. "Yami?" He looked around. "Where's Aunt Kiore? And Yugi?"

"Will you shut up?" A muffled voice growled threateningly upstairs, muffled slightly from the distance.

Nuka jumped at the sound, not used to hearing such things nor said in such ways. He nearly had a heart attack when Shiro was thrust in his arms and a blurring Yami shoot out of the kitchen. He quickly followed after securing Shiro in his arms.

"What the hell did you do?" He heard Yami shout angrily from the left of the stairs. He followed the voices and ended up in his aunt and uncle's room. He gasped as he saw the blood on the bed and Yami cradling an unconscious Yugi on the floor.

"He hit his head." Keith answered smugly. "He was even better than you, whore. That surprised me the most."

Yami growled at his stepfather and held Yugi to him tighter.

"Yugi, I'm back." A sweet voice carried up the stairs.

Yami's blood red eyes turned to Keith. "We'll see how long you stick around when I tell my mother. I don't care about me but when you touch what I love most you're dead." He picked up Yugi, covered him in a blanket, and rushed downstairs to his mother.

"Oh dear." Kiore gasped when her son rushed downstairs. "What happened to him?" She asked as she rushed over to the three boys, Nuka standing next to his cousin.

"He fell down the stairs." Keith's cool voice called from the second floor. "Shiro played with her lunch and he wanted to give her a bath before you came back. Shiro was too slippery for him though and he tried to chase her and he slipped down the stairs. I've already called for an ambulance."

"No! That's not true!" Both Yami and Nuka shouted.

"You boys shouldn't jump to conclusions." He smirked. "You had just gotten home when you found him and you simply don't like the excuse you've been given for his injuries."

Sirens could be heard outside followed by knocks on the doors. Shiro opened the door for the medics and they immediately went to Yugi, who was reluctantly given up by Yami. They placed him on a stretcher and wheeled him out the door and to the ambulance cautiously; one of the doctors stayed behind for a moment.

"We'll need to get him where we can work more securely on him. His injuries are to tell from what we've seen so far and all I can really say is that he might have a head injury; maybe something more."

Shiro nodded and led him out.

Yami tried pacing to stop from exploding. Nuka tried to calm him down but it wouldn't work. Finally Yami went over to his mother, tears shamelessly in his eyes. "Can you drive us to the hospital, mother? I don't care if he isn't going to wake up just now, but please? I need to be closer to him then this."

Kiore nodded and turned to Keith. "Can you take Shiro upstairs for her nap? I'm going to drive the boys to the hospital. We might be there for a while."

Keith nodded and carried Shiro upstairs. Kiore left to get the car.

"I'm sorry this happened, Yami. It must hurt even more than when he did it to you."

Yami tensed and stared at his cousin. "Y-you knew? About Keith; everything?" He asked unbelievingly.

Nuka nodded. "I figured it out some time ago; probably a couple months after the first time. I didn't say anything because you hadn't and I wanted to respect your privacy. I never told anybody, if that's what you're worried about."

Yami forced a tensed smile. "Thanks, Nuka. I guess it saves the trouble of explaining."

"Let's go see Yugi now."

The two boys went out to the car that had been brought around to the front.